"first name?"

"Albert Rhein."


"Free knight, no belonging, but recently mixed in the gentleman's league, everyone gave me a face, called me a three-swordsman's floral swordsman."

Looking at the pretty black-haired knight in front of me, I was a little surprised. I decided to contact the Alliance of Swordsmen. No matter how insignificant the "experts" sent, I have already made expectations, but give me a What does a handsome handsome guy mean.

He, eyebrows and eyebrows, eagle nose and eyebrows, full of righteous national character face with a gentle smile, a black knight costume that shakes the British to make it add a full British spirit, long hair shawl but no slightest, making people inexplicable I want to give him a handsome face to punch, cough, seemingly involved in what personal complaints.

This is not a typical male public enemy - super handsome guy, how can it be a member of the gentleman league?

"...Do you know what it is to send you? Is it a wrong command?"

Albert smiled and shook his head.

"Your mission did not convey the error, and when the news arrived at us, all the companions found me the first time, they think that this task can only be performed properly?"

I was even more surprised. The maid who couldn’t help but sneak out from the door can see that such a rare super handsome is still missing a woman? Also engage in "behavioral art", it should be a woman who puts him down.

"...the past is like a cigarette, it’s a long story,"

Albert looked at his face and looked back. He looked down and said.

"That was all wrong when I was young. It was from the time I was a child, I have a sister. She is my angel and everything..."

It was a story that was quite common in this era. Albert, whose parents died, was alone in his own home. The only relative and sister was his angel and psychological dependence. When she was three years old, she encountered it. Trafficking of traffickers.

"So, I have traveled all over the world, and my childhood memories are blurred. The only characteristic is the red birthmark of the waist. Therefore, I practiced a sword with a sword, which is specially designed to cut clothes without hurting the skin. Therefore, they are also called the shards of the Three Musketeers."

The sad expression is overwhelming, and it is obviously suffering.

I immediately nodded with sympathy. This kind of clearness is a normal person, but it is regarded as a metamorphosis. I really understand it.

"You are really hard, rest assured, when you finish my business, I will force you to find your sister."

"Really? That would be a thank you. I can't wait to perform your mission, please give me the characteristics, I will start acting!"

The excited Albert immediately got up and salvaged, and I was a little happy, which was much better than expected. Is there a normal person in the Alliance of Swordsmen? It seems that the gentleman's aura is not too difficult to deal with, I can't help but expect a bright future.

"Yeah. She is about 14 to 18 years old this year, blonde... No, it may be dyed. If you want to meet this age, don't let it go. Because it is possible to dress up as a man, so cute boy. Don't miss it too!"

"His Highness, rest assured, I am an expert! No woman can escape my eyes, my sword!"

The fine sword crossed an arc in midair, and the murderous murder in the black scorpion died. At this moment, I found the top master who was half-step legendary.

I am very happy, is it that I am transshipping, this time not only a normal person with common sense and a bottom line, but also a master?

"It's too reliable!! Too reliable!......."

"Brother, I bought you a beast tooth sword, you will definitely like it!"

The door was suddenly opened and a lively little girl jumped in.

Wait, what did she call? brother? Since it is not called me, then it can only be called Albert, is his sister still missing?

Immediately, my smile solidified. With my years of experience in the pit, what happened afterwards, I also vaguely guessed.

"Lena? How come you are here, shouldn't you be in the mercenary headquarters?"

Looking at the ponytail girl, Albert was a little surprised.

"The sad brother said that I want to follow you. He said that I don't know what you will do. Others are so good, I am afraid that my brother will not be able to complete the task, and let a lot of companions come together to help. Brother, what mission is so important Ah? You still have to come over."

Ok, what else to say, I should have guessed that the gentleman's league would not have a normal person, but the fact that I can really deceive me, there are two brushes.

"Kid, you have the courage..."

"No, no, Your Highness, listen to me, I am telling the truth! I really have been looking for my sister, I got this title."

