Green is the father of the Black Iron City, but because Heilongjiang and the four underground cities around him are in a state of war all year round, at least half of the time on the battlefield every year, he is said to be the prince of the city, it is better to say that it is a professional soldier.

Obviously, it is just a small ordinary human. The gray height of more than two meters covers everything. Only the strange bird helmet can only see two bright eyes.

Even if he was appointed by the father's full authority, he came to this place where there was no place to fight. Weitan did not hesitate to bring his own armed forces. The gold that never leaves the body is only the basic configuration, the three behind it. The long swords and the double swords and the dwarf muskets in the waist are in their most convenient position.

The little prince who has escaped dozens of times from the battlefield has become accustomed to being in a state of readiness forever.

"Prince Green, you don't really need to be on guard at all, and there is no need to let your attendants put out a battle formation. Here is Weitan, the platinum city of gold everywhere, there is no endless war like your hometown."

Accompanied by the goblin merchant Xiros, there was some helplessness. He had already regretted that he had coveted the entrustment fee and easily accepted the commission of the Green Prince to visit the covenant. He was already fed up with the prince’s allergic nervousness and war. Syndrome.

It’s no wonder that Xi Luosi’s stomach is uncomfortable. It’s enough to bury a goblin mine in the camp. As for the bombing of the thunder in the camp, well, then you are safe, but you are in your own bed. What is the meaning of putting a dummy on the tree to sleep.

Every morning when the caravan leaves, it takes half an hour to find out, and it’s hard to find out, and be careful not to get hurt by the trap.

"Sleeping, the sentinel of the night is kind enough to help you cover a blanket, and you will almost be cut off by you. You are too nervous. I know that your hometown is not stable, but when you get here, you can feel at ease. There is no war here. !"

For a long while, the canned steel sticked out of the index finger, swayed in the air, and then placed it on the lips.

"...the smell of smoke, lying down!!"

Then, the steel giant fell to the ground so directly, and his followers immediately fell down at the same time.

", it's safe..." The scream of the goblin was still in his ear, and the two red-red brilliances whizzed past it, and the deadly heat wave almost took it. Direct evaporation, and then, the fire began to extend, and the group of buildings not far away completely turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"Dragon!! It should be an adult red dragon, ready for combat!"

Green Lima and his entourage began to lay a temporary position, set up a cover with the carry-on baggage, assemble the dragon gun... and just entered the city of Wittan, they enjoyed this treatment, and the goblin has been thoroughly shocked.

At this moment, it is not the time to stand up and worry. The next moment, two red dragons whizzing past their heads, already indicating that they have been involved in a terrible war.

Then, it was a deadly black brilliance that cut through the sky. One of the red dragons didn't even have a cockroach, and they took a thick smoke, and sprinkled the rain of the dragon's blood, spinning and falling.


The minced meat and dragon blood are directly in front of you, and the goblin businessman with his hands low and his head can no longer say that this is a promise of safety.

Immediately, another red dragon seemed to see something terrible nightmare, directly fled high, but the red light beam, which is almost the same as the black light, directly penetrated its head, the blood splashed, and the headless dragon became a dead body. The meteor falls.


The scream of Silos also shouted and was slammed back by a large steel hand, while Green, who was shaking and watching the sea of ​​fire, was not his fear, but the weak and perceptive weak faced the upper hunter. Natural alertness.

In the sea of ​​fire that the dragons made, a slow-moving behemoth marched slowly, noisy, trying to stop his orc soldiers from falling in front of them like ants.

It is more than 30 meters high. The hoofs of eight huge bone columns, such as reinforced iron towers, are generally heavy and heavy. Every time they travel, they will cause earthquakes in the surrounding houses.

The three bones of the scorpion giant beast are all bones of the skeleton, a giant skull, a sheep head demon, a bone dragon, and the head of the sheep head demon is surrounded by black light, and the flames of the bone dragon mouth are still smashing, but now The giant's head seems to have ended his long humming, and it is his turn to perform.

"The polar storm, the giant icefield."

Under the curse of the Frost Giant, the snow falls, the earth freezes, and the vast ice sheet goes to reality. The Frost Giant’s legendary homeland is summoned here, but compared with the Frost Giant’s ignoring the extremely frozen body, the orcs are too weak and they A large area with no resilience is frozen and dead.

"Bone of the evil beast Klinsp, the world's most dangerous skeleton of the skull, the sixth consul of the Siro Empire!! Why is it here!!"

This extremely fierce battle form is the best business card for the undead monarch.

