The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 466: Situation change

The more primitive the war, the simpler and more rude. The struggle for survival and revenge is often **** and cruel. The battle between the savage and the beast in the jungle is often straightforward. The cruel tribal war caused by the primitive **** revenge rules is even more There are no innocent people who can survive.

In the modern warfare of a certain plane, the war has rules and unspoken rules. What is limited to conventional warfare, what does not use weapons of mass destruction, what is the definition of a restricted zone, and what international conventions...

"For the civilians not to be accidentally injured? Don't laugh, the war is not that you live and die, and you will worry that your murder is too slow? If you really care about the civilians, you should not give up the benefits of the war at first, don't worry about it. I accidentally overdo it and set it on fire!"

Adding various restraints and clauses to modern warfare, it is not that human beings have finally become civilized and friendly. Only when both sides have "doomsday weapons" that destroy the ability of each other, destruction and doomsday become too easy, in order to The war will not escalate, and the winner will only be able to harvest the ruins and the helplessness of **** on earth.

In the face of Aich, the war between powerful gods is also the same. The attack of the curse is not a big deal for them. The war between the gods is more cautious, careful temptation, careful accumulation of advantages, careful Erasing the opponent's advantage, the trump card will not be thrown out at the last moment, because it also means that the other party will also desperately, the final result can not be predicted, but the killing of the other believer and the destruction of the environment, how to see is double The possibility of losing is the most.

"If Radivio is not going crazy, I will not use the unfinished ultimate form of 'Jealous'..."

I didn't intend to push the Lord God to the limit at first, because it represented extreme danger, but there was no "if" on the battlefield. Since the situation has reached this point, no matter what the outcome is, the enemy and the enemy can only accept the final result.

The huge giants of the skeleton did not hide their killings. Ladivio was forced into the corner. Everything seemed to be in the dawn, but I did not dare to care.

Even if he just fell into the volcano, it was nothing to Calvins. He reappeared in a blink of an eye, directly... once again to cook his own fish soup. I don’t want to go into the details of how this fish soup came. It seems that I don’t want to help, but I don’t think he will take care of his brother now, maybe. It is expected to see Ladivio card hanging directly.

And La Diviaka looked at Cavans angrily, and did not say anything nonsense. After all, in the demon's dictionary, "friends who help each other" is equal to "innocent idiots", seeing you are difficult If you don’t kick your abyss, it’s incredible friendship.

It seems that ignoring Cavens is the most appropriate option at the moment, but I did not hesitate to order a pale bee to launch a surprise attack!

"Sure enough, it is a phantom!"

as predicted. The Cavends that had been pierced was only the avatar of the phantom, but the true one disappeared without a trace. I used to wonder that he was too slow to drill underground rock. It seems that it was already started at that time. Well, it is absolutely not surprising that this single cell can suddenly stop, not even the inexplicable connection between brothers.

"Is it the door that just happened, let him know the secret of moving between purgatory? Damn! No matter where he is. Find him!"

I don't think the ordinary **** can know the mystery of the Habit so easily, but I feel that Cavans is not purgatory in the mountains. Considering the existence of Cavans and his lurking presence, an ominous sense of letting the spine cool makes me unable to ignore this possibility.

A free-spirited Lord God is obviously a threat. I sent a avatar to look for it, but while turning my attention to the immediate Ladivio card, after all, the jealousy may be disintegrated at any time. If it is possible to get rid of a master god, I am afraid that our The odds will rise.

"He shouldn't be able to get his hand. Since Ladivio is born as an enchantress, let me recall the ability of the sorcerer to have a good hand, dagger sword, flaming whip, meteor shower, strong melee, burnt ...... damn, isn’t this just a self-destruction? This guy actually has a self-destructive thing, the self-destruction of the Lord God level? If he really blew himself, this layer of purgatory, no, the whole Hades still can’t stay.”

The information that was suddenly transmitted by the avatar made me have to give up guessing the opponent's card. Because of a sudden incident, my time is not much.

"Omar, when are you going to sleep? When it's dawn, give it to me!"


When Roland throws out a card to try to obliterate the venomous king, the other purgatory, the battle seems to be quietly changing.

