This is the temple of the giants. The huge purple gemstone gate is tall enough to allow the Titan giants to go side by side. The towering ceiling is like a cloud, and there are several dragons soaring indoors. The masonry is even rare. Jade white jade.

The murals on both sides of the temple are legendary stories of countless myths. It is an epic battlefield in which the enemies are powerful, ancient gods, legendary demons, and countless extinct creatures that cannot be distinguished. The protagonist of the giant **** of the gods is the master of the temple, the **** of the earth god, Erdi Roken.

The owner of the former earth element is the ancient **** standing at the top. In the eyes of all the immortals, this legendary name also represents this endless years and past, and there is a period of epic legend.

The true God of a generation has fallen, and it has risen, and it still exists, and has carved its own traces in history, which has already explained his power.

Countless years, let Umdi Luoken set up his own nest into a sacred hall of glory. In the past, it was full of worshippers and faithful servants who came from thousands of miles, and Umdiro sat high. The throne, overlooking the life.

Nowadays, the empty space here, the only visitor, standing in the square, is like an ant in the temple, but it is still the most sinister and the most dangerous challenger.

"Emdi Roken, come out, I know you are hiding here! If you don't come out, I will go and smash the elemental throne!"

" do you know that I am not dead."

The familiar voice echoed in the hall, and the suppressed words were filled with anger and hatred, and were pushed from the brilliant clouds to this corner. It is caused by the "ant" in front of you. How can he not complain? Do not hate.

His anger is like thunder, but it is directly ignored by me. I don't have a lot of plans, and then I plan to give my opponent a chance to turn over.

In fact, from the very beginning, I knew that he could not fall down. The **** of the highest old element is not just the honorary title. When the forces on our side have an overwhelming advantage, Mdi Roken was not showing up. I almost guessed what choice he would make.

"Pretend not to find and privately arrange? I plan to win without fighting, you ask me how to draw conclusions? Because if I am in this situation, I will do the same!"

When your strength is at its lowest point, in the face of a hostile enemy, the winning percentage is no more than 20%. Then, this battle naturally has to be avoided.

But as the **** of elements, here is your own home, it is impossible to escape without fighting, even if you run away. The opponent will inevitably chase after the end, and the seriously injured one is likely to be dug out of the corner. And if it is destined to fight a war that must be lost, it is even more stupid.

The self-sufficient people are the immortal people who have passed through countless disasters. From a certain meaning, they are not a good person. The choice made by Umdi Luoken is probably different from mine.

"Is it a fake death or an escape? He is the **** of earth elements after all. He will be subject to many restrictions when he leaves this plane. Then, only fake death."

Throw a bait and let him die for himself, let his enemies think that they are dead, and get a chance to live. This is a common and effective way of life for the old guys.

In order to be realistic, let all the elemental lords think that they are really dead, they must pay the price. Umdi Luoken is even willing to sacrifice most of the power. For him, as long as he lives, it will be enough. Hope to be strong again, there is hope to recover everything lost.

Let me make sure that the body of Umm Di Roken is only separated by most of the power, but it is the scene that it is swallowed up. As the **** of earth elements, even if it is swallowed and absorbed into the power of elements, it is used as a soil element. God's he can replenish through the throne of the element, but I did not see him forcing the condensed elements to regenerate. He fell too fast, just like rushing to death.

Now that such a big sacrifice has been made, next, I am afraid that the throne of the element is destroyed, and the identity of the **** of the element is lost. It is also within his limits. He will inevitably shrink the tortoise.

"...even if you lose everything, as long as I survive, it will suffice! Today, I will pay back ten times tomorrow!"

I can imagine his appearance in the shadows. After all, I did that, but I definitely don't expect his goal to be achieved.

The obstinacy of the immortal, let him choose the determination of the strong man from the beginning, if other people, I may also praise two sentences, but for the bastard, I only have one sentence.

"I want to survive, dream! Why didn't you ask those who were killed by you, the innocent people who thought they died in war, they want to live!"

I have a lot of bad guys, probably in the first place, that is stingy and vengeance, but it seems that this life can not be changed, and does not intend to change.

In the past, I spent more than a hundred years on the demise of the ruin of the country. I found out all of them, and all of them were killed. The orc chief of this war died cleanly, and the account is in progress after the fall, as the only one. "Fugitive", Umm Di Roken is not dead, I am sleepless!

"God of earth elements? Oh, no wonder they call you a tortoise turtle. I don't dare to come out alone. Are you so afraid of me? Ha, the **** of an element is afraid of a rookie who has just been a golden step. Go out, you don't know how to sweep the floor. Oh, sorry, I forgot, you have no reputation."

"Roland! You are looking for death!"

The roar echoed in the empty temple, but I still couldn't know where he was hiding. All the scouting magic had already expired. It seems that he was hiding deep.

After paying so much cost, Umdi Luoken is almost impossible to reappear, and it will inevitably shrink the tortoise in the end, and once such a existence abandons all hidden self, it is difficult to find out, and the reason is that it will be tempted. In addition to thinking that I can decide to eat me, there is also a deep hatred between us, so that he can not calmly endure the enemy in front of him.

And when the above factors are in place, give Emdi Roken the hope of retaining the throne and the throne of the element, and then I will personally destroy the throne of the element. Only when he appears in person can he organize. These factors are entangled. I don't believe in the Lord who is still tolerant.

"Come on, just kill me, you can take revenge, and your gods can be saved."

Yes, I use myself as a bait to fish. Although this may be a whale, it is only me who come alone and feel that there is a chance that the winner will be born. I am only likely to take revenge!

