"Booming, booming!"

On the streets of the recent Ainro, the roaring sounds are one after another. The young mages are riding on the mechanical iron horses and chasing each other, leaving a mess and black smoke.

With the brilliant wheels of steel, leaving a wheel print on the old streets, cheering young people enjoying the speed of passion, the blast of the storm brought up the skirts and curses of the ladies, the black smoke Blackened the security guards who heard the news, as for the roar of the back, the world can have them without a license plate.

Soon, as the knights' driving skills continue to improve, the new speed legends are constantly refreshing, riding the roaring iron horses chasing each other in the streets, has become the most fashionable entertainment for young mage.

"Is the car family? A week has caused a traffic accident in the past year? Is it related to me? I am only a legitimate businessman of duty. If someone kills someone with a kitchen knife bought, do you still have to arrest those choppers? Store?"

Looking at the young mage who had no face in front of him, Shirley’s temperament as a disciplinary inspection work was straightforward, but there was still no way.

This is not the first time she has dealt with the "master" in front of her. Within a week, the master actually came to the Guard Bureau to lead nine times. Although it is not a bad crime, his group of people constantly refreshed various kinds of people. The number and new type of moral lower limit records.

Especially the half-dragon people have even made the cell as a home, reporting on time every day, not knowing what he did, but also asking all the prisoners to ask the prison guards crazy and ask for a cell.

"This, I think it is safer here."

When I asked myself, the honest half-dragon man actually shuddered and seemed to offend a lot of people, but when he looked at the file, he actually found out that he was a holy king hunter, and he said that he could not In a week, did you succeed in offending the epic and even the demigod?

As for other people, selling fakes, streaking, making bombings, fighting and making troubles, they are constantly causing various troubles. If it is not the guarantee of the master, she has already put this group of people on the ground. .

But today, Shirley’s patience has reached its limit. Perhaps the character of her hand cannot be equated with her moral quality. At least every time he comes to lead the embarrassment and repression is also true, but the next day or even the day In the afternoon, I ran again to lead people. Apart from people’s sincerity that he “will definitely manage this group of bastards”, there are more people who doubt whether this group of professional criminal groups is a group or simply give The Guard Bureau and the Discipline Inspection Department are looking for trouble.

But for the wave caused by the thorn garden, this is still only one side.

With the lovely elf clerk, the new thorn garden opened up the market among female wizards. Even women who are not interested in plant magic enjoy the afternoon tea in the forest cafe after the store. The cute little guys running around can kill all day, of course, there are male wizards, especially some old-fashioned wizards who want to mix in, but most of them can't resist the dazzling eyes of female wizards, and they quickly escape.

When the female mage and apprentices used it as a leisure resort, the boys quickly got their new toys.

"Tie Ma No. 7" is a new thing in the streets and lanes that constantly create black smoke, noise, and traffic accidents. He is similar to a geoengineering rocket car, but only two wheels (silver hook: auxiliary wheel to add money!) When everyone is still questioning whether such things can run, those who are the presenter gossip have already started racing on the streets.

Originally, the Masters thought that this was another strange and dangerous new thing in the goblin. With snacks, they were ready to watch the fireworks. When it was surprising, except for those traffic accidents caused by driving mistakes, these iron horses did not automatically explode. It does not meet the common sense of goblin engineering at all!

Soon, when there was a temptation to be a young man who couldn’t stand the novelty, and bought a piece to conduct research, and after unraveling in the crowd, the entire tower of the cloud was sensational.

"Ultra-small energy pool! It's still so stable! How is it possible?!"

"No, it should be just a rechargeable circulating pool!"

"What is the principle of him, as long as it can be used."

"It seems that Master Hersta and Master Diago have gone wrong in their research direction. There is no need to generate new energy in a small energy pool, only need to be able to reserve and recharge."

"Olvi's Box" is indeed an epoch-making invention. The biggest drawback of engineering is not an unstable explosion from the beginning, but a lack of stable and lasting power. If you use a special powerful biological magic core as a power source. Not only is the cost too high, but once the power source is exhausted, it becomes a pile of scrap iron before it gets a new power source with similar properties.

