The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 146: The outbreak of war

[School glasses - this is an ordinary silver glasses, but wearing it will make you look smarter. Well, it just looks like it. I will tell you, this is simply a special flat mirror that uses the flash to flash the opponent! 】

[The fangs of Xueba - "This is the tooth, hey, it is, it almost took my life."]

[School's dentures - "My denture is a poisonous tooth covered with poison! Don't force me to bite you. Oh... ah ah ah, poisonous!"

[When you get together and equipped with 'School's glasses', 'School's fangs', and tyrant's dentures', you will get special effects, "Disguise the school's scum", increase the ability to spit by 30%, rhythm The stock is reduced by 30%, and the sprouting power is increased by 30% - the system I didn't take medicine today, I still feel that I am sprouting! 】

"I should spit it out from there? Is it from how the three-story tyrants become a scum? Or how do you start with the two teeth? The poisonous fangs should hang when they enter the mouth." Now, what is the power of Nagar? What is the mess? Is that cute? Is it necessary to vomit and stunt inventory? I have no lower limit for my exercises. I have already given up treatment. Ok! It’s too bad to spit well!”

Every time I saw these bad prizes, I could arouse my spit. I hope, at this time, after another series of spit, I panted and looked at the panel in front of me, staring at me. It.

"Use your eyes to kill you and kill you with your eyes!"

Ok, I know it looks stupid, but for a situation that doesn't touch you but can't stop you, what else can you do besides killing with your eyes.

Perhaps because of the excessive consumption of the reincarnation, the recent lottery system is becoming less and less reliable. The things I have recently drawn are very speechless.

[No word book - which contains the heavens. 】

Ok, I don’t know what the book is, but this book is really a word, how do you think?

[Bala Bala Little Magic Fairy turned into a wand - I have eaten a lot of medicine today. I feel more cute! With the dance movement, sing "recognize the moon on behalf of you" and transform, there is extra strength bonus. Pink oh. 】

Ok, I don't have to say the rest. After I got this non-mainstream wand, I immediately walked to the window sill and opened the window. Then I took it out.

"Who will say such a shameful line! Go all the way!"

[Sword: Fujian old thief must die - 'One hit will kill (must die)' The latest darling of the Holy Sword series, the product of resentment of readers and editors, one hit for the drafter and the out-of-the-box The special effect of the blasting chrysanthemum is particularly flavorful when used together with the above. 】

Well, throwing away the strange stuff that is obviously spoof, the system does give something "good stuff."

[Dongfeng 41 strategic nuclear bomb - don't say the system does not give you good things. As long as you dare to use, can use, this thing is absolutely enough. 】

I was really scared when I saw this thing, but I looked at the instructions that came with it and I knew I was pitted again.

"I want to launch a special equipment? This can also think of a way. How to break the password directly? How do I find the launch password? Can I just open it for research? But if you directly explode, you can get insurance. What is the meaning of the nuclear world to the nuclear bomb? Do you dare to give something normal, such as the spell of powerful curse magic?"

Needless to say, the system is really dare. The next time I got a super strong alien spell.

[Dragon cockroach - something darker than dusk, something brighter than blood, showing up in the long river of time...]

When the childhood-famous mantra was in front of me, I was so excited that I trembled.

"Oh oh! Just need to recite the curse, you can find the super curse of the alien devil's power? Only a small curse that requires little magic to cause great damage? Great!"

So I found a place where no one was, and started my own experiment.

Failed? Is there a problem with the mantra? No, the system is really fake, I succeeded, and the mantra is really valid. The connection with the alien king also succeeded.

"Welcome to use the power of the alien king to call the system... The devil you call is not in the service area, the system is busy, please dial later, please dial later. Dudu, thank you for this spell system stand by."

Ok. The devil is very busy, he is not in the service area... I can understand that this mantra system is still a patent of a certain world. It is normal to be unable to connect, but what is the meaning of the next reply!

"Please rate the quality of this service later, are you satisfied, or are you very satisfied? Of course, super satisfaction is also possible?"

In the face of such "Dear users, I am your embarrassed, love to use" user service, but also to be a **** horse, cut off the contact, no words to see the sky.

In fact, this is not the most pit. In the past year, I have drawn a batch of legendary treasures. Looking at the pile of orange legends, I almost broke my happiness.

