The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 396: Abandon treatment

"Pre-selection of Shirley's treatment plan (third edition)."

In the thick booklet, I have carefully written the treatment plan.

"Preliminary one, transfer the soul, and re-create a complete soul transfer."

"The advantage of this program is that it is easy to operate and can create a perfect one in a short time. Just a pure soul transfer, my technology basically has no possibility of mistakes. The disadvantage is that as a dead creature, certainly not useful now, The fertility function is not to think about it, but I can copy it perfectly in diet and normal men and women. At that time, I sealed a part of the soul into it. This time, it is impossible to create such a wonderful miracle."

"That means that it is not certain that the new transfer will inherit the original trouble, so this plan has yet to be improved."

"Plan 2, processing its soul, stripping the part that belongs to 'sexuality, desire', and turning it into a melon without love cells, then she will never fall in love with other people, naturally will not start this system. (strongly recommended)"

"The advantage of this program is that it is simple and straightforward, and a perfect soul surgery can completely solve the seasonal disease of love. But the disadvantage is that the technique of soul surgery is perfect, but if the luck is not good, the soul is unstable. It is also normal for the various personalities brought about by the division of the soul."

"Highly recommended remarks: This solution can best preserve this perfect circulatory system. After I go further, all the troubles can be solved. Well. It should be said. Save the original system of '' let me study at all times. My personal research is very helpful, I should have a breakthrough soon! And you still have the possibility of getting a new sister!"

When I put the two schemes in front of Yi Wenli, I was full of expectations that she would choose the latter, because no matter how they look, the latter can maximize our income, and can help them get rid of the ills of love. This is a powerful treatment plan.

The most basic original sin is permanently stripped from the soul. This is the miracle that only my soul surgery can do!

What? A sequela of multiple personalities? What kind of sequelae, a variety of personality can also bring a variety of talents and talents. This is a giveaway! I didn’t see that Evanly is so powerful now, she can have ten personalities and ten talents! It’s my original creation.

And this blue dragon only looked at the plan, he did not hesitate to put it in front of him, then the nose was pumping...


Ok, I didn't squirt my nose at once. It seems that this mother dragon is still very clean.


But I haven't had time to rescue it. This time it was a spray, and it was a thunderstorm. So the treatment plan I worked so hard directly burned.

"You are too much. It took me two whole days..."

"Twenty minutes, take out your No. 3 plan. Don't you wait for us to deny these two plans, so that the third plan can pass quickly? Don't look at me so strangely, we know you very well. Don't turn to the character of death. You are not the most like 'real perfect conspiracy, let your opponent think that the situation in front of him is his best choice, all I have to do is to make it have to do what I expected. The environment of choice.'"

Ok, this sentence seems to be my tone, awkward to die.

Although the third plan will be taken out sooner or later, it is always very uncomfortable to be seen by others. I screamed, I still took it out. Since I have already made a plan, I still have to take it out.

"Third program: Physical psychological treatment for him to know that love is purely a neurological disease. Well, it is a mental illness. Adolescent children put a lot of energy into it but have nothing to gain, so we have to guide them. Let them read more and exercise more, let them put their main energy into their studies and careers, such as fighting for the progress of human beings, delaying their time in medical history, generally waiting for puberty, it may not be ill, but once still Entering the estrus period and directly treating it for long-term freezing..."

Blue Dragon Yi Wenli smiled, then, there is no more then...

"Hey, how did you swallow it? I wrote very hard."

"Fourth plan?"

"No... well, here."

This time the booklet is relatively thin, it is just a page of paper, so I read it directly.

"This is addiction, this is electronic heroin! The so-called love is an illusion! She needs electrotherapy! Need more electric shocks and electric chairs..."

"...I think you need electrotherapy! Treat your unhelpful head in the Thunder!"

A strong thunderstorm spreads the entire sky, although it is not fatal, but a face of coke black can not escape, the most annoying thing is that under the electrical reaction, all my hair is erected.

