When the dragon lingered in the sky, the whole earth suddenly swayed, and the wind also brought angry anger, and all the means of contact with the main plane were broken one by one.

But I am not too concerned about the dragons in the sky. After all, they are just a little trouble with the enemies and troubles we are about to face.

"Small trouble? Of course, it is a small trouble. If you have a bad relationship with the dragon yesterday, I am afraid that it is super trouble. I can't say that all of us will be driven out by the dragons or killed directly. But today, the situation is completely different. ""

As the most prominent big man on the chaotic side, the little Tias of the devil's nine kings is the main **** level of the chaotic side, and he is now the body that has not moved for thousands of years.

With a kind smile, according to the simple middle-aged gentleman, his right hand on the top of his head, and hovering in the sky hovering with the dragon, but no one dared to come down.

Among the devils and nine kings, there are three main gods, and there are two on our side, although the other represents the "desperate master" is not present now, only the "king of the lie" will be able to live. Field.

There are only seven main gods on the order side, including the completely unreliable "neutral" of Ayer, and the chaos side has 13 main gods... plus Cavans, now 14 It is.

Yes, from the perspective of outsiders, the king of the devil and the **** of death, Ayer, are the same existence, and they are as powerful and incomprehensible as the **** of the light, the demon prince, and the elf god. When the dragon recognizes the front The devil is screaming, naturally he dare not come down.

These are standing at the top of the planes. Only with the will can change the rules of the heavens and the planes. How strong the strength is beyond the expectations, the dragons may also have the existence of the main god. But I don't think there is here, otherwise they should have come up to deal with the Titans.

The gates to the abyss have not yet been completely closed, and countless devils have come out of them. They are either tall and burly, or short and gloomy. Every individual has a clear gap. In the standardized order and kind of devil race, It is incomprehensible.

The devil is step by step evolutionary. From the little devil to the strong warfare, even the devil lord. It is like a step-by-step improvement in professional upgrades. This is the most obvious gap between them and the chaotic demons.

But if you think about their background, it is very simple.

"The highest people?"

Among the ancient history books, the alpine clan is the original human race. They are generally more than two meters tall. They are tall and burly and extremely good at fighting. In the ancient glacial era, they can only hunt a strong antiquity in a thin animal skin. Warcraft.

The current barbarian tribe always likes to emphasize that he is a descendant of the alpine clan, but as far as I know. This is just a simple face of gold, because in addition to those fallen into the devil's alpine clan, other first-generation human beings were all extinct and the judges were extinct, and the order camp would not be merciful to the traitors.

Then, in front of me, these endless and bizarre devils are the oldest people from ancient times. Only this possibility can explain the appearance, type, and ability characteristics of the devil system. They are still older than the devil system.

Everyone knows that anything that has been affixed to ancient and ancient affixes will make people unconscious, and this massive devil, all ancient devils who have experienced countless jihad, estimate it a little. It’s scary enough to keep so many ancient devils in jihad. From another angle, it is confirmed that the devil king always works unsuccessfully, and it is no wonder that the abyss is more and more favored by the devil. After all, those who are bloodthirsty and violent are definitely a burning cannon fodder.

Of course, taking such a big risk, let these devils enter this plane, in addition to the commitment to Aye, more, but we do need enough combat power.

There are no impenetrable walls in the world, and the existence of true God and higher is not a fool. They will soon notice that the situation is wrong and what to do, at least until the plane is completely disconnected from the main plane, chasing and killing are predictable. At that time, these ancient devils are the guards of the Hades. Sent.

Now, when they set foot on this vast original land, these ancient devils did not show their slightest slack and excitement. Most of them were fully armed. And those homes that seem to have no pure iron are actually more dangerous, but they are coming. Looking nervous and looking left and right, it seems to have some doubts, and then turned the vigilant eyes to the dragon in the sky, but did not launch an attack.

"You know, more than one person knows, there is more to leak. The order they are getting now is only to attack a unique plane, and I will not actively attack under the final order."

I nodded. At this moment, I also felt that the king of lies was a little close. After all, we are indeed a type of person.

"Of course I can understand, after all, I am the same..."