"Ha, a star bead, a two-star bead..... Seven Star Beads, can you really fulfill all your wishes after you have gathered seven Dragon Balls?"

At that time, I was not so miserable by the pit. After I received six Dragon Balls in a row, after getting the system’s positive guarantee for the effectiveness of the Dragon Ball, I was full of expectation that the last Dragon Ball would be handy, and even began to figure out how to use that wish. , consider how to get the most benefit, and even write a notebook with a plan.

But unfortunately, after more than a dozen lucky draws in a year, I never got the last Dragon Ball. In the end, I can only make a helpless roar.

"You are just pitting me. You are not the turntable lottery of those domestic games. You only have to draw, no prize!"

"...The cause and effect involved in the four-star Dragon Ball is too strong. I can arrange a challenge mission. As long as it defeats its guardian, it is yours."

This national dragon of Dragon Ball has been seen by me that year, the owner of the four-star Dragon Ball? Isn't it the Sun Wukong of the protagonist of comics?

Challenge Sun Wukong? I remembered the ridiculous power of the comics that destroyed the planet universe. I shuddered.

But then, when I remembered that the plot of the comics was still normal, the Dragon Ball had already appeared. It is not so outrageous that I am not allowed to face it. There is still the possibility of trying.

"Is it a small Goku at the beginning? It won't be the Super Saiyan who destroyed the planet after the shock wave... Why don't you answer? Is it more outrageous Super?"

"Do not worry, it is not super three, it is over thirty-three, Super Saiyan thirty-three!"

"Don't fool me! I have seen the comics! The Super Saiyan thirty-three in the world!"

"Cough, they all said that it is a parallel universe. The world's Dragon Ball is too popular, and the editors don't let it end, so they dragged the way, from Super 3 to Super 33. Oh, you don't know what the back power system collapses. It looks like it. In the early days, the world and the planets were destroyed, and in the later stages, the galaxies and the multiverse were destroyed."

"Moreover, you all know that it is drawn from the real parallel world. You think that the deduction mode of the Dragon Ball World is constantly super, super-super, super-super, even if the plot is not broadcast. But it will not be stronger later. The enemy? I don’t think it’s over thirty-three. As long as the universe is not destroyed, it’s possible to exceed three hundred and thirty-three!”

Well, the rest of the needless to say, the Super Sayan generation can kill me, if there are really thirty-three, it is not punching Nanshan Nursing Home kicking Beihai Kindergarten. Seconds seconds second air rhythm? I didn't want to die so badly, so I directly rejected the system's 'good intentions'.

Later, as time went on (the number of pits increased), I almost sorted out a little law.

It is not the system of whole-hearted people, but his ability itself has its limits. To distort the future, it is necessary to bear the corresponding cause and effect. The law of how much to pay will still be observed.

As a result, the dream of only taking a few lottery draws, but able to draw extremely powerful treasures, can basically break down.

So for a long time. I have concentrated on extracting the "Chen Gong Cheats" option, and "Shenwu Weapons" and "Different Worlds" are not considered.

"If you get strength from the 'independent knowledge' and change the future, it is what I do, and it has nothing to do with the system itself. The system only needs to bear a small part of the cause and effect? ​​This is an obvious official loophole that is intentionally left. Choose who you choose."

Therefore, although the extraction of "Shen Chong Cheats" also produced a lot of things that are speechless, such as the "No Words of Heaven" and "Dragon Destruction", the world view is wrong, and the previous "Jiuyin Zhenjing", Things like "Kwai Flower Collection", "Meng System", "PS Beauty Makeup Handbook" are true, but I don't know what to use for it... Well, forget about the above. At least those research notes of the Wizards of the World are indeed good things, and I have gained a lot of gains, which is more useful than those treasures that are completely unreliable.

The reason why in recent times, all the opportunities are used to extract the strange world, is nothing more than a plan to take a male spring to compensate for the unlucky Corus, but unfortunately, the accidental series of Xueba on the turntable are all The male spring that appears every time there is still no sign of getting it.

"Forget it, open the treasure chest to be appropriate, obviously ugly face, black lucky E, don't think that you are the protagonist. This time, change your luck, or take a look at the secrets."

When this fate point was put in, as the fast turntable stopped and saw the "secret" that jumped out, I couldn't help but take a breath.

It is a hardcover game guide, on the cover, it is the roaring orc army and countless orc heroes.

