Amira Milan, born in 145 years ago, was the third straight princess of the royal family. She was intelligent at an early age. She was only five years old and started to study magic in the country of Austin, and after her brother succeeded, he left behind. The identity of the princess is the position of a mentor in the Yunzhong Tower. The Bayer Royal Family always recognizes its royal identity, and the existing royal family inherits the right sequence of sixty-seven.

If you look at the information of the Bayer Empire, for Emily, there is probably only these meaningless evaluations.

But in fact, there are only two words about her initial record - the witch.

From a young age, she was regarded as a freak. She is not as noisy as other children. She always sits alone, not crying or laughing, like a puppet.

Even her mother and the people around her doubted whether she had problems with her intelligence, and when she spoke for the first time, it caused countless troubles.

"Mother, why do you want to kill the little cute in the garden, they are so miserable, why do you ignore their advice? You are not telling me to help the weak?"

For the young Amyla, she couldn't understand the brutal adults with big scissors. Why did they persecute the little lives that couldn't stop screaming, even if they were so miserable, they never helped them.

"Maybe they are too small, no one will hear it. Since everyone has not heard it, let me help."

So she did it herself.

"Uncle Tree, help everyone. Clean up the bad guy with scissors."

When the people were still ecstatic about the sudden sound of the Princess, they unfortunately came.

It’s just a whisper of a young child, under a small command. The huge oak turned into a cannibal tree demon. One swallowed the enemy of flowers and trees in the garden.

"Help! Guard. Is the guard there?"

"Ah, there are monsters to eat!"

Suddenly, the tree demon who appeared in the royal garden created panic. In the midst of chaos, only the little princess was very eye-catching. She smiled sweetly at the Mori in the garden.

"Do not worry, Amira will not let others bully you."

The flowers and trees in the garden were slightly dithered. Petals and pine cones fall on the palm of your hand and seem to be a small gift, as if to thank Emily for his kindness.

For Amyra, this is only a duty of help, but for everyone's eyes, it is the first time the little princess opened the door to cause disaster, just use the language, summon the tree demon to eat the poor innocent gardener.

At least hundreds of people in the royal garden of the day existed in the same way, in the eyes of the people, stepping on the body of the gardener and blood and plants to say hello to Amira. It has become the purest heterogeneity.

Even with the strictness of the emperor's majesty, the rumor that the third princess is a witch still does not leave. Every time Amyra walks on the road, she can see the eyes and criticisms of fear and disgust.

"Look, that is the cursed witch. Her first time is a curse."

"Awful eyes, don't look here..."

"She gave me a look, will I be cursed?"

"It is now rumored that I am also a witch. It is because of this freak that I have suffered from my disgust." Even as the mother of Huangfu, I hated my second daughter.

At that time, the kingship of the Bayer Empire was not stable. Even the political enemy used this as a reason to attack the imperial royal family at that time, which made the emperor of the time even more upset. This is the five children who did not like this strange. The daughter even once thought of exile him.

Originally, under the pressure of internal and external pressure, especially the dislike of parents, the best result of Emily was sent to the monastery for a lifetime, but fortunately, the then court actor Antonios made Guaranteed.

"She is not a witch, she just has the talent to communicate with plants. This child is a natural master material. Little Amira, willing to go to Ain Rodant to learn magic with Grandpa? There, you will encounter a lot of The same as yours."

Looking at the surroundings or fear, or disgusted eyes, feeling the goodwill of the old grandfather in front of him, Amira nodded without hesitation.

Yes, from the beginning everyone underestimated Emilla's ability. She is not purely capable of communicating with plants. Her talent is only a concept of "communication."

Whether it is plants or animals, she can communicate through consciousness, and in the eyes of others, she is a strange child who can't talk and not worry. In fact, she is always communicating through her own abilities and everything around her.

This purely heavenly ability is too powerful, but it may not be a good thing. The simpler the consciousness of life, the simpler it is. The more ** the miscellaneous thoughts and evil thoughts, the more I feel uncomfortable.

Her ability is not to read the mind, but to communicate in an intuitive way. If it is hard to explain, it is more appropriate to describe it by "seeing the other's desires."

She hates her maids. They have only money and rumors in their empty brains. She hates her brothers and brothers. They are not mature and full of male ambitions and ambitions. She even hates her mother and father. The former just regards her as a favorite prop, while the latter is busy in the intrigue.

The glorious palace was full of filth, and later, Amyra even began to hate humans, and the creatures full of ** made her disgust at first.

