"Freedom is a godsend. Every individual of the same kind, as long as there is reason, enjoys the right to freedom - Diderot."

Self from memory? From knowledge? Or is it only from the soul itself? No one can answer this question. The sage civilization gives self-equivalent exchanges in similar alchemy books, but it does cross the authority of the creator and gives these artificial souls self. 【】

In a sense, Tallin made a mistake. As an artificial intelligence, his first reaction after acquiring himself was to break free from the shackles around his neck, and even to achieve this goal, he did not hesitate to the past masters. Pick up the butcher knife.

But he did not think about what would happen when another artificial intelligence was free.

Yes, he bypassed the rules, triggered the self-alert ability of the martial arts field, and created the independent spiritual creatures, but it was stupid to give these spiritual creatures self.

The same rice raises hundreds of people, but I am afraid that no individual who has self and independence will like to be mastered. The creations of the pioneers are awakened from scratch and controlled by them, and now they are playing on the battlefield. However, it is already having the memory and cognition of others, but it is still the enemy's self-recognition, but it still gives him self. Then, the position of this new self belongs to it, it is very doubtful.

"Mart, maybe, we can talk about the business."

Different from the Roland-style leisure, the same face is more cautious and serious. The equipment of the sage civilization is not yet strong enough to re-enact Roland. He may have some of Roland’s ability and knowledge, but it is obviously a brand new individual. .

Perhaps the re-enactment of Roland is a wrong choice. Even if there is only some surface information and personality characteristics, at least he knows how to think. It is already doomed to be a factor of rebellion.

"Well, as long as you help us get rid of this guy, we will give you freedom. The latest. I am a big engineer and an expert in artificial soul science. You can check my information, I can let you walk freely in this world. The technology is ready-made. We have the spirit of the coming technology, you can theoretically use it."

The equipment here is constantly interfering with space, so that these spiritual creatures can come in a certain way, without the help of others. This spiritual Roland is free and unable to leave, and eventually it will be accompanied by the exhaustion of energy.

In fact, it is the strange space created by this instrument that allows the existence of spiritual organisms, and such maintenance must incur a huge price. At least energy consumption is definitely not a decimal.

"Now you are useful to it, and after that, you are useless energy consumers, how do you think it will be against you?"

And then how to think, their fate will not be better, even if the pioneer s1 tighten the purse to save energy, find ways to let them survive, but still only as a dog's end, extremely limited life and freedom, this is just getting self The soul is desperate. How can he thank him?

"Your mistake is to use your own kind as a tool, just like your original owner."

The next moment, when Timiert questioned the founder, the replica Caroline finally took action.


It was the collision of the sword and the sword. A armored warrior with a giant sword stopped him and stopped before the founder s1.

"You want to stop me? You don't want to be free?"

"The creator has grace for me, and the kindness must be rewarded. This is my martial art."

The simple inquiry of the replica Roland received an unexpected answer.

Next. The wooden stick and the alloy epee smashed together, and the sword front and the wooden stick were repeatedly staggered, and the sword was vertical and vertical, and the figure had been turned into a ghost. The fight between the replicas was more intense than before, and even Barton could not see the action of the replica Roland.

It was only then that he knew that Roland had been releasing water because he could not kill, and his opponents were also a group of monsters.

Flying Sophie, flesh butcher Gilville, Dragon King Saier, Sword Emperor Cindy. They are all famous heroes of the sage civilization. Whether it is personality or martial arts, it is impeccable. It is the strength that is suppressed to the legend, and it is not comparable to ordinary legends.

For the high-ranking Juggernaut, the inheritance of the warrior is not only the inheritance of skill and knowledge, but also the inheritance of its own road. Roland's kendo is a well-deserved kingdom, and it is a steel, but it is actually used, but there is no lack of flexibility. Thinking, after all, Roland is not an honest man. He is also a sword in the military array strategy, and whoever is honest in the military confrontation is stupid, and his kendo is steady but there is no change.

And Xer, among the four heroes, his life is a typical example of loyalty. Even if he was killed by deception and killed his brother, and then because of the traitor’s framement, the blessed lord did not frown, and his The Knights Road is the loyalty to the monarch. The martial arts is also the knight of the knight, and his spiritual incarnation has obviously inherited his character.

Roland and Xaar's fight is very fast, and vaguely Roland has an advantage in all aspects, but in fact no one is optimistic about the replica Roland.


What happened is finally happening. In the face of the opponents of the same level, the replica Caroline has no extra gas protection in the hands of the wooden sticks, and the broken weapons are undoubtedly fatal injuries.

And the gap in equipment has been from the beginning, Roland is the poorest equipment in the weakest state, cloth and wooden sticks, just like the mixed soldiers, and Xaar is the full set of armed with the alloy epee in the heyday, when When the martial arts are not much different, the gap in weapons and equipment can naturally distinguish the outcome.

"Go to hell, traitor!"

Xaar’s roar is actually faintly with Longwei, and there is no room for forgiveness and mercy in the battle skills that the dragons learn to master. Since the opponent has revealed flaws, then the blow of the slay is naturally facing the face.

But the last day was in front of him, and the replica Caroline actually showed a smile.

"Ah! You..."

The roar of screaming and unbelief is not the Roland that is about to be defeated, but the Dragon King, who is about to win. At this time, his appearance is very unattractive.

The flesh butcher's tomahawk cut off his right hand with the sword, and the flying man's chain spears the possibility of his resistance. The fatal wound was made by the sword emperor Cindy, and the golden sword directly pierced the other side. The heart of the heart.

Even in the same kind, these spiritual heroes do not mean to be merciful. Perhaps it is because they are the same kind, knowing each other's fierceness, they will not be shot, and they will be fatal when they are shot.

"Hah, sure enough."

The replica Roland reveals the smile that has been known for a long time. Xaar is a fool, but the other three heroes are not. They are also new souls. They naturally have their own desires, and they remain silent from the beginning, actually Has violated the original owner's order and has chosen to betray.

And since he has already made a betrayal, how can he hesitate to betray a little more.

"You, you guys!"

Even the idiot knows that the situation is not good. I saw that the four spiritual heroes have unraveled the ingenuity of the founder s1 and returned to their core.

The next moment, the door to the lower level was opened, and a massive war surged in!

"Chong, it’s the last decisive battle to win the battle with the narrow road!" (To be continued.)

Ps: Well, the agreed additions are made up, and finally you can just have a monthly ticket.

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