Yes, on our side, I know that all the plans are only in the way of my heart, and I think that I can’t hide it. I only said a small part to the letters of Estrada and Oros, and they even Death will not leak the slightest, and even worried that Eliza will leak in the abyss. I didn't say anything to her. If she didn't ask for it, she would even throw her into the abyss... It seems that I found her reason for being angry.

Cough, get down to business, I made so many preparations in the North before, so that Renee and Grena can be alone, and they are equipped with a strong enough auxiliary force, and to rectify the situation as much as possible, so that the formation of the League, that is, let It can be more and more serious without me.

After all, although in a remote area, no one knows what will happen in the future. If the news leaks out, it will attract revenge.

If the plan is successful, we will return to estimate that after a few years, the holy war should be heated up. The two queens must be able to raise the banner, and if we fail, the burden on them will only be heavier.

This is also the reason why I have done so many deployments in the North. It is our foundation. Even if the plan is successful, there is no loss.

"Renee and Grena know that they will be angry."

"Grina is okay, your last duck-in-the-job education is like an explanation. What she guessed vaguely. As for Renee, I think she is completely angry. She estimates that she never thought of it from beginning to end. His Roland brother is planning something."

Yes, I even", as for Renee. I even said a word, I was afraid that Cavans could guess something. After all, my brother's wild intuition is sometimes a headache.

"It seems that I am too much for Renee."

Looking back now, considering the gaze behind it, I not only deliberately kept it away from all the secrets and important matters, but also whispered two lies in front of her from time to time, and also lost the nerves of Renee, if it is careful Lisa, I am afraid I have been a little shoe.

"...It seems that the eyes behind me are colder, and they have forgotten that her intuition is also amazing. Especially when I say she is swearing."

"It’s all serious, it’s fighting.”

"Oh, I said that the dragons are just a little trouble, they can't fight... at least they can't be played temporarily."

The dragons are not fools. The power of the devil army is amazing, and the leader is the main god. However, the magic contract as a mercenary contract is flashing and shining. When I find myself being brushed by me, I naturally have luck. Whether it is only brushed in the contract, these reinforcements can still be used.

Therefore, at least until it is determined that there is an unregulated conflict of interest, it is impossible to fight.

"Finally... the wind has changed."

I am a little sighed. When I first came to the Dragon World, I was treated as a superfluous existence, and in fact for quite a long time. We have always been seen as an insignificant outsider.

The original "competition" of this world, only the dragon and the Titan giant, we have been made a dispensable help from the very beginning, from the perspective of the Dragon City, this is indeed true, after all, the world must speak with strength But for our expectations, this is not possible, from the very beginning. My goal is this world.

To explain it, it is very troublesome, but in a sense, the big plan is just a simple outline with purpose, and when a design goal is proposed, the industrial foundation and design needed to achieve this goal. The principle must be step by step, but one thing is essential - raw materials.

"It's two difficulty to make a comeback and modify it on the original basis. The dragon world is what we must, and the material structure is unstable. It will be the best world fragment generator. Our library of the **** of hell."

And this world that is collapsing is the most suitable raw material and filler, and our next goal is to use this as a raw material to gradually fulfill the various steps in the plan and create a new world.

I am afraid that I have to start from the beginning and talk about the principles of the world.

In that world, the Buddhas in the East pay attention to the four worlds. They are both earth and water, and they think that they are the basic material factors that make up everything. What is surprising is that in the Greek origin of Western civilization, the world originated for a long time. Four elements of earth, gas, fire and wind.

This seems like a striking similarity, but in fact it is for some reason, because they are the result of the ancients observing the world with philosophical and ideal events. They try to classify all things in the world, find out their essential attributes, and then analyze the origin of the return. The basic element to resolve the composition of the event.

Perhaps, in this material world, this kind of observation has been proved to be inefficient and wrong, but the Aich world is ideal. There is magic here, which is not scientific. The will and the soul are real forces. That paranoid idea can create something that is not scientific in the world like a heart.

On that day, the system gave me advanced "free" knowledge, but it was the nutrition I needed most at the time. Its preciousness exceeded any treasures, and I could not understand where it came from.

"The principle and experience of the world composition? The original four-element seal? Everything back to the original point?" (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support, is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)


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