The air with a little scent of grass and trees makes people feel refreshed, but the beasts that sound in the distance have some instinctive discomfort. The land with blood red in brown and yellow looks scary, but the morality in the ranks. Ruy has declared that this is an extremely fertile soil, and that it is fertile enough to sprinkle the seeds and do nothing, and it will be able to harvest.

In just a few dozen hours, it is quite different here.

With the help of Mulings, it is not difficult to build a camp in such a place. Less than a day and night, a wall of thorns has drawn a living area for the living, at least to isolate the peep of the herds, and those who are simple. The tree house can at least shelter the wind and rain.

Above the sky, the searchlights of the Northern Lights are constantly scanning the camp. The other giants are in the midst of the rotation, while the Wolf is performing the exploration mission accompanied by the frigate, while on the other side, the engineers are building Defensive fortifications, a goblin artillery and a metal chariot were pushed out of the battleship.

The most eye-catching thing is probably the camp center, the huge tower that is under construction.

His tower base is metal, but the large number of parts made of fine gold and Mithril are worthy of the city, and the dragon is also flashed.

The tower's outer shell is full of densely textured magic lines, and the extension is covered with thick magical thorns, making it look quite classical and natural. There are four smaller tower foundations around the main tower. The sparkling radiance, the strange connection has been built, and the two chiefs Dimiret and Olivia personally support its construction work, just this, it has proved his importance

"...This is the new Master Tower? Is it taking underground energy? Are you planning to help or settle?"

"Oh. Guess... well. We are building a base here. Isn't it in a boat with you, at least not letting the revival Titan ruin our efforts."

Indeed, from the perspective of the white dragon being hunted, there should be no strong dragons around here, and after determining the core area away from the dragons, I decided to build a large-scale station here.

"...this is not a sentinel base. It is so that you have invested so much in the stingy, you intend to invade the dragon world? Let me say it first. The dragons here are over 10,000, and each lord has his own The tributary group, there are many ancient dragons, Taigu dragons, are you sure to make a decision?"

The attitude of the brass dragon is very strange. She gives me the feeling that I am not worried about the influence of the dragon, but the trouble that I will suffer from the angry dragon. In short, the **** and the position are a bit awkward.

And when she saw her from the beginning, she felt this way. She was interested in Bayer's human beings. But it is only a little bit of interest, and it is also somewhat lukewarm for the Dragon. Secluded alone in the underground world of the human kingdom, as if not close to anyone, self-contained.

", worry about me?"

"I was a little, after all, you are our Creator, can be considered a friend ...... though you do not remember, look at your face look ignorant, just this, it makes it wanted to hit your meal."

The brass dragon is very calm, bluntly speaking about our past friendships, but it makes me tangled for a while, at least from the unknown information and the unrecorded status of the library, our past venge seems complicated, before The girlfriend did not hear anything, but at least our past relationship is really good.

Trustworthy takes time to accumulate, and the sense of reassurance that needs to be talked about requires a long exchange to form. This kind of party knows everything as an old friend, but the feeling of being unclear on one side is very weak.

"So, can you trust you? When we are in conflict with the dragons, it is not the kind of fundamental conflict that you live and die, but does not touch the fundamental conflict of interest."

Suddenly, Ivanie smiled.

"Maybe, you really should make up the dragon class. The dragon does not even have many concepts of the same family. The dragons that Dragon City can control are directly linked to the strength of the Dragon King. They are also responsible for most of the basics. Every dragon is Yes individual."

I nodded, this is indeed expected. After all, the internal battle of the dragon is also the type of life and death. The powerful dragon and the weak human being are completely different social structures. Since the same family is taken for granted, the powerful individual does not. How many natural enemies do not need to embrace the group to warm up naturally and do not look at the interests of the ethnic group. The overall concept of ethnic groups is naturally weak to the extreme.

"That is..."

"That is, as long as the price given is sufficient, the dragon itself has no position to speak. And the oldest of us is only two hundred years old. In the concept of the dragon, it is a long sleep, among the dragons. There aren’t many connections, and it’s just because the fists are hard enough. You ask if you can trust us? Perhaps you should ask yourself if you can come up with the chips that make us feel good.”

