The king of the Bayer Empire is probably the oldest city among the many super-empire. It is the place where the country originated. Even the empire was named. Yes, the city name of Bayer’s capital is Bayer. . (

In order to distinguish it from the name of the country, the Bayers habitually call their capital the king capital, and the outsiders will also call their Bayer kingdom.

King Bayer covers an area of ​​nearly a thousand square kilometers, including dozens of small and medium-sized satellite cities, including rivers and mountains. If a person intends to walk outside the city and go to the capital to see the emperor, he is probably ready. Half a month of rations and tents.

The largest urban area is not the Dillo district where the palace is located. The guards are too strict, and Oros, who has too many enemies, has operated there to become the country's premier military zone, plus the princes who have frequent infighting are living there. People with a little political sensitivity will not choose to appear there.

During the day, basically the carriages of a nobleman and officials are engraved on the carriages on the spacious roads. The idlers stay here for a long time, and the patrolling knights will come forward.

Even so, the incidence of major crimes is still the highest in the country. With the "years old", the emperor "Immediately seeing a truly qualified heir" remains silent on the mutual killing competition of the princes. It seems to show My own acquiescence, here is even more chaotic.

And a prince's men often have the support of black/gangs, big businessmen, and nobles. They don't know how to use them manually. They make the assassins and spies the most common occupations here, and the ones who do this are all killing witnesses. It has become a professional habit, so. It is a hidden rule of Wangdu people not to enter the Diro district of the popular name palace area after sunset.

The result is a very strange situation. The road here is coming and going during the day. The traffic was so busy that the streets were empty at night, and the black men and cloaks on the roofs of the houses came and went, and even greeted each other.

"Hey, isn't this the Kama Knight under the Four Emperors? Going there?"

"It’s not that the 13th lord has recently recruited a sergeant. I heard that it has affected the balance of power. My boss wants me to try his color. If it is parallel, he will kill it directly. If he is really powerful, teach him. He is doing the rules of our line."

"It’s a coincidence, my mission is also this. Go with, go with."

"Of course, the team will not be less rewarded for completing the task. Why is it a little silly? Is it a bit silly? Right, I heard that the guy has two brushes. Do you have any information on there? Share it."

A black man and a gray awner chatted about it, watching them meet together to brush the ss. It is simply a pair of close friends.

But I am afraid that outsiders will never think that the left eye of the black man is a gray awning. In that fight, the gray awners also lost the left hand's little finger and middle finger. They are not only friends, but the deadly enemies who are still killing each other yesterday.

"Go with you!"


"It's his turn!"

When they turned around, they saw a black cloak, a red cloak, and a purple mask. It seems that the five-person team is about to be full, and tonight is the rhythm of the group playing the copy wave ss.

The members of these happy groups, the dark days that were killed yesterday, became partners of brothers and brothers today, and they are not sure. The bodies of half of their members can be seen in the gutters of tomorrow, and most of them are caused by these temporary teammates. After all, every little "famous" hitter has an exciting bounty.

The third-rate killer, the gangster's thugs, the wealthy business bodyguards, the unruly deserters, and even the street rogue mantles and black market boxers, I am afraid that as long as you can think of the black forces, you can see here.

As the emperor’s “death” is getting closer and closer, the acquiescence is getting looser and even the result of even the Cavaliers’ patrols at night is that the competition of the princes has become hot and superficial, and they spend a lot of money to buy fierce, regardless of Born and even strength, as long as you can complete the task, it is naturally a good dog worth spending.

Yes, good dogs, people in other places in Wangdu call this increasingly fierce royal chamber fight as a "dog fight". The emperors stand on the high platform and carry the gold coins to let the people below kill each other. Is it not the same as the popular fighting dog gambling in some areas?

However, this "dog fight" has become more and more involved, and even has the trend of sweeping the entire king.

"...there is no breath of the living, the treatment of the Holy Light has no effect, and it may be violent at any time."

This was revealed by a great doctor at a royal medical school, and was taken away by the Royal Knights on the afternoon of the day when he received a large amount of gold coins, and was executed that night.

The therapeutic effect of the Holy Light is to return it to the "normal" state. Therefore, it is a cure for the trauma and common poison, but it is almost the same after the limb is reconstituted and the pain is treated. It makes no sense, because the Light will judge that the person is already in normal order and how it will change again.

For the "dead man" who is all negative energy, the holy light that returns to "normal life" is naturally a dead enemy.

In the same way, if the person is old and dead by vitality, his normal form is the last breath of dying, the last breath of the drug, the Holy Light is meaningless, blindly using the Holy Light to stimulate the last vitality, but will die. Faster.

