"I am stupid, really..."

I knew that the wild team is not reliable. The basic combination of random combinations is pit goods. For example, the archer is a myopic eye. The priest is on a sleepwalking hang, the warrior is full of wisdom, all the talent skills point to bargaining and diplomacy, and the wizard forgets to bring the magic book. And the small blue bottle, as long as you can't think of it, you can't find it. There is no pit in the most pits, but this time I have a convenient picture, and I accepted the invitation casually.

"Hunting the undead? How do I feel that the undead is hunting us!"

While running, I screamed, and behind us was the soul of a whole brigade. When did this start? When did we start being chased by it?

Perhaps, from the big barbarian big man, holding a branch with leaves in one hand to cover his face, while walking on his feet, he whispered, "You can't see me, you can't see me." In the eyes of the public, when the scent-sensitive blood family sneaked under the gaze of "You are teasing me", sneak attack?

Perhaps, it is the girl named Betty, or the boy named Betty, who has already finished the hunting. It is obvious that the big wave white-cambers are on the way, but they still insist on knocking out all the golden teeth of the corpse before they are willing to leave. .

Perhaps, is that the dwarf aunt's super long-range heavy artillery, but the Cyclops in the middle of the mountain?

In short, our current situation is probably caused by these pothole teammates! Sure enough, the most terrible thing is the pig teammate!

"Pig teammates? Pothole teammates? You forgot who insisted on taking the materials on the spot, 熬 bone soup for everyone to drink! Not that you waste time, we ran off early?"

Herois seems to have a different opinion.

"Hey. You don't understand. The bone elf is even more difficult to get rid of. Use it to stew soup. Nourishing beauty. Can also increase magic!"

"...It’s so proud, it seems that your craft is not bad."

"Of course, when I was taking risks together, it was my chef. The most important thing to go out to risk is to have a good chef. Otherwise, whether you are a **** or an epic, you should hungry when you are hungry, or you are not hungry. It’s also disgusting enough. Look at me, two seasoning packs, don’t talk about the toxins of the bone elves, and even the smell is gone. Hilois, don’t you drink two bowls yourself?”

"... indeed, very good taste. But why don't you not talk about it first, there is a lethargy effect, we have been sleeping until we are surrounded by the group!"

"Haha, I am not forgetting this? It can increase the magic, the principle is to promote the concentration of meditation. Meditation is not to fall asleep, this naturally has some sleeping effects......."

The dead cat has been staring at me all the time. Ok, I admit, I have a slight, perhaps a little subtle responsibility for the pursuit of the soldiers behind, but at least not all responsibility! Nor is it the main responsibility!

"Hey, it’s ugly for a man to shirk his responsibilities."

Looking back, low-level scorpions, zombies, low-level mummies, basically no slow speed, can catch up with, are high-end goods such as hussars, a little estimated about four or fifty, if There are more behind it, and it’s definitely not something that our team can handle. Well, at least not the strength of the bright side can cope.

"Hey, these guys don't know what to do. If you move the real thing, I don't vent the bottom... No, I want to avoid exposing the strength, why do you want to escape? I don't have to escape! ”

Suddenly, I figured it out. I just planned to look at the situation of the battlefield and the life of the contractors. At most, I would secretly help the wood spirit, let their plans and plots succeed, and not intend to play the pig in the legend. Eat tigers, what are you worried about?

So, I turned my head without hesitation.

"For the light..."

"Do not impulse!"

"Sure enough, the Paladin likes to have a hot brain at a critical moment, and it’s true that he is staring at him."

I haven't waited for me to pull the sword, the dwarf aunt and the pseudo-nature priest have dragged me around and left, and then took it.......

"Hey, I’m going to kill them!"

"Well, um, you are amazing, we know. I heard that the priest of the Holy Light said that under the guidance of the Holy Light, the Paladin will never fear..."

Even so, Betty’s eyes are pitiful, as if looking at the incurable madness.

