In my office, a debate about truth and culture is going on, and I am accepting challenges from the younger generation.

"A race that defies the culture of other ethnic groups has no future. The stupid long ears are the most obvious example. When you see the new and alien culture as a beast, you have closed the door to your own progress!"

"Well, it’s good to say that self-restraint will only lead to rigid thinking and will eventually be eliminated by the times."

"So, we must be good at drawing on the cultural traditions of other people. Perhaps he is seen today as killing Matt, vulgar, and absurd, but maybe in the eyes of future generations, he will be regarded as a classic! Any one crossing Artists of the era, at first, he was not accepted by the times."

"Well, indeed, there are many such examples. Many of the current classics are also non-mainstream in the past. The non-mainstream band of the year has now become a superstar, and it is obviously a sensational jigsaw puzzle. What makes me like this? Let me be like this. The old antiques are hard to understand. Maybe I can't understand it, but I won't hinder the development of new things. On the contrary, I will study and absorb him."

"It is great that you can understand. Your Highness, we have to move towards a new era, and to establish a new era of blooming flowers, we must recognize the culture and personal hobbies of other races. Respect and try to understand is the beginning of all communication, and this world The reason why it is so confusing is that there is a lack of people like you who know the book."

"Oh, little Timmy, you are too talkative, saying that I am full of anger."

"What about my design?"

"Oh, still not."

Looking at the impetuous Timierett, I smiled cruelly. I lost a big face to you. The whole world says that I am a careful eye for vengeance. I will let you see how I avenged.

"Such so much is to let your cat ear communicator, animal tail energy pool, swimwear series armor pass? Are you tired? I still think that I will be fooled so easily. OK, I always respect the traditions of other races, But are you sure that you are changing in this way, because of the normal aesthetics, not to satisfy your own lusts? Do you dare to swear by your conscience, dare to swear with your sister's reputation?"

Ok, Timiret is speechless, but I step up the knife.

"Moreover, even for selfish desires. You think too simple. They all say that the maid looks good, you know that I really like maids, but you know what the maid is wearing a two-meter-long waistline." Feeling? I licked my golden dog's eyes and ruined three views. I stared at Eliza for one night and recovered!"

"....... You are too naive, you think about the youthfulness of the three-point swimsuit girl, you don't think about the terrible swimsuit grandmother, you think about the sailor suit girl young girl, but did not think hard to charge The tender sailor suits the aunt and the older magical girl. Not to mention the uncles in the swimsuit who have not lost their hair and chest hair, and licked my dog's eyes. I had a nightmare!"

I really didn't talk nonsense this time. I can now depict the scenes in my dreams.

"In a nightmare, a group of muscular brawny dressed in maids dressed in neat squares, marching to me, they picked up their buttocks and walked a twisted catwalk, but also raised the little witch turned into a staff and shouted slogans. What 'recognize the moon on behalf of you', 'love and courage', even if it is the same as the spirit of the pollution, 'Niconi Nicole', 'I didn't take medicine today, I feel like I am sprouting.' What the **** is it!"

"And, don't say that I haven't read the book, then raise one arm to yell ‘嗨, the king of gentlemen!’ What exactly is the meaning, plagiarism is too obvious! I am not the king of gentlemen!”

The roaring sound had been passed outside the wall, but it was only the beginning of my venting. Because of the strange parade, I was scared to wake up in the middle of the night without sleep. I stared at Eliza and looked at it halfway, letting her think that I was thoroughly crazy.

"The rogue is not terrible, I am afraid that there is culture in the rogue, and the state is not terrible. I am afraid of change. There is knowledge. The bear child is not terrible, that is, naughty is no one!"

I haven’t been so miserable for so many years, and my reputation has been developed in a strange direction. It’s impossible to retaliate.

"Bear children must be disciplined. The more distorted, the more they need to be corrected in time, and they will evolve into super bear children sooner or later."

"Hey!" After a ringing finger, the door was wide open, and a group of scorpion-shaped big squid entered. They were all big-eyed, but they were dressed in the design of Timiret. Well, for today’s lunch, it’s not specifically described. In short, even if the eyes are closed in time, the sound of the muscle collision makes people sick and disgusting.

"........ I probably know your preferences. Since it is your own design, you should try it!"

"Wait, Your Highness, I know it's wrong! Ah, move your chest muscles, it's disgusting, don't wipe me with your greasy face, adult, help, I'm really wrong!"

Even if the eyes are closed in advance because of the blink of an eye, the screams of the bear child are still pleasant.

"Wrong? Play with your new friend for a few hours, take it."

"Small Timmy, sorry, this is the order of His Royal Highness, but rest assured, the head of the group has approved the application to join the Gentlemen's Alliance. After that, everyone is a brother. When he has several backbone members put down from the flagpole, We will give you a group ceremony. Everyone likes your design. In the future, your design can be directly digested within our group. You don't have to worry about not having research funds."

"... Wait, when do I apply to join the Transmutation Alliance.... Don't touch me, for the country! I have passed the blood for my Highness! You can't do this! Can't do this! Your Highness, beg you, Put me on the flagpole too."

Listening to this application for the active flagpole, I can understand the other's remorse, so that Timirite should have learned the lesson, and I will consider more things in the future, so I made a decision.

