The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 184: Four element seal (third more)

The north of the hustle and bustle is boasting the land of the elves. The rapidly changing unnatural temperature difference makes the weather in the whole area repeat. When the cold current and the warm current meet sharply, under a series of effects, the storm has never been attacked. Elf country.

The heavy rain poured down, making people unable to see the five fingers. The dry and comfortable area all the year round was suddenly hit by heavy rain, which will inevitably lead to a series of troubles, but in fact, this is the beginning.

When the deadly cold current occupied this area, the storm turned into a deadly hail and blizzard. After thousands of years of unnatural distortion of the natural climate, the entire elf country was subjected to the most brutal revenge of nature.

Unlike other Northland countries, the elves do not have the experience and ability to withstand the cold currents. They don't even have the heavy clothing and firewood reserves necessary to keep out the cold. Just relying on the magical flame, the wizards will soon be drained. More magic.

Hail and snowstorms have made this winter a hundred times more sad. The thin elves will face their most cruel test. If the elf country is still so chaotic, if there is no timely rescue, it is very likely that the survival of this test will pass. No more than one in ten.

At this time, the superiors have no time to fight against the snowstorm. On the increasingly brutal ice and cold battlefield, a cruel and fierce civil war is going on.

A prince was under house arrest. After killing the two generals, the king of the tassel kingdom succeeded in mastering the army of the four kingdoms. Of course, there was no possibility of dealing with the hands and tails in a hurry.

"....... It doesn't make sense to think so much. If you can't win this battle, there will be no future."

Enlightenment is good. The reality is cruel, but this battle is not good, just started, the bad news is like snowflakes.

"The Moonblade battle group suffered the killing of the Dark Elf Bloodblade Battle Corps, and it has lost more than half of it. It has already launched a battlefield."

"Our Pegasus Knight, Horned Beast Knight is not the opponent of those Black Dragons at all. We need the support of high-end air rides."

"The curse should be exiled for 10,000 years. All of them are upper elves. Damn, our average combat power is actually suppressed. We need high-level wizards! The magic of the apprentice mage is ignored by them!"

"The **** dark elf assassin, the Archmage Maledez and his students all died, the court mages of the other three countries refused to participate in the war, we were suppressed by the other priests and mages in the caster. We are actually in the caster Lost."

"Tell those mage, don't use low-level magic, do you forget the dark magical anti-magic skin?"

Morale, number of people, preparation for war, machinery for war, high-level combat. The underlying aspects of all aspects are all worse. The tired elf coalition forces marching back and forth for thousands of miles have encountered the dark elf army that has been waiting for the work. Just one war, it has been completely suppressed.

But the bigger troubles are followed.

"The Second Legion of San Lorenzo refused to execute your order. They wanted to see their prince."

"The demigod priest Samana asked to meet you. It should be the news of the assassination of their general, Yatrine, please ask if you promise to arrange a meeting?"

The emergency handling between Yatrien’s haste has not been done clean, and the rumors have been rumored, if not now in an emergency. If it is not the enemy of the race on the opposite side of the battlefield, I am afraid that the army of the three countries has begun to reverse the muzzle.

"Why can't you understand? You think I like to use these dirty methods. Do you think that Suanna's sacrifice will not hurt me? But that is my baby's only daughter! What sacrifices do I have for so much? I am for the entire elves. Why can't you understand this group of fools! Why!?"

The Elf King Yatrien vented the hysterical anger in the royal account. He had already dropped the ornaments and porcelain in the tent, but after venting, he could only look at the situation worsening.

The internal disputes are endless, and the outside world is under pressure. Under the internal and external troubles, he has already been forced to a dead end, but...

"I am not wrong, I am absolutely not wrong, it is the fault of those fools!"

Until then, he still thought that he was not wrong. Suddenly, a confidant sent a short letter, a little browsing, his face changed greatly, paused for a moment, but suddenly laughed.

"You are not benevolent, I am not righteous, I am for the strength of the entire race, I can't understand my faults, so even if you go to the Styx, don't blame me!"


"Right, Roland, I recently fell in love with playing chess, so I gave you a small gift, I hope you like it. - Cavans."

When the message suddenly passed from Eliza, I was very surprised.

In addition to shocking the content of this news, more is the source of the surprised news itself. Obviously, through some channels, Cavans knows a lot about me.

"Cavans is telling you directly about the body? Does he know that you are ours? Are you safe on your side?"

"The chaotic camp is not so regular. Accurately speaking, except for a small number of people, other people have no interest in jihad. If they let them kill one at the main plane, they are naturally satisfied, but if they let them carefully plan conspiracy. It is too difficult for the group of muscles to grow in the head of the demon monarch.

"Now most of the demons are still busy with the same family all day long. Don't worry, I am fine. On the contrary, I have the possibility of further advancement because I have completed the direct commission of the abyss will not be completed."

On the chaotic side, since there has been chaos, there is no such thing as order and organization. It is normal for all parties to sever. The demon at the Piaget level has its own territory. This is also the same as expected, otherwise the number of chaotic gods is twice that of the main **** of order. The total combat power is also stable and beyond, but it still maintains a strange balance of power.

The strong is the main thing, definitely not an empty talk, but since it is already a strong person, why is it obedient to listen to the war, for the chaotic side, the enemy of internal competition for interest is the big one.

Since there is no door to find over there, at least Eliza is safe. Even the demon prince can't fight to a demon woman marquis without any preparation. Eliza's words let me down, but it is even more puzzled to think about this message.

