The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 187: The feast of the betrayers

It has already entered the night, and the snow covers the entire area, making this frozen soil more difficult to bear.

Snow covered this piece of heaven and earth, even without the cover of the night, it is a blink of an eye, the vision can only reach a few meters in front of the eyes.

A powerful warrior, when he can't see it, can't do anything, and this is not the most deadly negative factor on this battlefield.

"It's so cold! How many people have passed this night."

Even in the eyes of the tribes, such as the icebergs, the bear chief Elong, is not an iron man with no feelings, and it is enough to cool the northern snowy sky and then drop a steep ten degrees, the breath of the mist can be instantly knotted. freeze.

Even if the orcs who can get on the battlefield are generally strong and strong, they are not iron people. When they are fighting fiercely, they should pay attention to cold protection. In front of them, they need to look for the horn and the flag of the battle, and fight the most unacceptable street fighting in a chaos. If you are not sure, you will use the assassin with a knife as your own ally. The first level of your axe is your own relatives and friends.......

In this case, according to the unspoken rules of the Northern War, the two sides should each suspend their troops and temporarily suspend the war to avoid the most unacceptable victory in the war, but no one celebrates the tragic ending.

But now time is life. Every time hesitates, there are countless lives that have passed away. Don't say that the two sides are in a truce. At this time, no one can wait for the last force to be pressed. Only by completely crushing the opponent can you survive more.

Lund can imagine that an orc warrior has finally defeated his opponent, and the blood of the window has turned into a thin blood ice. A lot of blood loss took a lot of physical strength, and the slower he went, he eventually died at the opponent's body.

Look at the dark harbor alley in front of you. Just like an abyss beast with a big mouth, he is laughing and waiting for food to come to the door.

Lund inexplicably shuddered, he had an ominous premonition, I am afraid, I can not see the morning sun.

This is not a worry, Lund's keen sixth sense accompanied him through countless life and death difficulties, but this time, he did not follow the intuition.

"Don't let other tribes squat our claws. All of them are pressed! We must not fall, capture this city, and completely destroy the honor of the people of the North must belong to us!"

"God of War is sheltering us! His Hall of Spirits will leave a seat for our warriors. If we are destined to die here, let us see you at the banquet in the Hall of the Spirit!"

Saying a completely impossible eulogy, but his warrior still corresponds to his call.

Silently took a sip of the cold spirits, and they steadily stepped into a dark battlefield. Stepped into the abyss that has no return.

No hesitation, no timidity, no war in this righteousness, no sacredness, no evil, everyone is fighting for their own race. In order to be able to have more living space to fight, for their own race and family will not survive this cruel jihad.

The city wall has lost its meaning. Every moment, every place, there are soldiers who are bleeding. In the fight, human life becomes very worthless at this moment. They are all mortals of the physical body. Even if they are the war commanders of the Golden Order, a shovel that suddenly protrudes from a small bungalow can kill your life.

"The Castro tribe lost contact. Twenty minutes ago, Kagma also lost contact. The empty knights demanded to fight, this is their blood book!"

"Lund’s adults asked for reinforcements. Both of his two squads lost contact. He encountered obstacles. Many soldiers were missing. To complete the encirclement, more fighters are needed."

"The Wolf King marched smoothly and has reached the scheduled area, but his fallen soldiers have already lost more than 40%. He still refuses to withdraw."

Listening to a bad news, Emmon's eyes are twitching, the human stubbornness far exceeds expectations, and the **** heavy snow makes the battlefield into the most cruel flesh meat grinder.

"Tell those empty knights, don't give me any trouble at this time, now they don't know how they will fall off. If you die, you have to give me a valuable death. Help the army? Let the newly formed tribe give me the top. ......."

The commander hesitated for a moment, and the words of doubt had come to his lips and eventually swallowed.

Newly formed tribe? It was the composition of the remaining tribes that lost most of the tribes in the war. A group of people were wounded and defeated. They lost the chiefs, lost the tribes and totems, and they came together.

Perhaps they are not strong enough, but they are the seeds of the future, and when the seeds are to be filled with hunger, they also explain the orc's embarrassment from one side.

However, the military order is like a mountain. During this period of time, we can't wait for a moment of hesitation. Everyone knows the road where the brave people win. The person who can hold on to the end, who is the new master of this land, is now ready to compete and persevere.

The loss of the orcs is so great, and for humans, this battle is even harder to fight.

The melee without rules is a comprehensive assessment of individual strength. The loss of human defenders who lost their defense advantage has risen linearly, one to two, one to three, and even a local war casualty ratio of one to ten.

