The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 336: Undead Emperor (below)

"Is missing again? How come?"

Although the face of the bones is hard to show any surprise, the Lich Edwin still can't believe what he just heard.

It is now the midnight of the second day of the beginning of the assembly of Davie’s army. It is unbelievable that the missing people are constantly appearing in the camp.

If the disappearance is only ordinary low-order undead, perhaps they will naturally fall apart when they walk, no big deal, if the middle and high-order undead are missing, there may be a strong hunter hunting in the dark, can understand But what is missing is...

"Yes, the camp of the Maharaja of the southwestern city has been blank, the tents are there, the appliances are there, and even the personal belongings of each person are there, but it is empty."

The messenger is a ghost, his expression is ambiguous, and the constantly flashing shadow shell shows his inner heart.

"How is it possible? This is already the thirty-seventh group missing. It is clear that the high-end undead are constantly going back and forth, but they are still missing. Right, did you know Mr. Kaben?"

This has to be said to be a wonderful irony. The undead actually encountered ghost stories, and the silent disappearance of their peers made them unable to understand.

If it is a sudden attack, how could it be that there is no reaction, so there is no trace of the battle. If other races are, there may be a wide range of spiritual attacks, but how can the undead family immune to spiritual magic? Silent and silent.

"Mr. Kaben... The Chief of Kaben was in the barracks at the time, and he also disappeared!"

The lich stood up fiercely, and the fire of the soul in his eyes flashed. It’s just a sudden disappearance of low-level undead. But at least the legendary uncle of the undead may not be so inexplicable. The strength of Kaben is absolutely not under him. If he can suddenly disappear, how can he be safe?

Can you kill one of the guards and kill the undead? Can you leave no trace? Still several big people are constantly scanning the camp now? Even though I haven’t felt the threat of death for a long time, the Lich Edwin still feels that the vest is cool, and it seems that there is something vague about it in the night.

"Actually, I am a bit clue, but still not sure..."

The volatility of the shadow is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that the secret contained in it makes it impossible to make self-made emotions.

"What did you find out! Say it!"

The rush of emotions allowed the lich to take the initiative to face the ghost. Grab the other person's vain body and ask quickly.

"That, that is..."

When the words were not finished, the lich found that the shadows began to dissipate. The dark wind made the room full of smoke. The silent mourning was the scream of the soul. It seems that any curse was triggered, and the ghost began to die.

"Come on! I ordered you to say it!"

The hurried lich, Edwin, quickly approached the ghost, and the arm poured a lot of negative energy to protect the body that he was dissipating. After that, I found that the situation was wrong.

The negative energy sent out is like a sinking sea. The stretched out arm found that it could not be withdrawn, and the shadow was completely turned into a black fog, and the black fog was turned into a distorted face, and some of the faces were so familiar.

The hoarse voice of the soul reverberates in the room, without the temperature of the slightest feeling.

"Join us……"

"...why would you be! Kaben!"

The most eye-catching face was the undead uncle who had just disappeared. He felt that the situation was not good. Edwin immediately planned to start the protective spell, but there was no response. When the black mist completely dissipated, the lich’s camp was empty. No one, as long as the open window has a night breeze, the log on the desk is blown repeatedly, as if the owner here was still there.


"Is it heard? There are a lot of undead missing in the evening. It is terrible. This time the missing person actually has a lich. It is said that not only his people are gone, but even his life is empty. You can let It’s terrible that the lich who has a life-threatening ruin is so unclear."

"What are you afraid of, you are not a dead soul."

Apparently, Betty’s exclamation, the dwarf “big sister” Mary is not interested, trapped in the camp, she has been severing for two days, her face is tired and languid, according to her, this is the habit of the dwarves It will be better in two days, but I know that this is just alcoholism caused by excessive alcoholism. It will be good in two days... or she is not wrong, it is only a nationality. Habitual alcoholism only.

"...I have just made a good trade channel. Those undead are really in stock, especially those intelligent souls. As long as some expired journals and books, you can exchange a lot of magical materials and gold. The original corpse promised to give I introduced a big boss lich. As a result, the boss disappeared directly and canceled it directly. Ah, the **** still owes me two silver coins. He intends to use the enchantment to curse the girl and change it!"

"...not to mention the curse after the enchanting treatment is the precious material of the undead magic, you a true **** priest with this thing and the **** of sorrow, that thing is a minimum price of tens of thousands of gold coins, you two silver coins are going to It’s too profitable to accept it.”

How to say it, should you say that it is the pastor of the goddess of wealth, you can earn even the money of the dead!

"Right, I can sell the amulet blessed by the true God! Now people are guilty... Ghostly, you can definitely sell it!"

"Don't play it off and be discovered. Right, you found no. Recently, many undead have become dull. They seem to be awkward..."

