The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 258: Exotic visitor

【child. 】

[On the day you were born, the entire Dragon Valley quietly echoed the name you were blessed by the beast god. 】

[My child, I am proud to watch you grow up and become the messenger of love. Bear in mind that our family has always ruled this country with justice and love. I also believe that you will use your own powerful power with caution, which is derived from the power of true love]?

[But the real victory never comes from power...]

[My child, personal strength has limits. What you have to do is to inspire the courage of your people, let them always stand by your side, I tell you this, because at the end of my life.. ...

[And you, will be crowned king! 】

Along with the dawn, it is a tall figure, and what follows is the background soundtrack and lines that the second-level system has once again refreshed the lower limit.

This man with bgm and appearance lines, the sun behind it is shining, and the crown-shaped horns are more shining on my golden dog eyes.

"I am back!"

[System Tip: As the king of the gentleman in the position, how can he be surpassed by the younger generation, is not the appearance of the background lines and soundtrack, come, from now on, the peach princess's appearance at least a little swan ballet group dance! From today on, I will call you a man with dancing and ballet shoes! 】

"You have enough! The system will roll me out! I promise not to kill you!"

If the system is tangible, I definitely don't plan for her, and **** her with a punch! I have been stuck in this for a long time, at least for a month!

"His Royal Highness. I am back."

Didn't you see me talking to the system? A little face is not OK! I looked at him with dissatisfaction.

"Well. I know. How. Is there something?"

The half-dragoned man with a thick face is full of dust, and the dusty servant is like an old farmer who has just returned from the tree in the desert. His face is tired, and my eyes seem to hesitate.

"Right, where have you been? Why have you been absent for so long? Ha, forget it, I am in a good mood today, I will not pursue you."

Looking at the subordinates is so hard. As a good boss who is tolerant, I naturally have to be considerate and condolences, but I asked it casually, but the tragic face suddenly became dumbfounded.

The cold sweat on his forehead could not help but drop, the erected longan smashed to the maximum, and looked at me with death.

"His Royal Highness, you are not asking me to stay in the earth element plane, do the striker in the open position? You said that the slowest three days someone will answer me, but I have waited for so long without waiting for the advance team you said. You It won't forget me!"

Ok, this time. It was my turn to sweat, as if I really had this arrangement. I was planning to send an advance team and communicate with the sadness, and let Carol give it support.

But when I have a lot of things here and my birthday is so happy, I really forget him. No, my memory has always been good, or I should have subconsciously ignored him. I don’t want him to come back to me in this happy season. Add trouble.

"No wonder, when Yawen and I reported yesterday, the work pressure was much smaller than expected. It was less than half of the weekdays. Everyone even started to take a break... Can this guy alone create more than half of the chaos in the whole city? I accidentally made a good thing about people."

I remembered that during the retreat of the city management girls, there was actually the embers of shopping on the street. The black-skinned girls in the night market were no different from other races. From the bottom of my heart, I suddenly felt that I had no problem with forgetting him.

In fact, the sadness of a person does not have much energy, can create more than half of the chaos in a city, but as the executive deputy head of the absolute gentleman alliance mercenary group, his absence, plus the Beja brothers, Peel are Pulling to add more diamonds to the giant door, the top is being used as a coolie, the gentleman alliance naturally does not organize any activities, plus the black elves have more than a rookie city management, in order to strength, there is a loss, let the city management They have passed one of the most relaxed festivals ever.

Well, even if you think of the morale of the morale, I already know what to say. After all, I still have something to lose.

"Well, you have worked hard. For some special reasons, we temporarily focus our efforts on preparing for military parade and arms sales, and temporarily slow down the construction of the earth element plane. You have worked hard and the mission is very good. I will remember. Now, go back and have a good rest, take a shower, sleep, and you should be tired. I will wait for you to recover tomorrow, I will talk to you again."

But even if I said this, the strange thing is that the sad wind did not leave. His temper was actually very good, and there was no angry look. Instead, he looked at me with some embarrassment.

"Well? Is there anything else to find me?"

"That, in fact, some of my companions came back with me. They decided to join the family of our gentlemen's league, but it seems to be a member of the mercenary group. According to the rules of the mercenary association, we must first obtain citizenship."

It seems that there is indeed this nationality restriction, but who am I, the ancestor of the country’s leader, the small matter of naturalization, simply and greeted Kelly.

"Simple, trivial, isn't it nationality? Just wait for them to go to the newly established Ministry of Civil Affairs. I will.... Wait, is it citizenship and not nationality?"

Suddenly, an unpredictable hunch made me discover the difference.

"Great, you promised?"

The sorrow of the sorrow caught someone’s sorrow, and Chen Sheng screamed.

"The fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the old seven are coming in!"

Well, suddenly the wind and sand rose outside the gate, as if the thousands of horses had passed by, but the visitors in the smoke approached, but found only a few big heads.

"The king of the desert konjac?"

The giant konjac with a weight of more than 100 tons, although the individual is only about three high, but the huge weight makes the path that it walks through, and slowly approaches, the earth is also breaking and closing.

"The fourth, be careful, don't crash and ruin the city gate. We can't afford it."

This kind of earth element plane is super warcraft. The earth element plane is also big. How is the sad wind cheating!

On the back of the scorpion, there are two figures sitting on it. The taller one is a tall elf with a brown complexion. The eyes are full of strange enchanting light, and there are crystal and rock inserts on the skin.

"A high-end salon that can be transformed into a human form?

Like to be a high elf, in the contemporary era of the high elves almost extinct, it has almost become the patent of the ancient dragon.

"The old five, said many times. In the perfect transformation of the adult form, put on the cloak."

