The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 214: Contract and teaching

To tell the truth, it is very happy to have a hometown in the country, especially if you still owe your money, and promised to pay interest again...

[System: This is enough, you have not finished! 】

Cough, get down to business, finally do not have to go to the flies to earn living expenses, it can be considered a lot of energy savings, after all, those goblin heads are also dissatisfied, it is also very difficult to deal with.

However, their efforts have caused another effect, and the belief of the godless sleeper of the law has been greatly spread.

Of course, it is impossible to expect them to actively promote the concept of the rule of law. Even if the law of the law prohibiting crime is very helpful to the goblin whose personal strength is low, but for the sake of money, they have long been on the edge of legality and illegality. How can I take the initiative to find trouble for myself.

What was spread by them is another doctrine that belongs to the sleepless person - the contract.

This priesthood in Oran has not yet been accepted by human society, but the goblins have been greatly used. The "insurance" is obviously a kind of contract, and the protection of the "weak" and the recognition of the contract by the true God, let the goblin We are very welcome to this new thing.

It is a little bit problematic.

"Respected God of Insurance does not sleep, please listen to my prayers, let me sell more insurance today."

Well, if you mistake the name of God, the **** of insurance is not the **** of business. Why should you bless your business smoothly, cough, and say wrong... What does this insurance **** mean? Actually, there is no **** punishment. ? Is the sleepless person a tolerant god? Absolutely impossible.

"Fortunately, I made a mistake in the name of God, and prayer is invalid, otherwise..."

Well, some people have already said the truth. This kind of mistaken prayer of the name of God is like dialing the wrong number. It is naturally meaningless, but it can definitely anger any cleric who sees this trip. .

But sometimes, fakes can also be confusing, and some wrong concepts are integrated to a certain extent. It really can affect the concept of the true **** itself. In order to not name the weaker person who is not called the insurance **** in the future, I intend to let the law church act once again.

At the very least, you can't let the goblins be so foolish, insurance, such a good profit, or maybe you can try to intervene.

but now. This contract engraved with the **** of the law is no doubt better than the devil's contract, and in order to make these contracts more effective, those iron-clad **** actually built the church of the **** of the law in Carol, without sleep. The sculpture of the person is more golden.....well, the golden pigment. They can't bear the lovely gold to make useless decorations.

Although I have a lot of opinions on more and more Jingjing as a **** of insurance, I must admit that they spread the insurance contract and other new contracts, but they also expanded the priesthood and the gods of the **** of the law. Great good.

"Maybe, negotiate with Goblin. To come to a wholesale price of a contract, attach a condition to let it promote the complete teachings of the **** of the law, and they should be very effective in using their ability to make business a different place."

Thinking about it, a scene suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, a goblin wearing a suit with a gentleman's hat, a gentle and gentle knock on your door, handed a business card.

"Excuse me. Do you know sleepless people? Don't know? That's great.....oh, no, it's a pity, we don't sleep the church.... Now join, there are also three years of accidents." One insurance. If you add a hundred gold coins, you can also apply for a VIP membership card for free upgrade to accidental explosion insurance."

Think of this terrible scene come true. I am afraid that the clerics of the Law Society will be equated with the ubiquitous insurance salesmen. In order to prevent the sleepless people from being used as the **** of psoriasis advertising, I immediately decided to give up this idea.

And now the most important, but still .....

"Ah, ah. I can return the ‘world’ to me at this time.”

The legendary task is triggered, and the number of points given is definitely quite a lot, but unexpectedly, it is not the **** of the earth element, Umdi Luoken, but a selective task of "double dragons", let me worship Choose between the Empire and the Kingdom of the Master to increase your reputation as much as possible.

Obviously, if I chose the country of the Master and pulled them into the water, it would be good to build reputation as much as possible in the battle against Umdi Roken.

The rewards given are also the large number of points I need most. If you choose to kill the Emperor Roken to improve your reputation, the material of the earth that is the perfect "world" for the spoils will not be less.

