"Aye boss, you pit me!"

I certainly don't doubt Ayers. He has paid for everything in this plan, but this time, I already know who revealed the mystery of the Hades.

"Imimissia! You dare to sell me."

Full of anger, but no regrets to eat, perhaps too convinced of the power of Aye, but did not expect that Ayer also had a day to go, the king of the devil is actually not a piece of iron, there is a traitor in the old man of Aye, After all, even without the guarantee of Ayer, the other kings of the devil have already demonstrated their sincerity.

The four oldest kings of the devil, three of whom have proved their sincerity with practical actions. The two kings of the devil have been converted into the evil spirits and become the guardians of the **** and the new reincarnation, which is equal to the future and The Hades are always bound to a bundle, and it is impossible to betray.

The king of despair, who is still acting outside, uses the name of Ms. Storm, which is equivalent to turning his face with chaos. Iyer also handed over the main tasks of a series of Ai Xi worlds, which is obviously trustworthy. The sincerity of the three kings of the devil and the trust of Ayer gave me the neglect of the last king of the devil.

And I just thought that the existing Hades atmosphere is not enough to complete the conversion of Imi Misa, but did not think that the truth is her time to proactively delay the transformation, then, from the beginning her position is doubtful.

But from another point of view, she is not likely to be a loyal supporter on the chaotic side of the abyss. After all, as long as she reveals our "big plan" to the abyss, our plan will not succeed, from the moment she knows not to report, She has already betrayed the chaotic side.

"The interest? Camp? Is she standing there? Or, is she herself?"

Unlike the fierce and chaotic demons, the devils are the best liar and conspirators, so that she betrayed both Ayer and the chaotic side. Only the interests that may be big enough, she is not the main god, the benefits she can obtain are limited, definitely need A backing, and the ability to give her enough benefits and support, must be a big awkward ... I saw the pair of kissing, I almost read everything.

"Cavens! You dare to hang me! Imimissia is your person!"

Unconsciously, Cavends, who is incarnate in the ordinary body, poked his head out from the chest of the royal sister. He first compared my thumb to a triumphant figure. It seems to say "Envy, you old bachelor.", then The thumb is turned into the middle finger, and the body bursts instantly, and the angle of view in front of the eyes recovers dark.

"...I was actually pitted by this single cell! I was actually cheated by the pig!"

The inside of the head has been out of anger, but the bottom of my heart is more and more calm, and Cavans is proud of this look. At first glance, I know that all this is designed by this guy.

"What is he going to do? Isn't he and Cynthia a piece of iron? What can he get from betrayal?"

Immi Misa's informedness is a betrayal of the will of the abyss. Calvins is betrayed if he knows not to report nature. The abyss prince betrayed the will of the abyss. This picture does not dare to see... too much information and possibilities in my mind In the meantime, I was somewhat confused, but there is something that I understand very well.

"No matter what you do, you can't make him successful!"

It is meaningless to send a detachment again. Facing a king of the devil and the demon god, it is impossible to not produce enough strength. At this moment, there is still a entangled poisonous master in front of you, but it loses enough strategic value. Not so important.

"Omar, the chain mode, we don't have much time. Overload it, step on this little bug that has already scared the gallbladder."

Yes, in my eyes, today's Radivio card is nothing, maybe still retain the strength of the main **** level, but he is not the fierce and decisive battlefield fierce, the most ancient inflammation in the jihad battlefield When the devil lost his ambition to go to the battlefield and plunged into the training of the legion, it would mean negating everything in the past and returning to it.

Perhaps he believes that the result is that he has both the strength of the Legion and the defects of the commander's individual strength. But for me, it is equivalent to splitting the energy into two halves. Half is still an aspect of his talent, which may be enough. His strength and time have earned him a reward, but the road to conflict with his talent and personality is definitely half the battle.

It is meaningless to evaluate the good or bad of other people's roads. The elves who are accustomed to the duality of the martial arts are slinging the warriors and mages of ordinary humans with their talents and longevity, but now, when he is out of contact with several planes he controls, when His army was trapped by the mountains and purgatory and the rules of death of the Hades. He did become the weakest main **** in the entire Hades and became a breakthrough!

