"The power to purify and order chaos and distortion is the light."

The power of the Light that rose in the last jihad has a new interpretation in this jihad. In the latest version of the Southern sect, the first generation of the Pope who interpreted the doctrine directly abandoned the sacred church’s God-given and holy Li Tianyou said that it is a simple and straightforward way to explain what is the light.

"It is a kind of positive energy with extremely high intensity. Its core is purification. Its manifestation is to forcibly regularize chaos, twisted creation, energy and existence."

This interpretation is closer to the alchemists and mages. In the early pope's mouth of the Southern sect, the sacred object of the Holy Light, which has been given by the past, has become a common thing for study, even though the daring masters have a similar view. However, for the ordinary devout pastor and paladin, it is also a thorough cleaning of the three views.

If it is a materialistic natural world, this is probably only a religious disagreement of several sects, but in the world where this idea exists, many things are different.

Past paladins and priests of the Holy Light only prayed to the gods and craved for the gift of the light, so they were upgraded very quickly after they were given a gift, but the lack of understanding also represented that the foundation was not strong, and the things of others were strong and others were there. To a certain extent, it will naturally be the cardholder, unless it is really suffering from the gods, the constant divine power is poured.

When a prince gets the name of the Son of Light, it is only because he is only a fourteen-year-old miracle, and the step he can take is mainly because of the unique understanding of the Holy Light.

Nowadays, the "Sacred Light Redemption in the Eastern Plains of Bayer" has led countless Holy Light professionals to reconsider the definition of Holy Light. The believers of the "Pure Light" doctrine have spread to every corner of the world, from the sacredness of God. To a special kind of power, even many wizards began to study the light, just as a pure special energy.

The Holy Light steps down the altar. Perhaps this has affected the lofty status of the Holy Light professional and some bishops, but it has far-reaching influence on the use and application of the entire Holy Light.

Only these seven years. When the shackles of thinking are opened, it is like opening a treasure trove of blockade wisdom. In the hands of the vast masters of the Holy Light in the world, countless new theories and new technologies were born. The fact that they interacted with the theory further broke the shackles of thinking and eventually formed a revolutionary change.

After all, sometimes the farthest distance from reality is the worship and madness that are close at hand. And many things are not impossible or unexpected, but they don’t dare to think, they don’t think...

At this time, Yunzhongcheng opened its own shadow sky, above the sky garden on the top floor of Zhucheng, above the ancient trees of life, but there are condensed seeds.

The branches are covered with golden brilliance, and the roots and branches are crystallized. The liquefied energy fluid flows in it, and the seeds are rapidly ripening. The crystal clear crystal gradually expanded, and slowly pressed down the branches.

"The species of light...."

This is not my original technique, but also the new magic created by the Southern sects in recent years. Ok, they are also copied.

The principle is the kind of Druid's life, but only those who have indulged the Holy Light for decades can merge the spell models of completely different systems into their own systems.

But although the curse is from other people's homes, I am afraid that only I can show its power to the extreme.

"After all, I have a second generation of ancient trees inscribed here, but there are not a few top goods in the Elven Kingdom!"

"how did it get here?"

"Grab it!"

I am proud of the thumb, considering the relationship with the Elven countries (the feud), I feel that I have no pressure to grab them.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at the dead cat. But in fact, she told me the location of the elves and how to enter the restricted area, as long as I can see that "the ungrateful **** long ears" is unlucky. This past elf princess is more active than anyone else, even if she is also a forest. Long ears.

And this time. This rare second-generation tree of life has also exerted its amazing power. A huge amount of holy light energy is poured into it, and a single crystal of celestial light condenses on its branches.

“47%, 46%, 44%, already below the warning line, will it continue?”

“Notify me to 30%, we must keep at least 10% of the reserves.”

Even with the use of the winged city of the wing people, the overloaded equipment and facilities have an extra cost, and 20% of the energy is not enough to keep the sky and defense against the sky.

