The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 277: Secrets and letters

The heavy rain hit the roof beam and sizzled, but the rain did not stop. Although it was inferred from time, it was already dawning, but looking out from the window, it was still a misty rain, and nothing could be seen. .

The spring rain at dawn always makes people feel calm. Listening to the rain outside, sitting at the fireplace and enjoying the hot cocoa, the whole body is warm, just like the fierce battle just a dream, a good one, still glaring at me. The dragon rider Dagong did not see it. At the same time, I was very angry that I didn't give me a cup of hot cocoa. This is **!

"Even if you can drink it? If it is really for you, you have to complain that others are teasing you."

"Dead cat, leave me your share."

"Oh, rest!"

As Lilith suddenly smashed out, the originally tense situation could not be beaten at once. After all, the dragon knight Joan, who used to be her guardian, and Helente also called Joan a second grandfather.

Originally it was a misunderstanding. Since there is no death or injury on both sides, it is very simple to explain.

Even if the undead can settle the king's nobility, but it is impossible to get the dragon and the dragon knight, it is obvious that the dragon knights and the undead are impossible to get along with each other, and as the real power in the dragon riding army, stationed in the rainy night city, in a sense, It is also a violation of the will of the emperor.

The tyrant of Helen, who was in the rainy night city, released his words. Regardless of how he is in other places, as long as the undead dare to enter his own territory, he will be innocent.

Then I didn’t say how long, we came.

When I heard this, I almost wanted to hit the wall. Maybe I should take the time to go to the church of the **** of destiny to donate some money, at least try to wash the bad luck.

Especially when I heard that this time period, Helente himself was on the wall. If I was hiding in the carriage, I might miss it. I was sitting on the carriage and the sentinels were pointing at the wall. It was just a dragon ride. The provocation of Dagong’s dignity, how can this be tolerated, and then naturally happens after the scene.

A little bit surprised me, but the dragon knights seem to be fully aware of Lilith's identity, and she knows that she is a blood family, but there is no trace of disrespect or hostility.

Especially, Sir Joan, who seems to have just entered middle age but is at least 200 years old, sees Lilith’s expression is too complicated, including respect, gratification, pain, etc. It is simply complicated in emotions and the expression changes sharply. They are amazing and can be put on stage for Yan Yi performances.

"After all, we are all parties to the year. Although it is not the turn of me, the emperor of that year, Hermione, is awkward."

The old knight continually, but Lilith looked at herself. She did not see the group of passionate dragon knights in front of her eyes. She only took Caroling, who was overwhelmed by her face, eating snacks, tea, roasting, relaxing. , drive away the cold.

Lilith’s case was also investigated by me, and I lost it. After that, the emperor moved to the children of Xi’an and the royal family. The original royal bloodline of the Bayer Kingdom has been cut off. If it is hard to say, the bloodline is still There is an Amira, but no one in Bayer dares to expect the former generation of the former generation of the emperor to be on the throne, let alone leave the descendants of the basic throne.

This is only a past year's past. The old ministers of that year were almost dead. Once the emperor was a courtier, the so-called orthodoxy was the orthodoxy during that time. Three generations of people entered the grave. Who remembers the monarchs before the three generations.

But ordinary people don't remember. The dragon knights and dragons of the year were still alive. They believed in the knight's creed, but they still remember the loyalty of the year. Now they see the princess who has been missing for a hundred years. Live is good, naturally full of excitement.

It is also in the face of Lilith that our "undead" will be invited to enter the room, otherwise it will be the so-called imperial minister, where is still going back and forth, if it is cut, you can only say one thing to live, After all, Oros will not turn his face because of a lich and dragon knight.

After a short period of time, I can see from the attitude between each other that I found that they are not so much a legion as a big family, that Joan can anger the violent temptation of Helen by virtue of qualifications. Look at the face of the cold-faced handsome guy who is helpless but unable to refute, just like the bear child reprimanded by the elders.

And as far as I can see, the famous Helen Grand Duke is not the strongest of the dragon knights. There are several strong people in the room than his Longwei. At least Joan, the elder of the elders, is obviously a holy order.

"Is it true that His Royal Highness is a guest of the dead?"

Although Joan is hesitant, in his position, some words must be asked to export. The Dragon Knights and the undead do not know how the proud dragon may obey the dirty undead.

However, His Royal Highness "Finna" is also a vampire in the undead. Although it should have nothing to do with the undead in the capital city, it is necessary to determine the purpose and position of the Lich. .

