The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 417: Conspiracy planner

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" don't pursue the light, but the light is ignoring you, no, it should be said that the source of order is looking after you, this may not be a good thing..."

Although I was a little surprised by the final words of Herois, I did not care how to ask, but in the end I only got a vague answer.

"...I have to think about it. Now is not the time you know. If you believe in me, don't use the mandatory order of the magic pet contract. Otherwise, many things will not be cleaned up."

Since she said so, although the bottom of my heart is more itchy, I finally gave up the question for the time being... Of course, my insensitive intuition told me that Herois is actually telling the truth, and continuing to ask questions may be Leading annoyance is also a reason.

"Okay, okay, tell me when you think about it, I am not so uninteresting."

I felt that I was waving at the fire, trying to dispel the feeling of stickiness and powerlessness that bothered me, and then I put my attention into the booklet in my hand. My mission goal in the Dragon World was formulated in Bayer. But all the way, the completion is worrying.

"First, get the foundation of the elements of the Dragon World, at least one, more and more good (must be completed)."

"Second, get the top four elements of the gods, not capped, the higher the grade, the better, it is best to tie the elements of the gods, elemental artifacts together (must be completed)."

"Third, establish a stable base in the Dragon World, let the young soldiers experience training and grow at a high speed. (The priority is low, do it when you have time.)"

"Four, complete your own progress, it is best to reach the epic level. (must be completed)

"Five, let the devil army enter the dragon world. (It was a must, but considering their bad reputation, it is optional, although it is not very easy to explain with Ayer at the time.)"

"Six, the final step, to inform Oros to start the 'big plan', and then there is no turning back."

As for the things that urged the Dragon City support, they were not in the schedule from the beginning, they could be better, they couldn’t be done, and they didn’t have to take it seriously. After deep understanding of Oros, I didn’t believe that this snake king would be so easy to play. Finish.

However, during the period of the Dragon World, the optional tasks have either been completed or are about to be completed. It seems to be very smooth, but the first task that must be completed is in trouble. It is really a little happy.

"Advanced things can't be fast, but in the end, if you can't do it, you can use the system to find a way. Although speculation is likely to cause sequelae of unstable realm and poor foundation, there is no way."

The system gives me advanced as long as I count the points, but I also asked, such an advanced level is definitely not as good as my own understanding. My energy level has reached the standard, and the law and the two laws of the Holy Light are all After the restoration of the source of order, the death emblem is also good, it is stuck in the power of the ice, but it should not be used much time. At this time, the system breakthrough is very bad.

"The basis of the elements, for so many years, must have been handed over by the dragons, let them hand over a possible, two words on behalf of the sovereignty of this plane, the difficulty must be at least several times, by normal I don't think about it. But if there are two, I will save a lot of things. Maybe, I want to talk to Xinmeng...."

It’s too difficult to be a qualified villain ss this year. In order to ensure the conspiracy is realized smoothly, you must carefully consider the evil and careful plan, find competent and loyal, at least not to be converted by the brave. Execute your mission, accidentally play in the early stage to get rid of some dragons and brush the stylish value. In the middle of the period, you must send a team with the same level as the brave to level the opponent....

By the way, when you first appeared in the showdown, you shouted "I am your father" and "You are the legendary xxx" to highlight the brave people's extraordinary, revealing their weaknesses in the most natural position at the crucial moment. For example, revealing the location of a certain artifact that can kill oneself to the brave and his daughter... Why is it a daughter? Is the legendary devil's daughter not the standard female owner of the brave?

After working hard for half a lifetime, the conspiracy eventually failed to the final step, and then became a big *oss who died of excessive nonsense. After death, remember to lose a few pieces of top equipment to thank the brave people for their continued support, and then attract them to come back next time.

This is the anti-party wave ss, which is obviously the relative of the brave!

"I have always been unable to understand the guys who carefully planned the conspiracy. Why did they end up being inexplicably killed by the single-cell brave, my plan is perfect, my men have many forces, I have planned behind the scenes for so long, I, Roland, absolutely It won't fall so inexplicably."

"...Eternal Night Emperor and Adam."

Ok, I was reminded by Herois that I remembered the things in the past and I didn’t have any energy at all. I really want to train more than one apprentice to kill my apprentice.

"That was an accident, that is for a reason..."

"But the above steps are all done, you have done it."

In the face of the question of dead cats, my argument is somewhat weak. I just want to be alone, don't ask me who is quiet...

Cough, get down to business, although my list is always full of plans, but this time, my plan is very careful, the selected performers are very good, and will never fail.

"...Royal of Roland, it’s not good, I’m coming back to the Lord of the Fire Elemental Artifact, and she has failed!”

"Hey? A Marquis of the Sea of ​​Fire, the **** of fire on the elements of the fire, the devil's scorpion will fail in the fire element plane. Is this the rhythm of 98 success rate Blackstone box still failed? Our luck is so difference?"

"...I think it is the curse of your crow mouth."

"Off my hair."

And when the specific information came to my eyes, I knew what was going on. I really can't blame Eliza for her care.

As long as you choose the survival mode of chaos, any life can become a demon, including elements, but once the **** of an element becomes a demon, it will naturally be cast aside by its own plane, even if it is the **** of the element, the elemental throne is lost. And the laurel of the **** of elements is taken for granted.

