At the same time as the Battle of the Hades, the forces of the parties reshuffle, the real impact is long-term and not known to mortals.

Most mortals can only know the results of high-level changes from the changes in the major churches, the territories, and the various ethnic groups.

But some things can't be concealed, even in the annals of history, such as the biggest battle on the bright side, is the fall of the corrupt lord.

"This is the first existence of the main god-level to determine the death of the war in the millennium. It is a great victory on the order side and a testimony to the honor of the Holy Light."

The propaganda of the Church is as shameless as ever, but at least it draws on the lessons of the last time, and does not count the results on the Holy Light. Otherwise, the side of the Hades should also publicize the separation of the **** of the Light and the devil. Appeared on the side of the battlefield.

The fall of a demon-like demon, which is probably the biggest result since this holy war, if you only look at the results on paper, even the biggest victory in the millennium.

In fact, what the people do not know is that the Lord God who appeared in the Battle of the Hades has reached double digits. The corrupt tyrant is only one of the most unlucky ones. Perhaps the most greedy one.

He is probably the biggest **** of the invaders, but he has indeed been the strongest counterattack. When the Lord God comes, he will naturally be prepared to fight against the ace of the Lord God.

"...Although Radivioka was killed, it can only be regarded as a shot-heading bird, and it also consumes my hand. The other main gods are much more, and the work is not effective, privately hooked up with us. They are the old **** of the group. It can be said that the real person is Ladi Vioka. If they are as hard as La Divio, it is really a question.

When I thought of this, I was dumbfounded. The nature of the chaotic side has long determined that they are also powerful in their own strength, and they must be self-respecting, and they are not in line with their own nature. This assumption is unlikely from the beginning.

If you want to make such a hypothesis, it is better to assume that the chaotic side is fully engaged in jihad. Considering the huge gap between the two sides as always, there is actually no way to live on the order side.

"Wait, it may not be completely impossible...."

The nature of the abyss determines that the devils can't form a coalition of mutual trust, but it does not mean that they cannot become the most dangerous invaders under the pressure of one will.

The abyss is still orderly, and the jungle rules are made of the weak meat and the winner is king.

Although it is primitive and unreasonable, it does work, and when the beggar is only ventilated and has no air intake, the abyss **** does not expect to have much exercise. The soft suit will be soft, and the minister will be called the minister.

In the past, Cynthia was restricted. The civil wars of the Abyss were limited by scale. Although the internal friction was reduced, it also limited the possibility of the abyss. Only the prince of the Crown Prince and no king was actually regarded as the normal state... This shows that there is a Taishang Emperor who will not let the emperor succeed.

And now, Taishang Emperor Cynthia is gone.......

It is foreseeable that the demons will definitely play the intestines and brains, and then decide the final winner when they are sure to fight again.

track. The demons will have one or a few muscle-hardest guys in the upper position, and the chaotic demon army will have a real big command.

But even if, in addition to once again rating the danger on the abyss side to a grade. I can't seem to do anything.

The ghost place in the abyss is that the devil does not want to go. If the abyss stays for a long time, then the pure angels will naturally fall, except those who are not thinking about eating or killing, and those evil cults and war madmen whose heads are broken. I don't like that ghost place.

"If you can put a nail in the abyss, maybe, I can throw Renee with demonic blood..."

Inside the head is a ghost idea. It will not be put out on the face, of course, just talk about it. After all, although the ghost place in the abyss is a healthy person, the possibility of being able to come back alive is too low. As the Queen of Laos, she is also very important in the main plane, but she really lost it, and I have to worry that she will learn badly with someone.

In fact, Eliza was originally a good choice, but apart from the fact that I am hiding from her now, if she really went down, the big brothers who were offended at the time would be very happy to divide her.

After the Battle of the Hades, although I was maliciously opening the door to Heaven Mountain, the big men managed to go back, and after personally intercepting Cavans, the position of the Marquis of Fire Sea has already been worn.

Her existence itself is linked with the fire sea plane, and it is impossible to hide back into the abyss. It is really equal to murder to let her go.

In fact, I know who is going to live not only to survive but also to live well. If so, it will not only affect the situation in the abyss, but also be able to hang a deep abyss.


I was a little surprised. I don't know how to have such a capable person under my hand. I can live in the abyss.


"Oh, pit me again..."

The sneer of disdain is swallowing in the mouth, but looking back, it seems that it is true. I am not strong now (based on the abyss). It is not uncommon for such a level to exist in the abyss, as long as it does not cause embarrassment. Our gaze, at least self-protection is no problem.

