The war is not going well. It should be said that no one will have optimistic expectations for this battlefield.

The main strategic goal is not only the dock area of ​​the main battlefield, but now it is under the water of at least tens of meters. The sea is called the dragon's land, and the semi-god-level nine-headed dragon's blood is dripping here. The remaining dragon's blood is ordinary. Life is poisonous, but it still has irresistible appeal to other sea beasts. A large number of marine behemoths gather there.

To get there, at least kill more than a dozen blocks of sea people, and once in a stalemate, I am afraid that the support of the sea will arrive soon.

Therefore, for this war, Dassault and his staff also made their homework. In the previous 60 counterattacks, at least ten choices were to break through this direction, not just for real assault collection. Intelligence, eradication of threat targets, is even a psychological war of paralyzing opponents.

"Dragons are attacked again? I really don't know why humans like to fight, do what they do, and give them to the sea beasts."

In fact, for the current Haizu, the first strategic point is their royal family and temple, while the second is a variety of recreational facilities. As for the original pier where the sea beasts gather... Does the sea need a boat? There is still raising pigs... raise the sea beast.

In the previous five raids, there were two choices in this direction. Perhaps the dispatch of the Haizu is still very timely, but the frontline fighters have been keenly aware that the reaction of the other party has begun to be slow. At least the reinforcements that came from other places have already been 30% late, the number of reinforcements is at least half!

Since the Haizu has been paralyzed by such attacks, the time has come to launch a real counterattack. "Dawn" is coming.

It takes more than an hour for the warm sun to light up the world. Most of the seas are still in deep sleep. They will wake up after nine o'clock, and now it is the time when they slept the most in the day.

Unlike the dark sea, the seas that feel the warmth of the sun begin to imitate the rest time of other races, but perhaps they are doomed from the day they think they have won in advance, and the arrogant abandonment of the initiative of the war. It will be today.

As the caller of the war, the Oran people stood at the forefront without hesitation, in the battle and civil strife. Their main fleet suffered heavy losses, and all three major fleets were dispersed. However, in this counterattack, the participating warships and new warships accumulated, but they still surpassed 30 heavy warships and 100 medium-sized warfare. ferry.

This is the ambition of a super empire. Once in the war, a large number of civilian and commercial industrial industries will be turned into military industries. If they cannot be crushed in one face, their deep industry will drag any opponent into a protracted war. hell.

And obviously. The original warship could not fight in such an environment, and the water here was too shallow. The waters are too complicated. Even if the waters are deep, the spires of a house on the land may become a deadly reef. But fighting in the water and the seas, no boat is absolutely impossible.

Originally, the Oran people were caught in a dilemma, but after they got the technology of the floating warships, they finally got a response plan. The precious materials from the north have been distributed to each shipyard in Oran, all the shipmen. And the designer hasn't had a break since that day, and the Oran people concentrated their power on the modification of their ship.

Complete floating is still not possible. It is necessary to start a little design, material selection, enchantment and assembly from the keel. If you only install the floating engine, reduce the total weight of the vessel and reduce the draught of the vessel, you can do it. Arrived.

Perhaps this does not seem to make sense, but it actually provides a possibility - full metallization of the bottom of the ship.

If the vessel is light, there will be excess buoyancy. Can you put heavy armor on it? So, with the help of countless blacksmiths, the thick protective armor patch was hit, and in order to ensure the armor strength enough to crush the reef without wear, the Oran people were madly using precious magic metal, then But ordinary adventurers used to build weapons are reluctant to baby.

According to post-war statistics, the magical metal used by those ships made Oran's treasury less than one-fifth, enough to rebuild a national capital, Cagesi.

At the moment when the technology of the armored ship is still immature, and the engine technology is still not enough, the shipmen of Oran actually combine the floating technology to create a semi-finished iron armored ship, which is really amazing.

Different from the close relatives on the earth, the Ironclad ship here was not considered to defend against similar guns, but to the piercings from the bottom of the ship and the "reefs" that may be encountered.

Once the engine technology is overcome, the real heavy armored ship will inevitably come to this era, but now, these modified half-iron armored ships are enough.

Compared with the prototype ship, they have more amazing defense capabilities. Due to the configuration of the excess anti-gravity engine, they also have short-term floating ability to deal with various ground lines. (Dassos: Buoyancy is not enough? Then make more engines. If you overload the explosion, you will be replaced with new ones. Bring enough boatmen to the boat, we have the magic to provide magic, we have enough industrial capacity, we have money! !)

Alien people are not stupid, when the wisdom race is pushed to the limit, all kinds of seemingly wonderful and wonderful modifications are likely to achieve the miraculous effect that the regular army can never reach.

