The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 194: Unexpected reinforcements

Too much erosive erosion began to erode the whole world. As a true god, Felix has been waiting for this plane for too long. His essence of power has begun to erode the rules of the plane and transform the whole space into his own land.

The gray-violet dark clouds converge in mid-air, and the new snowflake is actually purple-purple. The airy whirlwind in the air carries a slightly sweet scent, but people who accidentally smell it feel dizzy.

The large area with Felix as the core has no trees and vegetation. All the plants are dead. If the small animals or the like die, they will have deformed and changed into the most terrible ogre.

The war between mankind and the true God is still going on. Even if the incarnation of the true God comes, the defenders still have not given up, and they have blocked the gap, or they have to delay the time and delay....

This is a war that does not see the hope of victory, or, to be fair, it is a crushing massacre.

In an increasingly distorted world, toxins have been soaked in every breath, and every moment, people suddenly fall down.

The warriors who resisted the spider on the front line fell quickly under the venom and claws with divine power.

If it were not for fear of toxins, but the heroic army that had no fear of sacrifice served as the main force to contain it, the distant battleships of the guns had caused enough trouble for Felix. I am afraid that the battle has collapsed.

But this is not a way to go down. There is no way to look at it. The hard-working strong people of the northern countries are inexplicably falling. Even if the British spirits are taking the lead, many of them are sent back to the spirits of the sleepless. temple.

"Is this the power of the gods? It is really desperate. If such a presence appears in Oran..."

Drop the engineering telescope on a high platform away from the battlefield. Hemet, who was worried, could only shake his head helplessly.

Initially, the Oran Empire sent him and a team of White Wolf Guards as volunteers for volunteer support. They only collected the Northern Intelligence while transporting supplies (Dassos’s ambitions have not been extinguished), but no one is also Did not expect. An orc raid in history is almost a three-and-a-half, and eventually it will become such a cruel battlefield.

"Is this a holy war? Everyone has completely smashed their eyes. The legendary heroes and true gods who have rarely seen in the past have jumped out. The silver and gold powers of various countries have become treasures of the battlefield. Oh, they fall. After a dozen or so, we train a silver powerhouse that does not rely on equipment. It takes at least ten years."

Hemet's sighs came from the bottom of his heart, and the war would escalate to such a level, no doubt exceeding everyone's expectations.

Up to now, in order to compete for racial interests and living space, the northern humans, elves, and orcs have all played, and all the northern residents have already set aside everything.

This is just over two months. The immortal existence that has fallen is already a lot, not to mention the elemental god, even the true **** has fallen down, just the new god's position, it will inevitably shock the big news of the whole world.

In addition to the war on the bright side, between the faint sacred, the **** of elements and the inhabitants of the underground world are also involved. Countless war weapons will change this era. Now, even the true God does not care about the face and directly participate in the war. I am afraid that no one can say that the war in the north is a small family.

"If jihad is the battlefield of this kind of intensity, I am afraid that even the super empire can't last for a long time. It seems that going back to discuss it with His Majesty and the Queen. Oh, it is good to be lucky to live."

Shake his head and dispel the extra thoughts, then. He gave a magical crystal with enough information to the long-awaited Griffin Knight.

"Give me the sire of Dasos."

"Then you? You are not going to leave? You still leave with me."

The fear of the Griffin Knight is not superfluous. If Red Maple City is lost, the orc and toxin gods will not open because Hemet is an Oran, but at this time, Hemet shook his head.

"I plan to see the end. This war is worth the exchange of life for first-hand intelligence. And... I still don't think humans will lose!"

The Griffin Knight soared into the sky and flew toward the south, and when the feathers falling in the sky fell on Hemet's hand, there was a slightly heavy footstep behind it.

For Hemet, he already knows who is coming.

"You want to fight? You also saw that in this level of battle, you are just cannon fodder."

There is no silence after the silence, but it shows the determination of the white wolf knights. Even if they are just the guest army, they sit on the same family and die, the people are slaughtered, and they have nothing to do, but they are the knights. Not willing to do it.

Can only be used as cannon fodder? It’s not a new rookie on the battlefield. How can you not know the difference in strength? But even if you know that there is a thorn in front of you, the knights are still full of perseverance, their eyes are firm, their arms are firmly held on their arms, and they have been fighting since the launch. The intention has been burning, and the blood is boiling.

"The knights fought for righteousness, and they vowed to sacrifice blood against evil and evil."

"The knights fight for the guardian. They treat the weak, but when the knife is aimed at the innocent old, weak and sick, they will become the most solid flesh and blood barrier."

"The knights fight for the kingship. They guard their homeland and loyal to the lord, but great justice is their true code of conduct. If the two conflict, they will listen to their own heart and make choices."

