The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 60: Charge with me!

What is the devil? I am afraid, regardless of race, the first time I heard this question, the first reaction was disgust, extreme disgust.

It can be said very directly that no creatures will like demons, including themselves, and they are more resentful and hateful to their families.

Chaos, violence, evil, strong destructiveness, greed, and untrustworthy. In addition to blackmail, almost all negative nouns can be hung on them, and no one will accuse the demons of deceitful deception, just because these chaotic creatures are mostly Even the interest in communication is not enough. If you can solve it with muscles, you absolutely don't need language, let alone use the brain to deceive people.

The same evil, and there are quite a few similar devils in all aspects. Although it is notorious, it is actually much more to be seen than the devil. It is nothing more than the devil likes contracts and transactions. It is reasonable, although there are some overlords in the contract. Terms and hidden terms, there must be fraud and concealment in the transaction, but the devil is also famous for obeying the promise, which is better than the devil's indiscriminate destruction.

Devils are the first generation of people created by the chaotic goddess Cynthia. They are the first generation of human beings. They fell into the devils, and they created the undead natural disasters. It is reasonable to say that they should be the aborigines of this far-off universe. Is the backbone of the chaos camp. (In this book, the devil is the chaotic side, they follow the chaos goddess, but because the past is the order of the people, acting is partial order)

But in reality, the devil is the deadly enemy of the devil, the public enemy of the undead, their civil war is the most cruel, all races are extremely disgusted with them, but they still occupy most of the lower planes, and make waves in all planes.

No him, strong enough, enough.

As long as the Styx is still flowing, the dead spirit is still changing to the lowest level of demon, the devil has endless reserve soldiers, the plane where the devil is located is always in the civil war, and after the cruel civil war and devouring, Destined to create a real strong, the same level of demons and devils singled out, more than 90% of the devil survived.

Every time, the main face of the demon door opens, even if only a small demon enters, it is also annoying.

Leaving the lower plane, they will gradually decline, but before fading to death and return to the lower plane, it will take away countless souls, and the soul will always be the most valuable currency of the lower plane.

This time, it is really troublesome. The demon admirers of the past dare to secretly sacrifice a few people. The sacrifice of thousands of people is a terrible and superb. This time, more than 100,000 veterans and thousands of legendary powerhouses. Undoubtedly open a new historical record, the unprecedented sacrifice, let the devil count come with the real body, this is absolutely unprecedented disaster.

The devil count, it seems that the title is not high, there are many in the bottomless abyss, but in fact it is already the level of the demon army leader. He goes further, the demon duke, which is often the lord of a certain plane. It is enough to confront God. (The Marquis and the Grand Duke of the Devil are honorary titles, and the demon Marquis is used by the powerful counts who are much stronger than the average count, but who do not have the position to advance the Duke. The Duke of the Devil is enough to despise the ordinary duke-level demon. presence)

The city of Weitan is already a mess, and the news of the advent of the aristocrats has gone away. It is that Rose has no time to take care of his daughter’s murder. After being expelled by the elves, the underground world is her only place and source of faith. If the devils become ruins, she will go to sleep and even fall.

Of course, if it is directly down to the body and is beaten into the street, it is even more shameful. I am afraid that now she is discussing with the other gods in the underground world the resolution to jointly send troops.

And when the real gods solve the problem, I am afraid that the entire underground world is already in a mess.

Space summoning and movement are the devil's housekeeping skills. Borrowing space and devil altars, the door to the abyss is opened.

And according to the call of his own lord, the direct army of Kakaglili rushed into the main plane, the demon, the quark, the succubus, the snail, the hunter, the singer, the seduce, etc. The demons, which cannot be classified, are madly pouring into the main plane until the plane door is finally unbearable and split into pieces.

The whole battlefield is already a black demon. Looking at the distant city of Witham, the low-level demon is full of blood and soul, but under the control of the master, suppressing his instinct, a Drilled into another permanent space point - Sulphur Mountain City.

The army of demons is vast, and the formation of their clusters is eroding the rules of this plane. The vegetation that has passed through has naturally withered and died, and the land turns into reddish-brown scorched earth, but then it grows stranger. The plants, and, most of them, are highly aggressive carnivorous plants.

The devil's devil's, only the existence itself makes the rule of the plane destroyed. At this time, the demon of the half legion descends to the mortal, plus the real body of the demon count, if they can not be expelled as soon as possible, the plane rule here It will be completely distorted and even completely converted into a new lower plane.

The low-level **** dogs are red and ugly, and they are ugly and ugly than the ugliest wealthy wolves. They are scouts and hounds. They don’t have to wait for the army to arrive. They are good at vomiting flames and raiding them. They have already swept all the people along the road. When they were dragging the newly-wounded terror-stricken beasts to the master, they found that they had been blocked by one person in front of the army.

Yes, one person, only one figure wearing a robes of cabbage, she relied on the Ivy Staff, just quietly watching the ancient books in her hands, even if the **** dogs roared over, but did not look up.


The low-order **** dog was frozen in midair, then turned into an ice sculpture, and then broken into ice and dropped to the ground.

Margaret’s attention is still in his book.

Only when the army approached, she raised her head and gently pointed the sage stone floating around her.

"Ice Age."