Suddenly, the brunette girl interrupted her angrily.

"Brother! Have you cut the clothes of other girls?! There are so many embarrassments in the family, actually doing this kind of thing. Even if you do this kind of thing, you found me three years ago, still use The things of others are used as a cover to pick up a girl, how do you make people face each other. The sister of the smocked dude? Too hard to hear, do you want to let people marry?"

playboy? A lot of tricks? Pick up a girl? Every time I hear a word, my eyebrows are constantly twitching, and as a big fan of the FFF group, I also know what to do.

"Little sister, I am talking about business with your brother, just go out and wait a minute? Right, go out and remember to close the door."

Seems to know that I am a big man, the girl nodded cheerfully.

"Oh, my brother, I am waiting for you outside."

How good a sister, so smart, compared to the completely lawless brother, and the family of the bear child, my tears are falling out, and I think of the bachelor career for more than three hundred years, opposite After the twenty-something was successfully opened, the palace. I am still looking for new prey, and my tears really fall out.

"My fingers are burning. After the **** life wins. Gong Gong, try my personality correction. Stone breaks! Auntie!"

"His Royal Highness, listen to me! Things are definitely not what you want!"

Explanation? I will hear, after the fight, finally, after a pleasant pain, I stopped to listen to what he had to defend.

"Hey, I still want to eat in the bowl. People scum!"

"....oh, that's not the case, I don't want to, I really don't want to."

It seems that my contempt touched one of his sensitive nerves. He actually cried. The masculine young man actually cried like a poor child.

It seems to have heard the truth from his painful sob. I also temporarily put away the plan to drop the stone.

"I don't want to, too, I have done too much before, and I have developed a habit. I see women who meet the conditions instinctively start. And, I just see where they have a birthmark, why should I be responsible. I am responsible for it? After the palace? Have you seen the harem of the hippo body monkey face? I want to be responsible for this, there are a few who can look at me, and they are driven away. It is."

"What a luxury trouble, are you showing off in front of the old bachelor (virgin)?"

"No, no. Your Highness, you don't know. As soon as I turn around, they will fight for the infighting, playing a mess, and all the tricks are made out. Last month I was implicated in food poisoning five times, a big inside the shoes. Pile of poison nails, glue inside the clothes, I can't stand it! The woman is terrible! I have already shivered as long as I see the woman! I can't clean up when I think about them."

As he said, he actually trembled inexplicably, his teeth were constantly swaying, it was like a seizure of sheep, and from the steep and falling body temperature and blue face, what he said was still true.

"Female phobia? After suffering from female phobia. Gongnao? This is the old setting of the comic."

Well, looking at Albert, who is already foaming on the floor, I finally have some sympathy for this kid.

"Come two people and help call a pastor."

But as soon as the door opened, a number of familiar faces came in.

"Boss, the big brother of grief wants us to come and help."

From the door behind it is the familiar face of the gentleman's alliance, silver hook, gold teeth, Casio.....etc. How come you come to the snow hoof, so when you are not holding the palms, you are the highest priest.

"Lilith is here."

The eye-seeking question was answered, and I immediately realized the heart. With the announcement of the Undead Declaration, Lilith, who is a blood family, can naturally also be active in Dongpu, and if she specializes in the internal work, she will start the work, this silly cow It is indeed quite idle, and it is very normal to hang around.

"The sad little boy thought it was very thoughtful, what about others? Didn't come?"

"No, he is coming."

The silver hook nodded, but he smiled very embarrassedly, and his fingers made a gesture that men understood.

"He saw a huge lion head, so let's go first, let us report to you first."

In an instant, I understand the second, but then, it’s not good, here.

"The huge lion head? Going to the world? I X, that kid is looking for death!"

At the same time, there was a roar of noise outside the window.

"Unbelievable! This world has such a distorted soul! I also put a ghost idea on me, eat my soul to correct the kick!"