"We have long since retired, and there will be unarmed people in the back! Losing the Red Maple City, and losing the entire Northland is no different. We will become the sinners of the entire human society, and our ancestors have Shameful."

Human beings have more reasons to be unable to back down. The battle of this guardian can't be withdrawn. They are fighting to protect their homeland!

After all, the snow will stop, and the sky will eventually light up. At that time, I don’t know how many people will survive, and there are more people who survive there. It is naturally a winner.

And this night is not so good, the nightmare in the shadow is just about to move.


In the alley, an orc soldier left only an exclamation, and disappeared without a trace.

On the other side, the same fate happened to his companions, one by one. They were also dragged into **** by the black hand that suddenly appeared in the ground.


"Shamans, destroy me this city!"

When the men disappeared one by one. Lund finally couldn't sit still, and under his command, the elemental shamans cherished the magic that was not much. After communicating with the elements, the thunderstorms and large earthquake waves were summoned, and the whole city was The house was razed to the ground.

And the behind-the-scenes black hand that the orc soldiers are constantly missing is naturally exposed.


In front of you, it is a flower that is regarded as a rare luxury by the North. Lund took the opportunity to study and study in the South. The familiar branches and colorful petals are exactly the same as in the memory, just...

"This is too big!"

Yes, there is a garden in front of me, but the flowers in the garden are a bit strange, and the offensive spells that are enough to destroy the house have no effect on them. Among those flowers, there are many, but the sunflowers that grow more and more vigorously. They are two people high. The seemingly ordinary flower buds on the ground are actually three times as high as ordinary flowers.

A beautiful view of the red flowers and green grass. Lund, who had been through a hundred battles, took a breath of cold, and the strong sense of disharmony made him feel instinctively threatened. For example, the sense of crisis in the back of his hand made people instinctively want to run.

"Ah, isn't that the missing cartel? Those flowers are eating him!"

suddenly. Those flowers have turned collectively, but the original flower is growing with a big mouth. And the flower fertilizer that is bitten and chewed is not the missing colleague.

One more petal has only one mouth full of canine teeth. Although there are no eyes, everyone knows that they have locked themselves. It is the instinct of the predator to encounter natural enemies.

"I am broken!"

The scenes that were too weird made people feel cold, and Lund issued a command at the first time.

In the next moment, the screams of the same people screamed, and the wood vines on the ground were turned into snakes, and the orcs were suddenly hoisted. At the same time, the sunflowers that opened their mouths began to hunting.

"Hege strikes!"

The roaring bear king violently slammed the ground, enough to break the boulder's arms and slammed the ground. The violent storm began to tear the wood vines, and the shock wave spread instantly. The sacred order of the sacred moment instantly destroyed everything in front of you. Everything went to the end, but only the mourning and temporary screams of the same people.

"It's okay. Fast, it's too evil here, let's go."

When he snorted and sighed on the floor, he found the despair in his face, and when he turned back, he finally knew what was wrong with him all the time.

The hills not far away are slowly closing, but the place where they stand is in the hollow, and look carefully, what is the hill there, obviously a terrible **** mouth!

"We have been swaying on the mouth of this monster?"

The last sigh has no meaning, the sky is already dark, and the huge eater of the king of cannibals has finally closed his mouth, and his body is crisp, and the one that is only one step away from the orc emperor has died.

"The seven virtues are modest, but perhaps he is called another name - the **** eater's flower field is more appropriate."

Now that the worst results have been encountered, and the scheduled time has passed, the black cat destined to bring unfortunateness also wakes up from sleep.

"Oh, it’s a lovely group of children. It takes a little time to start, and it is also irrigated by their blood. Without so much irrigation of flowers and fertilizers, they will never be as good as long."

modest? virtue? It is the most incredible thing if the witch who makes the world's headaches can do something positive and positive.

Modesty is not a single plant. It is a flower field, a mixed flower field composed of countless kinds of cannibal plants. Their unique characteristics may be extremely high aggressiveness.

From the beginning of this war, Amyra planted a seed in Hongfeng City, and the extent to which this seed will eventually grow, but to see how much blood and soul at the bottom to irrigate.

Roland's arrogant Omar is undoubtedly the king of the Legion's operations, and for the ability of Orma's Legion, Amira designed this cannibal garden that also belongs to the Legion.