Of course, if the Oran Empire did not crush the industrial level of the countries in metallurgy, especially in alloy forging, even if there is an idea, it is impossible to achieve it. Well, the more important thing is that they are enough local tyrants, and war is the competition of comprehensive national strength. As a super local tyrant, they are willful.

In order to conceal the fragile planks without armor, and in order to match the night battle, these warships were painted with black repaint. In the near future, these black tanks that always bring the end to the opponents are also called "the funeral fleet." ”

This is undoubtedly a trump card, and even in the most dangerous time on the battlefield, even if the flesh and blood of countless warriors become the meat targets of the seas in the water, these reconstruction warships are still repeatedly improved in the warehouse, but there is no such thing. The plan of the battlefield.

"There is such a trump card when it is on the battlefield for the first time. If you can't play at a critical time and get the strategic points to determine the outcome of the war, what is the trump card?"

As an emperor. At least in the heart. Dassos is obviously exceptionally qualified. At this time, many sacrifices have achieved results, and the long-lost trump card has achieved amazing results.

When the black fleet was walking through the night, no one could block them. The huge hull was very sensitive, and once it hit the reef card owner, the short-term floating ability made people feel incredible.

There are no "reefs" in the waters that these heavy warships have pressed. There isn’t even a big sea, and the solid hull is enough to level everything.

When the alarm bell rang quickly and just stepped onto the battlefield, the sea people saw such a battleship and could not cope.

Digging through the bottom of the ship? The protective metal-coated coating and steel plate were mixed with a protective deck to deal with the artillery. Although the sea giant's rust anchor penetrated the periphery, it was actually embedded in it, and the whole person was dragged away.

Throwing waves and flooding each other? Those battleships are too stable, and they can automatically adjust the draft depth to drown these large iron blocks that can be adjusted with anti-gravity engines. Ordinary water system casters can't do anything, or use a curse.

Can the artillery attack the weakness of the upper body? The sea can have no artillery. The matchups of the mages were actually suppressed by the ship's master more than three times.

Oran's advantages in metallurgy and forging are too obvious. The patented technology of alloy armor and explosive magic alloy has already explained everything. The coating of these mixed magic metals is still the alloy technology of Oran Blacksmith. The cold weapons and hands of the Hai people are all useless for ordinary five-ring magic.

The attitudes of the two sides to the war are completely different, and naturally the results are completely different.

But unfortunately, even if people are on the human side, even if the promotion is relatively smooth, but in the half hour of the beginning of the war, there is still no advantage, although the promotion is still very smooth, but did not cause the most anticipated loot - - Widespread casualties of the Hai people.

Such a special battlefield is destined to occupy the territory. Therefore, the elimination of the other's living forces naturally becomes the first factor, but the result is very disappointing. There are not many deaths and injuries, especially the high-ranking seas.

the reason? It is said that a thousand and ten thousand is still the original one - the land.

Yes, the sea people have no way to take those big battleships, but the big battleships are not the same as they can't!

For the sea people, as long as they sneak into the deep water, as long as they flee to the distance, what can the big warships that must remain on the water be able to do? The speed of these large iron blocks can be extremely slow.

Fight with a gun? Even a stupid commander will not make such a choice.

Magic attack? How much gain can the Master's precious magic gain through the sea?

Shoot a large harpoon in the bed? This can play a role, but the smart seas are not stupid looking at each other's attacks. As long as the distance is maintained, this effect is almost negligible.

Send people to pursue the water? This attention is simply too good, for the seas... This is almost a stupid way to get through the enemy, this is simply to actively feed the sea, the sea people and other humans have been pursuing for too long!

On the flagship of the fleet and the battleship "Ash Shark", Dassault is also secretly worried. The battlefield deduction does take into account a variety of situations, but the loss of the other party is still less than expected, and the strategic goal of reducing the other's vitality is completely If it is possible, then even if you have laid down the dock area, the counterattack will be amazing.

Such modified warships are not invincible, and as time goes by, weaknesses will be discovered.

Among the floating warships in the clouds, Renee and others were shocked and looked at the battlefield in front of them.

Perhaps it is the constant victory to give her confidence, she is not too much to afford the Oran people who repeatedly eat in the hands of Roland, but today, seeing the sudden rise of the battleship group, she knows what is called a superpower.

The Eastern Principality is also building ships, but only technically, even leading Oran, but the entire Dongpu, but even a decent shipyard can not find, and metallurgy, forging process is extremely backward, or else It is not hard to force Roland to use the undead magic to make warships.

