Although the pursuit of the soldiers is very hard, obviously they are doomed to nothing, my main energy is not to find the way, escape, but how to calm the anger of the dragon, so as not to harvest a pile of coke.

The black hair brought out a little red powder, and the black scorpion also glowed red. I know that the **** is already big, and it’s a bit of a bit of a second.

"Hey, I’m feeding, Xiaohong. When we were mixing together, we didn’t see your temper so big. It’s not used to being chased.”

" Nonsense, when I was beaten, I didn't run and waited to be killed? Who told you to be professionally killed, and you can't make a mistake. Besides, your temper is very good. You are chasing the fire, it's not dry. But the dry ones are all over. Is there a number of times the weak people are chasing the street like this? Is it so ugly!"

I recalled it carefully. At this time, for the sake of face, of course, I should shout "How do people of our generation have such awkward deeds, for the sake of honor, let us go back and have a good time," but think of the professional cat sneak peek at this time. Professional dismantling, but only shook his head honestly.

"In fact, a lot of it, the number of times to lose money to the sneak is also a lot. When you eat the tyrants to drink the tyrants, when Adam did a stupid thing and caused debts and debts, Lisa was a master of the game. Pull up hatred and wait a second!"

Ok, before I finished, Xiaohong glared at my mouth, but the fire had been turned into black, and there was a rare panic on the face. It seems to be in front of the black history. What the fire is gone.

"Ha ha ha. You have also forgotten that Margaret played the mage with a sap and extorted magic knowledge. When the experimental magic was in trouble, in fact, everyone is similar. For so many years, those things are still talking about things, even if the past."

"You don't say that I still have forgotten. It seems that you were all rookies in the past, and I was a miserable person in the pit. It was really a nanny and a slap in the face, but I couldn't help myself. I don't listen, I am not easy?" ”

The surrounding eyes are full of exclamation and unbelief that "the original adults also have such days." Instead, they are divided into small red blushes. It seems that even if they are ancient dragons, they must bow down in front of the black history.

‘Don’t say it, I’m thinking about it now, our adventure route was very problematic. You said that casual travel will hit the three legends and the holy steps on average in January. The forbidden places and secrets of all ethnic groups are always inexplicable. You dare to say that the team you brought with you has no problem? ”

Of course there are problems. Such a teammate who can play and how to fool, go there to find, naturally with a powerful beater to trace the clues of the year.

Forbidden land? Secret? Royal palace? . What counted!

"Oh, it’s not the route that the old man chose carefully. You may become so strong. If it wasn’t for the hard work of the year that made you grow up, you must reach the height of Morrill, at least five hundred years."

Hearing the words, I remembered the "young years" full of blood and sweat. Xiaohong, who was not afraid of fear, was drenched with cold sweat, and only squeezed out for a long time.

"If I can choose, I would rather spend five hundred years! You finally admit that you were deliberate in the past. You didn't recognize it before!"

"Cut. If you don't know the good people, you must ensure that you can grow up between life and death, and you won't make it absolutely impossible to pass the customs. Are you easy to arrange a trip?"

"I x, you have people in the pit!"

"Girls should pay attention to words, don't use harmonious words, let's pay attention to women. I don't want to face!"

In fact, I didn't talk nonsense. When I was able to grow up so much, Adam could grow so fast, and the system also helped a lot. The legendary "protagonist squad mode" in the past is simply a must-have product.

[The protagonist squad: You are the protagonist of the legend, you and your team will continue to cause all kinds of troubles, and the other side of trouble also represents the opportunity for growth, as long as your life is hard enough, your growth rate is cheating! System prompt: Although it is the protagonist, but no protagonist does not die. 】

"System, can you redeem that?"

[Basic rules, items that have been redeemed once, cannot be redeemed again. System Tip: The goods are all handmade products, personally polished one, and the goods are produced, will not be returned Oh, pro, 包邮, remember to give praise. 】

"Oh, unfortunately, if you have this now, it is convenient to bring a rookie. Pull out and play a circle. If you don't die, you will be alone. Well, even if there is, it doesn't make much sense. After all, there are too many enemies. It doesn't make sense. Only when the tides of the elements are slowly consumed, it is impossible to improve the combat power of the entire plane. Even if there is no systematic cheating, it is not artificially manufactured."

I vaguely caught something, but now it is obviously not the time to think. After all, there is still a chase afterwards? Chasing the soldiers? People? Can you be dedicated, I am still running.

"Follow the soldiers? The last chasing soldier can't run on the top of the three hills? Now you should kneel on the ground and gasp. Oh, it's really terrible, the black iron step rookie ran for more than 30 kilometers in one breath, now the lungs are fast. Cough out. Right, you probably run ten kilometers."

