The holy step, the symbol of extraordinary sanctification, since it is called sacred, is probably the realm that the main planes hoped for but could not reach. ...oh,

Black iron blood, bronze body, silver majesty, golden will, legendary sage, human sacred, immortal epic, immortal demigod, this is a superficial evaluation of the power of the past in the face of the sentient beings, but also to tap someone's own potential The division of each stage.

Because the human strength with the largest number of main planes is too weak, such strength is too thin at the low level, but it is too rough at the high level. With the madness of the main plane elements and the individual strength, Such an evaluation mechanism is too outdated even when faced with human beings.

The new evaluation mechanism is said that the goblins are already being produced. I heard that only the three most difficult thresholds in the past have been turned into three stages, but in the stage of the human saints, the simple saints are simply divided. And the quasi-sacred, and distinguishing between the signs, is whether it can constitute a world of its own field.

Yes, it is only the world of the world, not the world of the heart. Even in the past when the strong does not contain moisture, the world of the mind is a very rare part of the Holy Power.

The legendary order lies in the road of self-containment, and further the holy step, the self has completely condensed, and begins to re-intervene in the surroundings, and the strong self can even project the world.

The saints' control and control of the surroundings and the self are not comparable to the legends. They may not improve the total amount of magic and qi, but more detailed control can enable them to make a three-pointer, and more importantly, However, it began to touch the existence of 'rules' and began to make things that violated the rules of physics and magic. The representative of this is the leader of the saints. It can even use the willpower to rewrite the world.

Nowadays, the real world of the so-called true saints is just a world like the world that shrinks with water. He can barely change the proportion of elements in a certain range around him, and improve the power of spells and techniques that he is good at.

Using the will to directly rewrite the world, and using the will to harness the elements to transform the surrounding environment, this can be completely the difference between heaven and earth, the difficulty is different, the natural power is also huge, it seems. Even if the threshold for ascension becomes low, the basic principle of paying for a gain has not changed.

As for the newly promoted saints, are there no hearts like the world, I think that there are always some people who can use chalk to paint epic masterpieces, but most of the new saints may not be able to get a heart image in this life. world.

"So, I don't have a heart like the world is normal."

Yes, my heart like the world has become a bug area in the Hades. Even if you are a saint, you only see the magic stock, it is not much change.

"But don't tell me. You don't have a heart like the world."

If it is really not a big improvement, I don't have to force it to improve before the war. I can't get the heart like the world again, but my magic pet can!

Herois, once the epic peak of the undead, although I have never seen her heart like the world, but with her strong will (the depth of hatred) and the depth of accumulation, no heart is like the world is incredible.

The soul of the magic pet can't exceed the master's strength, and the order must also be under the master. This kind of contract iron law restricts her play. Now I stepped into the holy step again, and she naturally stepped into the holy order.

"....... Yes, can be used, but this war can only be summoned at most."

I heard that I was immediately overjoyed. After all, the world is like the ideal world of the individual and the most obsessive of the heart. The non-combat heart is like the world. The news of Herois’s heart like the world has never leaked. I thought it was also Such a thing.

But before I continued to ask, I was suddenly noisy outside.

"The undead, the undead is coming!" -

The undead army came earlier than expected, and came at noon the next day, but the earliest still a new group of undead flying units, hovering in the sky, just like the vultures of pedestrians in the desert, waiting to enjoy Your carrion, but there is no intention to attack directly.

As for the ground forces of the undead, considering the losses caused by the landslide, it seems that only waiting.

"Dead Ghosts, Shadows, Bone Dragons, Flying Corpse Monsters, Undead Air Knights, Gargoyles, are really varied. It seems that Heng is bringing the family to the bottom."

The undead in the sky is simply the World Expo, and the strength is even worse. From the second and third ranks of the gargoyles to the fifth-order legendary bone dragons, there are many powerful people who can be called the undead lords and the undead monarchs.

I even saw a blind person, this undead loneliness in the desperate field looks like a brain with a one-eyed eye, but there are hundreds of one-eyed eyes on the surrounding tentacles that are emitting black radiance. This is the evolution of the demigod of the demon that has been almost extinct in the main plane.

This kind of thing is said to be able to cast a single eye for each one-eyed eye. Perhaps the power of the released spell is not big enough, but the light alone is enough to replace a whole wizard group, and the giant one-eyed eye is said to have true vision and curse. A series of powerful abilities, such as death ray, this one is a super turret.

