The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 359: Battle report from afar (on)

The task of the contract brave is not limited to one side of the forces. On the contrary, because there are not many participants in the early stage, the bottleneck of issuing the task is not high. Basically, the forces on the side of the Ayer side and the official countries can issue tasks, but the task can be In the hands of the contract brave, it is necessary to see the approval of the internal operation of the system is not approved.

Since it is a platform to provide tasks, just as a certain treasure has both buyer evaluation and seller evaluation, in order not to appear malicious task publishers, the task publishers also have evaluation grades.

But here is a little different, but the evaluation level here is not to look at how many tasks are released, but a comprehensive evaluation based on their identity, past deeds, positions, etc., mainly on their credibility rating.

To put it simply, if the church is extremely relevant and wants to publish a task, it is one thing to pass the review. Even if it can pass, the task publisher’s information will also have a black disaster star mark, which is explained from another angle. This publisher is completely unreliable. If you are still being tempted to do the task, you will be deserved.

Although many things are made by me, they are still unrecognizable during the execution. After all, not only do each of them have their own ideas, but there is always a gap between planning and execution, but I did not expect it. In the end, it still provoked Some trouble.

Because of the special status, I have obtained the highest level of similarity with other true gods on this system, which is equivalent to the official system recommendation to complete my task first, and use the official credit to guarantee that I am a trusted employer.

This is not a privilege, but from my semi-official identity, from my standpoint. I will certainly work hard to promote the benign development of the contract brave platform. then. This system gives me the highest credit rating.

Obviously, it is not a **** on the top. At the same time, you must work hard with the mortal beings, but you must worry about the overall situation. Once you have problems, you are first smashed by the front line. Simply speaking, you are eating rotten cabbage leaves, but you must follow the heart of the old emperor... Inexplicably think of the temporary workers who have the name of the back pot, I hope that I will not fall into the same end.

Cough, get down to business, my task is easy to post. Also on the task information, the information may be out of date, and need to be verified and other specific circumstances, but on the other hand, this platform can not help me, but it is necessary to come to me trouble - must pay.

But it is hard to beat me. Although my purse is empty and the points of justice are also searched, I am not without resilience.

My reward is... owe.

Well, I know that it is shameless to pay arrears to the wages of migrant workers, and it is not allowed to be found in the door. But my owe is the real equivalent of the creation of magical mechanics.

From the beginning, those engineers were my subordinates. Manpower and technology are mine, and the natural products are also mine, and now Amira is in a long sleep, her thorn garden is also within my jurisdiction, when the family was still defeated, as always I shouted and screamed the villains. I didn’t dig holes in the past to leave the treasures for the restoration of Dongshan. I just painted a dozen of treasure maps.

Maybe I don't have half a dime in my purse, but in fact I still have a little family business. As long as I am owing a bill, I can certainly cash it. I think it seems that I accidentally became a high handsome man... Who said one meter? Second, does not meet the conditions? Come out, I swear I will never kill him!

"It should be accepted, even if those things are not used by themselves, they can be sold back."

But I still underestimated the power of my owed. The new creations of the magical mechanics are completely exclusive products in this world. Maybe it’s just a little try on the battlefield here, but on the battlefield there, It has already achieved an amazing record.

It is these achievements that make the products of the magical mechanical science, as well as the Knights from the North, famous together.

The record there? Oran's water city offensive and defensive!

While I was still busy here, the former Orlan Empire was in Kagsi, and the war capital of the empire’s capital, Feloxi, was in a deadlock.

The city completely sunken by the sea is obviously the home of the sea and aquatic races. In this area, they can easily cross the challenges. Even the top powers are accidentally caught in the encirclement, and may fall. .

Such a battlefield, the human sea and tactics that human beings are best at, can not be played, and the powerful knight can not charge in the water. The heavy armor that has been proud of in the past has become a burden, even if the infantry can barely fight the area, there are also The water of half a person is high, and the heavy armored soldier will never use it if he accidentally slides.

For the sea people, no matter how powerful the incoming army, all they need is to stop the waves and let the unyielding soldiers go to the sea to feed the fish.

Using a boat? Traditional wooden warships can be drilled at any time, and small ships can't resist the waves that the seas deliberately summon, and the giant warships can't even be deployed on such battlefields.

According to the practice on the battlefield, such a battlefield has no balance at all. It is a Jedi that no military commander will choose to attack. However, since Oran lost his country, the war here has not stopped. .

After all, here is the capital of the Oran Empire! It is the military, political, and economic core of a quasi-super empire, the face of all Oran people.

The capital of a country was besieged and even captured and even massacre. The intruders often thought that this would destroy the will of the resisters, but in fact, it was often the shame of the life of any country with **** people. They would It’s been too much to wash this shame with all the hard work, but there are always some people who are proud of the so-called enemy capital raid plan, but they don’t think about it as a full-scale war. What will happen after that.