Well, the one outside the window that flies up the clouds is not the deputy head of a gentleman's league. In a sense, he is really invincible. The lion is more than two thousand years old. I don't dare to provoke it. .

"Ah, it's Big Brother."

In the room, in addition to Casio panic, others are a light face.

"Do not worry, good people do not live longevity and live for thousands of years. If you are sad, you will have no difficulty in living forever."

When the words came out, the room nodded.

"I always feel that the world is ruined and he will be fine."

The man’s unique thick voice from the sky. But can not help but prove the authenticity of this sentence.

"Ah, almost died... don't be shy, let's talk more....."


"My sword, nothing!"

Speaking of handsome lines, under the streamer, the sword that could not be caught by the naked eye turned into a cold wind.


When the handsome swordsman stood cold and the sword was stalked, the broken sound of the slap-up cloth came from behind.

"Ah, ah. Colored. Wolf!"

At this time, the nobles found that their clothes were completely broken, and Albert glanced at him, but sneered and walked alone.

"Hey, it’s boring stuff!"

Immediately, the girl was crying and confused. And her guard has not had time to act,

Another tall figure appeared next to the lady, and a large cloak fell.

"... We are chasing the gangsters who are arbitrarily broken, not knowing that he has fled there."

In a sense, Green, who is heavily armed with armor, is indeed quite majestic, and let him come forward to be a good person. It is nothing more than because he is also a human being and will not cause more attention.

"This progress is too slow."

On the side of the rooftop, I was somewhat dissatisfied with the progress. This morning, I verified more than forty people. It will take a long time to get all it.

"...this is already fast. Fortunately, the reaction of the lamp of life has set a goal for us. We only need to check the outsiders who have come to the northland in the last three or four months. Otherwise, I don't know what to check." time."

The lamp of life has limited functions. It found the reaction more than three months ago. It only shows that Princess Grein returned to the North at that time. As for the specific location? If he can point to a specific location, there is still privacy in the royal family.

He was even confused by the scope of the guidelines. If it was so dexterous, then Kelly had already found out that I had come. He was more of a proof that the royal family members were true or not.

"Or, my Highness, come back to a city without clothes?"

"...This is winter, it will freeze people, and how to end it afterwards."

I looked at Albert, who was pulling the knife in the distance. I couldn't help but feel helpless. How can this female phobia be so good at undressing?

"It's also hard for him, is there a female phobia?"


The words just fell, but all around was laughter, it seems that I said something wrong.

"Is his female phobia also a lie? Is this kid's acting so good?"

"No, that's not acting, but, you see, he's changed his expression later."

I fixed my eyes on it. When Albert took the sword, his mouth clearly said that he had boring things, but his mouth was full of smiles, his expression was full of pleasure, as if he was enjoying it.

"He, enjoy?"

"Yes, he is really afraid of women who are afraid of death. As long as a woman meets him, he will scream, but because of this, he enjoys the screams of women, and he will not stop the behavior of 'breaking swordsman'. Nothing is because this is his greatest enjoyment."

"Hey, how can a young man become like this, this sword technique is a pity."

"That's not that, Adam said that his usual sword skills can only be considered average, but the rags, but they have already touched the Juggernaut threshold."

I heard that, I have a glimpse of the fact that Juggernaut is unusually rare, often with both talent and long-term polishing, and definitely has the strength of leapfrogging challenges.

Look carefully, I found out that it was wrong.

"A sword out, a hundred swords back, usually no killing, when the sword is drawn, the sword is arrogant, killing invisible, this is close to the Juggernaut, which is already a Juggernaut, actually a sword saint!"

"No, he can only reach this level when the goal is female, and when the rags, so Adam talent said that he is close to the Juggernaut."

"Sure enough, there is no normal person in the Gentlemen's Union. Is the same for the other two swordsmen?"

"Swordsman? That is what they claim to be, everyone is called three hackers."

Shaking my head, I have some helplessness, but at this moment, a voice is ringing from behind.

"We found the princess's nurse, and there is new information!"

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