Rainy Night City, the capital of the original New Moon Seventeen Chinese Stuart League, but now, it is only the edge of Bayer's small town, but here is the town.

Many superpowers have their own ace legions that have passed down countless years, and Bayer's most famous is its Dragon Knights.

The dragon always stands at the top of the food chain, and it is the rare golden blood race in this world. The weakest in adulthood is equivalent to the golden step of human beings. Learn a little about hunting skills and magic, that is, ordinary legendary warriors also take these flying The giant beast can't.

After all, they will fly, and ordinary warriors can only be beaten on the ground.

The dragon riding contract is often a partner between the powerful warrior and the dragon, the master-slave covenant, and basically only the strong will be recognized by the dragon, but the result becomes an obvious argument. The weak who need the dragon power cannot obtain the dragon. It is recognized that the dragon who is recognized by the dragon does not need the power of the dragon. Then, the dragon knight naturally becomes a legend.

Therefore, even if one or two weak people are accredited exceptions under the chance of coincidence, they will not become a convention. As the individual's combat power is reduced, the ultimate existence of dragon warriors as air combat units is becoming less and less, occasionally a strong country. One or two dragon knights are already very rare, and most of them are juvenile dragons and young dragons who have been hired with heavy money. Their strength and will to fight are doubtful.

But there is a country, but it has always been an exception. The dragon knight of the Bayer Empire has never been less than fifty. Even if the knight of each knight is the strongest of the golden ranks, it is so easy to get the approval of the dragon. It is also incomprehensible.

Some people say that the Bayer Empire got the secret of the Dragon God. Some people say that they have a long covenant with the dragon. But no matter what. Due to the existence of a large number of dragon rides, the field of the sky will never belong to itself for Bayer's enemies. One of the reasons for the development of floating warships in the Oran Empire is to treat those **** dragon knights as imaginary enemies.

The deputy head of the Dragon Riders Corps (the head of the group is also served by the royal staff, the contemporary is Emperor Oros), the top ten of the military's domestic forces. The 66th place of the contemporary star list is "Dragon Rider."

There are a total of seventy-two dragon knights in contemporary Bayer, of which sixty are divided into twelve teams. He holds the strength of twenty-five dragon knights in five hands.

Even if he does not mention his status, his personal strength is extremely amazing. The mount dragon is the adult blue dragon "black cloud storm" Xi Xiu Slar, which is quite famous among the dragons.

He himself became a legendary warrior ten years ago. He held the legendary thunderstorm horn. He once had the record of killing hundreds of lions and knights on the battlefield. He is also a world-famous savvy.

A year ago. He left the capital city quietly and silently, and entered the city with all his strength. It also caused a lot of shocks at the time.

As the former king capital, Yucheng is a typical fortress city, but only after entering the station of Helen, the large number of garrisons, but also the large amount of funds and materials into the protective city, one turret The tower was built and the walls were repeatedly reinforced. The original world is still very strange. After all, the fortress often needs imaginary enemies.

There is no such thing as a neighboring country. Helen’s behavior seems to be more than one. When the “Victoria Harbor Incident” occurred, the city was the only way to the Victoria Harbour. All the people learned about Helen’s Grand Duke. Prepare for the undead.

At the same time that the Bayer nobles were shocked by the choice of Helen Grand Duke, in less than a year, the bandits around the area were almost extinct. Due to the long-term dragons circling and taking off in the sky, the rainy night city also had a new name, Yulongzhi. city.

When we first entered the city, the sudden heavy rain covered everything, but it also facilitated our presence. Even though the Grand Duke of Helen was also a visitor to the country, Lilith and Caroline's identity was reversed again.

Our side is already the dean of the Duke, but if I can, I still don’t want to see the famous dragon-riding grandfather in person. Therefore, my plan is to make a low-key move into the city, first collect intelligence, and then consider whether this is Dagong met.

In fact, I don't even plan to go through the city if it is not necessary.

"Carolyn, how is your relationship with the Helen? Have you seen it?"

"He... he is a bit... scary."

Miss Qianjin, who was entangled in her maid, answered me for a long time. The words were inexplicably trembling and uneasy, and seemed to think of something terrible.

From the fragmented discourse, I almost know the impression of Helen in the eyes of the Bayer nobles, never attending aristocratic banquets, and not holding social events. If they have to attend formal gatherings, they all appear in military uniforms. Sabre.

Although he has offended many people, he has also won the recognition of military generals and civilian officers. He is a real power and hawk representative in Bayer.

The reason why Caroline would be scared like this, is because her father, who was also the Duke, once asked Helen, who had not yet inherited the title of the Grand Duke, to serve as a swordsman and teaches his two children swordsmanship.

This is undoubtedly a means of wooing and intimacy between the nobility, but it is obvious that Helente is a real person, and it is hard to train Caroline and her younger brothers to meet the standards of the military. The two sisters who are spoiled are being killed. To live, Carolyn’s father personally pleaded, and he still insisted on his own opinion.

"Let them go? Since they are now my subordinates, I can't allow them to be not a qualified soldier, even if the emperor kneels down and asks for the same. You two have only two choices, complete the training task, or die! ”

When the voice of the whispered voice echoed in the courtyard, I don’t know why, everyone would not dare to look directly at the general in front of him. The invisible majesty is like a dragon patrolling his territory.