But I am not happy at all, because this selective task clearly implies something.

"The country of the Master and the Bayer Empire are fighting?"

Hearing, Kayd nodded bitterly.

"Although there is no comprehensive war, there are hundreds of conflicts in the border in a month. Hundreds of spies are caught every day, and the corps of the other side is also very obvious. It seems that Bayer’s declaration of war is only a matter of time."

"What the Oros XIII was thinking? Did the war of the super empire be provoked before the jihad? Did he eat the brain by the devil!"

I don’t even have to ask questions. I still have some understanding of the Truth Council. As long as the big system remains unchanged, their powers are basically not interested in the land, reputation, and the like. The country of the Master has not changed its own for thousands of years. In the territories, there is basically no possibility of actively provoking war.

And the Bayer Empire..... In fact, the human super empire is basically a virtue, and pride is a matter of course. A neuropathy that thinks that you are an emperor, the surrounding countries will have to toss a hundred years, but each The super-empire is very thick and it is very tossing. Fortunately, there are small countries between the major countries as buffer zones.

But I have also heard of Oros, who has been in office for more than 30 years, but has always been a firm hawk, a war in foreign countries, and recently all surrendered in the 13th League of the Moon, directly tearing off the country of the Master. Buffer zone.

"The mad estimate is not crazy. It is probably to see the busyness of other countries during the jihad. They can hurry and expand."

"Hey, do they think they can escape? Stupid."

Kayd shook his head.

"Bayer is a landlocked country. There are no aliens in or outside the country. I am afraid that this holy war is really difficult and difficult to pull them. The stalls of our country of the Master are too big, they are estimated to be directed at our technology. It’s really a bit of a problem.”

I opened my mouth. In the end, I still didn't say anything. After all, the undead plane just happened to have a mouth open in the capital of Bayer. I couldn't explain the source of the news. If I spoke freely, I would endless troubles. Moreover, it is impossible to verify whether "history" and "future" really overlap.

It is worth mentioning that when I sent the news of the imminent invasion of the undead to the countries in the name of the reign of Reunion, basically no one believed that ridicule and criticism were quite a lot.

"The North said that the undead natural disaster is about to strike? Hehe. It seems that they have been scared by the defeat of Xiluo, and let the undead natural disaster come. The long-term disaster of more than one hundred years has not brought us any more. Nowadays."

"Dong Dong? The legendary Roland? To warn us about a new round of catastrophe?" This is not a mouse to remind the granary that it is not safe. Are you sure you are not laughing again?"

Ok, anyway, I can do everything I do, and you can’t listen to it. But now, it is clear that we have to make a choice.

"The country of the Master, don't worry, I have hated the stupid **** emperor."

When I made the choice, the pothole system actually gave me a benefit, so that I could borrow the "world" three times and throw a progress bar.

[11.7%, -3421]

The latter one is the number of debt points that grow completely irregularly. The previous one cannot be understood.

But no matter how I ask, the system is in a strange silence, and the progress bar is raised a little, and my debt is soaring, it is not the way it is calculated.

In desperation, I tried to experiment with the "world" and then I understood it instantly. Then I regretted it instantly..... I wasted a rare opportunity.

The "world" is still empty, the air is still frozen, but there is more than the past, at least the stability has increased significantly.

"..... The system has changed. Is it going to take the proud route? Actually, I really helped me. Without guessing it, it is helping me to stabilize the ‘world’. It still makes me play a white strip.”

In terms of collecting money, the system is still reliable. It never insists on white work. It always insists on the basic "principles" of not collecting money and not doing anything, and how much it will be charged. This time, it is better to help in the name of debt. People are surprised.

The system is in a strange stagnation period. Don't say that my question is ignored. The panel is nothing but the progress bar. It is like a computer that crashes due to overloading, but also from one side. It explains the importance of the "world", it is important to let the system put everything down and put all the strength to perfect it!

But the inability to use the system does not mean that I have nothing to do. On the contrary, in order to improve my reputation and to meet the needs of future combat, I have recently done a lot of "little things".