It seems that the movement is slow, but it is actually the illusion caused by too large volume. After a few seconds, the three-headed demon bones have come to the front, and the giant’s head even swept them, but looked at the guarded Green and his guard. However, he only moved his chin with contempt and did not stop.

"Boom!" "Boom!" In the sound of the explosion and the earthquake, Klinspur moved on to the next goal.

"..... was ignored."

"It was let go!! Go!!"

In the distance is the sound of the orc slinger ejection. This one-man war against a legion continues. No one wants to be indiscriminately used as cannon fodder. Xirosi took the Green Prince to escape.

After more than ten minutes, everyone in the Black Iron City who had successfully escaped gasped in the street, but the old goblin had already figured out the ins and outs of things.

"His Royal Highness, it seems that there are still three weeks, the legendary Yongyin scepter will be auctioned here, so the undead monarch on the surface will **** it. Oh, we are really bad luck, but you can rest assured, we just entered It’s the East Gate, the land of the Beastmaster, and now the scepter is in his hands, so we will be caught in trouble. The rest of the city of Vitan is safe, you can rest assured.”

Green looked at the goblin silently, then pointed to the back of it, where a group of beasts were whizzing past, and countless passers-by along the road, picking up countless vendors.

On the head of the rhinoceros, it is a half-huntred hunter, and behind him, there are countless chasers.

"Bastard, actually opened the zoo and the Druid Territory's animal bar, you eat too much!"

"What is your own old vet, come back with my pet!! Liar!!"

"..... Xiaoxue, don't be sad, I know that your husband is very sad. You see, I am not very strong, and it is like your husband? Accept me as your head wolf, I will be kind Your sister's..." The expressions and movements of this digging wall are extremely sincere, quite touching, but the object of his speech is only the female wolf. He wants to take over the palace. The wolf is a wolf.... ..

The stunned goblin returned to God for a long time, wiped the sweat from his head and said.

"Oh, then there are a few swindlers, our luck is really bad, but most of the city is safe."

Green shook his head, but pointed to the other side.

Where, a group of villains are surrounded by two elf girls, seemingly intending to do something. In the chaotic underground world, there are so many things. The old Roth shook his head, did not intend to control, and did not have the power to manage.

"Unfortunately, these two should be the aristocratic lady who secretly escaped from home. It is really beautiful before, but it is a pity."

But the next moment, it seems that I remembered that Green's strength is not bad, it should be able to save people, and the old man looked at the past with his hope, but the other party shook his head.

"..... too many people, traps, bait is male."

The stunned Silos looked back and the trap had reached the moment of closing the net. A group of dark elf female knights suddenly burst out of the corner.

"The spell: conviction"

"The spell: conviction"

Immediately, the result of fishing. Law enforcement is a big red, but the goal of the Knights of Justice is the most red one. They must inevitably commit other crimes in addition to their intentions.

"Big... great harvest, I said that it is a good idea to let Koros and Victoria be bait. Look, you are all wearing a dance dress. You can catch seven or eight in a circle. They don't wear makeup, no. Wink of the eye, just head down the street, it is three or four hundred. You see, those well-dressed people, but the red is bright, must be a high-level liar and villain."

"This place is really bad, there are **** everywhere... The sinner in front of me stood still, you are all red and dare to sneak, count to three to give the old lady to stand, or the old lady will marry you. , 1.. still dare to run, see my broken shoes, oh, wrong, broken evil, and wrong..... sin!!"

"Oh, to be honest, it’s really sad to lose to a man than a woman, but I lost to the first beauty of the administration, Koros and Victoria. I am not sad at all. You have seen them more beautiful and feminine than they are. Woman? Right, this time is definitely the most record of the arrest, who is the least record? Say everyone is happy together."

"Yawen's deputy team, 1 team, Diana captain, 0. It is our big sister's head, masculinity is full. Those who are small are afraid to lean on."

"...hey, it’s really terrible, there are sixteen Momo, the big sister is always scary, and with the legendary deterrent and epic weapons, this is also normal. The worst is the second sister. It’s like a man, and a long person is a bit like a man. It’s no wonder that it’s called “Knife and My Friends”. It’s an alternative saying that even the pursuer doesn’t have it. Right, this joke is good. Go back and say it to everyone. It’s better to be happy than everyone.”

"Momo.....The deputy team of Yawen is behind you."

"Ali, you pit me again!! Second sister, I am not kidding? Laugh one, laugh one. What do you do with the knife!"

