"Stupid carbon-based monkeys dare to despise my existence. I am a mirror of omniscience."

"Yes? 1693221 multiplied by 768392 is equal to, within three seconds, answer!"

"Thirty-three thousand three hundred and six hundred and sixty-five thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. It's a dumbfounded, do you think my omnipotent creator will forget to add me a calculator?"

The strong man of the silver hair heard a word, but did not answer, he is still counting.

"...even if you are right, let me know first, I am not sure, my father taught me to multiply."

Just look at the appearance, this muscular and handsome man is simply a living hero in the classical mythology, he is tall and fit, the tiger bears the waist and the eyebrows are clear... Ok, I know this is very contradictory, there is no other kind in the world. Is the strange creature of Li dog egg?

"So, the next question, who is the most beautiful person in the world except my father."

"Of course it is you, respected Omar, your beauty is second only to Roland."

"Haha. You are so honest, I like you a little. Have you had lunch? Or do we wait to eat together?"

"Haha, although you look so beautiful, you obviously have some problems with your head. I am a mirror, what to eat?"

Looking at this side of the finger count, while facing the mirror in a variety of bodybuilding posture of the semi-nude strong man, even if there is no stomach, Reinhart is also a nausea.

".....this.....Is this supposed to be a perfect match? It’s really a slap in the face of Roland. It’s just a small gift. It’s more docile to keep the oil and salt out.”

Full of muscles exudes a healthy and excessive shine, but on the face is a soft-sister face. It is also similar to Roland's own 70%. In a sense, the existence of Omar itself is Roland's black history.

Yes, the "Li Dog Egg" in front of us is the arrogance of the seven sins. In fact, it looks like this, and really can't blame himself.

Roland built his seven sins based on the undead standard template. Jealousy and gluttony are based on abhorrent stitching. The arrogance in the seven sins is the sacred creature of the banter, based on the banshee.

According to the original design, he is a man-made soul body with no face, no flesh and no gender, but as he grows up, he spontaneously chooses this appearance as his appearance, which makes people very incomprehensible. But in reality, it all stems from Roland’s nonsense when he was just born.

"As a man, a strong body is really beautiful."

Well, then the arrogance in ignorance regards him as the truth, and as the most instinct of life as his mother, he does not hesitate to use the face of Roland. As everyone knows, Roland died too early. The portraits he left were mainly at the age of eleven or two. As a result, the child with this aesthetic deviation was born.

originally. A little understanding of the mistake can still be corrected, but Roland was too busy (busy war). In other words, Omar would not pay attention to it, and the result will get worse and worse, and finally become the most beautiful appearance in his mind.

The child's parents were even more aware of him by the child himself. No one knows more about Orma's personality preferences than Roland, so Roland only customized a magical mirror for him, and it was very easy to buy this young child.

Yes, only a few years old, only a few years after birth, the rebellion was sealed, and the seal was not felt in the seal. When it was sealed, it was a scorpion, and it was naturally the same when it came out.

Since the civil war in Siro has ended, as the only winner, I am afraid that Omar will soon master the country thoroughly, and according to his ability, it will inevitably bring himself and the country to a higher level.

Arrogant Omar's ability? In fact, the explanation is very complicated, it is a special ability system, not a single ability.

"Pride" is derived from the level of high and low. In Roland's understanding, as the superiors who dominate the lower and lower life, they tend to be unreasonable to the lower ones. They think that standing in the highest position is like looking at the ants. Pride is the root of original sin.

The undead is also hierarchical, is it possible to create a natural ruler of the undead, so that he is born with the ability to rule the immortal undead?

This is undoubtedly an incredible subject, but Roland is inspired by the queen's bee and the queen's natural rule of the ethnic group. They use a strange pheromone to form a special network, and control the whole ethnic group with wonderful communication. The community is dedicated to it and even death.

The reason why the banshee is chosen as the basic template is that the banshee is a few undead categories that have no low-level existence. They are purely composed of souls, and they are also suitable for colluding the network of the soul.

Finally, the final result of the study is Omar himself. He is also the only undead who did not use any extra materials and was entirely made by Roland. In this sense, he called Roland a father.

"The highest authority of the undead network" is the name of Omar's comprehensive ability. He can build his undead into a soul network that constantly exchanges information, and as the network administrator with the highest authority, he controls the undead. all.

This is the only ability of Omar. It doesn't sound very powerful, but it is a strong mess.

The low-order undead does not have wisdom, but he can give him false wisdom. On the battlefield, he is like an invisible commander who can command the undead to make tiny movements that are lightly finger-finger. The ordinary undead must have at least consciousness. To reach the silver level, and he can let countless undead have a false self-consciousness, it can be said that under his control, the low-order undead, which could only be used as cannon fodder, must at least triple its combat power.