In a sense, when the light has no effect on an old man or a patient, it is another notice of death. Although the action of the Royal Knights of Bayer is very fast, it will be eliminated immediately. The source of information and the blocking of information flow, but this confirms the authenticity of this information from one side.

In this way, when all the emperors are caught in ecstasy and madness, the aristocrats of the big fief and the heads of various industries in the country can no longer sit on the mountain.

After all, it is now clear that Xinjun is about to succeed, and it is time to make a final bet and even personally come to power. The reward that can be obtained by an emperor can be calculated as a rate of return. Probably let any businessman bet on the property and life of the family. For the nobles. This is also a gamble. If the gambling wins, then the title and status of the gamble will increase sharply. If you can't hold the power, then the gambling loses... In fact, it is nothing to the big nobility, it is extremely disgusted by the new prince, but The big aristocrats with large territories are not hated by the kings, but as long as they do not end up with deep hatred, they quickly roll back to the territory as a tortoise. It’s okay to be a man with a tail in the future.

When the great aristocrats, businessmen, and even the military and civil servants all acted, the country remained stable at least because the emperor was still dead, but the entire upper level acted and the internals were thoroughly Chaos.

Fortunately, there is the existence of the Emperor’s usual arrogant means. They still dare not tear the layer of paper on the bright side, so that chaos is restricted to the palace area... How is it possible, if the chaos can really be controlled? Then the chaotic side will be able to shake hands with the order side.

What they said verbally is that they cannot affect the citizens of other places. But big businessmen drive their chambers of commerce to fight against their competitors, and the entire market will fluctuate wildly. Under the control of the aristocratic gray forces, a small thug can make the whole hutong dog restless, not to mention the military's one-time transfer can make half of the city people feel guilty and sleep uneasy.

The people are not idiots, especially when there is a murder in every three quarters. When a good aristocratic gentleman who had been mixed suddenly smashed the streets, the rumors of the streets and lanes naturally spread.

I don’t know when the emperor’s imminent death is not a secret, and even if I can understand that the Emperor’s Majesty finds the right heir in this special way, I hope that ordinary people in quiet life will expect it. The chaos continues, especially now in the midst of war.

Yes, in the midst of the war, it is still in a scuffle with several countries.

The so-called jihadist vanguard team has been half-mutilated by the slain dragons, but it still exists within Bayer's borders, but it seems to have been forgotten by the world.

The rainy night city’s defense line encountered good news. Because of someone’s mischief, the undead lord and his army were swept away, and before the new undead leader arrived or appointed, he also did not participate in the undead. Before the monarch shirked the relevant responsibilities, the rainy night city defense line was temporarily stabilized.

When the contractors of the Western Front are drawn out, the strength of the embers cannot be restricted, and naturally they will be added to the Eastern Front. The Rainy Night City will probably enter a slightly stable period. Dare to do your own thing.

And the last battle object... the country of the Master!

Yes, they are still in the war, at least on the bright side, the country of the Master has used a curse to kill a fortress in Bayer. The dragon knights and sergeants of both sides are fighting in the front line. The agreement under the paper is not yet available. When they got to the table, the two sides were naturally in a state of war.

Even because of the victory in various wars, there are people who lost their loved ones in the fortress, holding flags to ask the king to fight for the country of the mage, and the people who use the propaganda against the enemy to guide the uneasiness of the public. Fear, it makes the people hostile to the country of the Master.

As for the real crusade? Even if you don't know the truth, just because the new crown successor is still late, there is no big man who is willing to devote his energy to this unpleasant thing, and at this time, Shirley is the ambassador of the country of the wizard. When I came here, it naturally attracted a lot of attention.

The role of a capital city with only a political center is insufficient. As a commercial and educational center, the Cassoon area covers more than three times the area of ​​the Imperial Palace. It has prospered in the more than 30 years of Oros. In previous years, merchants from all over the world gathered and were the most prosperous urban areas. In order to avoid people’s helpless disputes, especially when a certain prince colluded with foreigners and murdered their brothers, all diplomatic embassies moved to the business near the palace area. Area.

Taking into account the status quo, her arrival is indeed very low-key, she quietly entered the foreign hotel by night, but her identity is doomed to her low-key.

When a national emblem with a mage travels between the business district and the palace area several times a day, and the carriage stops at a foreign hotel for foreigners, it is natural that even ordinary citizens know the enemy. The ambassador is coming.

Then the stinky eggs and rotten fruits in the city are out of stock...

From the point of view of the Bayer people, this is actually very well understood, and they just need a channel to vent their dissatisfaction. So every time the carriage passes through the city, it is like playing a hamster. The young people who are still not happy have even chased the foreign hotel. Although the soldiers guarded at the door will not let them enter, but only throwing some rotten fruits without lethality, those guards who are uncomfortable with the country of the Master will pretend to be invisible. The result is that the outside is "fired and rumble", and no foreign hotels are available. Dare to get close to the window.