At the moment he uttered his voice, the battle was destined to be a deadly fight. He did not appear in the real body now, but he was only trying to find out what ambush I had.

"Well, you don't come out, I will destroy the elemental throne, then you will sleep forever!"

Just like walking, but the air in the hall is slamming down, making people feel suffocated, suddenly. I laughed.

"Sneak attack? Finally got hooked!"

The sacred justice of the sacred sword was suddenly inserted into the ground, and the ice covered the surface in an instant. The pain in the underground is so sweet, the kid finally bite.

"Kid, find it, he is not only underground, but in all directions, in a sense, we are in his stomach."

I was very surprised by the reminder of Herois. This is not his own, but soon, a more detailed explanation is in my ear.

"He should separate the concept of his existence, put it into different murals, and put together all the pieces, which is the son of a complete element. This is equivalent to forcibly dividing his own soul and power, and the strength is greatly lost. It will be as painful as tearing the soul, and worse than repeated death. This guy is very embarrassed to himself! It is enough for yourself to be more embarrassing to others. Be careful, this time you are a poisonous shark!"

At a glance, the lively mural flashed through my mind, and I know how he hid himself so well.

When the raid was blocked underground, when my gaze walked up the mural, Umdi Roken knew that he had been exposed.

In the next second, all the murals lived, and the protagonists of the giants went from the murals to the real, and turned into a flashing phantom. In the next moment, all the phantoms merged together, and the familiar figure reappeared. In front of me.

"Emdi Roken!"

And the day that I saw in the underground labyrinth of Antoun, the dark rock giant stared at me with hateful eyes.

And I laughed.

"Ha! Finally, you can take revenge! Sad wind! Hands-on!"

With the roar, it is the trembling of the whole earth. Behind us, the sand worms of the half-dragon hunters began to enjoy the highest-special dinner, which is the symbol of the kingship of countless earth elemental creatures - the throne of earth.

The black giant is looking at me with horror. I am afraid that he will not think of his well-guarded treasure house, which has been dug through the ground.

"Hah, look at what I am doing, do you think I will leave you, elemental throne? From the very beginning, it was my number one strategic goal."

Yes, I came to the earth element plane, it is my personal grievance to find Umdi Luoken, and destroying the elemental throne is my primary strategic goal. As long as this goal is achieved, I will not lose money this time.

The recovery of the **** of elements has set off the arrival of the elements of the tide, and the planes are more closely connected with the main plane. Soon, new wars will come with uninvited guests.

Different from "history", the gods of this element are too active, and the growth rate of elemental tides has already surpassed "history". If no measures are taken, I am afraid that the preparation time for the main plane will be greatly shortened, and the undead in advance. Natural disasters are the most obvious example.

"The throne of the element produces the **** of the element. If the throne of the element with one element plane is destroyed, it is equal to the **** of the new element, and the tide of the element is like the water going down, the element plane will also take the element construction. The new throne, then, the elemental tide of the main plane should stop for a while."

In a sense, every **** that is still active in the main plane is my enemy.

So, I asked Camdil to take a black pot for me. I didn't give any elemental lords a guarantee. I just hinted that "With the removal of Umm Di Roken, it is possible to make the new **** of earth elements born. We can use this as a bait to let the elemental lord work for us."

I can't say a single lie, but I didn't say the time when the **** of elements was born. The "extra" explanations were made by his own brain. I didn't even show up. The lords could only find Camdilian.

Yes, I am pitting him. It is best that the earth element lord’s direct encirclement kills Camdil’s best, and how much is saved.

At this time, all the seeds that have been buried have finally sprouted, and the traps have reached the time of harvesting the prey. The throne of the element is being swallowed by the unwise sandworms, and every bite is like biting on the heart of Umdi Luoken. The passing power is the accumulation of his countless years, and he is weak all the time.

The scene at the moment was the reappearance of Antun in that day, but this time, I did not even leave him with the opportunity to break through the obstacles, and pitted him from beginning to end.

If he still stops in the rock wall, even if he drops the elemental throne, no one can find him, but at this time, he came out, the elemental throne is gone, and it is not easy to escape.

"War, die."

At that moment, there was a trace of fear in the Umdrock's eyes. He really felt that his life was threatened, but the next moment, it turned into a fierce light.

Some people will become incompetent at the moment of life and death, and some people will burst out of the last suffocating, and they will have a hard time with their opponents. Really, they will at least come together, and obviously, the ambition of Umdi Roken Nature is the latter.


With the loud roar, the collapse of the splendid temple, Umdi Luoken has recovered all the power, and in the movement of the earth, he has grown stronger.

The black rock armor has a sharp spike, and the eyes under the head rock are all beyond the madness of hatred.

"Boy, come, you are completely pushing this wolf to a desperate situation, then, but the last madness, definitely not tolerate

Heroy's reminder is still in my ear, but I have already laughed.

"Hah, isn't that what I expected? Come on, Umdi Luoken, you hate me, want to tear me apart, in fact, I am the same, I have long wanted to cut you into pieces. So, Let us come and fight with all our heart and soul. Here, you and me, let us kill the broken bones. The hatred on the other side is deeper, and the other side wants to tear the other side, and it will survive!"

And the wounded beast replaced the answer with his own roar and collision.

And I lost the pale sword in my hand. The next battle, not as an epic sergeant, can participate. When Heroes returns, I have a better sword, a demon capable of destroying everything. sword.

"Wake up, the extremes of the yin - the ice disaster!" (To be continued.)

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