Chapter 90 - Di Family Mansion

My heart trembled as I silently stared at Taoist Cui and increased my vigilance.

The look in his eyes was now completely different from before. Although there was no obvious hostility, they were no longer friendly. Instead, they carried a sense of ridicule and evil. It was so much so that he looked like a different person.

When he turned his head back, his eyes would glance at Di Jinlian from time to time. Any man would know the meaning behind his gaze.

"What treasure?" Dou Dabao asked in shock.

Taoist Cui stared at him for a while, and then looked back at me. He chuckled and said: "Don't tell me that you are going to Di Family Mansion for a visit."

Dou Dabao looked at me and rolled his eyes, then said: "I already knew that Taoist Cui wasn't an ordinary person, I didn't expect your eyesight to be at this level."

Taoist Cui waved his hand, as though he had returned to his previous casual manner, "What's so brilliant about that, the matters of Di Family Mansion are no longer a secret in the outside world, you guys went to so much trouble to come here, could it be that you guys are here to travel?"

With that, he turned around and walked on as if nothing had happened.

Seeing Dou Dabao looking at me again, I signaled him with my eyes and followed him.

The biggest benefit of this fellow was that he knew about the rough parts of it. He knew that the most important thing for him to do now was to find Di Family Mansion, so he followed him as he intentionally chatted with him.

"I said, Old Cui, I already said that Di Family Mansion has treasures, do you know what kind of treasures are there?" Dou Dabao asked.

The Taoist Cui scoffed, "Tsk, why are you still pretending to be me, and why are you here? You and I both know in our hearts that if I see the treasures in that old mansion, what would happen to you guys?"

"That is true, but I am surprised. It has been so many years, why has the Di Family Mansion's treasure not been taken away yet?" Dou Dabao said.

The Taoist Cui tucked the daoist robe around his waist once again and subconsciously lowered his voice:

"If it was that easy to obtain, I believe the two young daoists wouldn't have come here." "That house is very evil. I wonder how many people have the idea to go to that house. They just go in and don't come out."

Dou Dabao took out his cigarette case, caught up to him in just two steps and sent him one, "Old Cui Ge, why don't you tell us what kind of demonic method it is?"

Taoist Cui lit up his cigarette, took a puff on it tiredly, puffed out his cigarette and said:

"No one really knows what the Di Family did in the past, but there was no doubt that the Di Family was wealthy. Without knowing what happened, in one night, Di Family, along with the cooks and servants, dozens of people died. This was a sensational unsolved case at the time, and the Police Department sent people to investigate it for three whole months without any clues. In the end, all they could do was leave it at the back of their minds. "

Dou Dabao said in shock, "Dozens of people all died? "How did he die?"

"Rumor has it that they were all poisoned to death." Taoist Cui sighed, showing mercy to the heavens.

"Chou family poisoned him?"

"It's most likely so, at that time there were people who suspected that Di Family was secretly involved in a murder operation to steal their goods, it is not surprising for them to be avenged by their enemies."

The Taoist Cui continued to say that at that time, the police station was in a state of turmoil, so they did not focus on investigating. Rather than calling it an investigation, it would be more accurate to call it plundering.

As long as it was valuable property, it would all be confiscated. The rest were all sneakily taken away by the local thugs.

But not long after, something strange happened.

The Chief Officer in charge of investigating the Di Family's extermination case, the most greedy person, was found hanged in Fourth Aunt's room.

Right after that, one after another died. Everyone who took the things from Di Family, from the police officers to the hoodlums, no one escaped from death.

Some people said that it was the people from the Di Family who were lingering, and had hooked their lives away.

The Taoist Cui also said something extremely mysterious.

Previously, the mountains of the Mud Spiral Mountain had sharp tips, looking just like the mud snails in a river.

But after the Di Family's entire family died, and the rain continued to fall for half a month, not only did it rain, there were even flashes of lightning. When the rain stopped, all the peaks of the mountain were no longer there, and it became like a grave.

This way, the Di Family Mansion became even more famous as a fiendish residence, and no one dared to approach it again. Mud Spiral Mountain had also turned into its current dejected state.

The people from the nearby villages had all moved away. The remaining people were either the elderly, the sick, or the handicapped, or the poor, jingling, and lazy people. Naturally, they would surpass the poverty threshold.

At this point in time, the only village in the vicinity was the village of Nutus.

