The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 426: The conspiracy is in place

"The storm nine dragons? Is this thing?"

It is a stone that resembles a stone carving, or it should be said to be a long stone like a bow. The gray stone is covered with moss. The white powder in the hand is still falling, and there is no trace around it. The elements fluctuate and are placed outside without any waste.

But this is indeed one of the four elements of the Dragon World. It is the final element that Dragon City finally made, just sent, the elemental artifact that represents the elements of the wind.

"This used to be an powerful wind attribute artifact. It is said that it does not require any ammunition. It is just a summoned wind breeze that can penetrate the sky, and the anger attached to the attack is like a dragon roaring, so Only have this name."

The treasure of the dead cat is probably full, and even this strange thing is known.

"By the way, the ancientest elves who play the bows in ancient times are the golden elves. This artifact should also be the treasure of the ancestors. In that era, there is no **** of faith and priesthood, and they are all natural gods."

As one of the original creations of this plane, the history of the Golden Elves is extremely long. The history of the past and the history of Ayer have been unreliable, the history of the next... The last one is in front of me, considering the civil war with the main plane And the feeling of more and more violent dead cats, I think we should not take the initiative to go to the forefront.

"Well, it sounds amazing, but now, it’s probably too old to lose the museum."

This artifact sounds very good, but look at this obviously unusable appearance, I think that the powerful artifacts are not maintained for hundreds of thousands of years, it seems that they can only be used as fossils.

"Normal conditions are not. Because there is magical power in the artifact. The most basic attribute of divine power is immortal. Most artifacts will not be naturally damaged. But this artifact is like this, the real reason is this plane. Current situation."

Obviously, this plane has already had a big problem, and as one of the four key nodes for constructing this plane, this once artifact has become a barometer of the plane when it acquires the privileges of certain planes. It seems that it will always look like weathered sand, and it proves that this plane has reached its final year.

And because Titan is known as the Son of the Earth, most of the constituent elements of them tend to land. So while they are supporting this plane, they also have an influence on the basis of the element. Considering the relative relationship between the four elements of stroke and the soil, watching this has become an artifact of the fossil wind, I can assert that this is absolutely It is the most severely damaged of the four elements.

In a sense, Dragon City has no good intentions. Considering that fire artifacts are difficult to do in the water element plane, my request to them is the best of the fire element. If not, the water element The base can also make do, but apparently they did not listen.

When it comes to me. It is enough. In fact, this saves me a lot of things. Today, the **** of the wind element, Camdil, is too unreliable, and it is a good thing not to deal with him.

I opened my own small book, and in the notebook, the task was completed a quarter.

Among the four-element artifacts, the earth element artifact has already arrived, and the fire element artifact should have little problem. The measurement yesterday afternoon has produced results, and the elemental tide has become unbalanced. It seems that another elemental **** has fallen, and the elemental element In terms of fluctuations, most of them are the gods of water. It seems that Soro seems to have settled this time and it is worth remembering.

However, such imbalances have made the elements of the Dragon World more balanced, and it seems that the time of collapse should be slightly delayed.

the reason? The main reason for the thing of the Umdi Luoken is not that the **** of earth elements hangs, but that the earth element gods are smashed by me. This is like a government agency, where the administrator of a department hangs up and actually replaces people. The impact will not be much, but if the department he manages is revoked, the series of effects will be very troublesome.

The element of fire is opposite to the element of water. The element of fire has no **** of fire. Now the **** of water is gone. The throne of the elements on both sides is still functioning, but it is more balanced. Nowadays, wind and earth elements The gods of the elements are also weak, and the four elements are just in perfect balance.

"Aylos? It seems that the legend is really not reliable. Actually, it is regarded as a person who lacks feelings. At least Herois is not wrong, she is really affectionate about her husband. Then, I will also amend it. Plan it, after all, I still like happyend. Well, although it is the backbone of the fff group, there is a tradition of true love and not burning."

I changed a bit of content on the notebook a little, but it was placed in the third priority. Only when the conditions are met, I will consider it. Before the completion of the “big plan”, the extra sympathy is just a feeling of being too extravagant.

However, the state of complete balance of the four elements is like the balance of elements in the ancient times. It is undoubtedly a good thing for those who are eager to break through. It is foreseeable that there will be a number of new breakthroughs for the group of goods under my command. It is also helpful, then, barely can be considered a owe half-personality, if the conditions are ok, it is ok to help.

"...I'm trying to find a reason to help out? Is this a proud? The man is arrogant and can't look good at all."

"Awkward, no shadow, I don't know if the ‘the ice of the soul can' keep the soul of the other party. After all, the other is an elemental creature. Right, is the second piece of burial ice sent out?”

"Well, the messenger has already paid back, and the man received the letter and the ice."

"... didn't tear it off?"


I nodded, it was already much better than I expected, and it seems to solve a problem.

"....... You are really bad. If he did what you said in his letter, I am afraid that the whole world will be shocked. Your 'old friend' will be in big trouble."

"Oh, what you want is this effect. The third piece will be fine tomorrow. When someone comes to get it, as for the last piece...."

"Is there still confidentiality for me?"

"No, I haven't figured out who to give it. It's not a simple existence."

"It's really not our own...."

"No, this is the worst option, let me think again."

I shook my head. This time it was too big to play. There were too many bureaus. If there is a problem in one link, I am afraid that I will have fun. The whole process is dancing on the steel wire. One step is the abyss, but Looks like it is still very good at the moment.

"The elements of fire are coming soon, and the elements of the wind and the elements of the earth have already arrived. The elements of the water are the same. This is actually the bottle of the sea of ​​Ston Villa, of course, the premise is that it has been Ms. The ocean is full of power, then, it seems that all the conditions are ripe, you can start the plan, should you inform Oros and Ayer..."

"Don't worry, chances are only once. When you are amazed, you will have fun. First look at the situation in Bayer and Oran. Our two key pieces should be ready to start."

I closed the notebook that has been covered with various paper strips and patches. It seems that I am still too anxious. After all, the goal pursued for many years is in front of me, and it is inevitable that I am in a hurry.

"It is true that there is only one chance. If the information leaks, we will become a public enemy, or be more cautious."

Unexpectedly, at the crucial moment, the dead cat was still calmer than me. When she saw the special supplement of the fairy, she did not eat one day and one night... It seems that the dead cat does not need to eat, then she usually does not eat with me. Is it pure waste?

"Right, how do you feel about the legendary stage? By the way you give me, I also broke through the bottleneck. Now I am at least three times stronger a week ago!"

The dead cat is proud of it. Breaking through the legendary stage makes her magical power increase to a level. Many unusable spells can be used again, plus the recovery of various bans and small curses, as well as the growth of this body. Three times more is said casually, or to say less.

"I? It’s been the fifth time, and I can feel it."

Although I got a breakthrough, I felt the extremely special soul of the heart, but I could only smile.

It’s not that there is any problem with this soul mark, or that my promotion is lower than expected. On the contrary, this improvement is far more than expected. I have earned it, but the fact that I’ve earned it has proved me to be a guess. Let my mood be very complicated.

"... can only take one step at a time." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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