"Without cost, regardless of the consequences, we kill him!"

My order surprised Omar, but he did not hesitate and directly invested in the giant bones.

"Killing! Broken... I never thought I was so strong."

The simple killing voice has a rational control. The skeletal giant with 玛索利特 as the core can only maintain the most basic fighting ideals, and when Marcolit put all the abilities into the structure organs, When Omar took over the mind, the whole giant got a new life.

Omar Ben is the emperor in the undead, and the undead who is connected with him will become a part of him. His computational power is also incomparable to Marcolit. If there is an inappropriate metaphor, it will become the seven original sin ratio of all links. As a person, Masolit is the spinal cord and nerve that acts as a link, and Omar is the brain that directs the whole body to act.

The body that is barely put together can only move instinctively, but the brain can command the exquisite killing. Perhaps the ability of Omar itself is not enough to support such a strong body, but the more the more deadly the ruler, the stronger he is. Strong talent, but let him become the strongest cpu and regulator.

But this is not enough. It is not enough to kill the Lord God. If you want to win, you need to be stronger!

In the face of such an opponent without distractions, and after throwing away the distracting thoughts, I bowed my head and touched the ground on which I stood - the giant's skull.



"Almost forgot, lazy..."

Massive hustle and bustle of the gods turned into a real "concept", purple, green, blue, three colors of brilliance represent the three kinds of soul light, representing the three sides of my soul, but all invested in the giant bones .

The whole body of the giant bones was twisted and changed, and the bones of the limbs began to grow thick bone spurs. The fists of the right arm became deformed and sharp, and the lower limbs began to be lightened. The tail vertebra was deepened and the back was found. The wing, unlike the monster that just relied on instinct to piece together, he began to actively optimize the body, or, evolution!

As mentioned before, the order represents the level at which individuals explore their potential. The holy step is to define their own path and “perfect future”. The representative is the world of the mind, and the further “epic level” is to project the concept of mastering itself. , turn into real things, and further improve their own path in reality.

This is extremely difficult. The vast majority of swordsmen choose to put their own concepts into the possession of weapons, which not only enhances the combat power, but also constantly polishes their understanding of the "concept" in the future. The result is artificially created a large number of weapons of the gods, also known as epic weapons, and with the further improvement of the master, the weapon may even evolve into a semi-artifact.

Of course, this is not the only choice. Some epic powers even put "concepts" into their own, used to strengthen the body and enhance supernatural powers. They use the concept and their own heart to merge into the world, and their power is soaring. But the recognized side effects are the smallest, the most wrong option, but it is still a carry-on weapon... The main reason is that it can be repeated if it is wrong.

I have been to the semi-god. In epic, the "concept" that I am best at is "death" and "soul". Only then has the "night black scorpion" rumored by the outside world. This time, I have once again entered this level and even In the upper stage, in the Hades, the "seven original sins" became my preferred concept.

"Into the 'concept' into the weapon? It is a waste, look at my children, they are the best carrier to carry my strength. My child, I give you from 'Jealous', 'lazy' , the blessing of 'arrogance', evolve! Beyond the limits of this world!"

The undead creations of the seven original sins are matched with the concept of the seven original sins. What better than the more suitable match, jealousy, arrogance, laziness, the power of the three original sins began to strengthen and distort the monster, too high-speed evolution made the giants of the skeleton unsatisfied, The weird bones actually took out the bones, the giants incarnate the eggs of the devil, and once again evolved.

Radivioka did not sit on the other side to complete the habit of preparing for the battle. The dagger epee and the flaming whip re-initiated the attack, but the flaming whip was caught by the sudden outstretched big hand, and the dagger’s giant sword had to break the periphery. The bones are protected, and the red light that is smashed by the broken bones is solitary. Ladivio's inexplicable feeling is terrified, as if his own end has arrived.

A pumping, a slap, a dozen, too late to release the flaming whip in the hand, the huge Ladivio card is like a stupid hen is generally smashed to the ground.

"Jealousy will give you the possibility to accommodate all the energy and biological structure. There will be no way for your growth. You are destined to be the top of the food chain. You will throw the so-called evolution theory into the garbage dump!"

