In the legendary story, the wrath of the Creator will turn into a Thunder, and his tears will become a heavy rain. When he is pleased, the earth will spring and spring, and when he is sad, the earth will fall into the cold winter. I did not expect that I actually verified this legend. The day.

In the excitement of the outside world, the alienation of the sky gradually returned to calm. For me, emotional out of control is rare, but my habits make me more angry, but more calm, after repeated consideration, I Raised the question.

"Why didn't the end dragon Aiko Xiasis tell me? I trust him more than trust you."

"Tell you what makes sense? Can you take revenge? Most of the time, I still know too much to get new troubles. If he really thinks for you, he should say nothing."

As a matter of fact, Bai Long Summer is not arrogant.

And when I measured it a little, I recognized his inference, and I also vaguely knew the amazing energy of the black hand behind the scenes.

First of all, he alone separated the connection between the Snowy Mountains and other places in the world of Aich, although there is already a feeling of eccentricity, but it is still part of the world of Aich, a part of the plane that can be separated by itself and others. The boundaries of the position, I have never heard of this ability.

A little analogy is that Ayers shot the connection between the earth element plane and other planes in the previous year, but I am afraid that there is no such thing as an outrageous one. After all, Ayer is to isolate an already ectopic surface. The black hand behind the scenes actually cuts a complete plane for a short time and then restores it again.

"...that is, at least the main **** level exists? You don't have to personally suppress the hail family."

Such a existence exists. If it is to destroy the country of 岚. Speaking casually should be enough. Why bother to get so troublesome.

"I can't figure it out..."

If you can't figure it out, you don't want to, and forcibly suppress the many troubles in your heart. Now is not the time to be calm.

"Since I have been waiting for more than three hundred years, it is not bad for this moment, behind the scenes. ... sooner or later I will..."

There is no need to say the ravages of revenge, and the inner nicks know that it is enough, no matter who the black hand is behind the scenes, no matter how strong he is. My Roland will let him and other murderers fall into purgatory sooner or later.

"I need strength, my time is running out. It seems that I have to lower the limit again..."

Taking a deep breath, the face is re-smoothed, and the extra emotions will not affect my judgment.

The most important thing at the moment is to talk with Bai Long in front of you. If it is handled properly, perhaps inside the Dragon City, we will have another trustworthy ally.

The subsequent talks are even simpler. The first exchange was a shame, and neither side had any important agreement. It’s just a simple feeling of chatting, but when the old dragon looks at the dragons, the eyes are shining, it’s just like a special alternative.

The children Bailong are very happy to see a "small age partner", pull him to play games, climb mountains, sing songs, go to class, see Taikoo Bailong play eagle catch chicken as a chicken, but also be stupidly dragged by Xiaolong I have to work hard to not laugh out loud.

And when he ran out of the little dragons, he also had the big red flowers from the kindergarten on his chest, and the crayons on the face, and then we finally laughed, but he didn't care.

"I haven’t been so happy for many years. Actually, there is really a blood-free wisdom young white dragon. Can I take one away?"

"No, they are still semi-finished products. It is thanks to the world that this step is more special. If you go out, I am afraid it will be degraded immediately."

"...that is, it is still impossible to make ordinary white dragons intelligent?"

"At this stage, it is impossible to use them as research objects, and gradually push back and restore the inheritance. It is only a matter of time before the results can be applied outside. Of course, if you can send a few white dragon test products, the speed of technical restoration should be Greatly improved."

White Dragon Somer nodded.

" will get the experimental products you want. You should be able to send ten out of next year, as long as you don't die... No, as long as you can get the inheritance technology without sequelae, you can kill all. But I hope that the final technology must be complete."

What a generous amnesty, sent a dozen or more adult white dragons in one sentence, rest assured, even if there is the rest, all will "accidental death", such a good beast I have eaten, and How can I spit it out.... Of course, since he said this, he has already acquiesced in my confession. He means "I just want the result, how can you toss it by the way?"

"...In the end, I will get results within half a year. My 97th child is going to be born..."

Well, when I say this, I understand it completely. Summer is not only for the sake of the entire Bailong family, but more for his personal thinking.

It’s really sad to think about it a bit. The ordinary white dragon gave birth to a child like a beast. The children of the intelligent dragon family still eat the fleshy beasts of raw meat for hundreds of years, and it is very uncomfortable for these aunts to The management is not easy to manage, is it really like a pet is generally circled.

In particular, other children of the same family are so smart, and their own families are still subject to discrimination. However, this discrimination cannot be refuted at all. After all, the world has used white dragons as beasts, even for themselves.

"...I hope this is a good start for our cooperation, I will give the corresponding price. Yes, can I play with these children by chance?"

"of course."

I didn’t say anything about the price, but it was already the result of my satisfaction, but after I just sent away the white dragon, I also made up my mind.