"Oh, no!"

Bear child's promise? Even if I said that I would like to finish my feelings again, I will forget all about the two days of the game. I didn’t get a real lesson this time. Most of the time, I still have to make the same mistake. I will let you remember your life.

"Ah, ah, my sister, princess, Highness, help! I don't touch my ass! Ah, my first kiss, I want to leave it to my sister!"

Ok, that scream is really pleasant. Listening to the screams of this bear child, I finally eased my spirits.

"Right. Add some materials to the guys on the flagpole, let the magic bullet shooters use them to target, don't let them idle, don't worry, can't die with training bombs. I don't know, I guys are hanging out the experience. Come, 'How do you sleep in the most effortless posture while hanging up?', oh, I see how you sleep when you are targeted."

And after dealing with these messy things, you should also pay attention to the serious things in front of you.

My Undead Detective and Aurora Air Cavalry should be the highest-ranking whistle on the battlefield. With their efforts, I have already got a certain grasp of the battlefield.

The coalition forces do not know what they are doing. However, I have not asked me to look at it from several military discussions. Most of them still have a lot of thoughts. Of course, I also have my own abacus, and the information I share is only carefully selected.

The orcs and elves put down their long-standing stereotypes and cooperated sincerely, while the human side is the same family but intrigued. How to see it is not good for us.

However, after entering the customs, I did not worry about Antun’s problem. This is not a military issue, but a political issue.

If I have not miscalculated, the elf is under the banner of revenge, expecting the war to escalate and eventually pulling out the superpowers and churches of the human race. Then, since they have declared war on the priests, if Jotunn falls, the priest Will is going to kill the country. Should they consider going home?

I am afraid, this is also the source of the slow and slow time of the orcs attacking the city. Stuart's Antun is a big fish game. If he has not started the bait, he will die. After that, he really has to think about it.

In the current game, if the decisive battle is defeated, it is enough to kill half of the seven countries in the North, but if any super empire intervenes, such as San Antonio, who has a close relationship, the small elves in the North are Absolutely not enough.

"Eliza, do you know the insider? Is there news?"

"No, this is not the one we are responsible for, but I can smell the stench of the devil. Most of these messes are the devil's handwriting. They like to make these useless plots. If it is the demon lord, it must be direct. Start the blood sacrifice to summon the demon army. As long as the army came, all the way to crush is that those useless tips are too ridiculous."

Indeed, this is also in line with my understanding of the chaos two families, the devil always like to lurk in other races to provoke war or plot conspiracy, the devil's means is much more direct.

"No, I have to go see."

When the situation is unclear, sitting in the house and commanding is not my style. So, I did not hesitate to embark on the hail mount and go to the front line to inspect.


The flying hail suddenly turned into a phantom imaginary body, missing the lightning from the eagle, and I was in the fog, summoning the angel of war angels and quietly flying into the clouds.

"Go on!"

The next moment, when the attention of the Leiying knights was re-condensed by Irene Bella, the moment, the giant sword from the top of the head directly shot them down.

With Elin Bella's strength, Anthony is not far away, but the empty cavalry intercepted along the way is very troublesome. I have already encountered four teams on this road, although the Thunder Eagle has only one talent for thunder. It’s too difficult, but their high speed and excellent eyes are our biggest enemy. They can’t escape, and they can only eat hard.

At this point, even my transformation and Irene Bella's ability to blur three times a day are forced out, and it seems to have reached the limit.

Not far away, Antun is already under siege, but I have not gone any further, because the alarm bells in the orc camps are ringing, and countless air cavalryes are starting to take off. The twins, the eagle, the banshee Even if the traditional arms are, I actually found a young green dragon knight.

"This is completely blocking the air channel to Antoun, Irene Bella, go back."

When I ordered to go back, the black cat in the clothes took the initiative to smash it out.

"Don't worry, wander around, see the stone pillars below? Closer look, there will be new troubles if you don't."

Well, the expert said, the clerk ran off his leg and waited for me to fly around the stone pillar for two laps. After playing with the little green dragon for ten minutes, I finally nodded and talked.

"I have already made it, go back. Since they have put this out, I am afraid that the final battle will be in sight."

"what is that?"

While Shiran’s escape from the dragon’s attack behind him, he leisurely gave the dragon knight a middle finger. This dragon has no longevity, and it’s not a hundred years old. It’s not a beast’s captive livestock, maybe The strength is not bad, but it is absolutely unsatisfactory in the experience of war.

When Irene Bella's avatar was fully accelerated, the green dragon was smashed in a few minutes, and when we got rid of the entanglement of the orc, I could finally ask what Herois found.

"How can you understand the mystery of these muscles? Don't shake, don't shake, fall down! Well, I said straight, the earth elements are building a city. Elemental fortress you always hear If you can't do it, you will have a huge city in a few days. When you are attacking the big city, they will play a small town, and the fun will be big."

I shook my head unbelief.

"Don't fool me, the elemental fortress can only be summoned in the elemental plane, here is the main plane."

"Well, this is the second trouble. The door to the earth element plane is opening, and soon you will have to face countless stone people." (To be continued.)

Ps: Well, today is a little less...

It’s raining, I have a fever, my armpits, and I have to sleep early...

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