The dead cat started running shortly, and shouted that his leg sprinted uncomfortably, and turned into a cat hiding in my head to fight, but now it jumped out of gloating.

I opened my mouth and accidentally ran too cool. I forgot to pursue the soldiers. It seems that the history of black is one more.

"Why don't you say it earlier?"

"Who don't stop, who dares to stop, just plug in? See you and Xiaohong adults remember the past, have a good time."

Well, let's just say that it is not enough to listen to the gossip.

"Cough. Our next goal. It is Cindy's caravan. Actually, I ran away in an instant, damn, there are still people who dare to sneak me." "Hey, transfer the topic."

"Well, shift the topic."

"Little Cohen, don't be such an adult."

Tracking what is generally the most powerful ranger career, after all, they have both the hunter's tracking instinct. There will also be some natural magic, but unfortunately, our Ranger Xiaohong adults obviously can't count on it, you let her track, and the final result is mostly turned into a dragon form to look down.

If Xiaohong is a golden dragon, a silver dragon, and so on, it is no big deal. It is up to tomorrow’s headline news, but who is called Xiaohong is a red dragon.

"As an exiled dragon, the reputation is completely understandable. The fire dragon's hobby is to destroy the city, killing people and setting fire. It is not normal. But here is not the underground world. An ancient red dragon appeared on the ground. I am afraid to even the ground. The dragon city of the world will be alarmed."

The underground world is the exile of all kinds of people, and the hatred of the exiles and the exiles need not be explained. The orcs exiled the underground orcs, but because both sides were mixed, it was too bad. In the end, it was barely enough. The elves exiled the dark elves. The relationship between the two sides is good. The same family wants to kill for countless years. The underground elves return to the first battle of the earth. Looking for the elves on the ground to settle accounts, how longevity can be called careful eyes, this should be called good memory.

[叮, remember the super good Roland title please check. 】

Cough, directly ignore the system's spit, how to remember how good, actually said that the elf is careful, in fact, the dragon is doing more excessively, the hatred of hundreds of years can be reported to other people's descendants at any time, the most terrible or not The temperament of seeing other races as people, or the past of "Dragon Slaughter".

The present era belongs to mankind, and the surface dragons are not as strong as in the past. Some dragon cities have even become empty shelves, but when large-scale underground dragons appear on the surface, the dragons and dragons on the ground will react. I don't know, but if other red dragons are okay, but Xiaohong is still the dragon of the underground Dragon City, the identity is very sensitive. If she is exposed... I don't want to see the Dragon Wars at all.

"When other underground races come up, let's see how the dragons react. Now, let the black dragons serve the Eastern Principality. It is also a test."

Therefore, before we go out, we also have three chapters, the first is not to change into a dragon form at will, and naturally disguise the play of Xiaohong.

But I am not worried about finding someone.

"In the grove of forty kilometers southwest," this is the magic mark left by Herois, even if it's good to get along with it, some private backhands still have to do.

"Which direction is it?"

The eagle of the storm lifted the wooden stick and cast a spell. The bright green light gathered in the eyes, but the next moment, it returned to normal.

"Well, I found it. The forest told me that there are about 60 people. The crowd is densely populated, the life response is very strong, and there are no wounded. Oh? Actually there are goods and carriages, and it is already prepared."

In the forest, the Druid's forest magic has made it have countless allies. As long as the approximate location is determined, the big druids that can walk through the forest at will have countless eye lines.

Of course, even if we are not in the forest, we still have professional searchers. Since he has been looking at the southwest, he has already prepared.

"Do not worry, it will not be chased. Ami and Sis gave me a message."

"…….Who are they."

I was a bit curious to hear the completely strange name.

"The silk is the mount of the merchant. Ami is the head of the community. He is a husband and wife, and we have a good relationship." Well, the amount of information in this answer is too large, the amount of sediment is too large, I really should not ask of.

From the perspective of the other party's preparation, it seems that the Vicky Chamber of Commerce seems to be ready. When it receives the fireworks signal from Cindy, it will go out of the city at night. Although the heat can understand why they don't tell us a word, after all, our contact time is too short. It’s not all the way, but it’s just like it’s being sold.

From the point of view of such a quick departure, I am afraid that everyone will be on standby at the hotel when they are at the banquet. They are ready to go on the road. The only thing that has not received the notice is that we have only temporarily joined us.

“Is it a businessman who values ​​the interests? Although it is completely understandable, it is really not enough.”

After more than an hour, when we appeared in front of Cindy, they were amazed at the same time, but they were also very embarrassed.

"That, something is going on..."

And I did not hesitate to interrupt the other party's explanation.

"Don't worry, I am not coming to trouble you. I have a small plan that may help the situation."

"(To be continued...)

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