For the king to lose faith, for the king to lose the people, for the loss of morality, I am in the name of the last of the Roland, the name of the king, to exempt the king of Fimir. ”

The lion of the first king made a gesture. With the help of the talent of the ancient hail, who is proficient in sonic ability, my roar can reach every corner of the city.

The flesh-and-blood king lay on the ground, and the anger of me, on the high platform of the palace, announced my decision to the world.

The parchment that had been prepared for a long time was spread out, and a little-known crime was announced to the public. The magical magic trick made these **** words float in the air, and it was particularly eye-catching!

"Their sin, cold-blooded, heart-to-heart, pro-too..."


"The fourteen sins, extravagant extravagance, waste of money, sit and watch the residents starve to death, but they enjoy the food!"

"The sin of fifteen, colluding with the aliens, raising the tiger, causing the wolf to enter the room..."

And a shocking crime, let all the houses open the window and listen to the broadcast from the palace.

The more I read, the more angry I was. Looking at the dozens of things behind me, I didn’t want to read it. I simply tore it, and started to scream out from the bottom of my heart.

"We will take care of these messy things. The most important thing, I just look at your soft egg is not good! So, you want to get out of the position of the king of the king!"

"More than 1,700 years ago, the Northland was a bad place, frozen in the cold, Warcraft was born, and now there are some bad conditions, but at the time, it was also a famous place of exile, and the countries exiled sinners here. If you don't die, you will be more troubled. If you don't have the ability to live, they will be turned into rogue robbers."

"The natural disasters, man-made disasters, and animal disasters all came together. At that time, even if it was not a **** on earth, it would not be much worse!"

With Roland's description, compared to the current scene, the Yi people have vaguely guessed something.

At that time, the first king, Rui Wendette, who was deeply troubled by the North, was determined to have the power of the hail contract. He decided to establish his own country on this barren land. He never said that he wanted to be the whole. The human society guards the border so great that he is only fed up with this precarious day. He hopes to create a home of his own and his people, a new home that does not have to be humiliated and oppressed by foreigners."

As the sun rises, the roar is also heard throughout the city, and the citizens are after a brief horror. The name of Prince Roland and the heavy voice made the passers-by stop and listen patiently.

"In the beginning, everyone laughed at his incompetence. He felt that he was dreaming of idiots. After all, at the time, the last holy war had just ended. The worms died without being stiff, the orcs were still strong, and the founding of the country here was equal to the orcs and humans. The fortress on the front line of the battlefield will inevitably suffer the crazy rebound of the orcs. Moreover, he is a poor boy. Even his own food and drink must find a solution, where to find resources and food to achieve self-sufficiency."

"But there is no absolute impossibility in the world. Raven Dent has been working hard, and he has made it impossible to make his own home in this frozen land."

“There are no valuable specialties and wealth? He believes that there is no way to go. He has found his own dwarf friend and organized the engineering team of the indigenous people. The size of one inch and one inch, the digging of one by one, is hard in this barrenness. I found my own specialty in the land - magic minerals."

“There is no strong city defense to deal with the external threats? On the border, he and his followers use their hands to dig up the ravines and sentries, use their feet instead of the patrols of the border, and build their walls with their flesh and blood to protect their own people. !"

Young people who are just about to start work, are preparing a woman for a ration, and the elderly in the walk, when they hear the predecessor that is not recorded in the history book, they stop involuntarily.

"Like the first king! It is you, creating a home for us, so that we can live with dignity."

"'We admit that our life is very bitter, we have nothing in our pockets, and I can't guarantee that I will change after I struggle, but what I am convinced is that if you can't do anything, you can't do it. If you don't do it, you can't change it. If you do it, you may not be able to change anything. But if you must starve to death and freeze to death in the hunger and cold, I at least expect that I have done my last effort. The first king said so. Harsh nature, there is no such thing as a so-called miracle of heaven, no inexplicable expectation, only relying on oneself and partners, this is the so-called will of the shackles. The first king and those who choose to follow him, also become The earliest Yi people."

