"We can collapse the water capital, and even let the storm lady fall, then, how can you pay for the recovery of the country?"

When someone spoke in front of Dassos, he first wanted to laugh and thought that the joke was really funny, but then he looked at this special messenger from the north, but he couldn’t say it when he was joke, but he fell silent.

Grein, the queen of the Northland priest Weir Kingdom, suddenly came to visit the Oran Empire in the midst of war turmoil. It is very shocking. Perhaps this proposal is incredible, but if it is proposed by the people in front, Dassault must Think about the meaning of this.

She is the messenger and agent chosen by that person, or more accurately the heir.

The times are always moving unconsciously. More and more people have noticed the change of the frozen soil in the north. The miracles that happened after the man returned to his homeland have made all the onlookers see the future. I am afraid that there is nothing to stop the integration of the new 岚 alliance to the entire North.

After all, there is already too much magic on the once ruined land.

The more and more important places of origin of magical mechanics, the sample of multi-ethnic mixed life patterns, the holy places on the side of the law, the union of elves, orcs, undead, dungeon forces and human forces, their latest social system Multi-ethnic communion is possible, and the accumulated sandstone can be a tower, not to ●, ww£, people of insight have already seen, in two or three years, a super power will gradually rise in the north.

Unlike the world of Achilles, the world of Achilles is due to the northern part of the country. Or it should be said that she has already spent the amount of robbery she deserves. When other countries and races are busy dealing with their own troubles. She is able to grow and thrive in a more stable environment, and even has the resources to support other countries.

Among the emerging forces, the two women of the Yi are destined to become the core, and the other is the Grena in front of him. Of course, he does not know that he has seen another girl in front of him.

For Ai Xi, who is the king of power. The personal charm and ability of the king is extremely important. It is definitely not empty talk about the demise of the king. It is not an empty talk for the princes of the north. For the ally of the north, Dasos has evaluated the two Yi Princesses. The evaluation of Renee is slightly higher than that of the year. Although there have been many achievements and strengths in progress, from the situation of escaping government affairs in the intelligence, it is probably the only one who has evolved from the propaganda-only vase, but the little queen of the North Kingdom who appeared in front of the world. Only one comment is unfathomable.

When he was young, he was chased and fled into the underground world. And in the chaotic underground world to grow to this point, and finally return to the country to seize power, throw this deed to an outstanding bard and playwright, perhaps a classic princess revenge will be born.

Ordinary people may only be used as stories, but the emperor of power has seen many other things.

"In the underground world, did the man return from the underground world? Did she get the approval of the man in the underground world and eventually regained her country."

Sometimes, the distance between the "truth" and the reality that is inferred from multiple intelligences depends on the imagination of the person. In the eyes of conspirators and powers, there is no accident in the world. Everything is a plan and a plan.

But in Dassos's view, in fact, the intelligence spies have given the answer from the sidelines. The little girl who seems to be only about ten years old seems to be immature, but this little girl has far beyond age and appearance. The ability to have a balance in government, industry, economy, and power balance is only one year. The country has not only been firmly held in its hands, but also has a ZTE trend.

Some things can be explained by talents, but things like government affairs and industry must be accumulated with enough practical experience and theoretical system. If you want to reach such a level at a young age, it is impossible to teach without the accumulation of old hands. The Queen’s address to the man explains everything.

"The righteous father."

Yes, Grena is the righteous woman of the man, and the man often comes to talk privately with her. Now it should be taught and directed.

Nowadays, her identity has become more and more not limited to one country. In the alliance that is being formed, she is actively promoting communication and integration in all aspects. Every major event is her personal decision. As the emerging power of the alliance has become more and more mature, she has become more and more a leader and leader of the alliance.

Even when the man is not in the North, the people around him have already recognized him as an agent. This is not easy. This is simply an alternative "Prince of the Prince."

The people of the northern Yi people also recognized the sudden return of the little queen, and even juxtaposed it with the prestigious "Knight Princess", calling it "Princess Gemini", obviously, it is a legendary epic Prince of the Gemini.

In the eyes of the Yi people today, Renee, who is a good war, is the prince of Cavans who was equally aggressive in the past, and this intelligent and capable Queen of Grena, although not like the "child of the Light" It is a very good smile, but whether it is from ability or heritage, it is the heir to Prince Roland.

"With them, the day of the rejuvenation of our Yi people is in sight."

