
When the sound of the horn of the sky rang in the cold wind, the faces of the citizens in this medium-sized city were in utter disappointment.

Although the news of the defeat of the coalition forces has spread, but no one expected that the orcs would come so fast, they would choose to pull out their nails on the route of entering the army.

The huge beast came out of the shadows. The hill-like dragon war turtles brought the earthquake waves close to the city. The huge shell was still carrying a gray-white war fortress, and the drums and horns came out.

The giant war turtle has a quarter of the dragon's blood, and the huge body is not lower than the city wall. This is the most terrible siege weapon of the orcs.

"The Doomsday Turtle! Xiong Wang is coming. It is his white tail war bear army."

The dragon turtle is afraid that there are not many of the whole world, but in the north, there is only a fortress, but only the bear king’s car, the Doomsday Turtle, is black. It is both the mount of Xiongwang Lund and his mobile fortress.

Behind him, the behemoths who kept the strange silence could not be ignored. They went out of the shadow one by one and turned into a real nightmare.

From the very beginning, I sent a horrible behemoth, and I am afraid that the orcs are paying attention to the quick fix.

"Bimeng!! Bimeng Legion! It's over, it's all over.... Let's run away,"

The siege dragons are the first threat, but the ones that bring the greatest fear are the seemingly meek Beas.

They don't seem to have the dragon turtle's strong, silent. They don't even have the habit of roaring like a beast. They let the claws of three meters long and drag them directly out of the ditch on the ground. Silent standing upright is like marching in a row. Soldier.

Ignoring the giant hands that are strong and deformed, they look like erect gorillas. There are only two eyeballs under the thick hair that emit fierce light. They only look at the appearance. They are far from fearful of dragon turtles with water chestnuts and fangs. On the contrary, there are still some embarrassing situations, but if they come to fame. I am afraid no one will ignore these terrible big men.

Silence is only to accumulate strength when it breaks out. The real war behemoths have no habit of swearing. They just show a satisfying smile when they enjoy the flesh and blood on the giant claws.

"The most insane beast in this world, the first species in the land war."

Although there was a lot of dissatisfied competitors in the first battle of the land war, the most insane beasts were absolutely worthy of the name.

Just just appear. It caused panic among people in the city. Even though the so-called legion had only three behemoths, it was enough to swept the North.



The huge behemoth actually set foot on the back of the dragon tortoise, stepping on it, and then reacted to the wall and guessed it, and boarded the wall. Easy to climb the treetop apes.

The behemoths that are not as short as the walls are as agile as the apes, and the ferocious beasts have crossed the sturdy walls, but from the footprints that have been trampled on the walls, a solid three-story mixed wall in Bimont There is no essential difference between the giant beast and the mud pile.

When the huge behemoths entered the city, they were silent and they finally began to laugh, and the strange teeth exposed under the distorted face were full of one person. Let everyone who sees it be chilly.

Flowering in the middle, internal destruction, although simple, is indeed effective.

And this is also the white tail army's masterpiece, they did not use the conventional oil-adding tactics, but directly forced a breakthrough, in the face of this powerful Bi Meng Pioneer, when the door is opened by the behemoth, the orc army into the city, the gap between individual strength It will naturally cause crushing. More than a dozen cities along the way have been so ruined.

When one of the golden silks began to open the gate from the inside, the other two silver-haired behemoths began to be destroyed. The shivering humans could not get the strong hand to stop Bimen. Perhaps there was a strong hand in the city. But in the face of the desperate situation of the army. I am afraid they will pretend not to.

The ridiculous orcs have seen the future, and in other cities, where the terrible war behemoths are, the human screams flee, and when the mighty orc army enters the city,

But this time, it is a little different, and there are still people who have not left.

A veteran stood at the gate of the city, and the rusty chain mail was still full of smudges. The rosacea was frozen in the cold wind.

The veterans did not madly face the behemoth charge, nor tried to block the other side, but just stayed in the same place, in the midst of chaos, but still eye-catching.

That is because his current position is exactly the only way for Kingsby.

The huge behemoth seems to find that he has encountered a challenge, and the violent behemoth is red-eyed and kills the veteran.

"Old drunk, you are crazy! Run away!"

He is not a general of the city, but a veteran of the city defense army.

"Old drunkard" Ike, um, this is his nickname, and he is synonymous with him, just because he always likes to go to the pub for a few drinks after he is laid off. Even when he is on duty at the sentry, he still has to carry Bad wine.

"Old drunk, you are not afraid to drunk in the gutter some day."

Every time, when someone is driving such an excessive joke, the old drunkard always pats the belly, and opens his mouth full of old yellow teeth and laughs.

"Well, as long as the old bark's pine nuts are full, I will die in the gutter of your house tomorrow."

At this time, it seems that the exclamation of the peers did not hear, the old drunkard Aike smoked his nose, his gaze gaze still staring at his wine can.

"Hey, this wine is really as difficult as it used to be. How much water does the little buck kid give to it? Or, it’s just a bit of water in the water. Oh, there is no conscience, or old bucks are kind. ""

I licked the water of the three copper coins and a large pot of water. Ike squinted and seemed to be back in the past. At that time, my brother and wife were still there. The pine nuts in Buck's Bar are hard to drink, but at least they are more than enough.

