The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 331: Missing points

“Justice points? Reward? What do you need?”

Since there is such important information, I can't slack off, so I left the group of pit goods. I rode directly to Irene Bella and rushed back to the camp. But after seeing Samantha, her horror is obviously not a disguise, maybe In her mind, I don't need these justice points.

"Not a group of pit goods, I keep asking about how many points I have for this mission, how much they can divide. I feel that if they can't give them a satisfactory price, they will end up plaguing me, and..."


"I really need it myself."

Yes, I can earn justice points for others, but I can't. Actually, I am also very scarce, and the gap is not small.

With the introduction of modern management, my books and justice points are divided into public and private, but there are many gaps in public or private use.

Don't look at the thorny gardens in the towers of the clouds, but those who live in the house actually don't have much points, most of them are still processed, but some of the things that force the justice points to consume are also credits. Consumption in advance...

Credit consumption is hard to understand? Or the straightforward saying is that the owed consumption, the legendary and above good reputation of the ** division, will not let the owed back for too long, and as long as they let them participate, I have reached the most important goal - stop the cloud The self-enclosure of the tower allows these masters to work for us.

Of course, this white strip is not played by the way. After all, the money owed in this year is not too much to be owed. The "debt is the uncle" is really empty talk, but if it is the loan of the evil and the powerful usury . People with normal brains will still think about changing money in advance. And in most eyes. I am probably the number one black and evil force in the world of the Master..... There are other mage in front of the natural disaster list, which is simply discrimination!

Ok, I admit that I did use the ninety-three percent of the arrears rate, and that the guys who didn’t plan to pay back used some inconvenient means to kill the chickens and monkeys. This is not to force them to earn points in their own way. Still me, I am expressing my love for the Master in my own way!

Unfortunately, those guys don't understand, but make my reputation even more strange, of course. The idea of ​​slightly enriching your future warehouse is also true. After all, no one is a saint without private thoughts.

But perhaps this business will be very profitable in the future, but now there are only a lot of white strips in the public justice point warehouse, which is a big deficit, and my big industrial party also needs precious experimental materials and historical mysteries and knowledge, and the demand is also Very big.

And my personal aspect, that is, the points I can use to improve my strength, is basically zero.

Why is it zero? Because there is basically no chance to earn. The accounting mechanism was built after the declaration of the gods. At the time, when I was fighting the undead, I didn’t have the contract wrist wheel. Even if there is a harvest, there is no way to calculate it.

And then it was the mess in the cloud tower, and naturally it was impossible to mention the honor points of the near-competition points. In fact, I was equally expecting the exchange list.

The ancient swordsman's swordsmanship essentials, the first generation of undead, the ancient devil and even Ayers himself's undead research, the ancient gods' understanding of the power of order and the light, these knowledge and legends are truly invaluable treasures, Involved in many areas of my research, what? Why is there no knowledge of ice magic? That is, even if I exchanged the estimate, I can't understand it. If there is a demand, the hail and the heroes who are in the snowy mountains are already competent teachers, at least for me now.

In the study of the power of swordsmanship, undead research, and order (law), I have reached a certain level, but it is difficult to find a qualified tutor. After all, I have reached a certain level in this respect. What is needed is Give me the information and accumulation of the analogy.

"It is said that the ancient swordsmen did not attach importance to the cumbersome sword skills, but used to use simple basic sword techniques to kill each other. Rough and powerful is their most obvious feature. Unfortunately, it has not been passed down. My sword skills It is also the basis of self-study, and it is impossible to get a lot of benefits in it."

"The existing undead can be divided into three categories: corpse, ghost, and scorpion. It is said that every undead in ancient times is different. They can transform their physical structure and even have the ability to multiply and live. The normal reaction of the person also has endless growth potential, I really want to solve the plan....... See you."

"Where does the **** of the light go to which step, the light that purifies the distorted order comes from? If it can get first-hand information, not only can the power of the law advance greatly, I am afraid Become a powerful bargaining chip for the church."

I have always had such regrets, and a little bit of pursuit, as well as a variety of magic weapons and magic mysteries, those who can drive the epic, demigod treasures, naturally can also make my heart, but unfortunately, the purse is empty, only Can look at it.

Why don’t you just try to get cheating? That is absolutely impossible!

Indeed, the justice point is that the true God of the side of Ayer is managing the rules. I can find a way for myself through the sleepless person, but as long as this idea appears, I am afraid that the most serious loss is me.

If I did, it is very likely that the gods of the law and the contract will fall directly!

Just as the **** of wealth, Beyana, gains strength from the expansion of the concept of trade and wealth, the exchange of justice points has benefited the sleepless people who control the contract, and the one-to-one and fair contract has made it even more Many faiths are original and believers, but they have the right to have obligations, and if they have income, they must pay.

In this system, the sleepless person is also transformed into the concept of fair and equivalence, and once it becomes the supervisor of the concept of fairness, it begins to engage in malpractice. The so-called justice naturally becomes a joke, and once the concept of justice emerges Breaking down, while the entire exchange system collapses, the sleepless people who bear all the consequences must be degraded first.

The sleepless person who is the divine switch may not have private thoughts, but I am connected with the soul, if my private thoughts are judged by the world rules as his private thoughts. All our efforts are all finished. If you don’t know what Ayer’s side is involved in, it’s going to be a few.