"Golden Mosi dry head? Isn't this rural non-mainstream? You are too much! I am fighting with you!"

I know why Blue Dragon is so annoying, their temper is too violent! I am not looking at the atmosphere too nervous to make a joke? No sense of humor! Can't open a joke and say it early!

" one can make fun of your jokes. Let me say it first. You have to experiment to find your ‘new darling’, don’t use me.”

Ignore the complaints of the dead cat, and rushed out of the backpack to get a new preparation plan, what to prepare for the reserve, not to pre-plan, the plan of the plan, the plan of the plan does not work, the plan... It was initially fixed (not temporarily revised), how can I say that I am prepared.

"The fourth option, through the subtle influence of hypnosis and book rhetoric, gradually change its sexual orientation, let it fall in love with women, and then see if it will trigger this institution. If not, we will have enough time to observe..."


Ok, next.

"The fifth option, brainwashing it, or giving it a permanent mentally retarded technique, as long as the intelligence falls to the baby level... well, okay, don't spray me, the sixth plan..."

"...Thirteenth program. Transform it. Recreate the reproductive organs. Let her become him. The conflict between soul instinct and instinct, 'he' will still fall in love with the opposite sex, um, this is a worthy study. Question."

"Cough, I know, I know, the thirteen program gives up, the fourteenth plan. We can seal her forever with imprisonment, or find Emily to release the curse of sleeping beauty, eh? This is not satisfied? It’s really a hard-to-wait guest. Ok, okay, the fifteenth plan...”

"Twenty-seventh program, we can go to find a sad wind... Well, don't do it. It is my fault to take the lead in using the sad wind. This plan is abolished."

Our location is a huge underground cavity that can't see the top of the head at a glance. When I was with Evan Li, the background was a long march. Countless craftsmen and soldiers are slowly moving forward with their luggage and trolleys, and their destination is the empty gate in front of them - the entrance to the Dragon.

Thanks to this, it is the passage to the Dragon World. It is necessary to let the ancient dragons in the class freely go out, and it has long been widened to be able to take the battleship.

The one who talked to me in front of me was the guardian dragon elder Ewenli here, but now I am chatting with us, but only the familiar brass dragon and blue dragon.

" many boring plans, have you been very busy recently?"

"No, I have been very busy recently, so I have to do a program adjustment. I will understand you and work together... Why do you spray me! Blue Dragon can be unreasonable!"

"You actually use Shirley and our treatment as entertainment! You shouldn't teach this attitude."

The expressionless blue dragon said so, but what do I think, just want to find a reason to get me? Did I offend her when?

"There may be too many places to offend her. Don't say it before. It is now that normal people will see that you obviously have malicious malice when you see these programs."

"But I am serious!"

"That would be more excessive, not saved."

"No, Shirley still has a save, we can't give up treatment."

"...I mean your head is not saved, or don't struggle, give up treatment soon..."

Ok, the next step is to play as fast as a cat.

"Hey, Roland, you have changed."

Looking at the scene of the farce, the brass dragon Ivani, who has been chatting with the old god, is somewhat sighed.

"Well? Have you become handsome? It’s probably a battlefield experience for many years, which makes me more and more masculine."

"I don't know if I am handsome, but it is really cute. It is really good to be cute. The portrait book of Princess Peach has been sold very well recently. I also bought one. The sisters are rushing to watch and say so cute."

"...Hellois, remembering to remind me to throw the **** into the giant gun of the giant door. Well, it is the activity of the two feet with a tail."

"I agree, but is the guns enough? I think I still use the main gun on the Northern Lights."

"...the cleaning of the barrel will be very troublesome."

Being idle is also idle, we are here, but some people can't stand it.

" were lonely in the past, it seems that you are crying when you laugh, and you are full of resentment against the whole world. It is like a man betrayed by the whole world..."