Looking at the female knights who are flashing with silver, the old goblin is scared enough. This is the power of order. Is it true that the evil dark elves will also have a paladin, but the light should be golden? This is too subversive.

But obviously, these knights are different from the general paladins. They actually ignore the magical and undead masters on the roadside. This is the deadly enemy that the ordinary paladin will die if he meets.

This time, the old goblin can only whisper to himself.

"The change is too fast. It seems that a lot of new residents are coming, but at least the goblin is still normal."

This time, Green just pointed to one side, where, the gnomes and the goblins are working together to debug a rocket car with a huge rocket propeller attached to it. This harmonious scene, in the eyes of Silos, is like a blue sky.

"What a joke!! Goblin actually works with the leprosy dwarf, the gospel traitors, let the old Roths give you a good look."

But he was going to be provocative, but he was dragged by his companion..... Fortunately, he was dragged, and the rocket car just started to float, drifting from the heads of the people, directly turned into a comet, flying directly to the sky. Top rock wall.

Then, a loud bang of "啪" was turned into a fireworks.

".....It’s all that the stupid cow is too heavy, and it causes us to overpower the horsepower. Instead, we fly. We need lightweight test pieces, no, no, driver."

"Rovi, this time. Shouldn't you show that your goblins sacrificed their spirits for the development of engineering?"

"I am living to be the biggest contribution to the goblin project.....Where to find a stupid goblin? Oh, this friend. Are you interested in the goblin rocket?"

Obviously, if he nods at this time, Silos will be a businessman for 30 years.

It’s hard to get rid of the difficult goblin engineer. The old Roth’s face is full of tiredness, sitting on the steps and smoking a dry smoke.

"This world is changing too fast. If you don't do well, wait for a group of neuropathic **** and streaking..."

The Eagle of the Storm and his people ran past the eyes of the people. They quietly came and walked quietly. They gently waved their hands and made an exclamation of the audience. They did not take a cloud, leaving no one..... They have nothing to wear, what can they leave? .

The old goblin rubbed his eyes and some dementia.

"Unbelievable, what to say. Can we still meet the consul of the undead empire."

Not far away, the hooves suddenly sounded...

"Adam, do you have any feelings, we have been looking for a week, is the emperor really in this city?"

"Abba is there, Adam is sure!"

The two undead governors rode through the bones...

"Black eyes, white eyes, is the Queen of the bones! Wait, the Titans are in front of me, I will not be surprised....."

"Hey!!" After the loud noise, the tea stall in front of him turned into a flat land, a huge metal Titan, whizzing past everyone's eyes, behind the big robot, the huge "Roland Titan" is shining.


"Shut up." This time, even the indifferent Green can't stand the old goblin's crow mouth...


"For those who are in trouble, most of the eyeliners have been attracted. The private communication between us and other underground city owners is very smooth. There are already 27 underground cities that are willing to support us at the League. In the afternoon, we will also carry out Three times of contact, in which the underground tyrant Lord Auror must be seen by yourself, there is also a prince named Green, quite famous, has clearly expressed goodwill to us, you better see it in person."

I nodded and gestured for approval. It was also the time when I met Elir personally. The city of Black Iron is said to be a multi-ethnic city. I was interested in it. It is no problem to meet.

Within a week of entering the city, there was a live demonstration of the Dark Elf Knights. The power of the law has undoubtedly become a treasure in the eyes of the underground city. As a stepping stone, our covenant diplomacy is quite smooth.

Watching me agree, Eliza continued her report.

"In a week, the Lion King House was demolished twelve times. Now there is no building. There is only one tiankeng. The latest news, the sixth governor of the Siro, Klinsip appeared, and his old partner' The rotten ant king "Ramsden should have arrived. ”

"Don't the undead monarch and the underground hegemon?"

"There is no direct confrontation. It seems that the two sides are still testing. Klinsp has demolished two barracks in the orc area, a street, but there is always only the red dragon of Molly, or two young dragons, so... .."

"Is it spiked? Normal, Klinsp is the last generation of the undead left by the war. He has been ambitious and staring at the position of the undead emperor for a long time. It is really bad. However, his temptation should have been received. As a result, the scepter was in the hands of the dragon, so Molly was willing to send the dragon to make cannon fodder."

"We seem to be re-estimating the relationship between Long Hou and the Lion King. I am willing to give the scepter to the other side to study..."

"Oh, it seems that their alliance is indeed stronger than we think. Ah hahaha, rest assured, everything is under control!"

I laughed wildly, but Eliza was hesitant.

"Master.....some words don't know if it should be said."

“Is it a stingy person? But it’s fine!”