"Cough, I heard the old casks of my family said that the Paladin has sacrificed the syndrome, but at least it is worthwhile to sacrifice it. Young, young, don't think about it, aunt, I am one hundred and thirty-six. And tell you, this world is not as bad as you think..."

The dwarf aunt is direct, but how the words seem to be a fool who is about to commit suicide.

"I really got rid of it, I don't want to sacrifice, I am not stubborn!"

"Well, um, I believe in you."

What does this all-in-one perfunctory and sympathy mean, I can really kill them!

"Ah, ah, let me go, I am not crazy, let me kill them..."


In the depths of the mountains, a temporary cottage has been established. Simple round logs are built into protective protective walls. The scattered tents are camps, but if someone squats on the defense of this temporary station, then the wood on the walls The special magical parasitic vines and trees will teach him to be a man.

Originally, this is the key node for performing the task. The ordinary adventurer squad will only be allowed to enter when there is a lack of replenishment and injury, but due to some special "causes", the personnel here are much more than expected.

After a busy day... Well, it should be said that after a long day of running, the hungry and tired team decided to rest in advance.

"Look, it's them."

"I am x, we ran for three hours."

"You are still good. The Shield of Glory has just killed a high-order abomination. Even if the spoils that prove the record are not obtained, they are escaping from them. That is nearly a hundred points of justice."

The "Mu Ling Super Cute" team is famous... If you pull a group of wild monsters across the entire theater, the result is like a snowball, and the companions are as deep as you, and the aunt has two feet. . I am afraid you will be famous. In the name of the team's hind legs. In the name of a professional pig teammate!

Now, no matter where we go, I am afraid that someone will point to "this potted pig teammate!".

In the face of the ridicule of other adventurers, the other members of the team are extremely calm, seemingly used to it, no wonder they can not find teammates.

Betty put strange strange mucus on her face, it seems to be doing beauty, and Agen is happy to continue to perfect his "sneak suit." Add new leaves and colors to the top.... To be honest, although many thieves will add color to their clothes, but Agen adds some leaves to the two trees... now The ground material is tied to two rotten cabbage and one carrot, which is more conspicuous than nothing! Or he intends to sell vegetables to the undead... Can I pretend not to know him! I really don't know him!

As for the dwarf little girl... only a hundred years old, what aunt, if she is aunt, what is more than three hundred? uncle?

Cough, get down to business, this little girl inherited the tradition of the dwarf. After three cups of wine are sold, they are already dancing with joy. Of course, the dance of the dwarf aunt... From afar, the barrel is dancing!

Judging from the irony of these three guys and the attitude of the eyes and the intangibles, it is not the first time to do so, that is to say, they have also pitted many people before, and they are used to ignoring the contempt of others.

The only normal person in the squad, Junxiu's bard, is happily adapting today's deeds into a bar tune, sing while playing, of course, art comes from life, and the difference between the plot and the real story can fully Understanding, beautifying the protagonist is a compulsory course for each author. but……

"It’s understandable to kill a group of cockroaches and upgrade them into a ghoul group. It’s just that a corpse witch is seen as a half-god mummies. It’s a dazzling one, but it was chased for an afternoon, but it was replaced by the undead monarch. After three days and three nights, the army and the small universe broke out and killed the leader's epic lich, and the heroes there saved the beauty and the princess, which is too much, too shameless! It is totally unreasonable!"

"...Roland brothers, you don't know. This year, you don't have a picture out of it. The story is seriously out of date. If you don't starve, you will be diverted. The more unreasonable the plot, the more attractive you are, the more you are attracted. The more exciting the plot is, the more rewards the audience will have. Now even if everyone knows that it is nonsense, Lele will do it, who will take it seriously. This is the market!"

Well, being taught by a different world of indigenous people to cater to the market, I am also drunk.

Looking at these pits, the more and more troublesome, I shook my head and went to do my own thing.

