The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 496: The power of the underworld

"It's really impermanent..."

The unknown magic emerged from the shadows, and after being merged with the substantial malice, it turned into a black fog with the power of the death of the Hades, and many black mists gathered, smashed, and compressed on my fingers to form a substance. Unknown light. ≤

"kill him!"

"Don't let him release this magic."

Just the mixture of the magical power and the black mist that has spread out has turned into a gimmick, and the magic has not yet formed. This kind of power is beyond the scope of normal people's understanding.

I don’t need the command of the fast knife group to issue instructions, even if it’s just ordinary bandit, I’ve seen such a terrible scene and know what to do.

The tall, one-eyed archer quickly picked up the bow of his hand, and the bandit with the weapon did not say that he was launching a desperate assault. There was a jealous guy who took the captive directly as his own meat shield, and lived and died, everyone I made a choice, but I sighed silently.

"...Although life is impermanent, at least everyone is equal before death. Open, the door to the Hades."

The black light condenses together, and the black misty snarls roar in the back. The scene seems to open up the door from the outside world, and the magic is almost finished.

The breath of death spread, and the coward was scared to leave his weapon, and even the fierce gangsters were distorted and frightened, and they had already smelled the breath of death.

Only the one-eyed thief, but always focused on the aim, he knows, facing this sudden emergence of the sorcerer. There is only one chance. If it is missed. There is no longer the possibility of surviving in front of such an opponent.


At the same time, the string that the ear can't capture is at the same time. The bow of the inlaid enchanted silver arrow has already reached me. The bow is almost breaking the speed of sound. This ranger may have broken the legend.

"Cat shield."

Just a thought, the master of the magic pet set a death order, a white cat jumped out of the shadow, just blocking the bow, just from the unhappy contempt. It doesn't seem to be voluntary.... But the magic pet is something that was originally a gun.


Seeing that his attack blocked a cat, the former Ranger captain of the Fast Knife Warrior Group, now the boss of the bandit squad, the one-eyed eagle, Sink, can’t believe it. He knows the power of his bow, it is enough to crush The heavy puncture arrow, even if it is blocked by the human body, is enough to break through the fragile mage behind the meat shield.

The end of the bow is still on the cat, but the arrow disappears without a trace. Then the cat was twisted in the arrow, and the physical injury became a big mouth swallowing. . As a result, the precious broken magic silver arrow disappeared without a trace.

But the facts at hand have to let it admit that the heavy arrow that can penetrate the rock, but inexplicably disappeared into the body of the ordinary domestic cat, the white cat also played a full, as if eating something delicious .


Sink's judgment is not wrong. The domestic cat is indeed a monster disguised as a cat, but his voice has just been exported, and the cat's vertical beast is staring at him.


The same words, just angered, but now it is fear and powerlessness.

Just a glance, it is like being swallowed by the beast, the vest is soaked with cold sweat.

Obviously, he has experienced countless wars. He has never felt so close to death. This kind of killing is about killing how many talents can accumulate. This is definitely not a monster he can handle.

"Escape? No, I can't give up these last brothers, but if I don't escape, I will only..."

The bandit boss is still fighting in the heavens, and that he has completed the six-ring death magic: the gate of the Hades, but he still made a choice.

The next moment, from which a flying elf was born, the black-faced elf in the palm of the hand smiled in the sky. Wherever he went, the black and silver bells were laughed in the air.


The elf that is condensed by the magic is like a living thing. The transparent wings are not fanning. There are black treasure limes scattered on it. The sky flies over a trajectory, leaving the artificial 璀璨Galaxy, but suddenly glides down. The shuttle around the bandits, the blade can not stop her laughter, seems to be playing and playing.

"The spell has failed? Is that black robe mage not an enemy?"

The gangsters have just had some luck, but the situation has suddenly changed again.

"The Hades, open the door."

The little goblin smiled in the sky, and the soft and strange pronunciation made everyone understand the meaning of the weird language.

Suddenly, the whole body of the leprechaun burst open, and it turned into a black fog, and the black fog once again became a giggling gimmick, but this time it was more than three meters high, and it was like the essence.

The shackles of the skull are vaguely smiling, and the grown-up mouth is like a black hole that is consuming light, that is, the gate of the Hades, engulfing the dark abyss of the soul.

