The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 370: Elemental artifact

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"Elemental artifacts? The supremacy of the **** of the gods, and the existence of such things?"

"Yes, this is the top secret of the elementality, but now, the four elemental artifacts have all been lost, and with the **** of the element, the sensory power of the artifact, although knowing the position, but..."

In a sense, the four elements are all ectopic creatures, and the modern magic based on elemental magic is naturally created from the ectopic surface, so the anti-knight can directly expel the power of the element to create a magical vacuum, which is natural. Expelled magic and magic items.

Can the power of the law be expelled? Although I want to test it, I personally think that it is okay to follow this principle. After all, the power of the law now depends on the operation of the divine server, the **** of the law, and naturally it is also a kind of divine power.

But this expulsion is not a complete expulsion without reason, just like the confrontation balance between positive energy and negative energy. The big water can extinguish the fire, the small water is evaporated, and finally it depends on the confrontation of personal strength. It is not too far off the mark. But another professional priest is too much - she can steal power.

I don’t have any information about the pastor. Besides, because more Victoria’s causal connections are not close to me, more is that the profession itself is not perfect.

In a sense, Victoria is a typical dark elf thinking. Without a perfect road, she will not go. The pastor is not a perfect road like the anti-Knight that Diana has developed, and because of her There are many former pastors. There are not too few experimental products that expect strength, and some people naturally do it for themselves.

Judging from the ability that is now displayed on the battlefield, it is a singular ability to capture and toss each other's magic, magic, and racial talent.

Yes. On the battlefield, they even captured the racial talent of the seas to control the huge waves, which caused extremely objective results, but how to make it concretely, I personally have some guesses, and I am not sure about it, but it is still specific. The other party confirmed. It is too early to make a conclusion.

But think a little about your knees, and the words of the true gods and the special gods can be borrowed. This ability is not only too ridiculously powerful, but also violates the authority and uniqueness of the true churches. I am afraid that this profession has attracted the attention of the gods, and it will cause great waves. I will now consider how to deal with Iyer's inquiry.

"It's really a big problem... I hope Victoria can give me a proper explanation."

At least in the eyes of outsiders, Victoria and Diana are both my men. They are doing what I want, and when Victoria can't take this result, it will naturally find me trouble, and the card. Mdil'an is also because of this reason, so I came straight to me simply.

The elemental artifacts he mentioned are very interesting.

"If the throne of the element gives the **** of the element an endless power source and regenerative power, then the elemental artifact makes the essential difference between the **** of the element and the ordinary elemental lord. Many things are unclear in language. But you have to If you see it with your own eyes, you will understand immediately."

It sounds unclear, but I can almost guess what Camdil has come to me to do.

At least when I was singled out with Umdi Roken, he didn't come up with any elemental artifacts. His ability to express is also the earth's lord of the peak, and there is no essential difference. The most terrible infinite power and regenerative power are not lost after the elemental throne collapses, and the melee ability is restrained, so I can win.

So, at that time, was Umm Di Roken still not the peak form? Hearing. I think it is more and more interesting.

I contacted the known information a little, and even guessed where Camdy's intentions and elemental artifacts were probably.

"The wind element artifact is in the restricted area of ​​the earth element plane. The earth element artifact is in the restricted area of ​​the wind element plane, where the elemental anti-tidal concentration is too high, I can't go..."

Since the elemental artifact is so important, the existence of the **** that can seal the elements in the past will naturally not leave the artifact, but if you want to seal these artifacts, there is no other choice than the elemental planes that are opposite each other, and those that store artifacts. Most of the places are places where the original owners can't go, so that they can't get back to the best state immediately if they get out of trouble.

According to Camdilian, his artifacts were placed in an infinite hourglass, where only the **** of earth elements can reach, and the position of the **** of the water element is in the **** of fire. The location... this is obviously in the pit of them.

Looking for a helper? This is beyond the scope of the mortal, to unlock the chaotic side of the elemental seal. They only need the elemental **** activity to cause the tide of the element to rise. Since the elemental artifact is so powerful, how can they recover the artifact for them and let them fight from it? Become bigger.

Before the battle with Umdi Roken last time, he lobbied the earth element lord to do so in his due diligence. Most of the time he went to look at the storage place of the wind element artifact, but he found helplessly how he entered. Going, but in the end, I didn’t even say anything to us. I can’t say that I’m still making arrangements for the outside. I’m afraid that outsiders know that there are artifacts here.

