Chapter 88 - She's In the Mirror


Pan Ying obviously trembled, but her large eyes continued to spin in her eye sockets.

Seeing that she didn't seem to be too afraid, she couldn't help but yawn, "Let's talk about it in the morning. I need to sleep for a while. If you're tired, you can just sleep on the sofa for a while."

After working all day and staying up most of the night, I was really sleepy. Lying in bed, I soon fell asleep.

After an unknown period of time, in a daze, he suddenly heard a very strange sound.

At first, he didn't think much of it. He turned around to continue sleeping, but the soundproofing in this old house wasn't too good. The sound kept ringing, as if he was knocking on a glass with his knuckles. "Clank, clank …" It was especially irritating.

I sat up, scratched my hair, rolled off the bed, and went out in my slippers.

As soon as they reached the living room, the sound died away.

Could it be that I'm hallucinating?

There were no lights in the living room, but in the dim light, it was possible to see that no one was on the sofa, and Pan Ying was not in the living room.

Had she left?

It was almost dawn.

I was about to go back to my room to sleep when I heard whispers coming from the bathroom.

He turned around and looked at the bathroom. The door was open, but there was no light inside.

From my point of view, I could see a person standing inside.

I wanted to call out Pan Ying's name, but I felt it was strange. Even if I had to go to the toilet, I had to at least turn on the light there.

He could not hear what was being said clearly, but he was sure that it was coming from the toilet.

Remembering the sound I made when I knocked on the glass, I felt a little suspicious.

The toilet in the old house was very small. Judging from the position where the figure was standing, it should be facing the sink, facing the oval mirror on top of the sink …

She did not sleep, did not turn on the light, what was she muttering in the mirror?

I took a breath and walked over, afraid to scare the people inside. I didn't try to walk lightly, but the people inside still didn't notice me.

When I reached the door, I finally saw that it was Pan Ying.

Although they were close, they still couldn't hear what she was saying clearly. They could only vaguely hear the words' old house '… "I must find him …" A few words.

I couldn't hold it in any longer and stuck my head in and looked at the mirror on the wall.

With just a glance, my scalp exploded.

In the mirror, there was actually a shushing green skull!

The skeleton also seemed to see me. It turned its head towards me, and two red dots of light flashed from its two black eye sockets.

I gasped, pulled Pan Ying and ran out.

Turning on the lights, I took out the mahogany nail and rushed into the toilet.

When the toilet light came on, I was alone in the mirror.

I wanted to go get the cow tears, but then I thought, that's not right.

I have now opened my Ghost Eye. In the shop, I didn't even need to ignite the rhinoceros' incense before I could see those damn ghosts.

If there's a ghost in the house, I can't miss it.

I searched through the house and returned to the living room. was quietly sitting on the sofa and there was no reaction at all.

"What were you doing?" I asked with lingering fear.

Pan Ying bit her lips and said: "Can you save that woman for me?"

My heart stirred as I stared at her coldly and said,

"I don't know you well, and I don't like making friends with untruthful people. Dawn has arrived. Leave now. "

Even if what she said was true, even if she didn't have to turn on the light to look in the mirror, it wasn't normal for her to be so shocked when I pulled her out.

This woman must be hiding something from me. She must be deliberately mystifying in order to achieve some sort of goal.

Hearing my orders, Pan Ying did not move.

After a while, she slowly raised her eyes to look at me. "If you don't help me, I'll be scared out of my mind very soon."

When I saw her eyes, I flinched.

She still had the look of Pan Ying, but her eyes were still bright, but they lacked intelligence, giving people the feeling that they were two different people.

I was overwhelmed with shock: "You are Di Jinlian?!"

She nodded.


I flew into a rage and aimed the mahogany nail at her, "Quickly leave her body!"

Di Jinlian shook her head, "If I leave her now, she will die."

"Nonsense!" I rushed up to her and knocked on her forehead with my mahogany nail.


She cried out in pain as she covered her head and looked at me, feeling wronged.

I took out another talisman from my bag and stuck it on her head while reciting the incantation.

No response.

I looked at the woman in front of me in astonishment. A strong chill rose up from the bottom of my heart.

She was not possessed by the spirit but had been abandoned and replaced by the female ghost, Di Jinlian.

As if seeing through my thoughts, Di Jinlian softly said:

"Sir, I will not harm her. As long as I can get what I want, she will definitely be fine. "

"You still want to lie?!" My shock and anger were at their highest.

The upper part of the ghost's body was still there, but its body was controlled by the ghost and it temporarily had no consciousness.

Possession meant that the host's life soul had become a ghost, and the yang energy within the body had been taken over by other ghosts.

Right now, even if Di Jinlian knew the pain, the talisman could not drive her away, it could only mean that she had stolen Pan Ying's life.

Pan Ying is dead!