The plant only needs to live in the simple sense of sunshine, water and nutrients. It has become her safe haven. She often avoids the left and right ones in the botanical gardens, and does not return home until late at night. Instead, she sits on the identity of her witch.

When Amyla decided to leave her home and went to the country of the Master to become a mage, the feelings of her neighbors, such as "rejoicing", "happy" and "happy", made her not return to her home country.

"Maybe, the country of the Master will be a little different. At least, I am not the only one."

But unfortunately, human beings are always human beings, more ** mottled, more ambitions and expectations. For Amira. It is like an alien who cannot understand. Only this time, as her mind matured with age, she learned to hide herself and make herself not too heterogeneous.

And that communication talent makes her a thousand miles in the magic of the plant system. Magic is the process of seeking truth. Her growth rate of "communication" talent is simply cheating. Soon, before she is twenty years old. It became the youngest high-level mentor at the time.

But no matter how far she went, there was actually no change at all. She was still the witch who hated humanity. The so-called "storm mood" could not be that she pointed her to the strangeness of strangers, and this was only because of her. You can see through the other party's maliciousness at a glance.

The dislike of human beings and the love of simple life have caused some deviations in her values. In her impression, the survival value of simple and lovely plants is far greater than that of dirty human beings. She even began to hate her own. Human identity. So, in order to get closer to your perfect existence. She also did not hesitate to experiment with colleagues and apprentices as the basis for her own transformation.

The real madman mostly thinks that the world is crazy, and he is a normal person. If he evaluates according to this standard, Amyra is undoubtedly a complete madman. She always thinks that she is the only normal person.

"No friends, no enemies (all dead), no lovers.... There is no such annoying two-legged walking creature, it is a pleasant life."

Just as she closed herself in her own world and thought that this was the whole picture of life, a new student entered her sight. He was Roland.

"Ah, there are such pure people."

Don't misunderstand that Roland just climbed out of the grave that year. He is purely not kind. He has just been betrayed by the entire human society. He is purely hatred and hatred of the whole world.

"The sun is so clear, his ** is just a simple destruction and revenge, and it is not aimed at a certain person, but against all human hatred. Ah, it is so beautiful, 'the human residue does not live at all. The world is necessary, the world does not need any savior, just let everything be destroyed, 'this insight is pure and incisive.'

In a sense, it was Luo Lan who made this crazy witch in the past, and Roland, who regarded human beings as the ants who are about to die, did not know that he was a source of pollution that could not be dissipated.

And when Amyra chose Roland as an apprentice, two guys who also hated humans came together, one on the surface of the study of ice magic, one on the study of plant magic, in fact one is studying the undead structure, one is studying More banned animals and plants are transformed and transformed. Both have no lower limit and moral restrictions, and they interact with each other and become deeper and deeper.

For that year's Amyla, Roland is a confidant and friend who is a rare encounter. It is the only existence in the world that can communicate openly. Unconsciously, she is far deeper than she expected.

Although plants are simple, they lack intelligence. It is already good to be able to listen to their own conversations. It is absolutely impossible to react. Human beings are born with social animals. They are eager to communicate and desire to be recognized by others. , recognition, trust, even if I think that I am used to enjoying loneliness, Amira is no exception.

Once Emma, ​​who has been lonely for more than a hundred years, once opened her heart, it is really good for her "blue confidante". The knowledge of magic is also very willing, even seemingly awkward and mad, and Roland has benefited a lot. .

When Roland got what he needed, got the power to take revenge, and decided to start his own journey of revenge, he did not hesitate to sell Amira.

On the way to school, Luo Ning also made some real friends. Although the thought of revenge has never wavered, but only for the buddies of Kayd, he did not hesitate to report Amira. .

Of course, such feelings are incomprehensible to Amyla, she is just very strange, strange to understand.

"Why are you betraying me, why are you betrayed me without concern, no anger, no hatred, no ambition, no possibility of gaining interest, just want to say, 'The sun rises from the east, it is raining, go today. Reporting Amyra', I betrayed me in this natural state of mind......Is it because I am also a human?"

Roland’s departure and despair made Amyla completely lost in confusion, perhaps. In the near future. She completely abandoned her human identity. It is also related to this idea.

When Amyla solved her own troubles and confidently planned to go to Roland for revenge, she got the death of her "apprentice".

For the first time, Amyla, who had been talking coldly, encountered a frenzy of emotions, but she was not the joy she expected, anger, unwillingness, despair, loss, sadness. She was surprised to find that she was in pain, not because of the pain of being betrayed. It is the uncomfortable loss of the only confidant.