Massive energy is converted into the power of the Light, and the ancient churches and holy relics robbed from the Church are the best converters, but even so, the conversion efficiency will not exceed 70%.

And as the species of holy light hangs above the branches, our energy reserves begin to tighten, and Heng sees that there is change on our side, and does not hesitate to launch more attacks, even the sea. Lois has successfully intercepted, and the energy consumption on our side has become more and more tight.

"Damn, this floating city energy pool is still too shallow, and I will find a bigger one next time."

"I remember this is the spare energy pool of the National Cloud Tower that steals the Master. It should be the strongest tower energy pool in this world. Next time you go there to robbery better? Real Titan Heart?"

"Good idea! Let's rob the Titan next time. They live in my place now, it's time to pay some rent."

"The heart of Titan is really an eternal energy? Isn't this a false legend made by outsiders?"

"I don't know if they are eternal energy, but if we catch the Titan power plant, we don't need to worry about the lack of energy in the future. Isn't this a natural and harmless perpetual motion machine?"

While driving on the side is likely to be a real joke, when we are still worried about the energy shortage, the energy reading has fallen to 34%. At this time, the sky above the Yongyue City has been completely opened, and the ancient tree of life still exists. Here, but the incarnation of the light that extends from the ancient tree has covered the entire city.

From a distance, the huge tree of light is still huge than the whole city. Countless branches of light have even been explored in the clouds. The city of the sky looks like a small flower bed, and the tree of the Light is terrible. The energy fluctuations can easily destroy any detector, even if the opponent is a fool. I am afraid I know that the situation is not good.

But unfortunately, the undead army on the ground is so powerful that we can't do it. The attack of the archer and the ordinary corpse wizard can't reach such a high position. Most of the gargoyles and bone dragons in the undead natural disasters are already harassing Xingmucheng. The remaining ones don't even dare to approach the Tree of Light, the only threat. Still from the long-range bombing of the undead emperor.


This time, Herois, who deliberately saved energy, did not succeed in intercepting Heng’s attack. From the point of view of the explosion, Yong Night City lost his third negative energy pool and recording studio, swimming pool, and A candy warehouse... Well, I admit that there are no big deal in the latter. The lack of goods in the candy store is that someone will be very upset, but the loss of the negative energy pool further aggravates our energy shortage.

"27%. 25%! Release it, can't hold it, release it."

"Not enough, this power is not enough! Even if you take risks, there is no way."

And when I was in the midst of anxiety, the extension of the sky, a light fell, directly hit the tree of light.

I haven't had time to react, but the tree of light has suddenly risen again, and the branches have completely entered the sky, if not the cover of the world. I am afraid that even the Starwood City can see this huge tree of light.

On the other side of the starry sky, at the top of the Hades, the golden pillar of redemption. Vaguely seeing a tall figure waving towards me, seems to be conveying something.

"What is he saying?"

Seeing the familiar figure, I think he will always stay in the Hades, even if he is deliberately calm, his mind is still as uncomfortable as a piece.

Obviously, he saw that there was a problem on our side and directly gave support.

So far away, the two sides are actually conceptually separated distances, and they will never be seen until they are seen. I can see that the figure is good, and I don’t even think about reading my lips.

but. We still have channels of communication, and a semi-Slim creature is one of the prisoners who guard the purgatory. There are countless avatars left in that plane.

"Hellois, can your avatar go there?"

"...Hellois, Herois, everything is Herois, when it is used, it is Herois, when it is useless, it is a dead cat. I have to deal with that guy, I have no intention to do it. So many things are chores."

"...well, I apologize, but now it's all right, can you send a detachment?"

"Oh, it’s already here, he is saying, small, heart, head..."


The more the heroes say, the louder they are, the slower they say, and the fact that the soul link should not have such bad information.

The next moment, when Helois suddenly accelerated, I suddenly realized, but regretted that it was too late.

"....... Head! Be careful!"

"You are squatting me again!"

The black wind whizzed past the head. If you don't bow in time, I am afraid that the head will be directly split.