Well, while you can make money, you can also publicize the doctrine, and you can't dig a few believers from the undead. The business outside the door is enough to touch the wealth goddess of the goddess for the time being. My research has also stepped into it. On the right track.

In the center of the room, there is a rotten stone tombstone, but the surrounding is still full of various types of law, the dead cat is writing and painting around, to maintain it.

"It's incredible. So small. Is it the core of the graveyard?"

Grave devil. It is one of the harvests of my tower in the cloud, and it is also a super undead creation made according to ancient methods.

He is a strange magical object, often the incarnation of the cemetery. Once awakened, it is at least a super-dead war machine above the holy level, and its specific combat power and ability will be determined according to the area and history of the composed graveyard.

If it is an ordinary cemetery... Ordinary cemetery can't be done, generally only the area with sufficient negative energy has been invaded for more than 100 years. It is possible to produce, and if it is a graveyard in the battlefield after a hundred years of **** battle, it is a giant war machine of more than 100 meters high. If it is a cemetery built on the battlefield of this level of war, there are half-god and quasi-god corpses. In that case, that is, the true God also has a headache. In fact, the demon lord with a layer in the infinite abyss of the devil is such a cemetery, but I heard that it is naturally produced.

The ordinary necromancer regarded it as the creation of the undead magic, but did not pursue the research. This is the common problem of most mages, they are used to the magic of all kinds of mysterious creations. Never ask why, this is a calm and harmonious civilization, but because of the luxury of the eyes, but also missed a lot of hidden landscape.

The most inconceivable part of the cemetery is his structure. He is built from a grave of extremely high energy, that is, although there are negative energy and bones in the body, the material of ninety-nine is still the earth element. .

Then, according to the most basic elemental theory, it seems that he should be a soil elemental creature, but in fact, regardless of any classification, it is regarded as a pure undead creature.

This is undoubtedly contrary to the current mainstream theory of undead research.

Unlike the way I study from the essence and the foundation, most of the necromancers start from the tangible material of the undead. They tend to have better undead materials to make stronger undead creatures, even if I follow me. Personal theory, this is not wrong, a powerful soul must have a strong body to play the strongest strength, gentleman... The positive soul must be carried by a healthy body, otherwise most of the problems will occur, but this is definitely not the creation of the undead. All!

The bones of the legendary strong can often create legendary undead, but it does not mean that all the legendary undead must be made with the bones of the legendary and above, and in the eyes of most of the necromancers, this is an unquestionable axiom.

According to the classic model of the undead creation, it is impossible to explain why the ninety-nine is the earth-built cemetery, why is it so powerful, there will be a powerful and incredible ring of light, and its own combat power is amazing, but it can also become a recharge place for the undead. And the training center can't explain the source of supernatural power.

Perhaps they would say that the bones of them played a role, but the bones buried in the soil are undoubtedly a random combination of nature.

If the random combination of materials can constitute a magical creation, it can create a top undead with a lot of supernatural ability, and also need the undead and the undead magician to do, which is itself a mockery of the classic undead creation theory.

But it can be explained clearly with my undead tectonics, which is also the source of my interest in the graveyard.

"Only a powerful soul can drive such a powerful undead creature, and through research, it has been determined that the soul does not have much intelligence... No, it should be said that there is no memory and knowledge, it is like a newborn baby. His soul is almost blank, and the soul that has just been born above the legendary level is simply unexplained."

This naturally reminds me of the Styx that allows the soul to reincarnate, and after several experiments, I also come to the conclusion that is most likely to be close to the facts.

This soul is not an individual in the graveyard, but a collection of countless individual souls. The entire graveyard is his flesh, and the soul that is matched with it is born in this flesh.

Perhaps the final conclusion is somewhat deviant, but I personally feel that there is some truth:

Under the long-term erosion of negative energy, the normal transformation from birth to death is reversed, the bones of the deceased become the catalyst for transformation, and the sludge full of bones completes the transformation from death to life, and all the remnants are synthesized. (The birth of each other) has a collective consciousness, he is a newborn, so he is blank and needs time and knowledge to catalyze his mature adult.

Ok, since I know the principle of the cemetery, what is the practical significance? The cemetery of more than 100 years is not everywhere. There are still many unknowns in the collective consciousness. Even if you want to mass production, it is impossible.

But just follow the gourd painting. Finish the finished product according to the drawings and processes. It is only a third-rate technician. The real researcher can improve the original design according to the principle. If the material is insufficient, you can find alternatives, and even produce products far beyond the original.

"...the formation of the cemetery requires two basic conditions. First, a lot of negative energy is integrated into a relatively ** individual, and secondly. It is a lot of relative ** souls. In a sense, gathered together. The undead army is in line with this basic condition. They are a whole (corps), but there are countless pieces of soul (the undead itself)."