This is only the beginning, and Omar's ability is far from simple.

The soul is power, and the souls of the lower-order undead and the high-order undead are linked by the undead network, and they control the souls of other undead souls. How could it be weak?

Giving false consciousness does not burden it, on the contrary. This in turn allows him to extract the power of the soul to strengthen himself.

When there are three hundred low-order undead in the hands, Omar probably only has the bronze power. When there are three thousand undead under his hand, Omar can compete with the silver-level warriors. When there are 30,000 men, the human gold The order will only be spiked by him.... If his men are an undead empire, he will become more powerful, that is, Roland himself as the creator. It is also incalculable.

It can be seen from this that Omar's ability is obviously biased towards the Legion. From the beginning, "Pride" Omar was designed as the commander of the undead army. Roland's energy is several times that of the other seven sins. His expected design did not fail, so the last step will be taken. More or because of personality reasons.

"I was born to be the highest of my father's majesty. Why should I listen to your old guys? Why did the stupid dog sit in my position and lead the army that should be controlled by me! I want to recapture my undead army and establish It belongs to the undead kingdom. This is my natural duty and my father’s expectation for me. We are born to be king!"

Ok. For the undead who are full of resentment, the more paranoid the soul has the limitless potential, but the personality is overdone, naturally it is impossible to discipline, and finally. Naturally, the bear child in the period of rebellion is rebellious.

But in a sense, Roland did not do something in the past. On the contrary, there is still room for it, and now there is the possibility of communication.

Omar’s true ability is only seven sins and Roland knows that the other undead monarchs only thought that he had a strong ability to control the undead, underestimating the moment when his Fertland handed the undead army to him. The civil war in Silo broke out sooner or later.

Even the ranks of his brother, Best, can't be tolerated on top of himself. How can Omar, who is above the top, accept an old lich on his own, so in Roland's prediction, Siro is second. When the governor, Feitland, released Omar, it would be the result of self-destruction.

Now that the Siro civil war has reached this point, it is time to make a choice.

Therefore, Roland made a choice in advance, let Omar board the throne and drove Feitland into the undead plane.

At this point, it is time for Omar to make a return.

"My father's mind I understand, the gift I like very much, and when I am a little reorganized, I will fulfill my promise and send a large army to the North to help my father to end the war."

Originally Roland personally sealed Omar, Reinhart also thought that communication would be very difficult, and now it is incredible to deal with it so well.

When he heard this, Reinhart hesitated, and he was worried about whether Omar would have any conspiracy.

It seems that I saw the hesitation of Rheinhardt, but Omar added.

"In the seal, I also considered a lot. Maybe I did do too much in the past. And I have always treated the traitor to kill the innocent father, but I am open to the Internet, how can I get a favor."

Open the net? Roland’s majesty does not mean that Omar’s ability is special. Can it be sealed and cannot be killed? Rheinhardt is full of doubts.

"Can only seal and not kill? Oh, for the omnipotent father, how can there be such a thing. Seven sins are created by him, we all have the back door left by him, at least unable to control the other The seven sins are one of my dead spots. And..."

Obviously speaking of his own weaknesses, the look of pride is like this is a unique gift, and suddenly, Li dog eggs..... Oh, Omar is a little embarrassed.

The huge body-building body is twisted and pinched like a woman, and the beautiful face is full of mysterious blush.

"....... And, I also expect my father to help me and create a similar kind for me. People have just entered adolescence this year, and people want to fall in love!"

As said, the Li dog's egg is still excited and shaking, twisting his huge body, blushing, closed eyes and falling into delusion, seems to think of something shy.

"The requirements of people are not high at all. Don't want those little bean sprouts to be as strong as others. It's enough to be beautiful. Well, it's better than others, but the face must not be ugly, and the tiger's back is matched with the eyebrows. , the most love!"


Reinhardt envied the weak humans at this time, at least they vomited blood and died, but he himself could only support the rolling thunder.

"Although I am a little embarrassed, but people are also the king of a country, and more choices should not be too much. People have long dreamed of organizing the 'I have a posture, I am proud' of the US Congress under the moon. Ah, say it, I am a little embarrassed."

At that moment, Reinhart regretted his excellent imagination. He remembered that if this request was reached, I would have a group of eyebrows and muscles every day, and all kinds of bodybuilding postures under the moon, one by one. Claiming to be "the family" and "slave", Reinhardt has the urge to die against the wall.


Then, the inexplicable nausea, and the colleagues who have already begun to retire and retire, prove that even the undead, there is the limit of tolerance to nausea!

"I..... I will tell you. Then, please ask Omar to stay away from me!! I have no love for my muscles!"

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