The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 22: Good people are hard to do

"I am a good person, I am really a good person."

This has almost become my mantra. Every time I say this, the expression and attitude of the audience will be very strange and subtle.

"Oh, today's weather is good, very windy and beautiful, especially suitable for camping out. Yes, we Tauren people are really not interested in forage, next camp can not bring forage, bring steak. I like three mature The blood is the most delicious."

This is the answer to the stupid cow who loves to eat beef. Although it is obviously a topic of transfer, it is the most comfortable answer.

"Oh, the owner is really funny, but this joke is a bit outdated."

"Haha, good man? I am laughing at you, you are a good person, I am a love lover!" Adam really did not give a face.

"No, it is Roland who has become a good person. You can't be a love lover. But Adam's goal is very high, love holy? Do you want me to build a city owner for you? Palace, wide beauty?" Fast, Margaret's substantial resentment, let Adam know what is called a curse, ah, this is naturally, I told Margaret.

Well, most people who know a little about me probably react with Eliza and Adam's idiots and use my "good guy theory" as another joke.

However, in my concept, I am really trying to be a good person.

"As a lich, if I go to help the old lady cross the road, I am afraid that the old lady will immediately call the city management to save lives. However, in addition to evil is also good, killing a villain, how can it be more effective than doing ten small good things? Let the whole city operate in order, let the ordinary people have a good life, how to look, it is also worth 100,000 good results."

But unfortunately, my evil lich system is dead and alive, and he still lays out one day after another to do evil.

However, these tasks are not done and can't be done. I always repost the evil points. How can I be resurrected, but as a law enforcer, it is impossible to be arrogant, so I always need to rack my brains to bring these devastating daily tasks. Become a mischief that does not violate the legal bottom line.

"Put hundreds of people on the ground and roll, desperate to collapse? Try to tickle hell..." The sequela of this is the chicken feathers used to make the itch-filled squares to win huge tickets and post-processing for me. cost....

"The public kills a smart creature, the worse the death is, the better? This is simple, it is you, Jun Jun, a wisdom increase, and then the full ten torture torture hospitality, huh, huh, first five horses are good, or a thousand good Eliza, lend me the needle of your make-up. What is it used for? Of course, it is a scalpel."

The aftereffect of this incident is that Eliza didn't care for me for a week. She didn't come close to me within three meters a month. My eyes were scornful. When I had to shout, the exit was "bug owner".....

So Hu Lai started to work naturally very hard, but later, it was full of fun to fight with the city management, huh? I seem to know why Xuexi and Lilith always join the battle camp with the city management. The ancients said yes, happiness and change, the state is contagious.

Well, as a law enforcement person, I always have trouble with the city management. I have to find a chance to talk about them. (Mystery: Do you have a face to say them?!)

Cough, it seems to go on the subject again, and get down to business.

I used to wonder why the system was slow to admit that I was a good person. I once wondered if I would be an evil lich forever, but one day, when I roared at a criminal, I figured it out inexplicably. .

"Do you think that killing the other father, and then paying all the property to compensate the other's daughter, do a moral compensation, you are not guilty? You are self-deception! Hypocrisy!"

"No matter what you did, the crime has already been committed. The victim's pain has become a fact at the moment of your crime. No matter how you argue or compensate afterwards, you can't change the crime you have committed. Only accept the law. Judgment and sanctions can cleanse your sins. If you really regret it, you will give me a good prison to reform, redeem, and come out to be clean."

Not to mention the impulsive murderer who was sentenced to 15 years in prison for pleading because of the victim’s daughter’s pleading.

When the case was closed, at the moment of the court, I collapsed, and the powerlessness that I had never experienced haunted me...

In the unoccupied quiet room, kneeling on the chair, licking his head, but only seeing the bones of the bones left, I figured it out completely.

No matter what I do in the future, the past crimes are always on my back. The soul that died because of me is enough to fill the whole river. No matter how many people I save and how many good things I have done, I am still a sinner. I even have my own heart. Can't lie, how can the system recognize that I have become a good person.