"The King of the Winter Wolf" Dassault has left immortal achievements in "history". Such a character is not easy, and it will become more and more sophisticated as the experience and strength rise. Deal with.

The difference between ordinary people and males is probably to face the predicament of near-death. Ordinary people will be desperate and even angry. Forced to solve problems under the influence of negative emotions. But for Yuxiong. The predicament is also an opportunity. They face the crisis and laugh at turning the crisis into their own opportunities.

Indeed, he lost the capital, but he established a new war country directly in the vicinity of the rain less than 30 kilometers. The city is still called Kagsi, and the architectural styles are deliberately imitating the capital. It is just a sub-city of the capital. And every day to lead the team to patrol their capital, rain or shine.

Every day, in the whole of Oran, there are countless manpower and materials passing under the wall, and every morning and evening, the emperors and queens on the wall wave at the supporters.

Every time he counterattacks, he is at the forefront, even if the roar of the sea giant is in his ear, he has not wavered.

"Our emperor!"

If the title of the previous two years only refers to identity, it is now. It is a respect for it from the bottom of my heart.

You know, the curse effect of making the rain capital is still playing. The rain capital is expanding its territory every day, and sooner or later it will be overwhelmed. Because the new capital city is not far from the rain, the powerful sea monsters who can leave the water for a short time often launch raids. Even so, he still insists on In the new Kagsi city, the other side's raids were repelled.

The war is indeed unfavorable. Even if it happens to recover lost ground, it will soon be lost again. The counterattack campaign has already started to the 67th wave, but there is still no substantial gain, but from another perspective, in the constant tug of war. The Oran people have become accustomed to the fighting methods of the sea people. The young people have also grown up in the war. The whole country has mobilized. The national strength and industry of the whole country have been exchanged from the peace era to the war era, although each time Did not win, but did not lose.

Yes, there is no loss. Every counterattack is a campaign set up on the premise of “can’t lose”. It raips a certain area, kills the seas, and then quickly retreats. In actual combat, it uses 30% of the troops to make a sharp attack. 70% of the troops support, although this is very negative, it is impossible to obtain the first decision, but from the perspective of the free seas that have become less and less in the surrounding area, the shrinking defense of the sea seems to have lost the confidence to annex everything.

Even though the expanded rain capital is less than ten kilometers away from the new Kagsi, the ambitious Dassos is still patiently mobilizing the troops, and even turned it into a battlefield for hunting and training.

As a quasi-super empire, Dassault has a wayward temperament. If it is purely rational, it can even ignore the fall of the king.

After the wars of the past two years, the fathers of the old father and the brothers died in battle. The authority of a powerful emperor would have grown indefinitely during the war. Today, he has thoroughly mastered this country.

Well, of course, his most wise and trusted friend and the most beautiful and gentlest queen, the former has become the first prime minister of Oran, and the latter has been regarded by more and more Oran people. The perfect woman in the middle, but among the close ministers, she knows that she is the second person after Dassault.

In all senses, the Oran Empire has transcended the power of "history."

And their opponents, the kingdoms established by the seas, although they still occupy the capital of rain, but the situation is not very good in all aspects, more and more of the influx of sea tribes, the warm sunshine and freedom The beaches and warm meats, while fascinating the maritime tycoons, have also consumed their fighting spirit, so that they only hope to occupy more semi-land and metropolitan entertainment venues, but instead put all their energy into it. In the middle of the fight.

I want to eat more cooked meat, even warm the sun, and even learn to wear aristocratic clothes that can't be launched. The blacksmith shop forging weapons is lacking in people's interest. However, all kinds of restaurants and bars are newly opened, even underwater concert halls. The sound of the hustle and bustle is re-sounding, and in the case of limited resources, even if there are restrictions on the royal family of the new royal family, the internal fighting continues to occur. After all, they were all tribes and tribes. Scrambling has become commonplace, and the so-called new royal family has even been one of them, and reputation is not enough to suppress.

In the face of more and more powerful human counterattacks, in the face of the same family who have been killed in the periphery, they have not taken seriously, just passively waiting for the expansion of the rain capital, thinking that this is enough, in their conception, anyway, the other side is not Dare to enter the deep-water region to launch a full-scale war, and your own enemies will instead compete for other statuses of the other seas. It is still a good thing to die.

While being busy fighting for power and fighting for strength, while uniting and fighting, this has led to the weak mankind regaining the initiative of the war.

At this time, they have the absolute authority of the guardian **** Ms. Storm, but in a period of time into a strange silence, well, after being injured by Aye, and for some reason, the original allies water The **** of elements also withdrew her direct subordinates, leaving only a few low-level water elements.

The absolute authority of the mess, regardless of the chaos and infighting.

In this case, Dassos organized the 68th crusade, but this time the goal is not just to kill a few seas, but it is this time, Renee and her Northland war The regiment came, and the peers, but also the "Jealous" Masolit who swears revenge. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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