"Oh, there are still divine mummies? This is the old antique of that era."

Such a guy lost in the main plane must be famous, there is no pressure at the end of the mixed disaster map, but here, it seems to be just an ordinary member of the undead air combat force, as the undead singer who has monopolized a dead plane for thousands of years. After the entire plane was mobilized, the war potential was amazing when enough temptations and chips were taken out.

"I share the world with you. The living people there have delicious souls and raw meat. There is no disorderly and desperate magnetic ice storm in the world. There are some pigs that are followed by the gods." Come on, cross the gate. Enjoy fresh flesh and soul."

In the desperate snowy field, the familiar illusion figure describes her own wishes. Even if she is expressionless, it is just a slogan, but the undead in the sky can't wait to enter the huge skeleton door.

Although there are subordinates controlled by the undead emperor, more are the wild undead of the dead plane, and many still occupy a mountain.

In order to pass the plane of the plane, they must respond to the summoning contract, which naturally becomes the cannon fodder under the constant hand.

A black jade ghost was shot down from the sky by Timirite's modified artillery. When I dismantled my soul, I played this memory directly on the wall, leaving these living people less lucky.

Obviously, the kind of light that exceeded expectations had achieved unexpected results. The constant combat power of Heng’s hands was lacking, and he would like to recruit some miscellaneous soldiers to help.

"It is also possible that she cherishes the power in her hands and calls the guy to act as cannon fodder. After all, she does not know that you can no longer use that magical technique. With only some oral words, you can pull others as meat shields and cannon fodder as cannon fodder. Cost-effective."

" can't think about the good side?"

"I was afraid that you would smash your opponent and the result would be pitted."

"Reassure, you also know my luck, I have always considered the most unfortunate development directly, fortunately, not what I can enjoy."

While chatting, I was asking whether Herois could lay it down, but the result was a natural denial.

The rapid arrival of the new Undead Air Force naturally aroused the vigilance of the living, but their grotesque shape also became a disguise here. Only a few insiders knew that the undead did not make sense to look at the appearance. The Lich looked like a sergeant. There is not much difference, the elite abomination is just a bunch of ugly corpses, only the new born souls of mass production seem to be uniform, and the guys who seem to be miscellaneous in the front are even more difficult than the previously uniform gargoyles and bone dragons. Wrapped more.

The only thing that is fortunate is that they are still scrupulous, at least not launching an automatic attack.

I know the Undead Maharaja, and I have had enough of those guys in the Everlasting Legion. Most of the undead are a collection of negative emotions. Killer is their nature. Rebellion is their instinct. It can make this group of guys watch. Fresh flesh and soul do not act, only the constant high pressure.

"Since they are not vigilant because they are vigilant, we need time, let them be more vigilant. Hey!"

I thought of it, after a ringing finger, the floating floating fortress once again appeared, and this time, it was just above the star wood city.

Although the energy of Everlasting City is probably enough to float, the undead do not know. When this thing comes out, all the undead empty rides are directly scattered, and then fly back a few miles. Obviously they are driven by the owner to temporarily retreat. .

I am also relieved to see this situation. What I am most worried about is that these empty horses are constantly harassing. Before the final battle, the loss on our side will not be less.

"Look, this eternal Naxxama!"

"I always feel that you are subtly dead, is it the wrong situation?"

"Cough, is this not a delay?"

And I have to delay the time, but not just for the reinforcements. On top of the clouds, a nearly 30-person adventure team is riding on the back of a huge dragon lich, and their goal is that map. The remains of the!

From the appearance and equipment, other people are powerful fighters, but in the position of the leader, there is an ordinary girl, and from the position of the people, she is the object of all people's protection.

Even if it is the undead, even if the spirit of the living creature has been covered with the Necromancer, the Dragon Lich carefully avoided all the undead air forces, but the rising and falling flying project made the passengers very uncomfortable.

A legendary mercenary has been fainting to only hold the main keel, and a dark elf has no beauty image spit on the ground. Some human maids have never heard of the screams, only one bald head. Standing on the faucet, but looking at the front more and more easily, the boiling blood seems to be predicting his future destiny.

But what is surprising is that the ordinary girl is very awake. She is trying to adapt to the ups and downs of the dragon's back with the help of her own righteous father, but all of them are past illusions, and the hands are not bound. Catalina is the key to this trip! (To be continued...)

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