"Unlike those ancient inheritance people, we are even mostly mixed-race. But the distinction between the Yi people is never bloody, as long as the northern people with the will of the shackles are the Yi people! This is the original words of the first king. It is also the truth that our descendants have always believed in!"

"One thousand four hundred and twenty-three years ago, it was the first time that the country of Shu was close to destroying the country. The nightmare of the demon army opened the door to the lower plane. Countless demons and demons rushed out of the gate, overnight. The country of Yan was connected to 17 cities, and the capital Dieffende was in a hurry. When the Yi people did not despair, they paid countless sacrifices to protect their homeland, and they swept the demons back to their hometowns."

"And the traces left at the time are still there, that is the devil's abyss of Anweima. No, the most important traces and legacy left, or the flag of the rising in the wind, at that time, the will of the will For the first time, the Battle Flag of Heze has been stained with blood. We have embarked on a completely different development path from the North Central Plains. Nothing interesting and old-fashioned has become our most obvious national identity, the will to never yield. The temperament has become the medal of our pride."

The citizens silently watched the smashing battle flag everywhere, and faintly had a new sentiment. Perhaps, it was not only the blood, but also the deeper secrets waiting to be discovered.

"One thousand and one hundred and twenty-nine years ago, it was a melee that involved countless races. The orcs who dared not to go down in this way invaded the Northland. It was also a cruel winter that no one expected the war to happen." But the war lasted for a full 12 years, and the Yi people died in the battle of 1.37 million. The wounded were countless, ten rooms and nine empty, and as the master of the guardian land, the royal family of the war killed four kings. Seven members of the royal family. The youngest is only five years old. He succeeded to the war and died only twelve days. Since then, the prince has become our tradition, and every young child has to accept swordsmanship and Riding training. Because no one knows if he will be useful for a day, and once he is on the battlefield, regardless of gender or age, he has only two choices - either to win or to glory!"

"And another new tradition is the top of the dying king of the king during the war. The prince is on the top of the dead princess, the princess is on the top of the queen. The royal family is immortal, and the resistance is not limited. From the beginning, on the battlefield, we are smashing The blood will be captured, because our enemies know that captives are meaningless. After all, there are still too many predecessors who have faced their own choices, surrendered and captured. We, the younger generations, lost this person and found a The pillars are all dead."

"Seven hundred years ago, the sudden war was from the dagger behind it. The sudden rise of the alien slave trade represented endless blood, but also represented endless wealth. And our country, but blocked the fortune On the golden road, so a lot of sophisticated weapons were actually brought to the hands of the orcs. After the cruel orc war, we ignored the full-fledged territory and declared war directly against the nations behind the scenes."

"Results? Hey, how can those weak Southern crickets be the iron rides we have experienced through countless wars? When our knights dragged the stupid bodies with crowns to swim in the cities, no country dared to look down on us. The Yi people. Of course, since then, our relationship with human countries has been bad, and we never regret it!"

"Time and time again, our troubled country has suffered countless looting and wars, but unconsciously, we have become a long-established 'old country', which is undoubtedly not surprisingly ironic. We are these Unattended wildflowers survived in the cold winds of the North, and the saplings that were carefully treated in the southern greenhouses were inexplicably dead."

"Thirty years ago, it was the one I experienced personally, the fierce and belligerent orcs, the deceitful and powerful demons, and the human allies who always betrayed, the ones that our ancestors faced, all come together. It’s my fault, we didn’t stand up, we’re going to destroy the country...”

The low voice has a little whimper, and the silent pain and self-blame are especially painful, but the Yi people in the city repeat the same answer. They have different opinions.

"No, our prince, you have done a good job, we are proud of you, please don't blame yourself. And, we are not ruined! As long as the people are still there, how can the country not recover?"

"Yes, we are not ruined! The will of 岚 will never perish! But even if the country has perished, our Yi people are not perishing! Do you know? When I learned that there is a Yi nationality in the north, I I don’t know how to be happy, I can’t sleep well. Even if he is not a country I know, he has split up a few pieces, but as long as he is still standing in the north, I am very satisfied.”