"The monument to the Code before the Supreme Court is still the motto I wrote by myself. [The crimes that can be cleared, only the fair trial and the sanctions of the Code, no one can be an exception.]"

But unfortunately, it seems that no one can judge me now, then, naturally, I can only continue to be between good and evil, waiting for the day of judgment that may never come....

Perhaps, in my heart, I also vaguely noticed that the sinner who almost destroyed the world sat on the judge's department and judged the small sinner who killed several people. How ironic and ridiculous....

"Hah, I am a hypocrisy. I am not saying that I am stupid like a peace of mind. I just think that Ai Xi’s mainland has not yet been destroyed. Since the original 'history' has proved that there is no way to normalize the way. After that big catastrophe, then let me try this hypocrite.

Yes, I did it this way, but now I have a little trouble.

At this time, receiving the "bystander" information, attacking the east gate of Sulphur Mountain City, is the Blackwater Legion of Karon City, which is the guardian of the city's steelback pig orc.

Well, "哼哼" is the name of the orc city owner. Please respect the tradition of the pig orc who used the name of the cub when he was born.

But unfortunately, another side effect of this custom is that as long as the pig orc gathers to say "Hey, I am doing you X", then there are often three or four hundred cockroaches to find you trouble. ....

Once there was a wise man of the Flying Red Pig family, he invented the way to name the number behind the name to solve the problem, but unfortunately, the pig orcs who are not very intelligent can often count the toes at most. Ten, this method is really lack of maneuverability, and can only helplessly.

Well, the Creator is probably fairly fair, although the pig orc is mentally irritating, ugly and stupid, and it’s reminiscent of the pig house, but they are born with divine power, thick and fleshy, and most importantly, they are especially capable of giving birth to any race. As long as the number base goes up, there will always be geniuses of variation, and the strong will not be less.

The Blackwater Legion is such an example. Every recruit is selected from thousands of pig orcs, and then fights each other, killing and staying strong, and finally the one that survived in the ten, becomes the glorious master of the city. Guards.

Although the Blackwater Legion is full of only 3,000 people, with the obvious weakness of the slow pace of the infantry sprint, but the average level is up to 50 silver steps, is also a classic orc mad warrior with shaman priest combination, pigs orcs natural skin and rough meat Thick, Shaman then opened a bloodthirsty demon, such a heavy infantry team launched crazy, is the number of moving meat mountain, the frontal collision is difficult to resist, quite famous.

Of course, this is even in the underground world of strong hands, if such a heavy army appears on the ground, at least one of the Royal Guards of the human empire.

Fifteen minutes ago, there were nearly a thousand blackwater heavy infantry and dark shamans. They rushed along the opened Dongdaemun and ran straight through the unscrupulous.

It seems that in order to show the underground covenant and completely win the sulphur mountain city, the lord of the city is also willing to send nearly half of the family, and the corrupt members of the parliament can always hide them outside the city.

The latest and the opposite of them, but the first to receive the report of the dark elf city management patrol squad, they only have a small team full of ten people.......

Covering the ordinary citizens to escape, a small team of dark elves of the Paladin will not die, and the dark elves are often quite beautiful, the pigs orcs are naturally cruel and good, color, they do not even pick and die...

The corpse was swallowed while being tricked, and the servant's body of the servant was turned into a toy of the orc, and perhaps the pigs and the orcs were distracted for their military discipline and stupidity. They even began to compete for the priority of enjoying the "trophy". .

At this time, when I arrived, it was such a **** of human beings.

"H, but I am glad that it is still an evil lich system. As long as you want, you can become stronger and more simple. After all, the wicked need wicked people to grind, what else can be evil more evil, more arrogant than the mob People are happy."

The cold and vicious curse resonates in the soul, and the endless killings roar in the mind, eventually turning into cold words.

"kill them!"


PS. In order to improve the quality, the main line has been adjusted, and tomorrow two are more prepared.....

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