What is the monster that reveals the bones? He is covered in bones, but the bones on the left are similar to the dragons, and the ones on the right are devils. The one-horn on the skull is gathering terrible energy. The flame in the middle is the curse of the soul. The more deformed arm is the heavy hammer, but the one is simply the leader who is eager to bite the flesh and blood. Without the huge dragon tail that lingers in the mountains, I am afraid that it cannot be constructed from the center of gravity. keep it steady.

"Pride, will give you the most stable soul, the physical ladder, you are the gathering of countless souls and flesh, only the top will, can unify the countless souls, let you this impossible monster Act under one will. Omar! My undead prince, I have given you the stage to show, show me and prove that you are my best child!"

The behemoth's eyes lit up the fire of the soul. The huge behemoth was as flexible as a kung fu boy. As he leaned over, he approached his prey. At the next moment, he raised the weight on his arm. The king of the devil fell to the ground and swayed.

"Ah! Damn!"

The noble king of demons performed how a ball rolled. The heavy hammer did not hit the target. It just wiped the edge. The devastating Radivio card lost its right hand, but this Just starting.

"Lazy, will give you memories and souls that are ruthlessly killed, and you will be the purest killer and judge."

The silver sacred light fell on the behemoth, just a finger, the silver chain tied to the escaping Ladivio card. As the judge of the law, the behemoth is using the power of the law to judge this evil invader from the abyss.

"Oh guilty!"

The energy level covered by the silver chain has surpassed the so-called main god, and the disastrous Ladivio card found that he could not compete.

"I named you...the beast of the end!"

The name also represents power. The real name represents the universe and the recognition of its existence. At this moment, the beast of the end of the day has once again made a leap, and the terrible power has formed a step, directly holding the Ladivio card. It is.

The beasts that brought the gods at the end of the twilight made terrible embarrassment, and the whole plane was in fear and trembling.

He is not the product of the temporary patchwork. The energy of the concentrated explosion is more destructive. All the organs are born for fighting. No, the most fundamental change is that he is just a temporary piece of machine. Now he has the truth. It is like a strong person with blood, flesh and soul!

"It turned out to be 578 seconds, and now there are 167 seconds. Has the crash actually accelerated? But the production machine and the special machine are completely different. This investment is worth it!"

The countdown that has just been calculated is the end of the collapse. The time limit for the collapse is less than three minutes. The huge skull of silence is not a waste of the next second. Anyway, it will be completely collapsed. It is enough to bring the main god-level demons together!

Even in the face of desperation, Radivio has not given up, but the beast of the end of the beast has begun to enjoy his own meal...

In 124 seconds, he lost his second arm, and the dagger's giant sword was swallowed by the doomsday beast.

In 79 seconds, his head was twisted to 180° for the second time. This time it was too late to regenerate. He has already been forced into a desperate situation.

46 seconds, the huge body was directly divided into sixteen pieces, and the patchwork has become impossible.

37 seconds, the last burning body ignited the entire mountain purgatory, the entire plane will re-enter the regeneration, and the abyss side finally ushered in his first fallen main god!

Countless meteors swam in all directions, and Ladivio's last misery made the countless planes dominate the fear and trembling. The other supreme beings in the seven prisons were also new rivals ushered in.

Perhaps Ladivioka still has a backhand, perhaps a little demon is somewhere, but at least his soul does not appear in the Hades and the Styx, even if it can be resurrected, it is doomed to miss this last holy war. .

In the purgatory of the unintentional purgatory, Calvins, laughing and devil, straight in the direction of the tower of the ice, and Radivio's dying mourning did not make him look back, but in front of him, There was a strange and familiar figure that blocked the road.

"Fire Sea Lady Marquis? I don't think that the guy who is too soft on his own will let you enter the Hades, not to think that you can stop us... Well, don't yell at me. Eliza, I am right. The old man is too much right, right."

The "virgin girl" dressed by the maid shook her head gently, raised the skirt, and smiled and saluted.

"This is my personal choice. This time, I will stand by him forever." r1152


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