"Small gift? What will it be? Since the demon prince personally intervened and proudly showed off to me, then this handwriting is definitely not small. Now the chips on the battlefield that can reverse the situation should not be much, it will be there. The problem......."

"Elves? Red Maple City? Antunen Dieffend? The hinterland of the human Central Plains?"

Too many choices and possibilities make me unable to make a decision, but some people can't stand it...

"Roland! Don't mess up, we can't hold it here!"

Ok, Adam finally can't stand it anymore. Resentful reminder that I am in the midst of hard work.

At this time, the huge obsidian giant image was made into a black armor with heavy armor. The huge body was directly buried in the soil, and the dark green light was emitted in the one-eyed eye. The poisonous needle was still searching for its prey on the ground. .

".......this guy is too outrageous. It can be changed several times!"

The battle with Umdi Roken was a nightmare with no end, and he was slightly accustomed to his fighting style every time. Just taking the upper hand, he immediately changed his form and launched a new offensive.

The stone giant of the sword-and-shield combination, the stone eagle gliding at high speed, the fast stone carving swordsman who played dozens of weapons, the slow and strong stone guardian, and the various attacking postures, he has already reached the physical attack. The ultimate.

"Small short-lived species, I have experienced countless years and battles. I have seen countless powerful fighting methods. My special structure allows me to imitate all the incredible ways of fighting. My body is never tired, no matter what you do. How hard is it, you will eventually fall in front of me!"

There is an inexplicable emotion in the screaming roar, and it is very annoying because it can't be attacked for a long time.

"Do not worry, my dear mortal heroes, I can feel that the door of the Dimension is closing, the power of his elements is entering the decline period, he can't last long! My powerful mortal allies, victory is in sight ""

"At least, I can drag you all together!"

The two gods of anger are fiercely fighting together, but the opposite is possible in front of us, but I know that the truth is neither that Camdil’s said, the **** of earth elements is about to die. Nor is it that Omdi Roken himself said that he could never win.

The closure of the elemental gate made Umdiroken’s investment destined to be bloodless. At this time, he is indeed declining, but as the highest old existence of the four elements, it is not far from reaching the limit. This is destined to be one. A long-lasting battle, and any negligence can lead to death.

However, some things can't be hidden. Every time Umdi Luoken changes his form and suffers losses, he will lose the earth elements that make up the body. Now he can't extract the elements from the door of the plane to supplement himself. He is destined to become weaker and weaker.

The loss on our side is not small. As the main force of the Shield, Adam’s injury is not light, and Yingling Cavans and Roland have returned. They are not naturally returning, but they are being dispelled.

Ironically, it was the spirit of Calvins who was smashed by the boulder in order to cover the spirit of Roland, and then the spirit of Roland was automatically lifted, and at this time, Roland was racking his brains for the ongoing Cavans.

"When you are upset, let other people get upset too. If you are not sure, you will naturally feel better when you see someone else's bad luck."

Suddenly, I don’t know who said it, remembering it in my mind, so I opened my mouth.

"Emdi Roken, are you really proud of your uncertain form? The real strong have their own path. What is your path, is this changing? Or, it’s called Shilai The **** of um is not the **** of earth."

"The only coward who will play the game! I will tear you apart!"

"Oh, this reaction can only explain the guilty conscience. Can you only say these empty words? Right, your martial arts form is very fierce. In the end, it is a master who imitated. I don’t know if you have the confidence to defeat that person. Deity. Could it be that you just can't win him and choose to imitate him?"

In the one-eyed eyes, it is biting hatred, but from the point of view, it is obvious that I have touched his painful feet, so Shi Jie started to be more vicious.

"Hey, can you not add oil to the fire, but as a meat shield, but I am!"

Adam's meat shield is so easy to use, even Camdilian often uses him to resist, and at this time, my "watering" has come to an end, all preparations have been properly.

"Start it, the four elements of the print!"

The elements are the most basic composition of the world, and the world's most powerful seal is probably the seal of the analog element itself. As long as the seal starts, the four elements begin to circulate, which is like a real world without exports. .

Since we are destined to face the **** of elements, how can we not be prepared, when Margaret found this ancient seal from ancient books, we encountered some minor troubles.

"If it is to seal a certain powerful element, magical creature, at least to find the power of three elements of the same level? Umm Di Roken is the **** of elements, we go there to find the **** of three elements."

But to be honest, perhaps it’s unfortunate that Umdirok is unlucky, and between us, we quickly found the three keys that are in short supply.

"The Seal of the Flame of the Marquis of the Sea of ​​Fire!"

Eliza, who has acquired the power of fire, gave me the power of her source. Perhaps the power of the reserve is not much, but it is indeed the power of flames at the same level as Umm Dyrock.

"Ston Villa's Ocean Bottle!"

The ancient sea **** Sister Villa is powerful and incredible. Even the **** of water is his wife and the god. Although the power of reserve is still not much, but on the quality, it is still above Umm Dyrac.

But in the end, I encountered some trouble. The power of the wind element is really difficult to find. I originally only intended to use Adam's Titan Thunder to make up for it, but this time, we have a better choice.

"Cham Dirjan, I am sent you, let us complete the four-element seal and send Umdrock to sleep!"

PS: Well, since it is an explosion, there is one more, but it is estimated to be at night.

Well, since it’s a slogan that has written a testimony, because the number of words is too large, the VIP chapter will charge, and it’s lost in the public chapters. I didn’t see it.....

Then, roll all kinds of requests, subscribe to get up early and get full-time early.......

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