At that moment, the ancient knight spirit did not seem to be outdated, silent silence, these knights loyal to the monarch, made their own choice.

It seems that this is the result, and Hemet shook his head.

"....... It seems that I have said something extra, letting you back down just to make the White Wolf Knight shame, let the Oran Empire be looked down upon by these small countries. Go, give me a good performance, don't let the North look down on our Oran People, I saw our white wolf knight in Oran."

"White wolf....."

....... Wansheng! ”

It was the roar of the White Wolf Knight. After this short and loud battle, after the Cavaliers who did not intend to turn back, the fragmentary footsteps gradually drifted away, and Hemet shook his head. Put your attention into the battle.

The knight has the duties of a knight, the military division has the task of a military division, and now the most important thing for himself is to collect enough battlefield information at this time. Some intelligence values ​​are so high that they can be changed. Every moment is precious, and you can't relax a little.

Then, what I saw in the telescope made people feel a little confused.

"That Roland, why stop? Um? They are hiding."


Carodian, the tiger, was the chief elected by the plain orcs and was the convenor of the joint operation.

He is famous in the North. In a sense, he is also an old acquaintance of Renee, among the orcs who were repulsed at the time. There is his existence.

Throughout the orc society, Carodian is a famous radical. Every year the joint meeting of the chiefs can hear him shouting "To sweep the East and hit San Antonio", but at this time he is consistently decisive, but full The face hesitated, faintly between. It seems that there is still some regret.

"There is no doubt that here is a decisive battle with the elves? It doesn't make sense to think about it."

War is the extension of politics. No war of interests will want to fight. Emmon will give the plain orcs. It is natural for both sides to fight against human beings at the same time and divide the other's territory.

Of course, in the end, even if you can win, you can divide the amount, depending on the strength ratio of the two sides. Now it is not worthwhile to put valuable troops in an inexplicable place and inexplicable enemies.

"That's a bird? A dragon knight? No! That's Superman.... Hey. No, it's just a bare-chested muscle man wearing a panties! Vomit! So disgusting!"

Soon, Carodian did not hesitate, and the huge shadow that fell in the sky just fell into the two armies.


The man slammed into the ground. But in a moment, a meditator's gesture was put in, and when everyone looked at him, he suddenly raised his arms, bent his elbows, and doubleed his fists, posing a front-end double-folding that showed off his muscles. The head muscles move, then, a smile is revealed.

"loveandpeace (love and peace)! Please stop, the world is so beautiful, we should not war! Makelovenowar

(We want to love each other, don't war!)"

The white teeth are reflecting, and the muscular man smiles very sunny. The more he speaks, the louder he speaks. In the end, he actually sings.

The most uncomfortable thing is that he has always been a muscle monster, but he has a beautiful face that can be sneaked into a girl's cartoon. His face is still a shyness of the secret. Such a sharp contrast is even more uncoordinated.

"Give me the death!"

Well, Caroline did not hesitate to shout out the voices of the broad-eyed people, and his subordinates had executed his orders as quickly as possible.

Don't say that the orc is impulsive. At that moment, both Anne and Suanna have the urge to call people to throw arrows.

But unfortunately, all the bows have not reached his side, they have landed, as if there is an invisible barrier.

"Hey, this is a child who is not awkward. Then let me teach you about Omar, what is love!"

The forefront of the double latissimus dorsi, the posterior biceps muscles, the lateral triceps, one by one, the body movements that can not withstand the vomiting impulse, Omar's body and mind are shining, in the next moment, countless The undead army appeared out of thin air.

"My heart is all my nation. As the land of my king, it is our land. I love the undead, they love me too. This is my ultimate love!"

A gorgeous flying kiss was thrown at the shackles, and the madness of the eyes was not to be drunk, and the cerebral palsy that was controlled by them actually made a shy gesture, and those poor wisdom undead...

For the first time, Anne knew that the undead would be disgusting to vomit on the ground.

But the strength is indeed the most hard pass, even if it is obviously a change of state, but the dense army of the undead has made the excited orcs retreat.

"Is it Oma? Bone.....Roland should be unable to support it. Please go to support."

"Oh, are you the little red-haired Anne? Little Reinhardt and I talked about you, as in the information, you are really cute, do you have any ideas to go out with me as an idol star?" I have recently compiled a lot of new beautiful movements and dance music. If we form a dance combination, it will definitely shock the whole world."

"It is to scare the whole world."

Well, Amway knows at least that it’s really a big deal. At least spit and complain is still very small.

"How is it more outrageous than I heard, I haven't heard of these problems..."

But the next moment, Omar's answer, but everyone understands.

