There is no sunshine in the depths of the Hades, but you don't have to worry about not seeing the surrounding situation. After all, the dead are not looking at the foreign objects with their eyes. The true eyes of the soul can reflect all the truth, even if there is no light in front of them.

In this dark world, if you close your eyes and open your heart, the whole world will unfold to you the true face that shocked the strangers.

Every moment, this dark land without sunlight is shaking, but it is not a catastrophe, but a rhythm with vitality. It is like a sleeping behemoth. The rhythm of the earth's vibration is his breathing and heartbeat.

Yes, the world is alive, he is breathing, working, growing.

The first step into the gates of the Hades, the endless river of the river flows like a paradise of water from the shadows of the void, and countless new ghosts drift in helplessness, which is the origin of the new reincarnation.

At the mouth of a river, the rushing Styx water stopped. It was a shoal covered by heavy snow. Countless evil spirits were busy beside the river. They waved long forks and mace to drive those who lost consciousness. The soul goes ashore.

"I...who am I, I am there...I am John, the militia of Katy Village, I... Should I be killed by the orcs while patrolling?"

While he recovered his memory, the chest was exposed by the scars that were worn, and at the same time, the bow that was inserted into the body, reminding him of the reality of death.

The implication of the rules of the Hades, but the souls that have lost their memories and self restored their state of life.

In the middle of the Styx, the heavy snow will be draped over them, and the new body of ice and snow will be hungry, painful, and there will be, and under the drive of ghosts, they will step on the twists and turns. On the mountain road, head to the temple in the mountains to meet the final judgment that is destined to come.

At the end of the mountain road, it is a spacious obsidian gate with a fuzzy handwriting.

Behind the gate. It is a spacious temple complex. To go to those palaces, you must first walk through a corridor composed of mirrors.

John walked on the cloister, but what he showed in the mirror was not what he is now, even if it was the past, it is now, and it may be the future.

on the left. He was stealing chickens and dogs when he was young, but he was the one who changed his mind before becoming a militia and helped him to gain meaning.

This is the future of hell's famous property - the destiny corridor of good and evil. Here, the mirror of fate will play the string of destiny. Both the crime and the good fruit will be displayed, and at the end of this mirror corridor, it is the first hall of the four halls of the government, where the good deeds and evils are placed on the balance of the executor - the balance hall.

When you walk into the balance hall, you will find that this is not a palace, but an entire world.

The bright hall is full of busy crowds, and the galaxy on the floor is engraving this fate. The rushing ghosts are working, and the mirrors of countless destinies are constantly flashing. Just remembering the major events of each deceased as the basis for trial, let these novices be busy.

At this time, he should have mastered the original destiny of the hall, Cartilian, but at this time, he is in a long sleep, he is being converted by the rules of the Hades. When he wakes up, the side of fate will inevitably have more sacred and blasphemy, and the balance hall will also welcome his true master.

And when he was in a deep sleep, the judge in the silver robe was busy, and not only that, but in the three halls that had been activated and were not stationed in the shrine. The figure of the silver robe is just as busy as the manager's position.

"...A person can do overtime work with so many jobs, can I have overtime pay?"

at this time. The reason why I can be free and the system spoils is that I am the owner of the Hades, and I have some new abilities.

I have a chat, because I can already be innumerable. It’s wonderful to look at many places at the same time. It’s even more wonderful to stand on the original sin and swear to the Lord Gods, but don’t worry about being bombarded by them. Kill into slag.

"Hey, Danatis is really rude, and he has an incarnation."

Well, it should be said that even if it is smashed into slag, it does not matter.

So, just like playing a strategy game, I sent another incarnation of the past, continue to use words to provoke, interfere with the other party's judgment, and collect the intelligence of the opponent.

At this time, I am a sleepless Roland, a pillar of space in one of the four pillars of hell. I exist in the balance hall, and there are seven prisons. I am the Hades, the Hades are me, and the "endless avatar" is my most. Useful and most useless unique ability, after all, these avatars are simply not combatable, but they can make me do a lot of things.

At another level, unless the column of the law and the pillar of death collapse, I am not dead, and this is one of the privileges I have just acquired.

In fact, if the pillar of death does not fall, the gods of the Hades will not die, or, in other words, more directly - "In the Hades, the existence of death, how can you die again."

The deities of the Hades must be the dead. If he is a living, when he chooses to be a member of the Hades, he will become a dead, and the four pillars as the cornerstone must be reborn from the souls of the dead. They must be in this world. The purest deceased born, can become the four pillars of the Hades.