"Can't be wrong, Long Wei."

When I heard this, I came to a conclusion very simply.

The mystery of the dragon knight of the Bayer Empire may be mysterious in the eyes of the minded, but after so many years, some things have long been leaked out.

First of all, the dragon knights are basically family inheritance, and secondly, they can be learned from the process of the past. Most of these knights are not pure humans. They are flowing inside. It is the blood of the dragon, they are a group of dragons.

Unlike the semi-dragon people of magic creation, the dragons are born to be more powerful. Most of them are real dragons, and they are often able to inherit some dragon power and dragon talents, which is very difficult.

Bayer's Dragon Knight is a dragon, or a secret to ordinary people, but in the world of the strong. It is not a big secret. How to keep the dragons in the human kingdom, how to make the dragons become dragon knights is the real secret.

Indeed, as a dragon mixed with dragons, it is very easy to get the good feelings of the dragons, but good feelings are one thing. It is another matter to let them serve them. Even if they are relatives in the distance, there is no reason to ride on others.

If the spouse of the dragon is an ordinary human. The blood power will naturally continue to be thin and will not be used for generations. It will be the same as ordinary human beings. It is really puzzling how the dragons passed down this millennium are going on.

To be honest, I heard this, I don't want to see the legendary Duke in person. After all, Gu Long's must-have talent is the real eye to break through all kinds of illusions and disguise. In the face of Xiaohong, fraud can be ignored. To the dragon who inherits this talent, I am afraid that any secrets will be exposed.

At this time, I did not have the mood to guess the mysteries of these dragons. After all, if anyone was smashed into a wall by a huge sword, the whole person would fall into the wall and could not maintain a relaxed state of mind.

A minute ago, just opened the city gate, in the heavy rain, there was a figure that was not tall and blocked in front of the team. The heavy rain slammed under the waterproof headgear, and the blond with natural curls remained in the rain. Keep, the golden vertical eyes are exuding the power of letting the creatures tremble.

"Helen Grand Duke..."

When Caroline’s whispered the name of the person, I was still organizing the language of fraud, and the next moment, the one-man high-steel blade was cut on me. I didn’t have time to react before I flew directly. Dozens of meters, set in the wall.

"I said that the dirty undead is not allowed to enter my city. Those who are trespassers, die!"

It is still a soft whisper, but no one doubts his determination to swear.

The shot is only for the Lich, and there may be room for communication, but some people have already been unable to withstand it, and the killing of the scorpion has become a real pressure.

"Dare to dare to play Abba!"

Adam, who had been walking slowly with the carriage, was still fighting. At this moment, he suddenly became angry. The next moment, the original abhorry was huge, and the moment was ten times more. The corpse giant who was taller than the city wall appeared. In front of everyone.

This is Heerent, but it is also shocking. The power of the strong will not lie. The abominable giant in front of you is definitely not an ordinary thing. The pressure on him is even far beyond the legendary lich. Is there any conspiracy in the undead?

When the huge foot was about to step on, Helen was still calm, and he knew that his old buddy would not let himself be dangerous.


Still not stepping on, Adam has been hit by heavy objects.

What suddenly drowned Adam was a blue dragon descending from the sky. Thunderstorms sang around him. The thunderstorm was spreading more terrible power. The blue dragon on the rainy night was the darling of storm and thunder. It is its strongest home.

"...damn, where are the monsters."

However, the real situation of the mighty dragon is not very good. The lower limbs have been smashed with a piece of meat. Just a contact, it has suffered a loss. The giants on the skin of the abominable have swallowed bones.

"Adam, Adam wants to eat you!"

The angry Adam didn't have the intention to keep his strength. The distorted figure turned into the most terrible nightmare. The huge corpse giant turned into a huge dragon spider that swallowed the dragon. Just a round of confrontation, the adult dragon became in front of him. Small man.

The dragon rider is still calm and calm, but the horn of the waist has already reached the mouth. Since the undead has torn the face, the next moment will not be a partial battle, but a war between the undead and the dragon knight!

"Adam! Retreat!"

At this time, I am already burning in anger. I am in charge of what you are undead, and the dragon is still riding by the dragon. Since I have already hit my face, I naturally want to fight back.

The magic of the runaway turned into a black mist, and the power of death turned into my servant. I haven’t been so embarrassed for a long time. I’ve got a good shot. The only thing that can prove that I am still sensible is probably the shape of the lich. Just use magic to fight.

"Roland, I feel that the situation is wrong, first slow. Reasonable!"

In the ear is the warning of Herois, but I still use this dead cat to remind us. Now this situation is not correct. We obviously came in privately, but the other party immediately shot, which is very obvious.

"I am very sensible, I will use reason to kill him... Everything ends, winter is coming!"

The huge magic of ice gathers on the ancient arm, and the fire of the green and green soul turns into a pale ice flame. It is not indecent. Since you cut me off, let me give a message with strategic magic.

"Is this your reason? You are using your knees to stay sensible!

When Helen looked at the heavy rain in the sky, it turned into a snowflake. For the first time, he wondered if he should not be famous today, or simply found the wrong person. (To be continued...)

Ps: Well, the two are finished.

Well, since it’s almost December, it’s already at the end of the year, so I’ll just ask for a new January monthly guaranteed ticket and recommended ticket.

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