In the Arena of Caro, it is often the place where other races solve personal grievances. The "smart" masters never like the collapse of barbarians, but these days, they are filled with mages.

At this time, on the court, a battle between a silver armor and a great mage is underway. The mage can't build a wall, trying to block the warrior's closeness, and the controlled earth element warrior is also acting as a barrier.


The earth wall that was enough to resist the giant was directly knocked open. The warrior just lowered his head and raised his shield to protect his head, ignoring the sub-soil elements that the other party summoned.


The earth wall that had just risen this time, the earth element was not enough to solidify, and it was actually hit.

The Master who was caught off guard was still chanting, and the sword had arrived in front of him, and his face was so scared that the pale Master quickly raised his hand and surrendered.

"Victor, Roland! Congratulations, 17-game winning streak!"

Take off the helmet, with some strange 59-type paladin smile, waving to the onlookers, immediately provoked more cheers.

"It seems that I am still a knife."

As a paladin who used to serve as a facade and sponsor, it is not enough to use the face brush reputation, but it is not enough.

So, I smiled and extended my hand to the loser, pulled him up, and began to explain the battle.

"It’s a good idea to block high-speed fighters with ambushed earthen wall traps, but sometimes it’s too obvious. If you just put a small trap under the earth wall, as long as the opponent loses balance, even if it’s just In a flash, it is enough to become a lore. Moreover, you only care about the vertical wall, can't you dig a hole behind the wall? Just cover the other's line of sight, the high-speed warrior has just crossed the earth wall, crossed the earth wall, and rushed too fast. It is very likely that it will fall directly into the pit."

"Oh oh!"

Not only did the mage feel grateful and nodded, but other spectators also took out their notebooks and couldn't keep records. Such combat tips and practical experience were not able to be taught in any classroom because of their combat experience for powerful fighters.

“The college sorcerer has a bad problem and always likes to crush opponents with gorgeous big spells. In fact, high-level spells are too slow and obvious, but they are not a big threat to experienced high-ranking warriors, but as long as they are hit. The position is terrible, a small ice arrow can kill people, and the simple low-level spell combination is the king of the high-ranking warrior."

Yes, this is a field warfare, and it is also my attempt to increase my reputation. After all, in the world of Master, I can teach a lot of magical knowledge, but a practical mage who can teach combat experience and practical skills is doomed. Less pitiful.

Yes, the Master, although playing the role of the warship profession in the battle, I face them as the swordsman who is also a swordsman, which is the basis for them to accept me.

The same teaching between the Masters is that losing is acceptable, but if the fighters continue to defeat the Master, it will undoubtedly cause unnecessary trouble.

As the brother of their top magister Kayd, I am naturally their mentor, which reduces the hostility of the other party, and as an old monster that has lived for hundreds of years, no matter how ridiculous I am, I will be normalization.

"May the light of the light be with you!"

The glorious glory of the fall, the wound of the defeated Master began to compound, even the skin exudes a pinkish pink, but the surrounding is flat, after all, this is not the first time.

"Thirteen times of holy healing! Is this adult still part-timed the legendary Paladin?"


Undoubtedly, the good name of the paladin will make it easier for me to brush up my reputation. At least, my adventurous adventure story is already taken seriously by everyone.

And if other people were surprised at the beginning, Kayd was directly shocked to the chin dislocated.

"Roland, who is greedy, sinister, sinister, and sinister (three crosses in the province), can actually become a paladin. Is the rumor that the **** of the light has been smashed is true?"

Ok, I am greedy and ruthless (under the province) to avenge, ah, Kayd, your boy remembers very clearly, um, after two days, let you see how I remembered my vengeance.

"It’s hard for you, that group of kids is convinced." Kayd, you continue to be happy, my name of Loli control will be spread throughout the city for you.

I still want to tease him, but suddenly, a flying horse brings a messenger. From the appearance of waving to me, the letter I have been waiting for has finally arrived.

"Kaid, it seems that time is up, our plan is about to begin."

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