The motive now is even more obvious. Seeing that Diana might be able to retrieve the artifact for him, she ran over and the guy was really realistic.

At this time, I naturally won't promise him. I have to think about what can be knocked out from his hands. The elemental artifact is also very exciting, at least when I need to balance the eternal frozen soil. Elemental artifacts are enough.

While Camdil is still hesitant, I am eager to think about the future, and the dawn of the arrival is the wall that I can't see at the border.

The ancient city of Bayer, finally arrived, and our journey has come to an end.


Shortly after entering the city, I agreed a little about the time of seeing Oros the day after tomorrow. I was separated from the dragon riding Dagong. He thought that I would go to see the emperor immediately, but I was too tired to refuse the journey.

And in fact. I have slept for seven days in the evolution of sharp changes. Nowadays, my spirits are at the peak, and I will be tired because of a little journey. I just want to collect more information, at least with my people, and let the situation be right. Go talk to that Oros.

As for the dragon's important things? Hai special said. It seems that the entrance of the Dragon World is under the guard of an old predecessor. You must first say hello to each other before you can enter.

After knowing Shirley’s temporary location from Hai’s special. I didn't rush to meet Shirley, but instead sent Xiaohong. They went to the embassy to meet and walk around the street to see the situation.

I don't know why. Even when I was in the forest of dreams, when I decided to come here, there was always an unpredictable hunch, as if I was going to be a mold, it was like a disaster waiting for me.

I personally did not believe in prophecy, and this time the warning signs are different from those that did not come. The feeling of giving me is as if I have forgotten what I have created. It is like playing a summer vacation last summer. The homework copyed the western supplement, but when I was in school, I was still worried about the feeling of going wrong... When I was a student, it seemed that something went wrong every time, so I thought about it. I am more and more worried.

In addition, the system has always sold me things like "Resurrection Cross" and "Resurrection Coin", which made me uneasy.

Hey, how can you not buy the system? In fact, the use of the resurrection currency is effective, yes, first die and then use, and the resurrection cross is to learn the call of the Tauren's racial ancestors. I am afraid I have to change the lineage to a Tauren, in short. The system has never been so kind, she is mostly just holding me happy.

But this has made my heart bottomless. The attitude of the system is clear and lively, and most of it is really lively.

"From the moment I entered the city, my instinct warned me to rush, but the more things escaped the more problems, and with my lucky value, most of the time I still can't escape, it is better to face the scalp, you said right?"

Looking back, it seems to be empty, the streets that have just entered the night are very strange, there is no smoke, but in my perception, I have been stared at by at least a dozen people.

"Shadow, camouflage, bandits, and people still play oil painting protection... Are you making me laugh? Or playing Ninja competition. I can just stare at it, your intelligence work is doing well, but I don't know you. It’s the power of that side. What are you looking for?”




Then there was a lot of numbers behind, but one person read one without repetition.

“What do you mean? Is this a password?”

So, I was very puzzled. Is this the head of the intelligence, but there is no such thing, actually playing a digital combination, this series of dozens of numbers, I have to answer how many digits.

"How much are you?"

Then someone asked me about my number.

"... Is it that the intelligence spies are at the party, and now they are reporting their own code? I understand!"

Now that I have guessed what it is, naturally I will follow it. I am not interested in discovering any secrets. I am somewhat interested.

"I am ninety-seven!"

The general intelligence organization, the more the number before the exam is the more powerful, but since there are already two digits, the lowest number of digits I reported, naturally it is not valued, and it is impossible to mix.

"Is there ninety-seven?"

"Should not be there, didn't you talk about sixty-eight last time?"

"Maybe the old man is happy and recognizes a few."

"I recognized thirty at a time? At this point in time? Just kidding!"

"You are stupid, I haven't seen that this kid is playing you!"

When this statement came out, there was finally a clever one, and the excitement could not stand any longer.

Then in the face of hostile eyes, I sighed, it seems that I can't fool, but my right hand is preparing to pull the sword.

"Actually, I am not ninety-seven, I am... nine five two seven!"

Ok, everyone knows that I am being played by me, and I am coming over to me.

"Really, this is inexplicable, and it feels less lucky when you enter the city." (To be continued)


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