Moreover, the abyss is your best ‘plastic sword’, even if you think about your future, think about it...

The persuasion of the system not only did not convince me, but caused my suspicion. This is the second time she has induced me to go to the abyss these days. This is not like always hang up, cold-eyed jokes. She is gone.

Before, if she planned to hang me, she would only come once. If I didn’t be fooled, it would be the first time that the stalker was stalking... The pit people follow the principle of the wisher’s hook. Is this the goddess of the creation goddess? ?

"Cause? I need the most authentic."

... If Cynthia is completely dead, the barrier of the plane should have been broken in a large area, but it is still intact, and I can feel Cynthia's soul fluctuations, in the lower plane...

Ok. Needless to say the rest, it was a stupid idea to let Cavans leave Cynthia's soul, and what must have happened afterwards. When I considered the conditions at the time, I did not stop Cavendish's cards.

"That. Not that I bothered you to chat, but did you forget what..."

The dead cat looked at me very hesitantly, and seemed to be embarrassed to say.

"The group of people who are asking for help? The empty knights of Muling have already gone. If they can't catch up, what can I do? I have bumped into the abyss, this kind of luck....... Everything is safe."

Herois shook his head, but stared at my lower body... Well, the lower body has long been unaware. But the man is still tightening the vine that is more than a flowery woman.

Although it was a bit strange to be **** and seriously talk about the national events, the words that persuaded Amyla to let go were ignored. Now she laughs too brightly, and I dare not look back.

The strange feeling spread from the back to the whole body, like pain, and something else. The vine has penetrated into the skin, and the feeling that the nerve endings are controlled is strange.

"Wait. I am not amused, I am not happy to be tied, and a man should not be the party to be entered. Can you not do this?"

The pretty face is attached to the ear, the tip of the tongue is greasy in the ear, and the youthful sweet voice is full of poison. The drug is malicious.

"I said that you are, you are, even if you are not, will be ... men in the future? In fact, it is not a problem, the peach princess is also very cute."

I felt that the vines under the skin were deeper, some of them went deep into the brain, and some of them penetrated into the lower body. It seems that I have already planned to transform my body... I never doubt the authority of Amira in life science and human transformation. I feel that the crisis that I have never had before is in front of me. It may be that when people are forced to rush, they will have urgency, and their eyes will sweep around. A "life-saving straw" that is dragged by water is in my mind.

"Amyra, actually, I already have someone I like. Well, I fled from Eliza and wanted to be with her, so although I am very grateful for your love and help, I have always been able to shoulder my shoulders. The total amount of a person, so, sorry..."

After trying to squeeze out the sincere smile, my eyes stared at the third person present, and I was still yawning to watch the lively dead cat.

"Hey, still laughing? When you are unlucky."

Since the appearance of Amyra, this guy has been watching the excitement and igniting the wind. If you are not benevolent, you will be blamed for being unjust.

"Well, it's her, I like Hellois, I used to run away with her."

When I bite my teeth and drag the dead cat into the water, the dead cat smiled, and changed, the dead cat, Loli, adult female, the golden genie's perfect figure suddenly put on a set of pale gold wedding dress. I haven't waited for my reaction, but I blushes over it.

The red face is in front of me, the red lip print is about to be printed, and finally Herois is still a glimpse, the red lips are still rubbed in the corner of the mouth.

I haven't waited for me to mourn for the first time, but the first kiss that was eaten by the cat has become even more alarming.

"Well, he is right, we have been private for a lifetime. Little Amira, I am sorry, you are late, he is already a aging man. That, can let go of my man, this is after all In public, it’s hard to see."

Herois is rare and rare, the old elf princess of the blonde is majestic, and the words spoken make me doubt my ears.


The answer from Herois made me scare off my chin, but Amyra seemed to have expected it for a long time.

From the sudden expansion of the sudden, the infinite vines that covered the entire wall in an instant, the brighter the smile, the more you want to kill, it is not nonsense.

"Sure enough, stealing cats, from the very beginning, only you are the most dangerous." (To be continued)

Ps: Well, thank you for your understanding and support. Hey, come back.

Well, it seems that someone understands it wrong. Although it is said that this is the last volume, it is only the development in the reservation. It does not mean that it will end soon. The first two volumes are more than two million, and this volume is going to be the end, giving everyone an ending, not so easy.

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