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If you ask for a counter-offer with the shops on the street, you say "This ring is 100 for me." And the seller knows that the ring is worth at least a thousand, and says "Yes, for you, also comes with a gift." Giveaways.", what would you feel?

I feel that if it is normal, I don't think that the ring itself has a problem. It means that the seller is not a traitor, or even a conspiracy against you.

And now I feel like this. In addition, there is a feeling of being a big stick but a hammer hitting the cotton. I obviously have prepared a lot of tricks. How come it is so easy.

The mad dragon Lux is the pinnacle of alchemy and dragon science. They are artificially created dragons. Without the thousands of years of Bayer's accumulation and the extraordinary relationship of the dragons, it is impossible to exist as a super warrior.

It is said that these guys are born with endless power (power 18+), can wear super heavy armor that mortal can't equip, and are equipped with giant dragon guns and axe blades that are more than three meters long. Once they are put into the battlefield, they are irresistible killing machines. The dragon's natural defensive scales and regenerative ability give the killing machine a strong battlefield continuation and recovery ability. Once in a crisis, the request for the dragon's eager power will often bring endless potential to it. Bring new power and stronger basic attributes.

Of course, the dragon veins that are forcibly added also have some irresistible weaknesses. This "mad dragon" madness is to remind these warriors. If they are obsessed with killing, they will forever lose the possibility of returning to human form and people's hearts. The Dragon Berserker who returns on the most brutal battlefield is either turned into a monster by the unstoppable dragon, or becomes a madman who loses reason.

The Dragon Shield Defender is a completely different classification from it. If the Dragon Dragon is the most sharp flame spear. Then the Dragon Shield Defender is the strongest ice shield.

However, unlike the mad dragons with obvious body characteristics, these defenders of heavy armored shields are all under the armor. There is not much specific information, but as long as they appear, they can often achieve amazing results. Soldiers who are good at group battles even have a team of only three or five people who have successfully slaughtered the giants.

And their wall shield is two meters high, as long as they stand. It can form a magical defense enchantment, as long as a small team can provide the general defense of the city wall. It is housed as the "city wall of activities."

But for a penny, it is said that the armor and the enchanted shield are top-end goods. Each soldier is fully armed and trained, and the top-grade silver is top. The entire Bayer Kingdom is probably composed of 20 battle groups and 80,000 people.

Looks a lot? But if you consider the identity of Bayer's superpower, the 80,000 people probably don't have a local lord's private soldier.

Therefore, even if Bayer does not dare to invest these expensive warriors in ordinary battles, such a national treasure cannot even be handed over to any prince outside the Crown.

Now, when I turn over this thick training material and alchemy formula, I hear the identification of Herois's "should be true, or the same level of research results." I also felt like a dream, and that I just used roaring to "give him, I said. Give him." The tyrant who reprimanded the disciples of the ministers, at this time, sat at the table and looked at me with a smile.

"Nothing to be diligent, no traitor is stealing."

The insignificant idlers have been expelled, and now there are five people in front of the table, all of which are familiar faces, myself, Grena, Oros, and Hai. An old butler of the court.

Looking at the smile, as if he was the Ouls of the profiteer who had just made a lot of money. I subconsciously raised my vigilance. I don't think that an "Esso's gift" will make it go back and forth, and obey my blackmail.

"Don't compromise with the terrorists" is a practice in that world. This is not because the big countries are reluctant to exchange the chips, but the greed is endless. No one knows if they will raise the price. Will it be short? The success has inspired the enthusiasm of the next action, and once this declaration goes out, it is also a direct blow to the national prestige, and it also exposes the country's weaknesses and deficiencies.

In the international world of the jungle rules, the wealthy wolf that was exposed after the weaknesses exposed will not be ordinary terrorists next time.

Judging from the fact that "I don't give money, I will spread the Resident Evil", my behavior can be included in it. So Oros's compromise is also very confusing. It is not a compromise, but at least not so easy. This surrendered this obvious treasure that is obviously blackmail.

If it were me, even if I finally compromised, I would try to make the threat disappeared after all kinds of ways, and even if I accept the conditions, I would ask for additional requirements that do not allow for additional conditions, and I will understand things at once.

"I know you and I understand, but I have always been very grateful to you. I know that you have a lot of research results in alchemy research, and there are many dragon allies. These materials will be used as small gifts."

Oros made the opening remarks, but I already knew it. After all, Evanly once mentioned it to me. Because I let Oros get rid of the threat of Esso, he seems to thank me very much, but then, It was completely unexpected to me.

"I am grateful not only for the undead. When I learned about your memory loss from Miss Evanly, I was still very surprised, or I should tell you about the seeds left in the past. Emoy."

The old butler wearing a court gown was wrinkled and looked dying, but he found his own hand. The golden light condensed and finally turned into a ball of light, illuminating the room.

"This is impossible!"

Pure light does not deceive people. This is indeed an excellent paladin, but what surprised me is that this Emyer not only did not recite the name of the Holy Light, but also did not have the emblem of the Holy Light. This is obviously a violation of the teachings of the Holy Light.

In the past, before using the Holy Light. I will praise two holy lights, or pretend to say two words at the corner of my mouth, just to make me look different from other paladins. In front of him, in a sense, it is very similar to the way I use the Holy Light. He did not recite the name of the Light.

"The first generation of the Pope, you guessed it. Our Southern sect believes not the Holy Light, but the Holy Light itself. If it is in the eyes of the Church, we are the most heresy to eradicate."