"Innumerable times, I think of my homeland, staying up late to sleep, but when I think of the hatred of destroying the country, I will make an oath. If you don't take revenge and let the murderer pay ten times the price, I will never let myself be immersed in ease. In life, and when I am hard to revenge, I have not returned to the courage of my homeland. The people I know are already dead, and the owners of the land there are beyond recognition.

"My dear Prince, please don't hesitate, here is always your home, we are all family, welcome you back!"

I laughed, how can I laugh unhappy when faced with such a lovely person, but when I see the man like the muddy version in front of me, I am angry and angry, and I don’t want to fight.

", Fimr. Casso, who knows the blood of the will of the sorrow, has made such a ridiculous thing."

I used to expect that this was just a counterfeit goods that had nothing to do with the royal family. However, after the face-to-face contact, I voted through the secrets of the family, but I was surprised to find that he was actually the blood of the royal family, and the descendants actually fell to this place. Kind of place?

"You, arrogant luxury" yin yu", I don't know shame! It is a good thing that Si Weiwei knows how to change. We used to eat enough to understand the hardships of the past, but the modification does not mean corruption and corruption, and it is contaminated with the sinful slave trade. Send it to the orcs, you also call yourself the king of the guardian nationals? You are not worthy of being king!"

"You, ungrateful, greedy and selfish! Let our homes suffer, and you hide in the palace to enjoy the food, wine, and beauty. The warning I gave you was treated as waste paper, and countless people who should have survived should When you die, you are happy to enjoy the dedication of the tribe. You still have a face to say that you are the lord of the lords who are responsible for guarding the land. You are not worthy of being king!"

"You, timid and despicable, ignoring glory! The ancestors' will has never been annihilated, the ancestors' spirits have been watching us. And if they have spirits under the spring, the spirits can also go down, you should have killed your bastard! Surrender? The royal family has a history of 1,700 years. There are countless kings in the battlefield, and no coward will surrender! You....."

", don't deserve to be king!"

"I, Roland. Hey, in the name of the fifty-sixth king of the country, deprived the descendants of the sinful king of the future generations, Fimir Casso!"

"I, the ancient hail came to the meditation. Aroin, the first king's partner, the first royal family member, here witnessed the abdication of the old king, and elected Roland. 岚 岚 岚 岚 岚 岚 岚 岚 岚 岚 岚 职责 岚 职责 职责 职责 职责 职责 职责 职责 职责 职责 职责 职责 职责 职责""

The citizens and the royal guards first glimpsed, and then, but did not know who first shouted a "Roland, Long live!", everything is boiling.

"His Royal Roland, no, Roland, welcome your return!"

"His Royal Roland, sway and care, we welcome you at any time."

Soon, under the driving force of the people, the cheers resounded through the clouds, and it was so easy to get the support of the people. In a sense, thanks to Fimwell’s mischief.

In the crowd, a young couple is complaining about each other.

"..... Why do you have to force me to shout, my voice Roland is familiar, he will definitely hear it, and will definitely make fun of me."

"You have pitted him so many times, let him smile at you. Right, how about the injury to the right arm?"

"Nothing, the orc shaman is heavier than me. The other guys are all in the story, not hurt at all."

And when all this was announced to the public, when the overall situation was fixed, I also mercilessly lost only half a breath of Feimler.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Fimmel's sharp screams stirred in the air. If he fell to the ground, he couldn't live. There were women and children who had closed their eyes. I couldn't bear to see the tragic scene of this muddy, but I was jailed. Firmly locked in Fim, no loose at all.


Sure enough, when Fimmel was about to fall to death, suddenly his back stretched out two bat wings, slamming into a glider and flew out of the city.

"Damn! It's really a demon!"

The expected speculation was confirmed, but it was not good news at all. The descendants of the descendants were matched with the blood of the devil. Whatever they think, there is only one possibility.

"Cavens... Is this all you do? Is this all the board you set up?"

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