Even so, the resources and funds needed for the giant warships are astronomical. Even if the maintenance and maintenance costs are not low, the Aurora is a live warship. "Jealousy" will swallow up the evolution and restore the wounds. It is not enough to eat the whole Dongkuo Treasury. And then a few big battleships. Roland did not consider Dongpu manufacturing, and directly lost the undead empire of the Siro Empire to manufacture.

A technology requires numerous processes, from drawings to physical objects. Materials, processes, manpower, etc. must be tackled. Due to the acquisition of molding ships, skilled workers, designers, and equipment, Roland has acquired an entire industrial chain from Oran. This can directly digest this top technology, and that is why. Dongpu is still the only country in the world with mature floating ship technology.

Even if Dongpu sells a part of the technology, it takes several years for the floating ships of other countries to form combat power. Renee has always regarded this as a card and is proud of it.

"The white wolf knight with all the silver power is rampant in the human world? Oh, our Aurora knight is full of gold! Oran's alchemy, forging, and metallurgy are world-famous, but it is still impossible to overcome the technology of floating warships. It seems that Oran is nothing."

But now, the "funnel burial fleet" broke her confidence, only by this industrial potential. And the vast potential of the vast land, rich resources, and massive population is enough to easily crush the East.

"Once the two countries fought..."

As a leader of a country. Such assumptions will never be superfluous. After all, in the exchanges between countries, there is only absolute interest, there is no absolute friend, and yesterday’s allies have become too many things for today’s deadly enemies.

Inexplicable, she remembered Roland's answer when she asked Roland why she should still rebuild the industrial system while the country was still troubled by people's living problems.

"Not that I am a war mad, the whole is prepared for war, but the war can't be avoided. Hey? You said that even if there is no complete industrial system, you intend to win the war. Is the Northern Lights enough?"

"You are too young to marry those big countries. Maybe the strength of their single ship is not enough to deal with our advanced warships. But they are only one of our 10 ships. They are not afraid of the war. If they are built, it will not matter if the soldiers die. We are all? We all have the same point of life. Without an industrial system, it is equal to the lack of hematopoietic function. If we do not build a complete industrial system, we will not be able to cope with a lasting war."

"The current Principality of the East is actually on the volcano, it looks beautiful, but actually it is baked on the volcano. The big country can fail countless times, they can lose, and we, only one step, can never climb The abyss, I don't want to go to the country."

At this moment, in the face of the grim reality, I remembered Roland’s seemingly profound words. Renee thoroughly understood the gap between Dongpu and the mainland powers. At least for now, there is absolutely no comparability.

"This is just a quasi-superpower..."

Renee was not a stupid person. While discovering the gap, she adjusted the whole strategic thinking, and then discovered the true meaning of someone who has been integrating the entire North.

"Is it all?"

Yes, it’s not enough if it’s just Dongpu, but with the situation of the seven northern countries, such as Siweiwei, Roland has been integrating and deploying it economically, politically, and commercially. .

"Roland is thinking more than just those, and he is going to do something. In the words of the League, the Kasomi Principality, which is a country of San Antonio, is too uncomfortable, and wants to unplug the nail. Let San Antonio stop from the north and need the support of other superpowers..."

"It is no wonder that Roland not only invited the major powers in the military parade and celebrations, but also gave the other parties a lot of concessions in terms of technology exchange. Right, and the envoys of the major powers were actually picked by Roland, who had always been lazy, The letter actually went through the eyes."

"The things of the northern dwarves and elves are obviously difficult to deal with. He actually took the initiative to catch his hands. There are also recent foreign contacts with the countries of the North. The hard-witted alliances have a proposal to abolish tariffs and free exchanges of residents. When he caught a cold, he insisted on talking. He also always communicated with Mrs. Grein, and then the two countries made a common political declaration. Although the matter itself is irrelevant, it seems to indicate the position of common advance and retreat. Things... How much did he do in the dark!"

For his companions, Roland did not hide his actions, but now he can understand Roland's strategic deployment from a single incident, and Renee goes further to a mature leader.

And when she correctly understood the position and strategic decision of Roland and Dongpu in this world, she also knew what to do.

"I originally planned to watch the show, so that when Olan and the Haizu fight for both sides, it would be cheaper, but now it seems that this is nothing for the individual, but if it is a representative of a country, it is too small, now What we need is to prove our strength to the world in an upright manner, and to win too much support, so that the Oran people owe us more people and give more returns in the future. Then, now that the battlefield is in a deadlock, It’s the stage where we break the deadlock and we are best suited to the stage.”

The icing on the cake is better than the snow in the snow, the wall grass is always annoying, since the determination has been down, still hesitating.

"Aurora Knights, Silver Cross, dispatched! Northern Lights, cast new weapons." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Well, I figured it out, instead of being killed in order to catch up with the story, it’s better to write slowly and try to write a good point...


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