"Do not worry, my father has already had reinforcements. It is really a funny person. In the understanding of love, I really grew a lot, I am not as good as myself."


When the black spots in the distance are getting bigger and bigger, the real image is obtained from the perception, and my eyebrows are not twitching. It is of course a good thing to have reinforcements. But if the reinforcements are the one, I think it is better to fight alone.

"That is a bird? A dragon knight? No! That is Superman.... Oh, no, it is a sad wind! Ah, hide!"

In the field of vision, the black spots are getting bigger and bigger. Then he slammed into the ground and collapsed a small building and took out an open space.

"What's wrong? Is it dead?"

The exclamation next to him must be an outsider who is not familiar with the guy, after all...

"No, no, it is the world of Ai Xi. The guy will not die."

How can people who are familiar with him not know that the gentleman is not dead.

"Ah, almost died."

Sure enough, the next moment, in the miscellaneous soil of the ruins, the guy stretched out his head, and his face was spared, but I knew that he must be taken again by himself.

"Bastard half-dragon! Next time I will pull my scales, I will touch it everywhere. I will throw you inside the volcano!"

Above the clouds, it was a roar, it was a thunderstorm, and then a purple dragon was born in the clouds. After landing, it turned into a human form, but instead stared at the legendary hunters who were trying to talk about other legends.

“Lei Xunlong? Is this your animal partner?”

I heard that the grief uses his own dragon blood, and a Lei Xunlong formed an alliance covenant, and only Lei Xunlong, who is also known for his action in the dragon, can have a sad night. Arrived here from Antun.

"If you can come, it's really good, but if you come, it's useless. Let's let Adam come."

I am really not a small kid, the opponent is the **** of toxins Felix, a legendary hunter plus a young dragon, but also does not have much weight on the balance of strength, it is better to let the dragon carry Adam come.

But then, I heard the familiar smirk.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to trust me."

Looking back, isn't that the best used meat shield Adam? At this time, he is all covered in "chi luo", full of all kinds of magic lines.

It turned out that when Lei Xunlong just landed, he unfolded a huge magic carpet carrying it. On top of it, all kinds of magic lines and magic arrays have been drawn, and when this simple circle and Antun’s nucleus resonate, Margaret will be able to use the remaining casting materials for another transmission, and the target of transmission is naturally Adam who is smirking at the moment.


I laughed with joy and kicked Adam out with great feet.

"Give me a meat shield, I will use an absolute safe time of fifteen minutes or so!"

Well, I don't mention how the naked man is so uncomfortable going to the battlefield. There is this top meat shield, and the pressure of other soldiers is immediately reduced, and I have the possibility to do something.

Herois just pointed out the attributes of the other party, and recruited Felix's key hospitality. I am afraid that there is nothing in the realm that can hold Felix. Without me, I can't do anything big. Now the meat shield comes. Now, you can finally use that trump card.

Singing the curse of the Ice Age? Let's not mention the big mantra that can't be done in an hour or two. I don't mention whether I am burning life and can release such a curse, not to mention the super serious consequences of this curse. I think That wide-ranging curse, probably can't do it.

Moreover, I feel that if I start to recite the curse, it will shock the magical fluctuations of the heavens and the earth. It is simply asking Felix to obliterate me at all costs. In the past, I have the cover of the undead army. Now I don't have this capital.

If the opponent is an endless orc, I can't do anything, but if the opponent is a real god, I really reserve a card that is not a card. It is a doomed violation and endless trouble. The card, but it is also the trump card I prepared for this situation.

And it is really the existence of this card, so I dare to face Cavans alone. After all, after so many years, if Cavans turned his face, it is entirely possible. How can I appear in front of him without self-protection? .

It was also the good speech of Cavans that led to the preservation of this trump card to the present.

At this time, since the other party has completely violated the rules, I will step on the bottom of the rules, and naturally do not have to worry about getting trouble.

And as expected, just starting to prepare for the spell, the venom that spilled over the sky spewed over here.

I didn't even look at it, or I was dedicated to my preparation. After all, I believe that someone will block these troubles for me.

"Oh, my underwear! It’s over, it’s going to be a shame."

Sure enough, Adam blocked the venom for me, but the corrosive poisonous fog attack, directly letting his remaining piece of clothing reimbursed, directly naked.

"Pause! Wait for me to change my pants.... Hey, I said that I have paused. Why are you so unruly? This lady, can you lend me your skirt? Feed, don't run, I really It’s not change! I just watched you wear less, it looks like it’s easy to take off.”


Ok, let's ignore this actually looking for a female mage to borrow a robe, and the result is left outside the state of the slap, but the result of his presence did give me enough safe time, so I made up my mind to turn this up. Zhang ace.

"God is falling!"

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