The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 520: Daisetsuzan Makai

The abundant magic is converted into the ice of the genus with the simple description, and the gray-white magic is poured into the clouds in the sky. Around the sky city, the ice elves dance and sing.

They are flanking fairy, it looks like a 13-year-old girl, but her head is probably only one arm.

These elemental elves are not creatures of the plane of the element, but are by-products of the forbidden elements. It is said that the more the caster who is loved by the element, the easier it is to summon such elemental elves, and when these snow-white snow elves are in the sky In the middle of dance, in a sense, it also becomes the elemental plane belonging to them.

"....... I have crossed countless ice sheets, I have seen the strength of life and the greatness of nature. I have also been immersed in the beauty of the glacier, but the real beauty can only be seen under the frozen ocean under the glacier...."

This is not a mysterious mantra. It is just a written record of the past sights, but those elemental elves that often appear one or two in the demigod of the demigod, but come to more than a hundred.

They danced around the city of the night, and the white crystal powder formed a snowy road in the sky, and they seemed to like to listen to the record of the ice of nature.

"...In the north of the northern land, I spent the eternal ice sea as the deceased, but still struggled to survive in the extremely cold caves. The deadly north wind can freeze the soul, fortunately, ▼ long ▼风▼文▼学,△∞→t I saw the beautiful aurora in front of the hustle and bustle. On a snowy plain, the curtain of heaven unfolded his window of color, which is the unforgettable beauty of eternal life... ."

A regular caster's mantra is either a need to perform a certain ritual or a purely psychological cues. Let yourself enter a state that is more in line with the essence of the element. And for me. There is nothing more in line with the ultimate demand for ice than the memory from the ice sheet.

The most essential difference between the Holy Order Master and the common Master is that you can directly intervene in the world with your mind, and when I recall and describe the cold winter of the northern part of the life restricted area, all the Snow and Ice elves come forward to listen. With the process of remarks and memories, the sky around it was also dyed in the color of ice and snow.

"...has it really stupid to use the ice magic for the undead?"

A ghost white dragon proudly despised those elements of ice and snow. In the panic-style escape of the big undead, its calm is very eye-catching.

However, as an undead monarch who did not have the concept of body temperature, as a former white dragon species that still retains a lot of ice resistance, it does have reasons to despise the general ice and snow magic.

But suddenly, it saw an incredible scene. In a panic, there was a winter ghost lord who was like an escape. This super ghoul evolved from the frozen dead is the top of the ice and snow undead. With the deadly ice field, it is also the Guards of the Undead Emperor of the Ice Master. How can you be afraid of the ice?

The next moment, it knows that his surprise is meaningless. I also know why the winter ghost lord will escape, and the ice elf laughs and approaches it. He passes through him. There is only the silver bell in the air. The soul of the ghost dragon is frozen. Yesterday, only those broken pieces of ice fell on the ground.

"The field of ice? No, it is the world of elements...."

Unfortunately, when it was at this moment, the last misery could not be made.

The simple explanation of the ice, but summoned a large number of ice and snow elves, their existence, further intensified the world of ice in the world!

Everyone knows that there is no ice elemental plane in this world. Even ice and snow elemental creatures are extremely rare species. They do not have their own homes. The elemental creatures of ice and snow properties such as hail are often frozen in the snowy mountains and extreme north. The land, the glaciers and other places of the Jedi.

But when the Hades were established, some things changed in essence.

Among the four elements of the Hades, there is the concept of the element of ice, and it is still the basic rule that represents "life". That is to say, according to the world rules of Aich's four elements, the ice plane is also It will become the extensional sub-plane of the new world of the Hades.

However, due to the difference in the rules of creation, the goddess Ai Xi is using the existing four-element plane to construct the world of Ai Xi, but I first build a column of four elements, and then use this as a fulcrum to build the world of the Hades, if there is ice and snow. If possible, the elemental plane will inevitably have a relationship with the column of the ice.

Obviously, if the four-element pillar can construct an independent four-element plane, the Hades world will become more powerful. If one day the four pillars of the Hades leave the elemental constellation that the Hades turn into an independent element plane, then the Hades will be compared to the Eich world. Stable, by then, the four pillars of the Hades will no longer be the weakness of the Hades, and the Hades will be as long as Axi.

Even if you don't consider such a long-term, mastering a new elemental plane also represents endless power and resources. This is a profitable thing.

Therefore, as a substitute on the ground, the concubine on the ground, just after the recovery, went to a big snowy mountain. Yes, it is the snowy mountain that has already been semi-elementalized, which is the life of the ice and snow creatures. The desperate life is the winter sacred place that is the elemental creature of the semi-god.

"Do you want to have your own elemental plane? If you don't want to, I am looking for a cold-light beast in the northernmost place.... Well, I know your urgency, and put away the annoying chill, I am still alive now. people!"

Holy light, the law, death, ice, the first two elements of the plane I have no way out, the death plane I intend to rob an undead emperor, not a one-and-a-half thing, but the ice and ice planes have human and material resources, It is indeed already under construction.

Based on the half-element plane of Daxueshan, I only fulfilled the authorization of the ice-slaughter, and buried part of the pillar of the ice in the Daxueshan, which made the division of the elemental plane unobstructed.