The result is before the redemption system of justice points is made. I can also find a way to get these things from Ayers, and now, there is no second way except for redemption. I don’t even dare to think about cheating. I don’t dare to step on the sidelines like other things, because The only thing that people can't deceive is their own heart, and once there is a problem. That is devastating.

Therefore, although I have made a point of justice, the result is not only to find a way to earn, but also to find ways to make up for possible loopholes, to fight the **** who are trying to exploit the gap, let the balance and ruler The more fair and just of the sleepless people, the more sleepless people can get enough gains in this feast.

"Aye boss, don't give me some benefits before I am."

"Oh, you didn't say, who would think of us. We thought you were to be self-reliant."

Ok, it’s all my fault. I even thought about finding a system to redeem, but this kind of nothing is super expensive, and it may not be available, or the ordinary justice points exchange is more reliable.

"The exchange of phantom swordsman's phantom swordsmanship requires 30,000 justice points, and it is only a copy of the exchange. How many prints do you want to print? Why don't you grab it!"

"...there is a rush to get us. Knowledge is pricey. Moreover, the person who makes this price assessment is a sleepless person, or else, you should discuss it with him."

Indeed, because you can sell copies, the price of martial arts, magic knowledge and other items is far worse than the artifacts, but for those senior strong, these secret martial arts and magic from the ancients may not be worse than artifacts.

However, in order to sell a good price, you must sign a magic contract before purchase, do not allow rumor, or spend money to buy one or two rumors, and the top knowledge actually has restrictions, such as this can bring out the fantasy fantasy avatar There are only ten purchase places... I suddenly feel that this trick is a bit familiar.

"Well, it’s the opinion of the sleepless person, and draws conclusions from his knowledge and memory." Even if it’s just a stone, as long as it’s a limited edition, a limited number of first-come-first-served, limited-time sales, it’s a miss. This opportunity will be regretted. If it is late, it will be gone. Naturally, you can sell the price."

Sure enough, it is the routine of the profiteers in the past, is this another way to lift your own feet?

"... If it reaches the required number, will it really not be sold in the future?"

"How is it possible, in addition to using the interests to drive us to serve us, we have come up with another purpose of these, and it is also to enhance the average combat power of the whole world. If it is not sold, it is obviously against this fundamental goal."

"Isn't that fattening?" This is a devastating blow to the believers of the true God!"

"No, we just don't buy it directly. When we get there, we can form a 'Shen Gong Cheats Gift Pack'. The average number of points is one and a dozen, randomly put into the top sword skills and magic, let them pump, if you can not pump If you use it yourself, even if you are welcome to visit us... What happened to you? How to get underground, how to hold your face."

"Don't tell them that this attention comes out of me! I will be chased by everyone!"

In addition to the limited/limited time/collector's edition, my avatar actually offered the lottery package, a super-pit of anger, and I can already predict that after this news spread, not only will this creative person become The public enemies of the human powers, who do not sleep well, will be more deceitful and pitted.

Only those who really try will know that the last drop of blood is squeezed out of the package but still can't get the anger and despair that they want. Just know that "the seventeenth time, it is the devil's smile mask, there is really there. I want an epic gold suit!?" How many sorrows in the desperate roar, and the face of the emperor who entered the pit together casually took out his dreams, who would not want to use his head against the wall Can understand.

"That... I think we need to add a patch. If you are not satisfied with it, you can exchange it with the equivalent value, and only once."

In order not to be chased in the future, I can be said to have racked my brains and allowed a transaction. This is a rare conscience. Although there are too many types, even if a transaction is allowed, both parties will draw the desired items. The possibility of trading is still very low, so I made up my mind, at least I must buy the items I want before the **** package money plan starts.

"Hey, I found the traitor of the undead in the camp. It should be considered a contribution. According to the principle of equivalent exchange, at least I should give me a thousand points of justice."

I think Samantha should give me a satisfactory return.

"It really helps us, it has a negative impact on the undead, and rewards justice points 154 to 211. This is calculated by the contract wrist wheel. Even if I have the authority, I can only give the maximum limit. Two hundred one."

"Who is this algorithm? It is a pit person! If you have two hundred and one, you have to divide it into half of the pits. You can only leave more than one hundred. The first 30,000 points must wait for that one. Year."

"Every wrist wheel is a creation of a god. I am afraid that even if you can complain directly to them, you can't change it. And, do you still remember the report? It is your own proposal to make a cheaper order for low-end items. In this way, there will be more participants, and young people will emerge in large numbers. High-end items should be as expensive as possible, and points should be given less. This will force those who are dead to sell to earn points, and they can find a way to return to this."

My complaint was answered by Herois. She seemed to be dissatisfied. I didn't make a wrist wheel for it, and I didn't promise to exchange items for it... Her eyes were super high, and she was super good. I am redeeming it!

"Hah, is there something? I don't remember."

Ok, I am sweating while I am stupid. This is the first time I have pitted myself, and sure enough...

" are thinking, ‘I really want to think about the future? If you don’t care, you will get into yourself’, don’t worry, I’ve seen it, and the situation will be much better...”

"You will remind me not to make mistakes in the future?"

"No, if you listen to the advice, you will be blamed. Your heart of death can't be changed. If you hang into your own pit, you will naturally be ignorant."

Well, just as the nth cat war was going to take place, Samantha suddenly interrupted our communication.

"Although I can only give so many justice points now, if the father performs the next task, 'find and capture the spy', the reward points will not be less." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated fast!

Ps: On the weekend, try to add another day on Saturday and Sunday.....

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