He had originally thought that Di Jinlian was a good person who abided by the laws, but he didn't expect her to be so malicious.

I pulled at my hair in frustration. When I saw Pan Ying dressed like that earlier, I should have realized that something was wrong with her.

Now that she had been robbed of her life, it was impossible for her to recover.

Di Jinlian suddenly stood up and walked in front of me.

In this way, her figure and pace became even more distinct, as if she was a completely different person from Pan Ying.

"Sir, please come with me." She turned around and walked to the bathroom.

I hatefully glared at her back, but there was nothing I could do about it. I could only follow her to the toilet with a glimmer of hope in my eyes.

Di Jinlian looked at me and then looked at the mirror on the wall.

The oval mirror was as old as the house, with a ring of indelible dirt around the edges. I'm a big man, and I don't have any bad habits, so I rarely pay attention to it.

In the mirror, I am still me, but 'Pan Ying' is completely Di Jinlian's.

"From the looks of it, you should have died a long time ago. There's no enmity between you and her, so why did you want to harm her?" I asked coldly.

Di Jinlian shook her head, she raised two of her fingers and tapped on the mirror.

"Clang clang …" "Clank, clank …"

I looked at her reflection in the mirror, wondering what she was trying to do.

Suddenly, the surface of the mirror became blurry as if it was covered by a layer of mist.

In the blink of an eye, the mirror once again returned to its original bright and clear state.

However, Di Jinlian and my image are both gone, and the person who appeared in the mirror was actually another person.

It's Pan Ying!

They were both women and both were young, but Pan Ying and Di Jinlian had two completely different styles.

Di Jinlian had a kind of classical tranquility, but Pan Ying was the type of lively and playful girl.

Thus, at first glance, I recognized that the person in the mirror was indeed Pan Ying himself.

She should have also seen me. She was stunned for a moment and then looked to my side.

Di Jinlian faintly said: "I don't want to lie to him, I have already confessed to him."

Pan Ying was startled once again, she frowned and stared outside, as though she was disappointed.

"Pan Ying, what the hell are you doing?" I couldn't help but ask.

He had also witnessed the strangeness of the mirror in Lin Tong's bedroom, but the two times he had experienced it were clearly different.

The family's mirror was made up by someone, but Pan Ying's current situation gave people an even stranger feeling.

She entered the mirror and entered another space that was beyond my knowledge …

Pan Ying shouldn't be able to make a sound in the mirror, or it could be said that she couldn't even hear what she was saying.

She clasped her small fists and bowed to me, her lips parted as if she were saying something.

It took me a moment to realize that she was saying, Help her, please.

I was annoyed:

"Nonsense!" If you act so recklessly, you might not even be able to return to your own body.

"She won't die. I definitely won't let anything happen to her." Di Jinlian said with certainty.

"What do you want?" I was still annoyed. "She's just a little girl. Who can you blame for tormenting her?"

Di Jinlian lowered her head and did not speak.

Pan Ying gabbled in the mirror: I don't blame her, I helped her on my own accord. She's very pitiful. Help her, please.

Seeing that she was bowing and saluting, I was speechless for a moment.

Humans have a certain amount of fear towards phenomena that they cannot understand, but at this moment, I felt that it was absurd. I felt that this woman was too reckless and daring.

I focused and said to Di Jinlian in a low voice:

"Alright, I'll do my best to help you. Now, exchange it with her."

Before Di Jinlian could say anything, Pan Ying who was in the mirror suddenly waved her hand.

Without waiting for me to say anything, the mirror blanked for a moment, and then she disappeared, leaving only the image of Di Jinlian and I in the mirror.

"Clang clang …" "Clank, clank, clank, clank …"

No matter how I knocked, the mirror didn't respond.

Returning to the living room, I lit a cigarette without saying a word.

Di Jinlian followed me out, looked at me silently for a while, and then said:

"Mr. Xu, I really just want to retrieve what belongs to me. I won't harm anyone."

At this point, I couldn't be bothered to say anything else. I took a drag on my cigarette and asked, "What are you looking for?"

"A marriage contract."

"A marriage contract?"

Di Jinlian nodded her head: "I want to know, who is my husband."

I looked at her in surprise. "You don't even know who your man is?"

Di Jinlian lowered her eyes. "I don't know why, but I forgot who he is …"

I shook my head in disbelief, "Your name is Di Jinlian... Where are you from? Do you remember the date of birth, the date of marriage? "

"I am a citizen of the Republic of China born in Baimei County."

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Although I could tell what she was talking about from her clothes, hearing her say it out loud, I choked on my cigarette.

White-brow County isn't too far from us, only 300 kilometers away. But after so many years and so many turbulent years, where could I find a husband for her?

Di Jinlian seemed to have also noticed my predicament. Her eyelashes trembled slightly as she said, "The Di Family Mansion is still here, I plead for Mister to help me."

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