Surprisingly, it was Lan Long Yi Wenli who spoke. Although she was still squinting when she spoke, but the eyes of the eyes flashed the color of memories, and suddenly, the memories of the silk became joy, and the frost suddenly Thawed.

"...that is simply so handsome! The Avengers who are enemies of the world!"

The look of joyful jumping is like seeing a star-studded girl who loves her favorite star.

"...image, image, five sisters, your image of the iceberg beauty is completely destroyed."

In the face of the spit of the brass dragon, we nodded silently, and the image of the cold beauty was gone.

"What she said is justified. I am speechless." The spit of the dead cat is growing more and more. It seems that I am well trained.

But suddenly, the Blue Dragon girl glared at me, then...


The contemptuous spit was thrown to the ground, but the eyes that looked at it were despised, and I was stared at by the beauty. I was still a little nervous.

"If it was the handsome vengeful prince in the legendary story, now, it’s a funny thing!"

"What she said makes sense! I am speechless!" The black cat on the shoulder was surprised.

Ok, dead cat, this doesn't have to spit out... What do you mean by nodding your head! Don't think that I didn't find that you changed the exclamation symbol! Do you agree with this? If I am a professional acorn, then you are not a professional horn. It turns out that we have always been a classic crosstalk combination!

"Be a funny artist, go! Don't pull me! I am not the same as you!"

"Hey, such a professional spit, dare to say that he is not a funny entertainer! Herois, the funny gene has been buried in your bones! You are born to be a!"

Well, the second cat war was re-enacted, but the Evans in front of them looked at each other and smiled quietly.

They will send out to contact Roland, naturally because they are more obsessed with the past, but now see Roland, the sentiment is not in a minority, the words of the heart communicate with each other.

"Five sisters, I hate the hidden melancholy and anger in his eyes, compared to the seemingly indifferent but actually good-hearted guy in memory. I prefer the guy in front of me."

"...of course you like it. Don't you always like to watch comedy shows? But... it's such a Roland, it can make people feel relieved. Hey, the second sister's newsletter?"

The two silently read the newsletter, but the brass dragon first opened.

"Roland, how do I feel that you are deliberately entangled us so that we don't check if the goods you brought into the Dragon World are contraband."

"...I think you are insulting our IQ, we are not customs officials who can fool around."

Ok, it’s not so easy to mix, so I asked with a smile while handing over the real treatment plan.

"You think that for a powerful dragon, what level of things is a contraband. Oh, do you think that I will come in with things like Sharon, and I want to live a few more years."

My explanation has not been finished yet. The next moment, the two dragons exclaimed in unison.

"Do you really bring the Salo nuclear crystal?!"

"No, no, I am just making an analogy! For an analogy!"

"...The second sister said yes, actually explained it seriously, it shows that he is guilty, he must have taken the Salo nuclear crystal!"

"What do you do with this big killer? Are you planning to fight the world war?"

Ok, it seems that I can't pass, but when I hesitate to see the poor, I still confess to sitting from the bottom of the prison... It seems that there is something wrong, cough, at this critical moment, the two female dragons Relatively smiling, then turned his attention to the treatment plan in his hand.

"...It seems to have been let go of a horse, I said, it’s not enough to bring it straight in, but also play these tricks. Others despise it."

"Would you let someone bring a nuclear bomb that will transform the continental shelf into your home at any time? This is a matter of principle. I know that they will be so wide-minded and have no position."

At the moment, I can't help but scream at the "old friends" who are deliberately discussing the scheme and pretending to be ignorant.

"Perhaps, it is not without principle and no position, but the position is not necessarily what I originally knew..." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Well, although I have to go to the main line, if it is a face-lifting story, it does not seem to be a crazy lich....

Push a book, the first book to return to the starting point of the school, "Devil Super Justice", is the school sister who wrote "Infinite Ambition", "The Empire has never been sacred", like this type of book can Go and see.


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