The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 434: Devil and devil

"Devil (de touch n) and devil (devil)? That is just two statements of the same word. ~"

Most of the main plane residents can't tell the difference between the two. After all, there are very few opportunities for them to encounter these two existences. If they really encounter it, it doesn't make much difference between the two. At the end of the death, the soul will be taken to the lower plane.

But in fact, the two are completely different creatures. From temperament to habit, the gap is extremely huge, and they are mutual enemies. In most cases, if they meet in a narrow way, the war is definitely the first choice.

"The sly devils? Their brains are conspiracy and calculations, and only the fragile guys need these things. In front of the demon lord, their fragile body and funny evils are useless."

"Demon? Are you talking about those stupids thinking with red biceps? These stupid creatures in the world are a waste of space. The only thing they can be proud of is that it is a little more than us. Well, maybe Add brute force that is extremely commensurate with their ugly appearance."

In a sense, although they are the same households in the abyss, the "deep hell" and the "bottomless abyss" in which they are located are completely different. If you look at the quantity, the devil is not only a little more, the devil is at least Ten times the devil, but because the demons are mostly busy with civil war, this quantitative advantage has no practical significance.

The devilish embarrassment, although slightly redundant, is indeed a compliment, which also illustrates the devil's most obvious feature - hehe.

"Wisdom is regarded as awkward, short-sightedness is regarded as decisive, true courage is regarded as recklessness. The timidity is regarded as calm. The view of the mortal. Don't care too much - Camille Tias."

The source of the devil is a secret in the eyes of ordinary people, but for the ancients, these fallen people who converted their identity from the "first generation" are not mysteries.

As a former order camp, even if they fell into the abyss, they still maintain their habits as the first-order order creatures, especially the four oldest of the first generation of human beings still have the whole world of the devil, and they have retained a lot. Past customs and order.

As the son of chaos. They attach great importance to class and order. Although the struggle within the family is continuous, they can cooperate with each other when necessary. For the devil, what kind of ability should stand in the position is a nature, if the ability and status If it does not match, a successful conspiracy is regarded as glory. After all, the success of the squad also means that the devil's ability should be at a higher level.

In a sense. Their social structure has many similarities with private companies in modern society, and everyone seems to serve the company. But in fact, it is to serve yourself. The easiest way to sharpen your head and climb up is to let the superiors make big mistakes and make small reports. Therefore, although the devil's society is not as **** as the devil, it is also costly. At the same time, it is extremely cruel, but the devils are happy with this "heart fight."

It is worth mentioning that those private companies that operate well have relatively stable high-level, and unlike the demon kings and nobles who always rotate, the devils and nine monarchs rarely change, and many of them are from the first generation. The old guy who came to the present time.

Any one of them is a kind of headache that can make any emperor and true God have a headache. The plots they have planned have turned countless kingdoms into ruins, and the ancient gods have fallen into the wreckage of the true God. Some people cannot understand these devils. Goals, but perhaps because these devils are planning conspiracy just because the day is too boring, what they want to get is only the pleasure and fun of conspiracy.

Nowadays, these old guys who let the gods have a headache all walked up to me, and leaned over to salute, and lowered the head that had never been lowered to any god.

"Little Roland, according to the meaning of 'that exists', from now on, we will listen to your orders, please feel free to use us as a tool. And as long as you can fulfill the wishes of my family, we will respect you as..."

"Cough. I know."

The words of "King of Lies" Camille Tias were stopped by me when I said half of it. After all, there are still white dragons around us, especially Taikoo White Dragon Summer, who is watching us with interest. However, in the seemingly innocent eyes, there is a surprise that can't be concealed.

Camille Tias, the eldest of the devil's nine kings, so the king of lies is also known as the king of the devil, such a presence, but Aye is affectionately called Little Tias.

Just look at the appearance, no one would think that the middle-aged gentleman in front of him would be the devil. He kept the character, with a monocle and a gentleman's hat, and a book under his arm, a little cautious. His eyes are a little sincere, and at first glance, it is like an aristocratic scholar who focuses on academic research.

However, heroes, civilians, nobles, and kings who are deceived by him, if they list their names, will probably be thicker than the dictionary. The most outrageous is that they cannot find his strength and good at the mortal world. That is, he did not record at all, then, either the guy who saw his true strength is dead, or he can kill anyone without having to shoot, the former is still understanding the scope, the latter is more difficult to deal with. However, from the information I got from Ayer, he should be completely untouchable.

"People, your plan touched me. Even if you fail, I will give you a position on my side. But I hope that will not be useful."

"The king of rebellion" Marcin is also a male devil, but unlike the king of lies in the human form, the devil king who seduce the rebellion and the fun of life is still in the form of the devil.

As for what form? I can only see his knees when he looks up. The black mist makes people unable to see his face and body shape. The whole person is like a black shadow monster in a tornado, but the green eyes are shining with evil light, and the strong voice is The entire deep valley echoed, and the echoes made me unable to ring the tinnitus, still very emperor-style.

"Don't be so rude, Marcin. Frightened newcomers, dear Roland. Can you tell your story about your past with Ian sister? Although I heard 'he' said something, I still want to hear from you. ”

Imimisia. "The king of temptation", the queen of all desires, perhaps these devils who are good at deception and temptation are not as loud as the demons of the devil, but they are not incapable, but when they do things in the main plane At that time, I used to push the things I did to the succubus with similar shape and ability.

As if the voice of the companion sister echoed in her ear, although it looked like a gentle and lovely woman, she thought of the female devil who could make people think of the bed with only sound. With nearly three-digit lovers and the same amount of trouble, I think she is the most troublesome of the devil. After all, the other devils will not bother me at this critical moment. Just touch me a little. It represents endless trouble.