In the face of the icy abyss of the goddess Danavis, the angry dog ​​is getting bigger and bigger in repeated deaths, but even if his energy level has reached 100 times before the start of the war, the result of the battle remains unchanged, nothing more than an instant. Was killed, to be able to fight a few rounds.

At this time, Danavis is not too good. The strength of the opponent is only one aspect. The more terrible helper suddenly joins the battle. The two-on-one transformation makes the situation on the entire battlefield reversed.

Trident with a strange energy, turned into a broken meteor, can not attack the other side of the key, you can tear the claws of the mountain rock at will but can directly fight the epee of the **** of war, coupled with a strong body and the Hades The addition of the rules, perhaps Marcin's pure melee is slightly inferior to the abyss, but the pure * strength is still above it, Danavis suffered a big loss.

The fourth hall of the Four Halls of the Hades is the Hell Hall (Law of Law), which is the headquarters of the aristocrats who are the prisoners of hell. The director is the little Tias who is sleeping.

Ghost General Marcin, the first Haunted Ghost, although he did not reach the standard of the Lord God, but the tribal warriors of the same generation with Ayer, accumulated over the years, but also surpassed the so-called powerful gods, and obtained "guardian" After the Hades and the aristocratic powers of the "bad guys", his strength went even further.

Although Marcin is not the main god, but also the ancient devil, as the guardian race of the Hades, the evil spirits can not leave the world, but also have the same immortality as the deceased, which is also the place where Venadas feels fear. - An undead opponent who is similar to himself.

Unlike the lesser-known Best, the devil and the devil are deadly enemies. Marsing is not the first time to play against Venadas. Even if there is a certain gap, the immortality is enough to make up for all the gaps. Absolutely Danavis.

Marcin's leader, Camille Tias, is still sleeping, but also to complete the transformation of the incarnation of the ghosts, and as long as the conversion is completed, the other gains are for the time being, only the undead of the ghosts in the Hades, a **** is undead... ...but if he really succeeds in conversion, I am afraid that the situation on the entire battlefield will be reversed.

This is not a brain-destroyed manga. The anti-death of the undead is always inexplicable. The IQ is greatly reduced, and the sleazy is sealed by the protagonist. When the original king of the devil, now the president of the evil spirits, wakes up, an undead cockroach The Lord God will be the greatest disaster for the invaders.

"The delay is enough, guarding the purgatory and the four pillars, we will be the winners..."

This is also the fundamental reason why Roland has set the goals of many current campaigns as procrastination. As time goes on, the Hades will become more perfect, and the gods will become stronger. When it is time to counterattack, if not The poisonous master did too much, and Roland would not use the cards.

But it is precisely because of the power of the Lord God that even if all the conversion resources were given to him, the progress of the conversion was extremely slow. Looking at the boss's delay, there was no sign of waking up. Marcin, who was originally a guard, came out to help.

In the face of the stalks of two undead strong, Danavis is also very unbearable, I am afraid that if this state continues, I am afraid he must also use the cards.

At the negotiating table of Heroes and the **** of wisdom, it is obviously not in line with the style of the current battlefield. The atmosphere of the two sides is very good. The two men who just ended the handshake actually signed a 500-page document. Contracts... They actually use time to accelerate their ability to negotiate contract terms and negotiate with them.

In the purgatory purgatory, the two beasts are biting each other, their mouths are on the other side of the body, they are swallowing each other, and are being swallowed by the other side.

Magic and supernatural powers are still forgotten, pure food* dominates everything, but it fits the basic rules of this plane.

Endless vitality, so that both sides are in the process of being incomplete and recovering, trying to make their mouths bigger than the other, and trying to make themselves more than the other side, only the other side of the countless pupils. It seems that the two monsters did not intend to leave the purgatory until they completely ate the other party.

In a corner of Purgatory, watching this helpless mutual engulfing and unskillful bite, the tempting Queen Imimisia sighed and decided to change the battlefield with a little bit of civilization and a little war. Go to support.

Suddenly, a young and rushing voice rang in her ear, and she immediately remembered the young man who had become the head of the Hades, but at this time his voice had a rare panic and rush.

"Imimissia, go to the pillar of the ice, stop the man!" (To be continued)


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