Of course, this is not enough. There are still many unsolved mysteries in the creation of the cemetery. The undead who are gathered together cannot reach the premise of the cluster consciousness. Therefore, I have moved some hands and feet.

"In this tombstone, is the soul of the new cemetery demon?"

"No. No, he is only a soul fragment of the 'Little Three'. It is part of the study I have divided. If the complete Xiaosan is useless, he already has his own, but if it is an incomplete fragment. , eager for completeness, will complete my goal, he will become the seed of this soul giant!"

There is a connection between the undead, the undead emperor controls the undead monarch, the undead monarch uses the soul contract to control the high-order undead, and the high-order undead controls a large number of low-order undead. This is a conceptually established soul network. He is also the backbone of the undead army.

If an undead army is regarded as an individual, each member is his cell, but these cells have a sense of **. If one day, the consciousness of the cluster wakes up, commanding all of their cells to obey their own commands and annihilate individual cells. What will happen to the consciousness?

The current "small three" is the cluster consciousness. What I have to do is very simple. I just tell him that the whole army of the undead is his **. The soul network formed by this undead is his meridians and blood vessels. He should wake up!

"He wakes up, he needs **, he needs to be brought together to the power of death, he needs all the cells to arrange according to his own wishes, he is a congenital premature baby, he wants to... born!"

I don't know what kind of strange changes have been experienced in this. Just as no one knows how babies get their own consciousness and soul. How many magical processes there are, all I have done is to satisfy the conditions that make this happen. Then this The phenomenon happens naturally, but .....

"...To be honest, I don't know what will happen to this, but don't you think that it's because you don't know it? Is it interesting to have a successful experiment? It's still not the most attractive. If it is once Success, my undead structure will have new results!"

Now, my experimental results, the camp, the undead army survived, cleaned up the impurities in their bodies, perfected their souls and **, he ordered his own blood vessels, trunk, limbs, internal organs to obey his orders, Build your own perfect body.

The undeads came together in a dazzling way, and they swallowed each other. They couldn’t resist, and they wouldn’t resist. Just as the flesh couldn’t refuse the command of the soul, only the soul of the soul would prove the self to the world, and they could keep themselves for a short time. **, but instead let the cluster awareness take the initiative to find the door in advance, turned it into a nutritional product in advance, since they are still part of this legion, naturally swallowed without resistance.

A new soul is on the way to birth, and as the leader of the experiment, my daily experimental records can not be completed, countless inspirations flash in my mind, it seems that I am about to see the birth of another good work, and This time, since it is the aggregation of the army that brought the war, I intend to call him Mars (war mars).

Perhaps, only by using the self to construct the holy order of the world like a world can we avoid the desperate situation that is conceptually defined as part of the army, and from the fact that there is already a sacred undead monarch, such standards are not necessarily insured.

Of course, it is easy to reject Mars's call. Just tell yourself that you are not part of the undead army but the outsider is enough. Then Mars is conceptually unable to define you as part of his body.

But unfortunately, as long as I don't say it, no one can think of it.

This is really unreasonable, but with the idea of ​​a certain region in the Middle Ages, if someone predicts that the creation of steel can fly in the air, it will certainly be regarded as a madman, and many seemingly unreasonable phenomena are simply because the research is not deep enough. The experimental results can be reversed. If the experiment is really successful, I am afraid, I will step by step to reverse the intermediate process, and I am destined to gain a lot of gains.

"That... you thought about how to end up? This stuff makes me feel a little hairy, you are not afraid to control him."

"Do not worry, I have considered it."

“Is there a perfect control preparation? How to do it? When did it?”

"...It should be said that since I completely can't think of how to control it, I have no plans to control it. Will parents plan the future of the newly born child? Let him grow up freely and happily. Well, from this appetite, he will be a Healthy good boy."

[He will definitely be healthy, others will definitely be unhealthy! Don't say that like a idiot parent who is proud of the excessive energy of the bear child, you can't reflect on it. During the gestation period, even the holy step is swallowed as a nutrient. What kind of monster will you eventually become? Have you ever? The high-order undead as a ** constitutes significantly better than the negative energy soil, and the soul of the undead monarchs will eventually be stronger. Have you ever thought about it? The two-way bonus of soul and ** will have the addition of geometric numbers! There is basically no limit to the stuff. Have you ever thought about it? Are you going to think about it? I said earlier that you will not stop the creation of the dead, and destroy the world sooner or later! System Tip: Five points of justice points spit out the fee automatically deducted, do not thank me. By the way, how do you think I will use the roaring body next time? 】

Herois nodded her face indifferently, and she was used to it.

"...My Majesty, you will destroy this world sooner or later, really." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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