[Hey, congratulations to the host to get the "Orc Plateau reputation rushing Raiders - the collection of the top 100 tribes." System Tip: Not only the special arms and basic forces of each tribe, but also tell you the personal preferences of the tribal chiefs and heroes, and then do not win, come and see. 】

"System, can you not be so obvious when you cheat? However, this time it’s just right, I like it! Thirty-two praises!"


"The so-called Roland Prince, which was elected by the Eastern Principality, is a fake. It is not a return to the spirit of the awakening. It is just a sign that Dongpu uses to stabilize the people!"

When I heard the kingdom of the Secretary of the Kingdom of Syrwell issuing a briefing to the countries and the churches of the gods, I was not surprised at all. This was entirely in anticipation, but I was still happy.

"Fimer Kasso? Since you can send a killer to kill me for the sake of power, then say something that denies the ancestors and what it counts."

And if Siweiwei can understand my identity by stabilizing my orthodox status, then the next notification will obviously be dead.

"The tears of Camo are all calm. Our country has just signed a peace agreement with the orc tribes. The false rumors of the orcs spread by Roland are the proof of his conspiracy! He is provoking our relationship with our orc friends!"

In a certain sense, Siwei Wei is indeed the successor of the country of Shu, but they have denied the way of the country of the past, and they have taken the initiative to move closer to the major kingdoms of mankind, but to the orc tribes that border the border. It is also based on the purchase and the pro- diplomatic means.

I have to say that, in a certain sense, they did a good job. The Kingdom of Syracuse has a much better reputation in the human world than the Principality of the East and the Kingdom of Sui.

Considering that the tears of Camo’s Fortress are indeed difficult to overcome, the tribal chiefs who received a large amount of property also turned their attention to other human countries. The country has had a peace period of more than 20 years, and the historical war has also There are not many.

For the orc tribe, as long as you get through the road back to your hometown, you can grab someone who is not robbing. Anyway, unlike the country of the past, there are more than one human country that borders the orc. Since the priest is hard and soft, then Also find a soft persimmon pinch.

For this kind of disaster, the other country that bears the main pressure of the orcs is resentful, but they are doing this, and all can't help it.

Yes, the Principality of Kasomi was originally a nail inserted in response to the pressure of the orcs. After the fall of the country, most of the real cruel beast wars were borne by them.

The motive of the orc's south invasion is very simple. In the short term, it is for hunting resources, and the long-term goal, or should be the ultimate goal, is only one - to recapture the birthplace of the orc than the Great Plains of Anlua.

The Bianlua Great Plains is not an orc site now, it is the territory and granary of the San Antonio Empire, the superpower of mankind, and the Psomimy Principality is the country of the San Antonio Empire.

It is said that the king of the country, Kasumi, also has the grand aristocratic identity of the San Antonio Empire. Even the strong arms of the country are the original San Antonio products. Every year, many young generals who suddenly emerged show their talents, and most of them It is the San Antonio.

There is also a little story about lifting a rock to his feet.

After a long period of time, after the orcs occupied the territory of the country of origin, the orc with a high reproductive rate never gave up the dream of returning to the birthplace, and large-scale invasions and small-scale rides were annoying. Many troubled countries have finally begun to miss the "bad and hard barbarians".

"Three or forty wolf cavalry may not be worth mentioning on the frontal battlefield, but once they enter our plain hinterland, they can make countless **** cases. How can the orcs who are so crazy and prosperous can not kill, we need a barrier!"

Thus, under the operation of several super-empires, there is the Psomimy Principality.

The history of this country is not long. It is less than two hundred years old. After he was founded, he was nailed to the orc to enter the entrance of the human world. A large number of resources and talents were continuously delivered from the human hinterland. The orcs are blocking the plateau.

The Kingdom of Kasomi and the Kingdom of Syracuse, the fortress of the fortress of the city of Hairus, the fortress of the Super Fortress, and the tears of the Camo, became the throat of the human races to guard the orc tribes.

Through the unique geographical advantages of the fortress city and the resource support of countless human kingdoms in the back, in the past two hundred years, they have also let the orcs succumb to the feathers. The tears of Camo are the place where the above-mentioned chieftain Camo finally died. name.

But this time, the situation is really different.

"Emergency! The war broke out! The orc army raided Priest Weir, directly bypassing the tears of Camo Fortress, four medium-sized cities were slaughtered! Siweiwei was in a hurry!"

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