The original elements of the fire element are behind, and the lords of the fire elements are engaged in a vigorous battle for the crown, and if the "original successor of the fire element" comes, what will happen... can refer to the death of the old emperor The lords came out to fight for hegemony and suddenly jumped out of a little prince and said that I had the right to inherit. This hatred is really stable.

In fact, the Lord of Fire elements had the information of Eliza, and when Elisha reached the plane of fire, she was noticed, and then all the elements of the Lord came, and even the will of the plane was suppressing this. The original elemental lord who fell into a demon, facing the hostility of the entire elemental plane, not to mention the devil's marquis, is that the demon prince can't do anything, what Eliza can do, turn around and run.

"It seems that I chose the wrong person? Otherwise, wait for the next comfort."

"...I think she doesn't want to see people at the moment is you."

I remembered that the girl had a strong temper. I nodded silently, and then felt that I was still in contact with it. This is a rare opportunity to laugh at me. I was ridiculed by Elisa and so many times that I could take revenge.

The material of the elemental artifacts was made a lot in the big plastic stone, but with the gods and elements of the **** of the better elements, they will be given priority. The throne of the element must face the **** of the element and the entire element plane. The pressure is too difficult. I naturally stare at the elemental artifacts. After all, there are not many people who know the truth, and the heart has a high success rate, but the result is the most sure to get it, but it fails directly.

The fire element artifact is in the water element plane, the water element plane is the whole sea area, and the land creatures basically can't go in. After entering, the strength is greatly reduced. I didn't send anyone at all.

The wind element in the hands of Camdil, borrow? This kind of life-related thing, not to mention borrowing people, you open to find him to borrow, will cause his vigilance and hostility, say no to complain.

Earth element artifact, naturally in the hands of the new earth element **** Xiaosha. Thinking of the huge mountain body, I felt more and more that the name was awkward. I asked a certain beastmaster to take it, but I did not report much expectations. After all, even if the IQ is low, it is at least the **** of elements...

"His Highness, live up to expectations, Blackstone Box... I got the earth element artifact!"

Ok, I am really a Bailey Raven mouth, saying that I am not convinced, who is optimistic about who has failed, and who is successful.

"How did you do it?"

"Hey, Xiaosha was too big, and he couldn't use the elemental artifacts. As a result, I went to play with him and he threw it to me."

"...this is ok!"

I don't ask what the blink of an eye is playing, but the trust value is too high. I just got this kind of thing casually. Sad wind classmate, are you really not the protagonist of this plane? What else can you do?

But when I saw the earth element artifact, I knew why it couldn't be used anymore. It was a small, colorless wand, and it was just right in my hand.

"The artifact should have the function of changing body shape. Why can't it be used?"

"...Small sand has no hands."

Ok, this reason is too full. I am convinced, so I took the staff very simply and threw it directly into the frozen soil. The fluctuation of the elements of this stuff is very scary. I don't feel relieved when I put it outside.

The wind element artifact does not need to think about the **** of the gods. The water element artifact has failed. The fire element artifact is not available at the water element plane. The only thing that comes to the hand is the earth element artifact.

What I need is four elemental artifacts. Even if the dragon gives me an elemental foundation, there are still two missing pieces.

"Let's talk about the water element **** Aylos, let her find out the fire element artifact in the water element plane. After all, I have the human nature in my hands...."

Aylos is the wife of the ancient sea **** Sister Vera. The only hope for his resurrection is that the bottle of the sea of ​​Ston Villa is still in my hands, and only I can save him in this world.

But if I contact Aylos now, I don’t think there is any hope. When the last element of the earth element came to an end, she did not hesitate to sneak, and did not give me the opportunity to blackmail. Now I am looking for her elemental artifact. , experienced, she will definitely use the resurrection of her husband in exchange, and ...

"Resurrection of Ston Villa is also my epic quest. Of course, I want to earn points, but I have to hunt strong sea beasts and sea monsters to gain the power of God. This is really hard for me."

I am not worried that the sea monsters are difficult to deal with. Before the Northern Lights killed a few top sea monsters, there are now three giant warships. I am still worried about what the sea monsters are doing. I am worried about...

"As soon as I get to the sea, the crazy woman will fight with me."

In fact, let alone myself, even the Northern Lights did not dare to sail in the deep sea, otherwise it would definitely be a powerful sea monster to take the lead, storms and tornadoes followed, and finally the deity of the gods personally went into battle.

"I don't care about the existence of revenge in the ministry. It's stingy.... Wait, there is revenge in the ministry. Isn't that my goal?"

Hesitated for a moment, eventually picked up the notebook and added a paragraph.

"Seven, kill the storm mad woman, take the vengeance of the vengeance and the fascination of the ocean, and resurrect the Ston Villa. (Priority)"

Of course, considering that the mad woman is now a new chaotic side, the existence of powerful divine power, I personally estimate that it is uncertain, so I silently took out the stationery.

"Ayebo ss, there seems to be something you want to do personally. There is an idiot who blocks the way of the brothers. You know. She is the flying girl in the mixed blue ocean area. Well, that is the strange hairstyle. Also painted blue is the non-mainstream, boss you listen to me, that gimmick is not a general arrogance..." (The novel "The Crazy Lich's Experimental Log" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there are also 100 lucky draws. Gifts are for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign in the top right to "Add Friends", search for the public number "qdread" and pay attention, the speed is fast!) r1152


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