The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 447: Past and present

On the battlefield in Oran, the sun has broken through the blockade of the dark clouds. When the new sun shines, the battlefield is full of cheers.

The torrential rain that did not see hope had stopped, and the flood that drowned the king's capital finally dissipated. When the sacrifice of the evil gods could no longer hear the call of the Lord God, the escape of the sea people was faster than expected.

The mortal warriors threw their weapons into the sky, lying in the muddy water and enjoying the happiness of still living. In the surrounding towns of the new kingdom, the old man trembled out of the old house and looked up at this. The sunshine that has not been seen in the year, the joy of victory is filled with the hearts of everyone.

Although the people have won this battlefield, I am afraid that no one will pursue it, why the dark clouds will disperse so quickly, why the sacrifices of the sea people and the theologians will suddenly lose their strength.

"Our king!"

"It is the Emperor Dassault who guided us to victory!"

The battleships with the Royal Insignia drifted slowly through the sky after the rain, and the warships still suffering from blackened damage became synonymous with merit and epic victory.

Everyone will only know that their emperor, the young Dassos, led them to recapture their kingdom. At this moment, his prestige has been destined to surpass the ancestors of the past.

In the corner of the battlefield, the real hero of this war is preparing to harvest the goal of this war - the **** of the trophy!

"Is time available?"

Even in the mud pool, Aye's white robe is still spotless, but he is lying on the side, but a blue-skinned female giant, because it has fallen to the ground, the past madness dissipated. It always eases with anger and dissatisfaction. There is also a bit of ambition.

"Hey. Close your mouth, it's still a beauty."

The most annoying place of the black-haired desperate Lord is probably the vice of playing the prey. At this time, he is still screaming at the daughter of the storm, expecting her to rebel again, or simply blew herself.

But unfortunately, the two main gods took the cold and took the heavy hand. At this time, the blue female giant is only venting, but it is impossible to respond.

In a sense, when Aylos chose to sacrifice, the fate of Ms. Storm has already been fixed.

Being able to be conspiring by the existence of two main gods, and being counted by countless big men, is a privilege for Ms. Storm who has become a powerful **** only relying on gambling.

In the national war layout, she was introduced into the game, and the faith of the believers was shaken to make it into a desperate situation. The top-level desperate field was used to make the wrong decision under the upset, and finally the two gods were surrendered and killed. Ms. Storm’s rise of rockets and the fall of meteors have been destined to become examples in later textbooks.

of course. If she does not enter the game, there is still no change in the outcome. It is impossible for the two big men to directly break into the Kingdom of God and fight for a loss after the sea has fled.

Therefore, when the **** of the water element made a choice, when the transaction with the neutral side was reached, the fall of Ms. Storm was already doomed.

At this time, as the victor of the war of God, Aye did not have a trace of happiness, and the face of Junxiu was actually somewhat melancholy and somewhat awkward.

This is very surprising to the desperate Lord Black Moore who is familiar with him. What else can he stole the boss who can do everything in the world?

"Aye boss? What happened? Is there any **** who is counting us?"

But obviously, Aye did not explain the plan. He just glanced at the sunlight that had passed through the clouds and then sighed.

"Oh, time is up."


When did this start, the storm that was destined to sweep the whole world.

The initial plan was probably on the banks of the Styx, the match between the lich and the **** of death.

It is not an order of magnitude matchup. On the one hand, it is the oldest **** of death that has been transformed into history and immortality. As the guardian of reincarnation, when his order to guard the Styx is touched, he can even move the ontology above the Styx. Coupled with the double blessing of order and chaos, even if the three or four main gods join hands, they can't do anything in the reincarnation.

In fact, in the past history, this kind of thing did happen. The powerful evil spirits are eager to go one step further, to find the mystery from the roots, to explore this river of soul, but their endings have been captured by the **** of death. future.

On the other side of the opponent, although it has reached the top of the mortal, the undead crown that appeared in the main plane after thousands of years also shows his extraordinary, but no matter how extraordinary, it is still the mortal category, the Lich The curse of the body and the undead army are not worth mentioning in front of the **** of death.

The gap between the latest Lich King and the oldest **** of death, like the ants and the dragons, is precisely the disparity between the two, and the seeds that change the world.

"....... I don't know if I will keep my hands."

Perhaps this familiar face was seen several times on the Styx, perhaps with some sympathy for the tragic fate of this "second generation", perhaps because he wants to know what the other party has to do to break the reincarnation, that is, Ayer himself I know why I can solve each other with a single blow, and I will stay in the end and give the other person a chance to breathe.

"....... I have a plan, a plan that will stop the jihad, I don't know if you are interested."

Aye now remembers that the sorcerer's sword of life is full of cracks, and the fire of the soul in the skull can be extinguished at any time, but the soul that has been lingering, without fear, without asking for mercy, just slowly said the shock The conspiracy, the arrogant words that are almost impossible to achieve.

"The jihad of chaos and order is fundamentally derived from the political pattern of the world's two poles. Even if they throw away their natural consciousness and attribute opposition, they also instinctively desire to destroy each other. Therefore, to stabilize the world, at least it must be formed. The political pattern of polarization, at least three, the more the better, yes, we need the neutral side, and you, the only one that can do it......."