"Start the d plan, we have no other choice. The patience behind the black hand makes me hairy, we need more power."

I don't think that in just three hundred years, this kind of existence will be degraded. In the past, I repeatedly searched for behind-the-scenes black hands, but there is no clue. I don't think that what I did will be ignored by that existence. Then, he has been still Behind me.

The battle of the main plane is deteriorating every day. In this case, I have made up my mind.

"...coming out, you will become a public enemy. The reputation is even worse than it was in the past. Or else. Think about it. I think we have other methods."

"Oh, what about it, the heavens and the earth are not benevolent, the sky is invisible. Well, don't yell at me, I speak people, it's actually very simple.... Whoever wants to kill me and my family, I will fight to kill first. he!"

"Whatever the cost? If this thing fails, or if it is not handled well, you may not be able to return to the North again. You will become the object of hatred of the world."

Herois was hard to be serious, but I smiled bitterly.

"Oh, it was wrong from the beginning. The world is like this. Do we have the choice of the weak? We are just as hard to survive, and how can we have the privilege of the strong - choice and face." ”

The dead cat suddenly jumped on my shoulder, rubbed it, and rubbed my cheek again.

"....... Well, I will go with you. Even if it is destined to be deep in hell."

"....... Then, the first thing we have to do is to contact, connect to hell, and use the jewelry given by Aye to contact Little Tias."

"Little Tias? Others are called Camille Tias, the head of the devil's nine kings, the legendary devil master, lies the lord!"

".......Yes, open the contact with Eliza together, and negotiate with the devil alone. I have some hair, find a demon and suppress it."

"Pressure? The gang of malicious bidding is right. However, this is indeed a good idea. If there is competition from the demon lord, the devil will be willing to pay a big price. But is Eliza enough?"

" not enough, Calvins is estimated to be enough, but it is too dangerous."

Between the jokes, the obsidian crystal necklace given by Aye was activated, and a pair of black and black eyes turned from virtual to reality, and all the light was lost in the house. In the face of the devil, I spoke first. It is still the temptation of the devil.

"Little Tias, I have a very profitable business here, I don't know if you can't pick it up."


At the same time, Eliza, who was chanted by Roland, was in a bad mood.

She recalled the past of the past, naturally it was a fire.

It’s hard to send a avatar to the main plane. If there is no progress, it will be treated by Roland as a housekeeper. In the end, it will not be able to follow Roland by a bunch of things. Even when they are together, the interaction will not make any progress. It is like the love of a primary school student.

"have you eaten?"

"Eat, today's weather is good, go out for a walk?"

"Oh, I'm afraid I can't. I have a lot of chores on hand. When I'm done, let's have a dinner together?"

The exchanges between the two sides are too much everyday, sometimes too familiar and troublesome. This sudden change in mutual relations not only made Roland a little flustered, but even made Eliza himself very uncomfortable. If she had just been in contact, she would have to say it together, but she left for a while, so that this newly sprouted relationship seems to be back. At the origin.

And if one of them has a master of feelings... normal people will be enough, but Eliza has not much to say, mouth poison, habitual attack on Roland, so that it is not costly, and Roland... Well, emotionally he is still incompetent than an idiot, let's not mention it.

The result is that the two sides lived together in Dongpu, and it completely became the continuation of the mixed relationship between the past servants, fathers and daughters, and mentoring. Elisa did not think about active attack, but did something a little bit each time. Someone jumped out of the game (more than half, Renee, by chance, Amyra), and then became a comedy or farce, and the result was nothing to return to the underground abyss.

At this time, even more annoying to her, but just heard that Roland found ‘’, this is her biggest crisis as a true girlfriend.

the reason? A research report from Amyra is also one of the opportunities for the birth of the 'Peach Princess.'

"Roland makes the undead creature of the original sin, and will cut a part of his soul, according to the current situation. But the human soul is not static, as long as the conditions are met, the part he loses will be revived. The condition is..."

Eliza still remembers that Amyla smiled maliciously at the time.

"...and the original sin-level undead creature stays together, the soul will resonate and proliferate, Roland's soul will become complete again. And I guess, but it has been lost. That is to say, now Roland has no love at all, you What does this girlfriend mean? You are playing only a game of self-deception, the real victory...."

Thinking of it, Eliza silver teeth clenched and forced out the word.

".......,, but I am not around, is it cheaper to steal a female cat?"

Well, the more I want to worry, the more I don’t care about the heart of the main plane, but suddenly, obviously, I didn’t arrive at the time of regular contact, and the contract ring that I contacted Roland was ringing.

Just started, Roland said with a very rare expression.

"Respected Princess Eliza, Roland has said hello to you, we have a big business here, I don't know if you are interested." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Well, the second day of the full-time trip, two more than seven thousand, take the opportunity to save the monthly ticket.....


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