These piranhas' special digestive juices can easily melt the bones, and the soul grass will devour the soul, making the soulless spells of the Undead Master meaningless, and the nutrition gained in the battle can cause higher-order piranhas, and finally . After the giant land devourer appeared, the battle should be over.

undoubtedly. The war has given Emira's "modesty" too much nutrition. Even if there is no cycle of warfare, there are already several devourers who have been catalyzed and activated. The crisis garden has long been waiting for new prey. Xiong Wang Lund’s experience is not a minority.

"Oh, it seems that after this time, you will have to go forward again in the ranking of the natural disaster list."

"Oh, no more than Roland. I am far less crazy than him. So no humanity, so mad."

Herois is very eager to spit, Amyla, when you say these words, can you not regret it, look "I am not as good as him", you just want to compare who is more anti-human and has no bottom line.

"You really have anything to compare with him, do you like him so much?"

"Who! Who likes him. I hate him. When I get his technical information, I will make him a flower!"

As soon as he mentioned Roland, Amy's embarrassed became like a primary school student who had never talked about love. Herois still wanted to make two more sentences. The sister who jumped in the air suddenly stopped. There was a smile outside the window.


"Unexpectedly, I caught a big fish........ However, those who are out of control are a bit troublesome. Let’s take two small swallows. Well. Don’t kill, it should be very rare. The undead material. Roland will be very happy. If you are not sure, I will invite me to work together. Ah, I really miss those days."

Ok, think of it here, the school sister smiled shyly, and Herois’s desire to vomit is not known how to vent.

But suddenly, Amira turned her face and stunned.

"My little swallowing number two and the fourth moment were killed. This feeling........ The wilt of natural magic is the elves!"


The traitor is not to be trusted, this is undoubtedly the iron law of the battlefield, because you can betray once, then, when the price is higher, no one can guarantee that you will betray the second time.

Regardless of the history of the world, those rebels may end up with a high status, but they never get the true trust of the winner.

A gift from Cavens?

It’s just a letter from Roland’s letter, and a letter. Even the sender is the same as Rose, but the signature of this signature is the abyss prince Cavans.

Well, in fact, the content of what, do not have to elaborate, nothing more than "you are the ghosts of the idea we all know, Roland is not to give you a spirit of the elf, the price of our side is higher, anyway, you still If you don’t stand out and return to the embrace of chaos, the previous things are not going to go, I want the group of elves to be your subordinates.

Of course, there was a little threat in the end. I mentioned a little about the domain of Rose in the bottomless abyss, and watched the devils and aristocrats tour groups.

Rose is undoubtedly the ancestor and spiritual master of the Dark Elves, and the loyalty and stupidity of the Dark Elves seem to be synonymous, and Rose's own character can be imagined.

So, Rose, who has betrayed once, betrayed the second time without hesitation in the face of higher prices.

Of course, this is only part of the reason. At a deeper level, Rose is simply not satisfied with the priesthood of the patron saint of the Northland. She wants the priesthood of the patron saint of the North, and this has just fallen to the sleepless In the hands.

Then, without driving humans out of the North, she would not be the true master of this land. So, after she had just won the victory of the Elven Civil War, she did not hesitate to give the orcs a snow.

Perhaps it should be said that since the original goal of the alliance has already been obtained, what I want more is right in front of me, so I directly smashed my face. The letter of Cavans only gave her a reason to help her resolutely rebel. .

At this time, the new darling of Rose, the high-level natural master who erased the devourer of the earth, stood beside Emmon, and looked at everything in front of him with amazement.

"I didn't expect to make a turn, we are still back here."

"Oh, it’s just that you were our ally last time, and you are still a human being. This time, it’s an allied dog, holding his bones and pouting."

Emmon. Blood Axe, but unceremonious, smirked at the elf mage in front of him. He looked down on the man who was unscrupulous and unbelievable from his bones. In particular, he had already betrayed his own people, even though he was once a king.

Yes, this long-eared elf mage was indeed a king. Yatrine of the tassel kingdom was kneeling, but at this time, he was grayed out, not a noble moon elf, but a Invest in Rose's new breed 堕. Falling Elf.

At this time, in the face of the sneer of the beastly barbarians who looked down on the past, the original Elf King was full of iron and blue, and finally, turned and left.

"I am not wrong, I am not wrong, I am for the continuation of my family, I am not wrong! I am not wrong!"

However, unconsciously, his nails have been turned into his own hands, and no blood is known.

PS: A chapter of nearly 5,000 words is offered, there is still a chapter tonight, but it is estimated to be late, look at the hard work, recommend tickets.......

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