The first to start, Ayer, by the river, is just holding a joke, listening to this sorcerer who is dead. What will be said in the end.

Yes. Aye first looked at Roland. It is like seeing a clown who tries to defend himself for his life.

"...we need a new true God. He doesn't need to be strong, but he can make a referee that is fair to everyone. We still need a land hell, he will replace the current reincarnation...."

"....... The teachings of the present gods are only for themselves. Since spending money, pleasing the gods and the church can go to heaven, the so-called guiding people are just jokes, and in order to further eliminate the possibility of war. We can spread new teachings. Only pure good deeds can enter heaven, and true warriors who die for justice will enter the eternal Hall of the Spirit after death, while the villains can only mourn and be punished in hell..."

Then, the secrets that the Lord God could not reach, but one by one from the lich's mouth, he not only has no respect for the true God, but also knows the secret of the goddess of creation.

The most outrageous is the king of the Lich that he is obviously evil. The most powerful demon king who is hated by all life, but a world of mortals, good and evil are reported. If the letter is nonsense, but Aye can perceive that he is telling the truth, and is considering the truth for a long time.

According to the common sense of ordinary people, there is still a good lich in the world that cares about the country and the people. It’s not that the lich is crazy, that is, the world is crazy.


Perhaps, this is curiosity, so Iyer finally finished listening to the crazy plan of the Lich.

“It sounds interesting, but how can you make me believe in your sincerity?”

As the oldest **** of death, Aye is not an object that can be impressed by language. Even if the other person says that the sky is a mess, the plan itself is too crazy and the feasibility is extremely low. In his eyes, this is still another kind of rhetoric. .

But the lich smiled. He laughed and the fire of the soul could not shake, but the emotion expressed was joy. Could he just say this plan absolutely, is it victory for him? Thinking of this, Iyer became more curious about the lich.

"... According to your rules of guarding the reincarnation, are you going to kill me?"

The lich laughed, this time, it was a big laugh.


"it is good."

The lich who laughed enough slammed the long sword that had cracked to the ground, and the curse that dragged the soul was used on his own life. This time, the sacred sword of the sacred sword was lingering, but It is the soul of the Lich that is collapsing.


After that fragile, the Lich’s life was full of cracks, and the lifeless death of the soul was meaningless. He was destined to step into death.

"My little life, how sincere?"

So, Roland used his own world's fall, in exchange for an opportunity, an opportunity to communicate with Ayer, and even if Iyer finally helped seal the fate, it gave Roland the time to confess the "afterthoughts". Aye still didn't take it too seriously.

"It's too hard, it's impossible to do..."

Yes, it’s too difficult. To create a new order of power and a new priesthood alone is the great achievement of the Holy Light of the year. To meet this requirement is only the beginning of this plan.

Aye just quietly paddled the boat on the Styx, and in the blink of an eye, she left the matter behind her head.

And soon, what was obtained was Roland’s death.

"Oh, mortals are really fragile and talk about plans to change the world."

Some sighed, some unfortunately, Aye, shook his head, but soon, it was a pity, but it turned into amazement.

"Hey? Good boy, actually doing the trick under my eyelids."

Yes, Roland was really dead that year, but Roland, who had done his hands and feet in the Styx, succeeded in deceiving the **** of death and climbed from the place where he fell into the Styx!

Under the smirk of Ayer, who is laughing and laughing, waiting for Roland on the banks of the Styx, it is Margaret and Adam who are traced, so the demon who cannot be destroyed is sealed in the underground world. As for whether the two brave men are inspired by a certain death, it is a bad guy who can’t say clearly.

However, in a sense, the sly Roland was also recognized by Ayer. At least, when he discovered that the lich was actually jumping around in the underground world, he ran from time to time to chat and chat. This is very rare for Ayer, who has few friends and fewer enemies (all dead).

But for Ayer, the "plan" has long been left behind, until that day... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Well, the book review has been seen, thank you for your understanding and support.

Recently, the state of embarrassment is really not very good. Sometimes I update it, I don’t have the highest quality, and sometimes I tell the story that should be slowly told, the result is very poor, and some are eager to catch up with the following story. Failure to make enough good emotional resonance is also a regret that cannot be remedied.

Well, this book has reached a critical moment, and the buried pits have to be filled, but because it is buried too much, it is really difficult to fill it up. Some book friends say that the recent plot is very brainy, actually there are more The brain hole is all behind, I want to handle it well, it is really a card test.......

I figured it out, the crazy lich is not easy to write now, everyone's support is not easy, quality first, this paragraph will slowly write.

Well, the book review area let the rest of the book review and let you move, ah, really dissatisfied with the quality, please take care of it, please forgive me, in fact, leave the author to lose the most, just write it is not difficult, but Satisfied yourself and the reader, but you have to rack your brains.....

Ok, I’m talking a bunch of words, or that sentence, thank you for your continued support, this is the motivation to write this book, the squirrel will continue to work hard.


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