"We have no money, you don't want to do it anymore. If we don't work well, we must live in the street."


I heard aloud, I remember that when I came, the funds should be sufficient, at least enough for us to live here for three years.

"You said to those guys that you can call support, they did it. This week, they called more than 60 times of support, the consumption of the stone, the replacement of the body parts, and even the addition of new machines. It’s a small amount, and these are outside the budget.”

I nodded and recognized Eliza's report and extra expenses. I didn't expect to prepare so many 'Roland' before. It is normal now that overspending, plus engineering is burning money, and that big guy is It’s burning more money, so there’s not enough money so quickly, and it’s true.

"Oh, fortunately I am getting ready, come over, let me introduce you to my new baby! It is greedy, very cute!"

On the test table, it was a transparent vial in which a strange viscous liquid was boiling. It seemed to break through the bottle's blockade, but was reflected back by the electric shock of the bottle seal.

"Really.....It’s disgusting!! It’s white, sticky, and it’s all the way to think about it with your head.” Eliza said without hesitation.

It’s nothing more than ridiculing me to think in the lower body. This kind of poison tongue has been countless times after my collections have been exposed. I have already been numb, but I am proud of it.

"That's the magical effect you don't know about it. Don't look at it. If you integrate it into the city's groundwater veins, you will be crazy to breed and become countless avatars. For a few hours, this milky Shilai Mum will cover the entire city's pipeline and water supply system...."

"More disgusting! Please don't say it! What are you going to do!"

"Oh, don't know the goods, it's called greed. It will instinctively look for gold coins, then swallow the gold coins and bring them back to the mother, so we won't be short of money!"

According to the usual practice, even if there is a strange pressure shaft, the auction will at least take out a few pieces of the same level of heat, I do not expect to encounter another artifact, but as long as the Lion does not intend to lose face to the home, the auction will definitely There will be other good goods.

Thinking of the upcoming auction, I plan to make more money to buy some souvenirs, and the last time I dreamed about Adam's manufacturing experience, I turned my attention to the best undead creation.

The greed at the moment is the result of this week's efforts.

Heterogeneous Slime: Greedy Race: Undead Slime Full Attribute 1 Race Ability: Devouring reserves, secreting fiber decomposition fluid, rapid self-replication system evaluation: Extremely dangerous, please destroy the mother as soon as possible. If this thing is out of control, let alone this one. The city, the entire underground world will disappear. By the way, please stop creating. You are completely wrong in this respect. If you continue, you can destroy the world without waiting for the catastrophe. 】

It seems to sound contradictory? Clearly capable of such waste, it will make the system fear.

It is the existence between life and death, and for creatures, the simpler and simpler the demand, on behalf of the more powerful desires, hope, this greed, represents the endless greed, in my design In the middle, precious metals such as gold coins and secret silver are their existence.

The simpler the creature is, the easier it is to copy. The single cell's copying consumes very little. It will copy itself madly according to the creator's setting, and then steal the gold coin. He has no attack ability. The only thing that can be done is to drill into the defensive. Treasures, corrugated sacks full of treasures to seize gold coins, precious metals.

However, I can understand the system's concerns. If "greed" is really out of control, as long as it is copied to a certain extent, countless slimes can still occupy all the living space, leaving nowhere to live.

Of course, the premise is that unlimited copying...

"You see, this tank is its mother. I only release one tenth. Their reproductive capacity and size will be limited to one tenth, and the life will be limited. It will be all in two days. Death is at most a gold coin thief."

As I explained, I carefully dumped the "greedy" down the waterway. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and the inexplicable, unexplained nose felt itchy.

"A....... Hey, who is reading me!?"

"the host!!!!!"

Eliza’s exclamation made me come back, but at this moment, half of the “greedy” mother body has entered the sewer, and soon, along with the complete drainage system of the ancient city, it is combined with underground water. After self-replication, it will quickly spread the city.

"....... Don't worry, half of it, ‘greed’ will be stronger than expected.”

“How much? Will it hurt people?”

"Before the design is five times larger, it is probably a little bigger than a person. According to their smart settings, it will change the attack mode. It may take a swallow, melt his clothes, and take away his metal. Attack mode........ Don't worry, I have to make settings, 'Greed' will never hurt any life, it will leave if you eat clothes."

"Eat the clothes? The whole city?" A terrible picture appeared in Eliza's mind. Countless storm eagle and snow hooves danced around the circle, and more and more changes spread. ....

"Master!! Please study the way to eradicate this demon as soon as possible!!"

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