This is the basic rule of the plane, just like the elemental life, can become the **** of the element, the dead god, can become the **** of the deceased kingdom.

Yes, there is no need to conceal at this time. I am already dead, hanging up, and it will be a good time. When I use the anti-God to pour the soul into the body of the sleepless person, let the body and the gods merge, the body is breathed by the sun. Erosion, the original flesh has fallen into the physiological eternal sleep, the rules of the plane can always be the enemy and the enemy, at that moment, I am physically completely dead, actually I am from Entering the Hades is already doomed to die...

What? Not shocking enough? suddenly? Whoever stipulates that it is necessary to use a few episodes to brew slowly, and I have to sneak in tears. I have become accustomed to it. I will feel sick when I repeatedly use it. Since it is already the fifth time. Don't be tempted, die directly.

"It’s been so much anyway, it’s not bad for me.”

Fortunately, the sleepless person is "lazy", a special undead created by the division of the soul. It is completely in line with the definition of the deceased. It can be directly integrated with the existing body. Otherwise, I must first go to the main plane to die, and then fill the crystal, I don't know. When can I wake up and still wake up, I am afraid that no one will preside over the construction of the Hades.

I have mastered the power of the "space" of the Hades, and I have the ability to incarnate thousands. This is also the special stunt that the sleepless **** of the plane does not sleep, otherwise it will only be exhausted by the endless trial of the undead.

At this time, this is my most convenient ability, allowing me to control the whole situation, bird's eye view of all the battlefields, and timely replenishment, and more importantly, this avatar ability, instead of being converted, assimilated, sleeping. Perform "government" and let the reincarnation of the Hades begin to work.

As long as the Hades are performing their duties and letting the reincarnation work, not only will the Hades themselves become more perfect and powerful, but even the gods, warriors, and guards will become more powerful. This is our backing and power source for a protracted war. It is also the key to the victory that Aye has won for us.

Every time you collect guilt, create a sinner's file, and you can get a power from the sleeping Catillo, and go further from the real awakening, and every trial, every reincarnation, every time the law is executed, as The Lord of the Hades, the Lord of the Law, and the God of Judgment will naturally gain a strength.

Even the king of seven prisons, when those convicted are put into purgatory, their duties are fulfilled, and naturally they will be stronger, since the Ayer plane can breed hundreds of gods throughout the history (now more than 20 Bit), at the beginning of the creation of the world, there is the existence of the Lord God, our Hades plane can naturally give birth to the main **** level.

At this time, I was given some chips of existence, and it was naturally revealed.

Those who can buy the strong are naturally stronger and higher.

In the seventh prison, the beastly purgatory is the place where Shirley is stationed. The opponent she wants to block is also a master-level existence--the hypocrisy Sophocle

And she, but there is no strong combat power, she can rely on only the **** of the underworld, and this seventh prison is the gathering place of the dragon.

Yes, Hell Dragon, a new species, they are the future ambassadors of the Hades and the only ones that are free to enter and leave the Hades.

Compared with the past, their bodies are bigger and their scales are darker, but no one will regard them as black dragons. The pervasive death of the week is the difference between them and the ordinary dragons.

Crossing the borders and being unaffected by the environment, this is the strongest special ability of the dragons, and this dragon of the Hades can be alive between death and death, and will become the land-goers of death and meditation. As for combat power, Not in the past.

"I know that the dragons are all eager for strength. What I can give to you is naturally the endless power and the glory of the Lord of the plane. It is the power to kill the gods. You will become the strongest dragon king!" Your people will become the strongest dragon!"

Therefore, after referring to the plan, Bai Long Summer set the feasibility of the reward. In order to change the fate of Bai Long, he invested in Roland's majesty, and the entire Bailong tribe became a **** of the dragon.

But he is not the highest of the Hades Dragons. The real King of the Devils is the three dragons who are fighting with the devil's hypocrisy Sophocle.

"...In addition to helping to treat Shirley, do you not want to have your own home and people? Of course, with the accompanying power and the status of the Lord of the Plane, you will be a hundred times more glorious than now!"

There are two leaders of the dragon, one of them is the original Tai Long Bai Long's Summer, one is the three-headed dragon Yi Wenli and her sisters, and at this time, under the siege of the dragon, the main **** level The hypocrisy Sophocle is in a disadvantage! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m to read.)


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