Hearing, Lilith shook her head directly.

"I said, I am Lilith now, a member of the Law Society. I don't want to control the things of the Bayer Empire. I can't control it. Here we come, there are other things. As for the Lich Rex."

The eyes of the inquiry came over, and the meaning in the eyes was clear: Is it exposed? If you are going to be a superficial identity, you said, or I will tell you.

I nodded, but did not say anything. Although the enemy's enemy is a friend, this sentence may not be correct, but it is better than misunderstanding the undead emperors. Otherwise, most of the contradictions are irreconcilable and directly tear the ending. Don't even want to pass the fortress.

"The one who just screamed at the grand prince of Helen, is the Roland adult who is known for his careful eyes."

The voice did not fall, Helen slammed up, the shock and unbelief on the face was very obvious, he was suitable to know me.

I gently rotated the ring of the hand, and the flash of brilliance suddenly shattered the false camouflage. At the same time that the body of flesh and blood returned, I immediately took the cup of the dead cat and finished the hot cocoa. It’s really good to taste the sweetness of the food instead of watching others eating and drinking.

The dead cat hates teeth, but knows that this is not the time for revenge.

"Imperial Roland!?"

"Eternal night! The king of evil is not dead"

Clearly stated the identity, but it seems that the vigilance of the dragon knights is even higher, and that Joan even touched the hilt directly. Is my reputation so bad?

"As the only undead emperor in the last millennium, and the spokesperson of the classic big devil in the fairy tales of these centuries, can you be a little self-aware. Dear Natural Disasters, the twenty-seventh."

"Yeah, 46-year-old compatriot Herois, welcome your reminder. It is said that because of our recent performance, even if you have disappeared in front of the world for a long time, your ranking is still rising, not coming out. It can make people more afraid of your existence, how do you feel?"

"The door is unfortunate, so I should have kicked you out at the beginning."

The face is still serious. In the psychological link, I and Herois are as busy as ever, but the Dragon Knight is still not calm. They have their own information channels, the only undead emperor in modern times.

"Does this also go with other undead emperors? I heard that he made a big deal in the north, what are you doing here now?"

The shadow of the famous tree of the people, in the eyes of the dragons, the status of mortals is only a short moment. It is truly worthy of respect and even taboo. It is naturally the immortal who stepped into the cloud step by step, and those guys on the Scourge list, They are all monsters.

"Then the abomination just happened to be the carnivorous person Adam? Am I a comeback?"

The blue dragon Xi Xiu Slar of the incarnation of the strong man is a little scared. The dragon who died in this famous Xiluo war **** is not one or two. In front of the all-out shot, even the cologne is only a little bit stuffed. The food, pinching a slightly famous adult dragon and what it is.

By the way, in fact, one form of Adam is also on the list of natural disasters. I just know that there are not many people. In fact, without my block, Adam, who has turned into a dragon fighting form, has already stepped on the West. Xislar.

Originally, the Dragon Knights thought that they had a comprehensive advantage, and they would invite the uninvited guests to negotiate in the fortress. They only looked at the former undead emperor. The so-called odds did not exist from the beginning. It seems that the other party has let go. It seems that there are many people in the dragon riding battle group.

Lily just continued to introduce herself if she did not notice the situation that suddenly became tense.

"Well, he is also a good friend and schoolmate of Amy Amy, this time we came to help Aunt Amyra."

"Don't worry, this time, we are probably on one side, at least I don't like the uninvited guests."


Asked by a nervous exit, it was another tall female knight, blond, with silver scales on her forehead. There are two curved dragons on her forehead. No wonder when it’s outside. Fully covered helmet.

I remember her, it seems to be the dragon knight of the previous generation, called Lucia, to see that she is very nervous, and should be related to Amira.

"Yes, I was with Aunt Amyra at Victoria Harbour. I was in the plane due to physical immunization, but Amy Amy stayed there."

"How could it be! How could the adult be?" Lucia, the female dragon knight, was shocked and did not seem to believe that Amira would suffer bad luck.

"The scourge generally lasts a long time, and Amyra is fine. I can guarantee this. It just happened to have a little trouble, so we came. Can we let us pass?"

After taking over the topic, my patience and time are limited, and I am not far from the goal. If the situation permits, I have long wanted to go directly.

I thought that this way, the other party should be easy to release, but the result is that you look at me, I look at you, it is difficult to face, it seems very problematic.