When the mass-produced and stable power source is solved, under my design and guidance, the loaded metal mount will naturally come into being.

The Masters are able to find the key points so quickly, and they are also expected. After all, there are two truth-level wizards competing with each other in the research project of the micro-energy pool, but obviously it is not progressing much. After all, this technology is researching from the beginning. has a problem.

The energy pool is no stranger to the Master. Each Master Tower has its own large energy pool as a backup magic reserve. The principle is different. It can even extract energy from the ectopic surface. With the support of the energy pool, a high The Master of the Order is close to the magic in his own Master Tower, saying that the strength is tripled or counted.

"Don't attack a veteran's nest." It is the basic rule of conduct of any adventurer. The daring to trample on this principle has basically been hanged.

The reason why the ultra-small portable energy pool has always been studied by the Master is to enhance the strength of the Master when he travels, but they start from the soul, or start from the natural phenomenon, or start from alchemy, but obviously No one thinks that engineering, which has nothing to do with magic, has reached a conclusion.

According to the Master's technique, the smallest capacity pool is also the size of a room. For a long time, smaller technology is considered impossible. After all, it is necessary to "open a stable ectopic exit" and "pick one The powerful energy creatures need a lot of space.

After all, in a sense, although the scholars who pursue the truth, the magician and the "scientist" and the alchemist look at things in a different way, there is no difference between the high and low points. After all, the most basic spells of the Master are Violation of the energy and material conservation of the engineers as the basis of the theory, the two roads from beginning to end, if it is hard to compare, it is completely chicken and duck.

According to the principle of large and medium-sized energy pools, the mage only considers how to obtain more energy in a small position and make some kind of "perpetual motion machine", but does not want to save energy to self-circulate, and it is enough to recharge. However, when there is a problem in the research direction and there is no corresponding theoretical basis, whether or not the results can be obtained is probably the same as buying a lottery ticket.

When the research that was originally thought to be unsuccessful has suddenly produced results, the top researchers in the Master have pursued the successful engineering of the Goblin, and the finished product is placed in front of everyone, and the Master who is calm is unacceptable.


"Yes, take him apart!"

Under the enthusiasm of the enthusiastic bystanders, when the car owners were so excited to disassemble the study on the spot, they found a dense seal with a "safety card" seal on it, which must be entered with the specified magical fluctuations. Can be lifted, of course, this little thing is difficult to fall to the Master, so with the help of the next ** division, this small seal was forcibly cracked.

Then, no more then

"Hey!", "Hey!"

In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. The Master is very good at all kinds of magic traps. After using magic to crack, a numeric keyboard form will pop up. Enter the password consisting of 20 digits in ten seconds, that is, know the password and also have a high speed. For the mage who are not working, it is obviously a bit too high.

Well, the saying that the teachers are used to the explosion in the study, or that they still have a little conscience, but at least the energy pool detonated by this explosion does not have much power, at least not dead.

But in a sense, the mages are really local tyrants. When the news of the small energy pool in the "Iron Horse No. 7" came out, one afternoon, the valuable iron horse series sold out and then sold out.

Throughout the night, I heard the explosions in the city, and then the sky was not bright. The door of the thorn garden was full of "black people" lined up for shopping.

Of course, when the top mage intervenes, the door locks of the goblins can't stop them for a long time. It's only a matter of time before such technology is cracked, but in fact, the technology that was originally intended to be sold is also in the next batch of sales lists, waiting for them to be almost Cracked, it is time for the price to come out and continue to steal money.

Soon, in addition to the research, these motorcycles were naturally tried by the Masters, and another harvest was discovered.

"Good and stable! It is much smoother than the horse! It is also very fast!"

In a sense, a long-distance travel of a low-physical mage is definitely a hard work. In their eyes, this novelty gadget is far more comfortable and flat than a horse. If it is just enjoyment, it is nothing.

"You can actually sit on it and cast a spell!"

The mage's spelling requires full concentration, and even enters the state of sorrow in a short period of time. If it is not on the bumpy horses, it is basically impossible to achieve, and these iron horses are stable on the street, but they attract New eyes.