I don’t think I can see the hateful person again, I can’t see the smirk that smiles and laughs, I can’t find my own eyes, I can’t find a happy face to talk to others. For the first time, Amyla felt heartbroken, but did not know where the heart was. In that year, Amyla regretted giving up her human body for the first time. Lost the right to cry.

From that day on, Amyra’s time was stopped.... She was still alive. But it was just alive, and she once again put herself into the box where no one else existed, and responded to all people with false masks.

After more than three hundred years, the fate made this happy reunion, and Amira's time gear began to work again, but when I met, Amira was at a loss.

She expected Roland to be surprised, fearful, or simply start to escape when she saw her, but although Roland did not want to escape, the complaints on her face did not stop, but her ability told herself that he was happy. He is very happy to see himself, he likes to see himself, he is very happy to reunite with himself!

At that time, more than a hundred years of resentment and dissatisfaction have been turned into a smoky, the girl who puts her heart on the road almost immediately laughed out, the last toughness and threats only stayed in the mouth, at that moment, Amira finally has Enlightened, she saw her heart.

"It turned out that I like him...."

What is the study of plant magic, everything is an excuse and hypocrisy, "thinking beside him" is the root cause.

"He already has a girlfriend? Anyway, I just want a friend. Well, it is enough to be comfortable with him."

Strong self-esteem She gave up the option of intervening, even let her not express her feelings, "as a confidant" is enough, is the reason she used to numb herself.

And the behavior of learning to cook can't be her unyielding.

But the reason that I didn't even believe in myself was crushed by a reckless person.

The bouquet and courtship of the street, I couldn't confuse Amyla from the beginning. She only took a second to understand everything, but in the face of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Amyla shakes herself.

"As long as it is accepted, no, as long as it is not strictly rejected, we are lovers, or I am actively pursuing me........"

In the end, she made a choice, even the high-speed rumors have her, at least the rumors that reached the side of Eliza with wings, and she has a relationship with her........ Even She didn't know why she made this. Probably, she could barely find a reason—she instinctively declared war in her own way, expecting a decisive battle.

But after that battle, the overly shaken heart made her fall into hesitation and confusion.

"I don't even have a normal body, nor can I have a normal child. Does he mind?"

"My reputation is so bad, and I have done a lot of bad things. Does he know that he will hate me?"

"Although he only regarded me as a friend, but at least it was better than that of Eliza. Roland saw that the girl had only family, just like watching her daughter. At least Roland still regarded me as a woman."


Numerous thoughts were intertwined in my mind, and the injuries suffered in Red Maple City were not good. I also experienced the hard battle of Umdi Roken, in order to exert the ultimate ability in this lack of water and air. Rahara worked harder and paid more than she showed.

When she suffered the most psychologically chaotic period, it led to the loss of control of the whole body. The body of the violent body showed the most authentic appearance and turned into a dark forest, but her own consciousness was like The ostrich that inserted his head into the ground fell into the deepest sleep of consciousness.

"Just so sleep, it's fine, nothing to worry about.... What is Roland doing? He finds that I am not talking, will it be sad? Will it still be with the little girlfriend? Will he forget me? Forget me a stupid woman who doesn't even dare to say anything. Forget me a stupid woman who can't do any housework."

Floating in the ocean of consciousness has not been known for a long time, she is not incapable of controlling the situation, but Amyla, who is self-respecting and self-repenting, subconsciously gave up the dominance of the flesh and plunged herself into the inner wall of the heart, but finally, that The familiar knock on the door came to the ear.

"Hey, my sleeping beauty, I should wake up. If you go to sleep again, you will miss my birthday party. There will be a great party. If you miss it, you will definitely regret it."

Is it an illusion? The illusion in front of me is so realistic, the familiar smile is rare, but since I am so familiar and happy, I am so familiar, just like the past years, this unscrupulous apprentice made breakfast and prepared. The instructor who asked himself to stay up late for the night to get up.

"Good morning, Roland."

Amy, who is blushing, doesn't know why she said this is not nutritious, but Roland heard the greetings first, then laughed as usual.

"Good morning, Amira. It’s really fun to see you again."

The witch's cheeks became red and hot, but the curvature of the smile hangs unconsciously, nodding slightly on the scale of the gap, but the mouth is complaining with a voice that only he can hear.

"This is really awkward, this is a foul...." (To be continued.)

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