Even in the face of this situation, the other people in the corps are very determined, and as the ambassador Shirley is very difficult to understand.

"How are you so calm?"

"Answer: I am used to being pitted."

Roland's old team has become accustomed to being pitted, but Shirley is full of trouble.

"It is obvious that he is just an ordinary mage. He worked in the discipline inspection department, and even the evaluation of the ** division did not pass. Even if it was inexplicably appointed by the superior to become an ambassador, even if it was sent to a hostile country, it would be clear that there was a private agreement. Can not be announced, even if the window of the temporary residence was attacked, there is no good night, even if it is cold, even if the old emperor asks for the business thing several times a day, but pulls him to play chess, but the opponent’s chess skills are super bad. It’s just a repent of chess and stealing chess... (less province complains about 500 words)

If she didn't consider the relationship between the two countries, she couldn't help but war on it.

"I can bear it there! I am fed up! I will not do it!"

Ok, temper is not good, Shirley has already violently jumped, but she can't bear it. but it is……

"I clearly said that I am only the ambassador of the Ming Dynasty. The main work should be handled by the Deputy Ambassador Roland. But he just disappeared when he left. As a result, all the work fell on my head! It was already annoying along the way. Now, there are so many things, why can someone be so irresponsible?"

"...a familiar roar, a familiar complaint."

Kolos looked at Shirley, who was already in an anxious state with sympathy. It seems that people who have been with Roland for a long time will come here for a few days every month.

"...I saw the past me."

Looking at the chaotic window, Lilith was immersed in contemplation. The "I am in the past" in her mouth was the royal princess who was later hostile to the Bayer people, or was lost by countless jobs in the Sulphur Mountain City. Colleagues are completely unpredictable, and they are busy all day long.

"Do not worry, Xueli sister, the teacher should come soon, he should not forget such a big thing... probably."

As a disciple, Cohen still has to maintain the honor of his own tutor, but when he thinks that his master has always been unreliable, he finally leaked his lack of confidence in the tutor.

"It's a mess, I..."

"Miss Yawen, His Royal Highness Roland and I said that here is the old empire of the earthly world, arrogant and arrogant about new things and changes, their prejudice against the dark elves can be unchanged, and according to ancient conventions, for the darkness in the city The measures taken by the elves are to burn and check first. From this point of view, they are simply a group of barbarians who are not civilized, and have no sympathy..."

The Eagle of the Storm became stunned when it opened, but due to lack of manpower, Momo, who was transferred to help Yawen, looked at him with great expectations.

"I expected this situation? Did he mention me? Do you want me to do anything?"

"...well, I will directly say the key point. 'If they want to go to the streets to enforce the law, they will tell them that they are not their territory. It is a felony to pretend that law enforcement officers are hurting others. What law enforcement officials are doing is that they should know."

"He even thought about it, didn't he think about our current situation?"

The law side of the law is calmed down by the message, but the more troublesome is the current ambassador of the country of the mage who has been forced to go crazy by pressure. She used to play a bad game for three hours with a stinking chessboard that is constantly repenting. On the way back, I was also baptized by the "Egg Storm". Now the reason is already on the verge of collapse. Now that I hear the name Roland, it is directly detonated.

"I have had enough, this ambassador is not good! I will return to China now!"

Cohen, who was a little bit conscience, hesitated for a moment and eventually advised each other.

"... That Shirley sister still wants the emperor to quit his job, that is to say, the carriage has to go through the city once, I don't know if they still have ammunition. The fruit here is out of stock every day. Right, it is already dark. The geeks who are running around the beams are coming out again. The carriage on the road is likely to be attacked. Shirley’s sister is also planning to cover her face. In fact, I have the last mask used here. cloth……"

"Little Cohen! Has anyone told you that you are as annoying as your master!"

Ok, the ambassador has completely broken out, but...

"Cough." The Eagle of the Storm, who was the elder, cleared his throat and looked at Shirley with sympathetic eyes.

"The original words of His Royal Highness", Shirley, told her that she would not be approved for the next 50 years, all ratings would be unsuccessful, and her superiors would be a must. The daily task of sweeping the toilet is waiting for her. Yes, this is the job bullying. Welcome back to the headquarters and complain to the poor supervisor of the discipline inspection. Well, I just want to take over the complaint of Roland, who is just the head of the discipline inspection department. He is the boss of your immediate boss. boss.'"

"Damn Roland! I thought you were a good man!"

Well, this is still a familiar roar, so that everyone in the room can not help but fall into the memory.

"...If Roland is a **** who hates the ministry, and the strength of his old man's hatred, it should be already the Lord God." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!

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