The biggest shortcoming of the mage is undoubtedly the slow and slow body. Once it is close, it is very difficult to pull it apart. If it can be cast in high-speed movement, the strength multiplication is less.

But even if you specialize in combat spellcasting, you need to master the skills of moving spells. The difficulty of moving is very high, and the speed of movement is extremely slow. If you are sitting on a carriage and casting a wooden wheel and bearing without shock absorption, let you The **** keeps going up and down, and a rough moment at the crucial moment is a deadly magic counterattack.

There is indeed a kind of mount that can be smoothed and cast on it - a giant beast like a dragon, but it is difficult to get

High-speed mobile casting was once considered impossible, but sitting on the iron horse and fighting the ball, it seems that the difficulty is not too big, but at that time, the advertisement of the thorn garden was published, "Let those muscles always be We ate the **** behind our ass.

Just like to verify the content of this advertisement, the swordsmen from the north ride on the motorcycle iron horse street, which perfectly demonstrates the excellent shock absorption performance of the motorcycle and the feasibility of casting in high-speed movement.

As long as the Master knows the Master's needs, this seemingly inconspicuous little toy can actually greatly improve the survival rate of the Master in the wild.

As a result, the Iron Horse No. 7 became a stepping stone to open the market. The young people quickly learned the driving skills of the motorcycle, and quickly lost the useless auxiliary wheels, and even began to let the security personnel hate the car race, and the old wizards I spent money to hire a driver, and I sat in the fight on the side to enjoy the ride.

For a time, "Have you bought it?" "Buy a few cars" became a greeting between the Masters, and the door of the Thorn Garden seems to always be in a long crowd.

And this is the beginning. Two days later, the buyer has become a looting purchase, and the daily share of 100 vehicles can be robbed the night before.

The most important thing is that the thorn garden has produced new advertising words. After one month, these iron horses all use "justice points" in exchange for.

"Justice points? The previous announcement has already been heard. It seems that it is not difficult to get started. But when it is done, does it mean that this iron horse will only be sold for one month?"

Then the sales are even more popular. The iron knights who have already bought the street show off, which intensifies competition. Even for a sales quota, the ** divisions are willing to come up with their own treasures. Some black-hearted businessmen have not made a temporary The price increase is bad, but only the sales quota is awkward.

This sales method seems to be very powerful. If there is anything more suitable for promotion than "good quality and cheap" and "new and interesting", it is probably only "limited sales, first come first served", "limited time sales, then out of print".

On the other hand, the rapid increase in street racing has made the Guard and Discipline Inspection Department represented by Shirley abhorrent.

And looking at the blue-haired girl in front of me, I actually have some headaches. If I can, I don't want to offend this to represent the official security department.

It is worth mentioning that the security management unit of the Cloud Tower is divided into two parts, one is the policing bureau of the regular public security, and the other is the discipline inspection unit within each magician organization. The former is a big matter, but the ordinary law enforcement Obviously, there is no way to control the Master.

In the name of the magician organization, the latter investigates and crosses the magistrate with internal disciplinary inspection. Of course, due to the many responsibilities, the disciplinary inspection force is idle when the organization under its jurisdiction is not a non-disciplined mage. Therefore, many magistrates in the Discipline Inspection Department will also work part-time as the Guard Bureau.

Not only the law enforcement officer of the Guard Bureau, but also one of the high-level supervisors of the discipline inspection department of the Austrian law. The person sent the nickname "Steel Girl" and "Iron Throat". Well, when the word steel falls on the woman, it is obvious. It is not a good word, at least the cold-faced, stubborn and other ingredients are real, but in a sense it is the true portrayal of this serious female mage.

Just because of the recent constant leadership, I have grasped the more and more embarrassing sorrow of the guy. The respect that I had obtained for the identity of the sergeant has disappeared. Every time she looks at my expression, she always feels like Look at the scum, and every time I watched my success, I was like a **** detective who shouted "I will find evidence to send you to prison" in the old-fashioned film.

How inexplicable, I became a villain again? ! Am I really the mocking face and the sin generator in the transmission.

While I was still hesitating about the way to sneak in front of the "blood spurs", the quarrels and explosions in the back of the warehouse came, and new troubles came to the door. R1152


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