The bandits were still "playing" with the little goblins. The next moment, but all fell directly to the ground, the eyes are still round, but there is no focal length, because they have lost their soul!

It seems that he has no "food", and the door of the girl has been closed again, but it has been turned into a little goblin, and then he smiled at me, but directly turned into a virtual shadow.

"This magic is really full of evil, your interest?"

"No, I just built the spell model based on the principle. I don't know how it will become like this. Perhaps the power of the Hades is inherently special. Perhaps it is the fun of the gods on the side of the Habit." ”

Death Magic. If you are analyzing the spell model, it is not a difficult skill. It is just a simple link to the Hades, opening a hole, attacking the enemy with the power of the Hades, or very simple. Said to capture the souls of those mortals.

Obviously, this is a magic that requires the approval of the gods. It is a new kind of spell between magic and magic, but it is the same as the principle.

There is a light of heaven in the magic of order gods, and there is chaotic rain in the magic of chaotic demons. The former is to open the door to the upper plane, and use the positive energy of the upper plane to deal with the undead, demons and other creatures. The opposite is true. The chaos of the lower plane has the destructive power to mortal creatures, and has extra effects on order creatures such as angels.

But the same principle of magic, to the side of the Hades is completely different. First of all, the lowest level of heaven is only the three-ring magic, and the difficulty of the door of the Hades is between six rings and seven rings. The legendary patent, but on the other side of the huge consumption, is a more excellent effect, from the principle of magic, this is the group with a very high success rate of death, that is, dead magic.

Looking at the corpse in front of me, I nodded with satisfaction, and the effect was better than expected. It seems that this magical spell model can be finalized, and then handed over to the country... the country of the spell.

The order gods have their own magic, and the holy light is a kind of positive energy. This is the most natural help on the order side.

The original force of death is pure negative energy, but after the establishment of the Hades, the power of death has more than the concept of trial, death, reincarnation, and atonement, and has become a new kind of energy - the power of the Hades.

"We, nothing?"

The villagers who were also within the scope of the spell were surprised to find that they were unharmed. They were delighted to find that the bandits around them had all fallen.

The power of death in the past is like a violent waterfall. The lethality is huge but uncontrollable. The power of the Hades is like a quiet flowing river of water. It seems calm, but it contains threats that can make angels fall, but as long as it meets the rules. It is harmless in itself and can also lead traction.

The flowing silver sand is smashed in both hands, and the little black stars are like gems. The power of the Hades, which has evolved from the power of death, has become the most in the world with the re-emergence of the Hades and the Aihi plane. One of the basic rules.

Numerous mages and priests (especially the Undead Mage and the Evil God Priest) are studying this new power, and in me, this new gold advancement called the Hades messenger is almost mature enough to be promoted.

Note that although the power of the Hades is an advanced force of death, the pastor and the common mage can also learn to master. The former will establish contact with the gods of the Hades, while the latter will deal with the rules of the Hades, but they do not need to be full. The necromancer of negative energy.

The powerful power of the new magic is the best business card. Even if there are not many researchers now, there are more than 30 new spell types in the spell catalogue of the Hades, and many of them are destined to be named in history. But only two of them are my own works.

"Do you mean to say this? If it weren't for me, give you another ten years, you can complete this spell."

Ok, I have to admit that the spell talent that is holding my dead cat is better than me. She has not only invented seven, but my two spell models are also thanks to his help.

As for **** the bandits without hurting the villagers? The red light on those bodies and the judge who is helping the villagers is the reason.

The spell: The conviction technique can only be combined with the spell of the law system to increase its power, but when the **** of the law and the lord of the law are one, the abilities of these two systems can be superimposed.

The power of the Hades has the concept of judging sinners. At this time, the conviction of the recent crimes has also been marked, and if there is no conviction, it is a test of death magic.

It is a test of life and will. Before the power of the Hades is exhausted, can the gangsters die, and the villagers must not live. At this time, the white light that represents the innocent is their strongest. fortress.

"If the power of the law is the shield of the guardian, the new magic and magic created by the power of the Hades today is probably the best weapon."

After testing the results of the spell, I was surprised to find that there was a robber who didn't die.

Although the one-eyed man with the bow is now out of gas, I seem to have a good experimental material. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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