While being amazed at the content, I was even more surprised by the weird name.

"Yi Wenli also mentioned that you have lost your past memories in Bayer. Perhaps, as the sixth generation of the Southern sect, your descendant, I should revisit the achievements you made in the past... ."

then. In the sigh of the old man, the past that was dusty was gradually revealed.

The southern sect, the official name should be “pure light church”. In the eyes of the high-level church, he is probably a divergence of understanding of the teachings of the church, but only the core staff of the church will know that The difference is not a little bit. They believe in the **** of the light, but the pure light.

Their birthplace is the King of Bayer. The "black-handed baron", and the establishment of the church, received the strong support of the Bayer royal family. Since its birth, this little sect has been given a unique mission by his founders to spread the true teachings of the Holy Light and to replace the increasingly decaying Church.

“The Southern sects of today, the believers have surpassed more than 200,000 people, distributed in the corners of Bayer and the nations. They walked in time in the name of the Church, but they spread the purest teachings of the Light. In fact Except for the understanding of the Holy Light, we have no obvious difference from the ordinary Holy Light Pastor. I am even the former predecessor of the Church of the Baptist in Bayer, and it is because of this that the old Pope will not Let's launch jihad at all costs. After all, in their eyes, evil must die, but heresy must die."

Don't look at the belief that the light of the Holy Light or the Holy Light does not seem to be much different, but the actual meaning is extremely huge. If the God of the Light is recognized as the omnipotent personality **** as described in his teachings, then the Church of the Holy Church will naturally He was recognized by him, and if he only acknowledged the existence of the Holy Light and believed that the Light is the root of the power and is a kind of impersonal existence, then the Church Church naturally lost all the orthodoxy, and it became a group of deceitful names. The thief, even the **** of the Light as the body of the Personality of God, has the possibility of questioning.

This is also the root of the heresy that is far more dangerous than evil. This is also the foundation of Roland’s display in the north that shakes the faith of countless priests.

This is a more terrible threat to the Church than to the jihad itself. Therefore, after the emergency meeting of the Archbishop of Red, the whole country of Bayer was regarded as a country of heresy, facing such a major doctrine of differences and launching jihad. Crusade is the only option.

Undoubtedly, Bayer, who has been judged as a heresy, is the origin of this heretical church. It is also their natural ally. After being completely noisy with the church, when a large number of priests are deported, Those who seem to have "because of personal reasons" have formed a new Southern church. The pure teachings of the Light have begun to spread in a bright and concise manner. The seeds planted by Roland have begun to sprout.

Even if I don't have the memory of the year, but think about it a little, I think it is exactly like Roland's handwriting.

That year, Roland was abandoned by the Light, an avenger who was hated by hatred, an evil person who had been deprived of all his reputation, but still retains the power of the paladin. Just this is the case. Used to shake the authority of the Church.

To really destroy a sect, it is difficult to suppress from the outside, but internal differences and heretics are the most deadly. Therefore, he has seeded in Baier, although he does not know whether he can germinate, but do There is always no loss.

"The prophecies you left have all been confirmed. When the great things in the Revelation of the Holy Scriptures are verified one by one, our faith is more religious, and the doubters return to piety. When evil overpowers justice, we follow you. The requirements are hidden. Fortunately, as you said in the prophecy, the doom in the prophecy can be avoided by its own efforts, at least we have avoided the desperate opening of countless undead gates in the land of Bayer."

Since the teachings are to be spread, how can someone miss the best "prophet" identity, and they can write a series of prophecies casually, and the sects that use the prophecy as a holy book naturally gain trust and become stronger. Up, this is also within the expected range of Roland in the past, or he does not have to pretend to be a ghost play prophecy.

In fact, the current Roland is still doing the same thing, sowing seeds everywhere, can not sprout, even they do not know.

What is facing now is not the seed of the past, but a towering tree that has experienced two hundred years of wind and rain and gradually matured.

When the undead raged, this Southern sect became the card and the most trustworthy object in the hands of Oros. The paladins and the priests of the Holy Light were the last mentor of the undead, which was the root of Orose's thanks to me.

At this time, Grenache and Helent on the table looked at my face like a monster. After all, the layout of hundreds of years and the prophecy of everything in the hundreds of years have exceeded their understanding. The legendary story is enough to be a mythical epic, but the parties are in front of themselves.

"We are convinced that the Prophet's adults can overcome the evils in the shadows. In fact, the title of the Queen's Majesty has lost one of the most important ones - the founder of the Southern sect, our most devout prophet and leader, the day before. The ones you have done in the Northland have made our faith more religious, and we have begun to preach on the mainland. Perhaps it is this that makes the false gods who steal the authority of the Holy Light angry and angry."

Well, the old Pope’s eyes are all pious and believe that this is part of the fate. I agree that the final day of the trial in the prophecy will come, recognizing that as long as we work hard, we can reverse all bad luck, but I am sure that I will In fact, it is not the same thing.

From the point of view of a good knife that only needs one master, just the relationship with the Southern sect, my existence seems to be somewhat unsightly. Perhaps, the gift he now represents is indeed apologetic, if I can not pass this "test" Or today is my death.

At this time, Oros, as the owner, smiled.

"Well, let's not mention those who have nothing. In order to show the sincerity of the alliance, let me introduce it again. This Helen Grand Duke... is my relative and the only legal heir to my country. The future of Bayer." (To be continued)


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