The black wind directly shattered the two houses and eventually stopped, but it was a silver old warhammer.

"The light of redemption, the hope of the light messenger?"

This warhammer used to be the paladin warrior passed down by the fire, and in the Battle of the Hades, it became the sacred object of the soul of the Holy Light. As the cornerstone of the four pillars, I left it in the Hades and became the Holy Light. The artifact symbol of the column.

Now, when I am in trouble, I am once again in my hands.... I almost smashed my head.

The old silver warhammer lay quietly there, the quaint scars on it were historical records, but I didn't pick up his plan... I couldn't take the weight.

".......Hellois, isn't the style of painting there wrong? We are obviously fighting, shouldn't we be serious?"

"The style is not wrong, you are not always a funny character."

"Hey, hey, it’s not right, I obviously should be the protagonist. You see the identity of a king, the identity of the Avengers, the identity of the savior. How do you see them as the heroes in the historical poetry? I am not responsible. Funny character!"

"....... Opera? Super actress Peach Princess? It is said that the video ball of the drama has been sold all over the world by the goblins, and now your fans are asking you to come back. The fool of the funny protagonist is not dead. Women's looks are better than men's wear. Peach robbers are always everywhere, but they are always virgins. Every one is suitable. You are a standard comedy protagonist."

"...we are still talking about war."

But before I came and put more attention to the warhammer, I was supported by the pillar of the Light of the Hades. When the tree of the Light of Light finally came to bloom, the super magical technique that consumed nearly 40% of the energy of the Yongyue City also came to the start. when.


On the treetops, all the golden crystals began to shake, and the faint resonance made the scalp numb.

The crystal of the great light of one person is the seed of the giant tree, and in the next moment, countless seeds are scattered everywhere, and the seeds are drawn across the strange arc in the sky, but suddenly come like a comet.

It is a spectacular scene of the stars, and countless golden meteors fall like heavy rain, and each hit will cause a big explosion of the Holy Light.

And this is just the beginning.

A new tree of sacred light sprouts from the crystal species and becomes a new tree of light in just a few seconds, and then, it emits more seeds.

Soon, the species of Light spread to the entire battlefield, and this black land covered the golden forest.

The undead that is touched by the Tree of Light will burn directly into the ashes, even if the special giants of the skeleton are in the middle of this light.

But this is still not the end.

"Break it, reality!"

After a ringing finger, a tree of light in the corner bursts open, and the brilliant golden brilliance directly swallows everything around him. There is a flower-like golden mushroom cloud in the sky, and the next moment, after understanding what is going to happen, There is an incredible despair on the indifferent face of all the intelligent undead.



The trees of the Light of Light burst open, and the flower of the Light of Light was lit in the sky. The golden crusaders were erected in the direction of the burst, and the desperate mourning of the soul became the soundtrack in the continuous explosion.

Finally, when the whole world became a golden color, there was only one white in front of my eyes.

At this time, even in the town of Xingmu, you can perceive the violently shaking earthquake. The flower of the golden devil that is straight into the sky is slowly blooming. It is beautiful as a bouquet of energy. Its top has gone deep into the sky. Its golden petals make people feel sacred and noble, but it is still just a mushroom cloud caused by the explosion, but the more terrible shock wave has come to the fore.

The public did not have time to reconcile the undead sentinel in the air and the afterglow of the explosion was swept away. The tragic scene in front of them has made it impossible for them to speculate what happened.

"The mountain is gone, the whole mountain is gone......." (To be continued)

Ps: Thank you for your understanding and support.

Recently, luck is really bad. It is rare to go to the movies to watch a traffic accident. Although it is the responsibility of the other party, it really makes people feel that the unlucky car has stopped and can be hit by the reverse. This probability, even the traffic police I laughed

Cough, at least the film returned from the Great Saint is still good. Although I dare not say that the country is rising, but at least it is the conscience of the country. Under Amway, no one should say that it is a water army.

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