"Such an unorthodox residence, after being liberated, it hasn't been demolished?" Dou Dabao asked.

"Remove it?"

Taoist Cui turned around, and unknowingly glanced at Di Jinlian, his eyes widened as he stared at Dou Dabao and said:

"Do you really think that those bastards who try to take advantage of the Four Great Elders don't have any idea about Di Family Mansion? As soon as the wind blew over, dozens of people wearing red badges on their arms appeared. What was the result? As soon as he rushed in, the porch collapsed and five people died on the spot. After that, he went back a few more times and returned to the dead! In the end, no matter how brave they were, they would not dare to go. "

I looked at Di Jinlian, and it seemed that she had become a little gloomy ever since we entered the mountain, but she kept walking forward expressionlessly.

"The Di Family Mansion is definitely evil, the key point is that from the beginning to the end, the real wealth of the Di Family has never been revealed, as long as you have some cultivation, how can you not miss it?"

The Taoist Cui looked at me as he spoke, then turned around and continued walking.

Dou Dabao retreated back to my side and asked me in a low voice, "Do you think that what he said was true?"

I shook my head, signaling him not to say anything more.

Climbing over a mountain ridge, one could vaguely see a deserted house in the mountain hollow.

When he reached the front, the porch had collapsed just like Taoist Cui had said.

At first glance, it was filled with wild grass and vines, and even the roof was covered in weeds. It was extremely desolate and dilapidated.

Taoist Cui turned around, clapped his hands and said: "Alright, I have reached the place, it's time to retreat, I wish you three good luck."

"You're not going in with me?" I was surprised.

Taoist Cui smiled and shook his head, "Although wealth comes from danger, my family still have a mother and a wife that are eighty years old that needs to be raised. We can't fight with our lives like you youngsters. I'll have to rush back and serve my mother after I've brought you here. "

As he spoke, he brought his right hand to the tip of his nose, as if touching his nose. His thumb, index finger, and middle finger rubbed together.

I nodded, took out my wallet, and gave him two hundred dollars.

"Isn't it a little too little?" Taoist Cui looked at me with a faint smile.

I smiled and took out another two hundred slaps.

The Taoist Cui laughed, "Little friend, you are indeed on your way. I hope you can find Di Family's treasure, when the time comes don't forget to bring me along."

And then he walked away.

"Huohuo, don't you feel that this ox nose is a little strange?" Dou Dabao rubbed his chin and asked me.

I doubtfully looked at Taoist Cui's tall and big back, and subconsciously, I shook my head. I have a feeling that we'll see him again. "

Turning his head, he saw Di Jinlian looking at the ruined house in a daze.

I said, "So many years have passed, but the marriage contract might not still exist."

Di Jinlian suddenly covered her head with both hands and said in pain, "I just want to know who he is, why can't I remember?"

"Do you remember how you came to us?" Dou Dabao frowned and asked.

Di Jinlian shook her head.

Dou Dabao curled his lips, "I finally know what a muddled ghost is."

I looked at my watch. It was already past three in the afternoon, so I said I'd hurry in and find some clues. I'd try to get back before nightfall.

I walked around the collapsed brick and into the yard, frowning to myself as I did so.

This house couldn't be considered to be exquisite, but it took up a large amount of space. There were a few in and out, and there were dozens of rooms.

After so many years, the chances of finding a marriage contract were simply too slim.

I asked Di Jinlian if she remembered where her room was.

She said she remembered, it was in the small building in the backyard.

I said go straight to the backyard.

The three of them walked on the grass until it reached their knees.

Just past the front yard, the meat floss that had been with me all this time began to bark.

When it cried out, my heart lurched.

My previous thoughts were all on the Taoist Cui and Di Jinlian, so I didn't notice the details.

Only after hearing the sudden shout from the meat pine did he feel that something was wrong with this house.

It was so quiet here.

As we walked through the weeds, we didn't see a single mosquito in the grass.

Apart from the sound of the wind rustling the weeds, the whole house was terrifyingly quiet.

The meat pine suddenly jumped to a corner, turned back to me "woof woof" incessantly.

Dou Dabao and I looked at each other before we walked over.

Pushing aside the weeds, he took a good look at the situation inside the grass and felt his scalp suddenly explode.

It was a large water tank half buried under the ground, and it was filled with rainwater.

On the surface of the water vat, there was actually a large amount of hair floating in the air!

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