"Hah, I really have a lot of good goods here, but I can see if you can pay the price of reciprocity. But because it matters, tell you if you want to quit..."

"You will kill me and kill?"

"No, I am a civilized person, how can I do this kind of thing. We sign a contract beforehand, and you are not allowed to disclose it."

"... There are always loopholes in this kind of contract. You are not an indecisive person."

"Oh, if you are in breach of contract, naturally someone is looking for trouble, well, then you have to talk about it from a long time ago. About a hundred years ago, I met Ayers in the Styx... and then we The plan is implemented step by step, the **** of the law is the most important part of the throne. Now, it is the third step of the plan... Well, this is what we want you to do. If you breach the contract, it is Ai. Yeah is asking you for trouble..."

When I explained the ins and outs of the matter, it took more than three hours, and the two Yi Wenli were constantly asking for supplements. They were also communicating inside, and from time to time they could hear "Second sister asked me to ask you... ..." "Eight sister asked..." and other such answers, it seems that the inside of the Wenli can actually communicate directly, the common soul has formed a network of souls that constantly resonate.

"...This is our plan. You can see it too. If the plan is successful, you will naturally get enough rewards. I don't know how you plan to do it."

Into the purpose, but a few pairs of unusually complicated pupils.

"...I didn't expect you to really do it, but I really dared to think that it was almost an enemy of all existing gods."

"You are still crazy than you were. The chances of success in this plan are too low."

I thought they would refuse, but they heard the voice of a third party.

"We can understand your approach and agree with your efforts, but we will not help you..."

Suddenly appeared in front of it, but it is the silver hair of Evan. At this time it seems that the brass dragon is maintaining her projection.

"...but we will handle some troubles for you and mislead the dragon's judgment. Only if you prove the feasibility of this plan, will we begin to help you on the bright side."

This is another projection, this inexplicable emotion in the sapphire-like eyes, she is the original Yi Wenli, as the sister of the sister, her words are also the final decision of these sisters.

"At least, now we are allies... maybe it’s more appropriate to use accomplices?"

I also breathed a sigh of relief when you followed Evanly with complex eyes and unanimous words. After all, this time it is really big, if the other party is firmly opposed. It’s a bit of a hassle

But I don't regret my own confession. After all, with their help and cover, the success rate of this plan can at least increase by 20%, and my "intuition" and "sensibility" have always told me that the "old friends" in front of me It is trustworthy.

Although I still have a backup plan, this kind of result is indeed the best. The phenomenon of giving out the rhetoric of the other party is only in the novel. I have not determined the firmness of this boat, and who dares to casually Get on board.

After confirming that we will be stationed here, we also placed the residences for the two Yi Wenli, and many programs and plans are in full implementation.

"Those tiger heads account for the nearby information?"

"No, there is only one of them who will lead the dragon. But when he sees us stationed here, she closes her eyes and says nothing. She always looks at our interrogators with hostile eyes. It seems to treat us as The intruder."

"...It’s really troublesome, right, they are half-orcs, can the Beastmaster hunter and the Druid be able to communicate with them?"

"I have tried it. Druid said that all of them are cruel thoughts and refuse to communicate with them deeply. As for the Beastmaster Hunter, isn't the most powerful Beastmaster hunter already sent out? Even the strongest Druid Not at all."

"Hey, that guy hasn't returned yet?"

"No, it seems to be in trouble."

The strongest beastmaster hunter? Well, that is the name that can't be mentioned more and more, but there are some things that must be done by him. I think if he is there, most of these tigers will recruit, and maybe even "first war" and enmity. Most of the time, I will have a deep friendship with someone.

But now they are not there. A few days ago, I sent the Eagle of the Storm, the Wind of Hurricane, Ainslow, and Diana to the Earth Elemental Plane to get the Art of the Wind Elemental, but they will continue until the scheduled date of departure. Without return, it seems that I have encountered any trouble.

What? Why don't you go in person? Too busy, this kind of legendary task that should not encounter any battle is thrown to the younger brother, I think that their team's success rate is at least 90%, can't help but bring me an epic treasure chest or something back.

But the probability of this thing is hard to say, according to my luck, 99% success rate may be the same as failure, I may not be able to improve the success rate, I will go to some "adventure".