It is worth mentioning that, thanks to the behind-the-scenes black hand of a certain goddess that has been missing, it has been greatly difficult to divide the snowy mountain that has been separated from Ai Xi once again, with the help of another goddess of creation. under. It is equivalent to obtaining a complete Creeper authorization. The segmentation of the ice elemental plane has become very smooth. The inquiries of the ice elemental creatures and the extremely cold monsters in other extremely cold places further accelerated the speed of the plane independence.

Today's Daxue Mountain is already a half-plane separated from the main plane. It can be called the Daxue Mountain Devil. As the creator of the element plane, when the real ice master can't leave the Hades, I will Nature has become the sole ice master, becoming the master of all ice creatures and elves!

If the rule of ice is a priesthood. The Hades are indeed created by me. In the world view of the gods, it is true that the whole country of death is my country of God. Then, I have the ranks that match this priesthood, when the snowy mountains are still in the world. When I am linking to the plane, I can naturally borrow their power.

At this time, when I talk about the extreme of ice, those ice elves should come, they are not bystanders who are attracted by the super-magic fluctuations of the curse. It is the subjects convened by the ice, who are themselves part of the elemental plane of the new life. When enough ice elves gather, the surrounding world naturally begins to elementalization!

Perhaps look at the appearance, this effect is very similar to the ice field of the holy road goods, but the real effect is absolutely different.

Thus, the powerful undead monarch is like entering the ice elemental plane. As the fish on the shore is frozen, the fire of the soul is frozen and falls into the eternal sleep.

So, at this time, I am like the **** of the elements of the elemental swearing in the elemental plane! My words are the curse itself. I need some deep magic spells, just to state my own will. For these elemental elves, it is like the great law of the elements!

".......The land of the glacier is endless. If you look at it from above, everything goes to snow..."

The ice and snow elves are wandering, with the living of the living being the core, the vegetation around them is frozen to death, the hoarfrost on the ground begins to spread, and everything is turned into white.

".......The cold storm has no sign, but if you step into it, the living will be under the snow and the dead will be buried in the glacier forever. This is the rule of the Snowy Mountain...."

The elves of the snowy night sang in the dance, and suddenly there was no snowstorm in the sky. The undead air force fell into it inexplicably. In batches, they fell into sleep, and the hoarfrost on the ground was inexplicably snow.

"...Yes, everything is just the beginning. Once the ice age is opened, it will last for hundreds of thousands of years. It is almost endless for ordinary creatures. Therefore, this is also the end of life..."

The ice elves popped the sad tears, but they turned into cryolite in the sky, but the whole world began to freeze. "....but don't be sad, because the seeds of life will sleep in the glacier, the most powerful species will evolve in the snow and ice season, and the new life will re-master the world after tens of thousands of years, and this replacement era The great cause is the ice world I am, the dead cat bites me what to do!"

The familiar pain on my head interrupted my chanting. Although I was a glimpse first, I immediately realized that I was grateful after the anger. I glanced at the situation around me. The vest was all cold sweat and almost made a big mistake. wrong.

"Do you really intend to turn this into an elemental plane?"

Some things are very difficult to end once they start. Even if I am very careful, it is still too reluctant to control such a curse with a holy step. If there is no interruption of a dead cat, I am afraid I will finish my understanding of the Ice Age. It may be worse than hitting the original "Ice Age".

In fact, I have a lot of gains in the Battle of the Hades. I also had a lot of thoughts on the original Ice Age. Just give me some time, maybe the ice-warming magic and enhanced version of the Ice Age will come out, and I feel my sudden rise in ice. Elemental affinity and elemental magic knowledge, I have been expecting the future of the enhanced version of the Ice Age.

Of course, I almost just made out the Ice Age. "I will do better next time, and the power will definitely be bigger." I will not say this.

"....... For the first time, I don't know how to be serious. I will be careful next time."

"And next time, how do you see how it ends now?"

Looking at it, it is already a mess, and the double curse of Herois is the perfect control field. I just released half of the ice elementalization is the fatal blow after the control field, those who are elated to the main plane The undead monarchs who enjoyed flesh and blood and souls suffered heavy losses this time.

In addition to the few strongest linguistic lords such as the sacred demon, the undead corps can be said to be swept away. The undead unsuccessful sorrows are not hesitant. How far is it, they are not fools, know this jingle Most of the cannon fodder will die inexplicably.

The following mortals are also very difficult. Fortunately, they are just below me. I myself have avoided them subconsciously. This spell does not directly attack them, but the temperature that is drastically reduced around them directly enters the winter. .

The following is a panic, cold wind blowing, the soldiers on the wall are covered with ice and snow to warm each other, thin spring and autumn can not adapt to the current environment.

The snow and ice elves around have not dissipated, and the magical power from the support of Da Xueshan has not been used up. If it is placed, it will dissipate soon, so even if it is to avoid waste, it is to apologize, I have a chance to The accumulated magic and snow and ice elves are used in the next spell.

"Are you sure they will think that you are an apology instead of dying them?"

I learned about my plan from the soul link, and the dead cat immediately poured cold water.

".... It’s better to freeze it than to be eaten by the undead. Then, do you think I care about other people's opinions?"

"Of course... no. Right, come with my design, your blueprint is too ugly!"

The dead cat is very interested in creating a spell model for me. It is a good thing for someone to save effort.

"Where, in this respect, your elves are good at it." (To be continued...)

Ps: The total update time is slightly normal once, it seems to enter a vicious circle again.

Well, at the end of the month, this month is so dangerous, ask for the next month’s ticket.

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