After the rainy night city, you can reach the Victoria Harbour area after 14 or 5 days.

However, the road that has been good in the past has turned into a poisonous black land. The slight corrosion and taste are disgusting. The prosperous commercial port area has become a wasteland, and the dense clouds have always shrouded in the sky. Even the unknown crows fell to the ground, which has become a restricted area for the living.

And a group of wilderness wolves have been chasing the huge Yalong, and they have entered the restricted area with no choice. Just after entering this black land, they will run slower and slower, and eventually fall down directly. After a long time, it will be stronger. The Yalong predator also fell down, and there were more zombie wolves and scorpion Yalong.

If the opening of the door is successful, the area around Victoria Harbour should be less affected. This is why Orros finally approved the plan, but for some reason, things have changed.

Just as the sewer pipe is blocked, it will eject sewage from some places, and the force of the plane of the demonized forest card owner will change the direction of erosion.

Such a region full of negative energy can't stand anybody except the undead. Although the undead will gain gains in such an area, the undead are also very worried. After all, the dragon knights have already made an ultimatum, as long as this piece is negative. The energy swamp enters the realm of mankind, which means that the area of ​​the rainy night city is the time when the two sides fought.

In the middle of this area, it has become a buffer zone for both. Every day, dragons and gargoyles patrol the sky. Of course, every time they meet, there will be several gargoyles on the ground.

No caravan will choose to enter sensitive areas in this situation. As long as we leave the rainy night city, I am afraid that the undead will know.

After learning about the situation ahead, if you don't want to be a stunned snake, there is basically no possibility of rapid passage, and you can only temporarily suspend the progress. First, collect some information to see if you can, and if you can, you can contact Emilia. I don't have it. Lying, I really don't believe that Amira will have problems.

The things on our side have just arrived. I haven't settled yet. Xiaohong is mysterious and looking for the door. Looking at the smiling face, I seem to have found some interesting things and plan to share it with me.

"Hey, Roland, I don't want to know how their dragons are so much, and those dragon knights."

"Well? Isn't that a secret to another family? You know?"

"Cut, what secret, you will know at a glance. You didn't find that Helente and his Long Xi Xiuslar are very similar. No matter from appearance or taste, the similarity is as high as 90%. It must be twins!"

Think of the rough and big man after the change of Xi Xislar, and think about the little white face of Helen, they are twins? I suddenly felt that the dragon's aesthetic was a bit problematic.

"Wait, the aesthetics of the dragons? That is to say, in the eyes of the dragons, the two people are simply twin brothers! Well, I almost know what is going on. It is no wonder that these dragon knights and their mounts are a kind of Blood, it turns out to be relatives."

It’s no wonder that Xiaohong is snickering. This is said to be a scandal of the dragons on the surface.

Most of the dragon's production is the combination of dragons and other creatures. The blood of the various types of Yalong in the main plane is very valuable. The dragon's yin is not wrong. Some combinations are not alone. It is because of love, in this case, as a "by-product" mixed-race children are hard to be treated by their parents.

It doesn't work, no matter what, let alone the irresponsible father/mother of the mixed-race, even the entire dragon will be shamed.

"That is to say, the so-called Dragon Knights Corps is probably an alternative nursery school."

If the dragon's blood is high enough to obtain the source of its blood (parents), after paying a certain price, it can be converted into a real dragon through **** rituals, but only if the dragon itself is strong enough. I am afraid that the minimum level is also golden, and it needs to grow to a certain age.

The growth of dragons is long, and a relatively safe environment for growth is necessary. Experience and wisdom are also easier to obtain in complex human societies.

It’s no wonder that the dragons of the Dragon Knights are constantly changing. It seems that the parents who don’t want to bring their children have thrown the cubs to the Knights’ custody. The long-lived young dragons here have received the knight’s spirit/brainwashing since childhood. As for what stupid things to do.

As for the dragon mounts, it is probably to accompany them to spend a long period of time, such as brothers and sisters, spend a few decades to play with their younger siblings, and nothing for the dragon.

If I guess, if there are no brothers and sisters, there will be unlucky ones who have been sent to take care of them for a period of time to test their mentality. Since they are all brothers and sisters, it is naturally nothing to ride on the body.

"Oh, it’s no wonder that they are rookies. They are all hapless children. Oh, what are you looking at?"

"Oh, that's a letter from an old dragon. It is said that my acquaintance left it to me. Yi Wenli? A strange name, Xiaohong, have you heard of it?" r1152

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