In the middle of the camp, there is a huge old tree. Although there is no dreamland, the sky is straight into the sky, but it is at least a few hundred years old, but two days ago, it is still empty.

The tree people and Mu Ling who are surrounded by the guards are guarding. It is not that no adventurers are inquiring about the news, but all the ordinary adventurers who are close to here will be stopped. I will see that I have gone, and there are enthusiastic people shouting.

"Don't go over, those wood spirits don't let people pass..."

The voice has not fallen, I have already passed the blockade line, and the wood spirits and guards are innocent, as if they did not see it.

Then, the talking man ran to try it himself, but he was not approaching. The wall of thorns and the wooden spirits that suddenly rose were full of alert and hostile gaze, which made them discouraged and could only make two laughs and return to the original. Ground.

The people who witnessed this scene remembered the appearance of the young man who had just entered, and quickly asked him if he was the team. After all, only "the man" was allowed to enter, and he was the adventurer leader in this operation. This strange young man has received the same treatment. Even if he has nothing special, I am afraid that the relationship with the Muling family is very unusual, so there is a need for tracing.

Of course, I don’t know if these things have already entered the old tree house. What surprised me is that I met a human being here.

Blonde shawl, blue eyes and white skin, black armor with glittering gold gold, black gloves are also engraved with powerful magic lines, the magic wave of the gem sword can be felt outside the door, this handsome guy is not strong I don't know, but absolutely rich is true. None of this whole body equipment is epic or below.

I naturally know this kind of burning package. The head of the Super Mercenary Corps, the guardian of the West Wood Guardian, is also the "president's order" of the adventurer who participated in this operation. Of course, it is only nominal.

But I hate him right away, just because...

"I think I should punish the team that made the strange name that caused the confusion. Otherwise, if everyone follows the example and does not listen to the order, I am afraid that the organization will be chaotic afterwards..."

In the hall, the three virtues are all there, but only Samantha is in charge of the matter. In the face of Case’s righteous words, she shook her head coldly, but when I saw it, it was a rare initiative. The head, squeezed out a smile.

"You are here."

"Well, what about the seeds, is it smooth?"

"It has already begun to sprout, and the incubation period can be completed in two days, and then it can be activated at any time to enter the next stage."

Case was shocked and he was surprised to see other humans in this core area, but I didn't plan to talk.

Approaching the core of the hall, the heart of the tree is shaking slightly, like the heart of a living thing, but underneath it, there is a boundless life energy that is crouching and accumulating. Once it breaks, it will be like The volcanic eruption is as sharp as it should be.

The seed of the forest of dreams is also the hope of the Muling family.

When this seed germinates, the sky-covered tree will rise from the ground, and the new dreamland will gradually grow, and the sleeping Amyra will also have new fields.

Although the seed must be supported by the mother, the root of the dreamland has arrived here ten days ago. This old tree is actually only part of the root. Once the camouflage is torn off, the new dreamland will be With rapid prototyping, Amira will become stronger and gain new nutrient supply and territory.

And this is obviously not what the undead expects to see. In order for Emila's plane to come, it is necessary to seed the roots to a certain extent. It takes time, and the spreading grassland wildfire can only be extinguished at the beginning. The undead are not blind. When the plane of the plane expands its own sphere, the rules of the whole world will be touched by it, and this most vulnerable period will make it the target of the enemy.

Obviously, as long as the seeds are sprouted here, the city of the undead will definitely take action. There must be a hard battle to fight, and since it is going to fight sooner or later, it is natural to take more high-level undead before they arrive in the world. There is no mistake in the judgment of Muling, and I also hope that the field of the forest of dreams can be expanded, so that Amira will wake up as soon as possible.

Since Samantha said that everything is good, I nodded and didn't ask much. This is more appropriate for experts.

"you are?"

Instead, Case raised his own doubts. He felt that the people in front of him were familiar, but they couldn’t remember seeing them there.

"Who am I? You don't even know the object you want to punish?" (To be continued, please search for Astronomical Literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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