The famous queen is more than three meters high, but there is no trace of bloated. The devil's curve of golden ratio is undoubtedly an attractive capital. The pure and human face is the purity of angels, perfect interpretation of the angel face, The meaning of the devil's figure.

The seductive breath has come to the front, I nodded. However, it directly takes two steps back and expresses the gap in a straightforward way.

This is not what I have to clean. But the stinging vision behind the maid is very big.

Yes, the maid is still a maid.

I have imagined that Ilisa, who gave up all the power of choice, will become what it will become, and the most conservative estimate is the huge demon of more than a hundred meters.

This is not my prejudice against the devil, but the devil, a thoroughly chaotic creature, has a chaotic atmosphere from the bones. The devils have a pyramid-like social structure, and the lower layers can make achievements through their own "efforts". The appreciation and "uplift" of the superiors, even if it takes hundreds of years.

And the demons get higher status and stronger power, there are only two ways - kill and eat.

Killing everything that can be seen, turning the experience of battle into the power of growth. If this is understandable, it is very troublesome for the devils to devour the same family. Any demon can swallow the weak and the losers. Their nutrition and strengths strengthen themselves and gain stronger variation

This kind of self-evolutionary racial ability seems to be very powerful. In fact, it is really powerful, but it has never stopped the infighting of this race. Even most demons regard the same family as the number one enemy, 90% of their lives. And the demon civil war.

But also because of this racial talent, they can say that in the high-end combat power, the devil is the best mass production, the demon lord as long as there are enough high-order demon killing and swallowing can be produced, as long as there are enough intermediate devils, high There will be no less devils.

And this kind of growth process is full of countless unpredictable mutations and sudden situations. No demon has exactly the same strength and **. After all, they themselves can’t tell how they “eat” this step, by the way. Elisabeth devours the sacred soul of the seal, and is also inextricably linked with the identity of her abyss and the blood of the devil.

It is precisely because of the racial nature of this extremely weak meat, the devils have been hit since childhood, from the weakest demon to the demon lord, they are extremely good and eager to fight, the same level of demons are also fighting in all races. Extremely outstanding.

There is a joke. If you put together the devils, angels, and demons of almost the same order, only the winner can come out. The winner is definitely the devil. The living one is definitely the devil. As for the angel... can ask Two **** chicken wings are delicious.

In fact, when this boring joke spreads, there are indeed more boring devils who try to do it, but after 100 experiments, more than 70% of the demons are out, more than 20% are angels. After all, the so-called devil's wisdom encounters a demon that is simply unreasonable. Just like a scholar encounters a soldier, the devil often kills the devil before going to fight with the angel. The devil wins and has a high chance to complete the double kill, but the devil even The victory over the devil, and most of them died in the hands of angels.

Cough, get down to business, the devil's devour ability is engraved in the bones, and their evolution is stronger, stronger, and more fierce. As a result, although the goal is achieved, their ** can bear their own Combat requirements and abilities, but most will bring a more ugly negative effect, in addition to the succubus and other special nature of the demon can be seen a little, most of the abyss demon scorpion are all kinds of horror monsters, that strange ability is not I don’t know, I’ve gotten into the river when I know it.

And I expected the devil's milkmaid Marquis, how to be more than one hundred meters high, four legs or six legs, all burning green purgatory magic fire, talking is thunder, moving is an earthquake, the road is volcano If you fall, you will make a crack....

"I didn't expect it, it was still like this."

At this time, Elisa took the eyes of gold, the familiar silver hair was the elf-like ear, and the black and white maid costume was still the style of the past, but it seems that the skirt I designed is a little longer... .... Cough, compared to the past, lost the purgatory characteristics of the tail and claws, my maid is more like a human than in the past, at least I can not find a trace of the devil in her.

Of course, this shows that she must have undergone physical changes... I am not stupid, certainly will not ask for export.

I just walked out of the door of the plane, I haven’t had time to say hello, she stood silently behind me in this gesture, although the friendship of the demon woman Marquis stood on the street, her gang of demons Under the men, the appearance of the Lord was like a ghost and a ghost hitting the wall. There was actually a mad war demon who gave himself a slap in the paw and smashed half of the eyeball on the spot.

Especially when I saw the devils seeing Eliza, the watchful and alert eyes made my vanity rise slightly, but from the familiar cold eyes behind me, I seem to be unknowingly Offended her.

"...I am not 100 meters high, I am sorry for the four legs. It is a pity that you can't step on it. I know a volcano lord who meets your requirements. It is said that there are more than two thousand tons, more than three hundred meters high, hoof. Also bring magma. Would you like me to introduce it to you? Hey, it’s a family, you are more and more like the interest of the wind."

Ah, this familiar poison tongue is really memorable, but I have to make a serious statement that I have nothing to do with the sadness. One man like him has enough in the world, and no more natural disaster list can be put down. I am obviously a normal person.

"Hey, tree (Amyra), slime cat, and his own half-devil relatives (Rini), your taste is heavier than sadness."

"It’s heavier than the tragic taste..."

This heavy blow made me bend down and let me begin to doubt my life, but considering that there are important guests in front of me, it is not a mess, at least my face is still full of seriousness, no change.

"Desperate Lord?"

"His avatar is performing a mission, I am afraid it will be a little late. You know that mission."

I nodded, and the four devils we had had about three come, and they all came true, full of sincerity, and even another task that was agreed in advance according to the planned implementation. It seems that we can Go straight to the next step.

"Notice Oros and Iyer, our plan has also come to the start..."

My words have not been finished yet, but the sky suddenly dimmed. The huge black dragon poked its head in the sky. The hot dragon blew away the clouds, and countless dragons descended from the sky. It seems that they finally found the situation is wrong, questioning Going to the door.

"... It seems that you have to deal with the little troubles in front of you." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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