The period of more than three hundred years belongs to the Gemini era. Perhaps they eventually entered the end with the Shu Kingdom, but no country or strongman can ignore the last flash. Their last roar makes the whole world tremble. That country’s victory over the seventeen countries is simply a fantasy, not to mention the two undead natural disasters and a demon catastrophe. Even if it is finally destroyed, the world has recorded their names and traces of the past. Where the mantles live, they will have their statues, which have become totem-like spiritual guardians.

Nowadays, the inheritance and the blood are not cut off, so the prince of the country is hidden in the world, and the shadows are carried out, and the heirs he chooses raise the banner, and all the Yi people naturally choose to return to this banner, each Every day, countless Yi people returned to their home country not far away. The new 岚 and the 岚 alliance are becoming stronger every day.

Actually. The truth is always more bizarre than the story. Destiny made a joke here. In fact, not only is Renee the successor of Roland, but even Renee is a descendant of Cavans. It seems that some things are doomed differently, and some things have returned to the original point.

At this point, after saying the amazing words, Grena was not revealing the dangerous light in the devil's erect, and the words of Dassault's original jokes were swallowed.

Facing the little girl who is only ten years old and expressionless. Dassos did not dare to have the slightest scorn. In his opinion, Glina will become her peer-to-peer sooner or later. Such a person has a lot of leisure and has come to joke with herself, as long as she speaks from her mouth. Even if the proposal is outrageous, there is a need to seriously consider it.

After a long thought, Dassault gave his own answer.

"I was going to jokingly say that as long as you have done it, you will be able to give you half of Oran. Think about your righteous father who seems to have done everything. I don't think it is necessary to say such words."

After a pause, the emperor made his own promise.

"Forever allies do not talk nonsense. We will not believe in the so-called 'forever', but as long as we do this, our relationship will naturally become the strongest ally. And as the emperor of Oran, I promise If you can do this kind of miracle, we will hand over the Principality of Ndo and the Kingdom of Safa. At the same time, we will open all markets to you and let you get some materials that can be exchanged in money in Oran for a period of 30 years. ""

The Principality of Ndo and the Kingdom of Safa are all countries in the north of the Oran Empire. The former is the country of the mountain, but it is also the country of the mining area. However, in recent years, the mining output has decreased, and the Safa Kingdom is multi-racial. The country, his main people are mountain dwarves and gnomes.

From here, you can see that Dassos’s homework on the north underground. The two countries are not large in size, the population is not too large, and there is no war potential, but there is something that is the most lacking in the League and the North. A large number of skilled miners and blacksmiths and technicians.

Northland is not short of minerals, but lacks miners. Northland does not lack advanced technology and researchers, but lacks excellent blacksmiths and industrial base. If the alliance wins these two countries, then the strength surge in a short period of time is expected.

The complete opening of the market seems simple, but in this era it is almost impossible to make a big profit. The traffic in the Ai Xi area is inconvenient, the team and the caravan are risking their lives, and the special products of a country are sent to the urgent need to turn ten times. It is a matter of course, but in the national interest conflict, the huge benefits of cross-border trade are actually not as much trouble as buying urgently needed goods at critical moments.

Some of your secret weapons during the war require blue water gemstones as materials, but you can't get them, or your food supply is not enough, and the countries around you don't sell them to you. Don't do too much.

Oran is a quasi-superpower with vast territory, luxury goods, military supplies, rare minerals, magic weapons, and grain varieties. These strategic materials, which seem to be insignificant in small countries, are actually nothing to themselves, but if He completely opened the market to a country, but it is a stronger relationship than anything. Although the Oran Empire will certainly lose some of its trade interests, the Alliance and the Oran Empire will become the most solid allies.

This is the emperor's mind. The things given are not the most important to Dassault, but they are the most needed in the North, but they can get more benefits. As long as they successfully recover the king, Dassault's own reputation. Will surpass the founding king, the people's heart, the entire national strength will also reach the peak with the birth of the floating fleet.

As for the exchange of countries? It is very common for a country to change to a sovereign state in this era. There is not much interest in forcing the country to be crushed. As long as it is not widely publicized, there is nothing at all.

"Plus the Milos Federation."

It is also a country of the Oran Empire. There is nothing special about it, but it can allow the three countries to connect with the mountains. As long as they pass the two countries, the most difficult place can be bordered by the two countries. It seems that there is no Grena. Less homework.

“I want to expand south?”

“It’s not going to be more south. The area we can protect is limited. Blind expansion is just to find trouble for ourselves.”


When the two hands were held together, a behind-the-scenes transaction involving a god, a king, and three kingdoms was finalized.

Ps: A little better, and the lord who delayed for a few days added thanks again to the support of the melodious book friends.


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