However, at that time, he was not called an old drunkard. "Kashi's Arrow" Ike was a famous elite ranger. He was famous for his knee injury and was transferred to the city defense team.

"I always feel that something has changed."

Although the weather is as cold as the poor, the pay is as small as pity. The "Old Bark Bar" is as difficult to drink as it is, but at that time, his little days were always good, perhaps because of the old **** and old drunks who walked with them all the way.

"Grass. It's all the **** orcs! There are useless nobles! I haven't even started the war, Xiao Xin Deen, wait for me to see the lord dad you hang up, see how I complain to him, must Let him spend your ass. Just like before. Hey, when people are old, they always love to remember those who have nothing."

The veteran thought about how to complain with the old superiors. While extracting the iron sword that was rusty due to neglect of care.


A sip of the wine was sprayed up, and the wet sword finally brought out a trace of cold light. The behemoth had already arrived in front of him, and the old drunkard who was shaken by the earthquake began to organize his helmet slowly.

"Old Xin Deen said that our soldiers are the face of his lord. When you charge, you should pay attention to the image. Right. I remember, I should read the slogan at this time, what should I read?"

The giant hand that can easily crush the bridge is in front of him. The veteran also stopped thinking and shouted that the singer began to wave the sword and charge, and the whole sword of the whole heart, that exaggerated all his sword. With a glimmer of light, the vagueness of the sword appeared, and it reached the highest level of Ike's life.


But the gap in absolute strength is not able to make up for it with the fighting spirit. The steel claws of the Beast beast fell and stayed in place, but only the meat and blood.

Or it was scared by the veteran's sudden behavior. Perhaps, the veteran's sword eventually cut the skin of the behemoth. Jin Sibi slowed down, paused, glanced at the veteran's body, and continued to chase down other deserters.

The old drunkard is dead. The death is very thorough, and he has neither sudden power to kill the enemy. Nor did it use his own life to boost morale and eventually reverse the situation.

This is war, no protagonist, no miracle, only **** weak meat.

Only the other person died, and the last charge slogan still reverberates in the air, and is taken far away by the cold wind...

"...the will of 岚, never give in!"


"You are murder! You are all accomplices of the orcs!!"

It was still the old theater that served as the venue, but this time, it was the angry Renee who was angry and screamed at the generals of the coalition forces.

Since the news of the orc re-invasion, the joint meeting of military chiefs has been opened for a morning, but only from the mutual promotion of responsibility to the study of how to strengthen the defense of Red Maple City, but still no, rescue Other meanings of attacking the city.

"Cough, Your Highness, you should keep calm and the grace of the royal family. You see, now the enemy is strong and weak, the temporary withdrawal is a strategic need. You see, we strengthen the defense, hit the force and prepare for the final battle is the right now. ""

"What about the city and residents around the orc who marched along the line, they are still waiting for our rescue. We just watched them die."

But her proposal, but no one responded, on the contrary, there are people who say irony.

"What are you doing so excitedly in other countries, be careful to be said to have ulterior motives."

"Oh, this situation can't be seen clearly. It's no wonder that it has been marginalized. If it is not for Roland, then I am afraid I will not have the right to attend."

"Princess, this kind of thing, it is enough to make a vase, do you still have to fight? Rescue? We are now enough to fight the available soldiers and horses"

The country is weak, and people are young and have no reputation. Naturally, it is easy to hit the wall. Even if it is the main war faction, the conference still has its attention to how to strengthen the defense of Red Maple City, and advocates the rescue of Renee. I have been ignored more than once.

She was mad at the bliss, but she still had no way to do it. In the end, she was still angry.

“Being marginalized? What happened in the near future?”

In a sense, the man’s wild guessing was close, and it was marginalized, which undoubtedly stepped on Renee’s pain.

Starting from a certain time node, Roland consciously let Renee stay away from the important things, has caused a lot of speculation inside the East.

If other people deal with it, Renee will doubt whether she has ulterior motives. It seems that there is a desire to seek power. However, Roland, who has no interest in power, does not understand.

"Recently, it’s really easy."

I think of my younger brothers and sisters who are busy in all aspects, but I am obviously left idle. How can I not think about it?

"It seems that it was from which sister Eliza came to be like this. What did they talk about? If it was just a bad thing, Roland was not so easy to change. Moreover, his attitude towards me has not changed. Why do you isolate me alone?"

Thinking about it, Renee faintly thought of something, but it is difficult to confirm.

And suddenly the darkness of the sky, let her not think much about the embarrassment, and quickly find shelter to avoid.

After just a few seconds, the still calm sky was also a mess. A large number of bird banshees cast a tar fire bomb and retreated, and the fire brigade in the city was in a busy state.

At the same time, the empty ride in the city is already on the road, and how much can be counted.

Although they can't completely get rid of each other, at least they can't let them go to the battlefield so easily.

"...His Royal Highness, you will ask you to go back to the matter, and the orc army is closing, I am afraid, they will soon bypass the barrier and attack the city directly."

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