The hegemon of this era is human beings. The human form of the dragons naturally and consciously chooses human beings. Only the old ones that lived in the last era will still maintain the striking high elf form. After all, only the high elves in the ancient times As an option.

The other one has already been covered with a cloak, at least three or four meters high, all of which are slag, apparently also the top of a soil elemental plane.

"His Highness. That is the sixth, he doesn't talk much."

suddenly. The ground suddenly bulged a large piece, and the ground shook slightly, as if something was underground.

"The old seven doesn't talk much..."

Ok, it seems that this underground is really a sand worm, can leave the sand of the earth element plane? Is there a sense of communication? This is definitely not an ordinary sand worm. Is this a land elemental lord to travel in groups?

"The sad wind, what are you going to do? How do they leave the earth element plane?"

If there are other people facing this group of people, I will be a little troubled, but here is the sanctuary of the sleepless people, I am afraid of who.

The sad wind smiled slightly,

“In my ‘real love field’ category, any life has the right to enjoy life. Whether it is an ordinary creature or an elemental life, it can live a paradise and a beautiful living environment.”

"Domain? Sounds like the world. No wonder... Wait, don't you! No, it's impossible!"

The sorrowful hands clasped together, and closed their eyes and nodded slightly. The light face was like the old man who saw the world's vicissitudes of life. The sun was sprinkled on the worn leather coat. The golden ones had a sacred sense of life and death.

"The war can make people grow up, they have experienced the battle of life and death (soy sauce), the tempering of the will and the ** (ghosting), I finally stepped forward. My heart is not strong, but it can be All intelligent life can survive."

The kebab in my hand fell directly on the ground. The legend that was not in the past year, so inexplicably entered the holy order!

What does it mean to have the ability to hear nothing? This is obviously cheating.

"In the end, are you the protagonist or I am the protagonist? I am only a golden step in my life. You beat the soy sauce and suddenly entered the holy stage. Coach, this story is not right. This difference is too obvious. This game is not balanced at all. Is it the legendary abuse of the main text? No, actually give the golden finger to others, so Wenqing will throw the street!"

Yes, there is no sacred order, and only the strong at this level can have the right to live in equality before the elemental lord.

"His Highness, our brothers and seven people voted in the righteousness, and they became brothers of different surnames. Now, brothers are in trouble. I naturally can't let their eyes suffer. I have long heard that my loyalty is heavy. When my friends are all over the world, I will take them to you. ...."

Between three words and two languages, the ins and outs of things are very clear. Our departure does not mean that the earth element plane has restored tranquility. On the contrary, when the king who suppressed the lords has passed away, the powerful lords and the ancient nobles fought directly.

When the entire elemental plane is caught between the wars, those who do not want to compete for the throne are embarrassed. They are not involved in the war, nor can they participate in the war.

"You said that you don't want to be the **** of the elements? Let's not say that this reason doesn't make sense. How can you let us imagine that when we are half-dead, you will not come out to make up the knife."

Well, the truth of this question is that these elements, who are not going to participate in the war now, do not dare to guarantee that if the winner’s throne is not far from him, he will be able to hold back.

Undoubtedly, the best way to deal with it is that since there is no interest in victory, it is better to stay away from the battlefield and simply leave the plane, but obviously the elemental lord cannot leave the earth element plane freely unless they want to gradually decline to death.

Thus, between the erroneous and the wrong, they found that the Beastmaster hunter was able to use the world to create all the fields in which the life is alive, and then the development of the plot is very simple.

"...So, our seven brothers, come together and go to your Highness."

"why me?"

"Because only you will not be biased against us, and more importantly, you have defeated Umdi Rocken by yourself. It is also a glory if you are working for you."

As the darling of chaos, elemental creatures are also the law of the jungle. They may not look down on the mortal who lived for a short time, but from the weak to the powerful elemental creatures, the respect for the strong in nature is more direct and intense.

In their minds, in the one-on-one confrontation, they defeated Roland of Umdi Roken. If he is also an elemental creature, he is undoubtedly the best candidate for the **** of the new element, seeking asylum for such a strong. There is nothing shameful about it.

When I heard the words, I suddenly realized that, after thinking a little, I decided to promise this good thing to send to the door.

"Well, I just lacked the manpower here. I will agree directly with the Lord. The sad wind, this time I did a good job, I will give back the reward. Right, seven brothers, there are two? Are they not coming?" Oh, seven, isn't this a gourd doll? Sorry, I don't understand this joke, but it is very good. Oh, sad, you are the third child who is not bad."

When I heard my initial agreement, the sad wind immediately became overwhelming.

"Well. Although I don't know what the gourd doll is, we have different names for the seven brothers. Since they are all above the holy level, we decided to call it the 'seven great holy.'"

"Hey? Seven great holy? Haha."

Well, regardless of the distorted face that I have already laughed at, the sorrowful wind shouted out of the city with great interest.

"Big sister, second brother, Lord Roland agreed!"


Well, the mountain in the distance suddenly moved, and the arm between the clouds waved, and the mountain was actually an extremely tall tower giant!

".....Hey, it’s really a big day."

"If the second brother is not convenient to act, he will leave him in appearance. As for the big sister, you should have seen it already."

"Hello, Your Royal Highness, I hope you have not forgotten my wife."

I looked down and the hoarse voice was familiar, as if I had heard it not long ago.

But I really saw who it was, but I took a breath.

"Mother of Wanshi? Ainslow, the great plastic stone! Why are you here?"

It is said that the mother of the ugly element is actually blushing, and secretly aiming at the sad wind, then I will realize.

"I understand! Please don't tell me anything!" (To be continued.)

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