"Protagonist treatment?"

"The catastrophe aura is also considered the protagonist? It is the proper comic comic protagonist."

Cough, seemingly and accidentally exposed something, I am not a disaster star, nor a drape treasure box 95% but a big failure, seemingly accidentally into something.

"This configuration has a treatment tank with a thug, it should be difficult, the difficulty is the inner bar? Indeed, whether it is Camdier or the big plastic stone Ainslow is not so trustworthy, can not be When you open the box, some people want to wear black. If you just kick the team, it’s still good. I’m afraid someone wants to kill someone.”

"Don't curse your men will die? You crow's mouth."

But soon, the empty knight and the greedy wolf who went out to perform the patrol mission brought me an unexpected gift.

"The white dragon is not dead? It is really enough to explain."

"Hey, the white dragon has the advantage of being rough and thick, or they should have been extinct."

Lan Long Yi Wenli is very disapproving. She is really not interested in the life and death of Bai Long, and only after the showdown, she always seems to like to wander around me.

After confirming to other brass dragons, I learned that she was indeed the liaison between me and Ivanie, but to be honest, I would rather expect a brave dragon to communicate than the combative blue dragon.

At this time, the white dragon that is being seriously injured and glaring at us is our liaison.

If it is only the half-dead white dragon, it can not be called a surprise, it is a surprise, but it is actually a maternity dragon.

"It seems that the goals of these Henglei people have been dragon eggs from the beginning. If they can get these little white dragons, their tribal strength can at least expand tenfold."

And by such a toss, this white dragon has no accidental abortion in advance, but Henglei people seem to aim at the time is not a moment, the time is good, the pregnancy is nearing the end, this period is abortion, the dragon egg is still Relatively good.

"Seven dragon eggs, at least five have the possibility of hatching."

"...It was originally nine, and where did our people find two broken shells."

"What is it done? Who is going so fast."

"This guy in front of her, she swallowed directly to recover the injury."

Well, it seems that the white dragon food is really not a legend. It is no wonder that these white dragons are so unfamiliar with the same family. What is the difference between this and the beast? No, the average beast will not do this kind of thing.

But when I saw the white dragon egg in front of me, I was a little happy. I just had a dragon egg, but there are no rare items on the black market (mainly worried that I will be chased by adult dragons).

"Not some useless white dragon eggs, so happy to do. Are you still going to tame a few white dragons to be dragon knights? They have to be used for at least eighty years, even if they become young dragons, they are just a group of melee. Beast."

"...useless? That's not necessarily, Yi Wenli, why do you think Bailong is just a beast?"

"Why? It's not born."

I shook my head. Although this view is the mainstream of the world, it is not "magic" at all. Many seemingly natural "common senses" will have such a mystery if they are pursued.

"In fact, human beings have the same. Some children are lost in the forest and raised by animals. When they grow up, they become the so-called wolf children. They don't even have to say that they eat raw meat and have no beasts."

"You mean?" Evanie nodded thoughtfully, and she heard similar rumors.

"The dragons are born strong, they can inherit the basic common sense and wisdom of the previous generation in the dragon egg, and even do not need the special professions of other races such as the teacher, but obviously, the white dragon is a little different."

Suddenly, I remembered a rumor that might be able to strongly support my point of view.

"I heard that Yinlong and Crystal Dragon sometimes steal white dragon eggs, and then raise the young dragons to bring them, but finally they have made the color dragons a metal dragon character?"

It’s no secret that Yi Wenli nodded. Many white dragons, which are quite famous in Longcheng, are all like this.

"So, if we can make up for their lack of inheritance, will it create a species that is no worse than other dragon species? And in terms of memory and soul, I am still very good at it. If you look at the strength of the body, Bailong still does not. Poor, the property is also my favorite ice, there is value worth trying."

"...Do you have time? Their growth is amazingly slow."

"Oh, I have my own tricks. Right, if the experiment is successful, can you help me get some white dragon eggs?"

"If it is sold and raised, it will not work. If you can prove that this can really make the white dragon more like a dragon, you should be able to discuss it with other elders."

"That's good enough, let's try." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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