The forbidden curse that had already been prepared broke out instantly. The ice elves sang in the air, and the whole underground world became a snowy land. The endless ice and blizzard rushed toward the demon army.


After the blizzard, the whole world became ice, and the number of frozen demons was countless, but Margaret was the most frowning. After all, he only re-enacted the magic of others, without the ability of the soul of the seal, racial talent and so on. Plus, only the most basic power, too far from the original.

If it was the Ice Age used by the Emperor of the Night, it was bombarded by this front, that is, the devil Marquis came, and he would finish it, but if Margaret came to release...

"Kill her!"

Under the heavy snow, a figure of more than 100 meters tall stood up, it was full of flames, roaring and began to charge.

"Sure enough, most of the power is blocked by this demon lord?"

Shaking his head, Margaret was not discouraged, just a wand, and another stone of the sage sparkled the blue-violet space brilliance, she sent it a few miles away.

"The stupid Lord's face is stunned, and I dare to fool the great Kaka Gili! I will tear you into thirteen pieces to feed the dog, and then burn your soul on the fire for 10,000 years!"

But obviously, Margaret, who has escaped far away, can't hear this vicious curse.

Most of the power of the curse was blocked by the demon count. Except for those low-level devils who suffered from the double damage of the ice, the loss of the army was not great, but soon, after a few miles, the same thing happened. It happened again.

"Composite Curse: The Battle of Fire and Wind!"

The original fire and wind dual-complex curse of Ain Mesius brought up a hundred-meter-high flame whirlwind, and even once took the powerful Kakagli away from the ground, but unfortunately, the result was even worse. This magical wind helps the fire, mainly relying on the flame to kill, because the devil is born with strong fire resistance, Margaret can only play the basic damage, and finally the devil is less than a thousand, but the "fragile" orc cannon ash into the flame The whirlwind is directly, and the death and injury are over 10,000.

Then, looking at the female sage who once again disappeared in the door of the Dimension, the raging Kaka Gili can only grab a few orcs, and chew it.

What is strange is that the beasts watched their compatriots being eaten, not only without resistance, but even without arguments.

Moreover, they are very abnormal now, the red eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, and they look at the front, and the body is big enough to be big again, no matter if he is the orc race, now the skin is unhealthy. Blood red, and most of the strong, but have the characteristics of the devil.

"The blood of the devil."

Yes, as I heard it at the beginning, as the last choice of Tao, the blood of the devil has been mixed in the drinking water this morning, but once activated, Tao will have no retreat.

At this moment, the blood of the demon personally given by the demon lord has been activated, and these orc soldiers have been stimulated the physical potential. While the strength of fearless pain has increased, it has become the embarrassment of the devil.

As for Tao himself, the one that burned the cannon fodder was the first one. Now half of his body is half burned and he is not dead in the cursed hand, but his life is hard enough.

At the top of the distant mountains, looking at the bleak stone of the Sage, a little estimate, the other Margaret was a little surprised.

"If you lose the curse, you will open the second gate to run. The mage runs the kite. I didn't expect the guy's tactics to be so effective. Unfortunately, the remnant curse is used up, and it is more difficult to use the conventional wide-ranging spells. No. At least it can delay the time, they should come soon."

Once again disappeared in front of the Dimensions, the Daxian people in the calm eyes, but more killing, that is the grievance of the threatened dissatisfaction, now this position, can already faintly see the Sulphur Mountain City, if Let the demon army enter the Sulphur Mountain City...

"Absolutely not! Never allowed!"

But unfortunately, things are often not as good as they wished. After the demon army and Kakagli have been prepared, this kind of kite flow tactics has not gained much, especially after the sage used up the magic of reserve re-enactment. The attack magic is mostly time-consuming and powerless.

Especially after the only deep-eyed Demon Dragon was put into the warning, two times, Margaret was almost anchored by the space of the other side. If the reaction is slow, it is the end of the army.

Finally, consciousness does not delay in this way, but after a waste of magic, gnashing at the demon army that is getting closer and closer to the city, Margaret is transferred to the wall.

But what is surprising is that the wall is full of people.

There is no army in the Sulphur Mountain City. The remnantly called the urban management brigade of the upper army, after being taken away by the sleepless people, the rest are here.

The most surprising thing is the "civilians."

Engineers of all ethnic groups are working hard to assemble artillery and trebuchets. The Druids of the Bison League have also put on the leather armor and picked up the wooden staff. The students of Nanxiang walked up the wall with wooden swords, and the church The paladins and priests of the church are giving their spare equipment to young people.

This can still be played. Those aunts and uncles who use the lid as a helmet and use their own kitchen knife as a weapon can make people laugh and cry.

"This...." Looking at the busy preparations, Margaret was moved, but it was speechless.

"Who told you to come, Hu..."

"They are voluntary." I interrupted Margaret's words, and on the side, Xiaohong was tired and fell to the ground and spit out his tongue, while Adam sat on the cannon on the wall and stared into the distance. It seems to be very leisurely, but I know that all his spirits have locked in the tall demon lord.

Originally, they planned to intercept the demon army in the middle of the road, but after seeing the boundless demon army and the powerful demon lord, I advocated waiting for them to come to the door in Sulphur Mountain City. After all, my last card was hidden here.

"Yes, everyone is voluntary. Everyone just wants to protect their homeland with their own hands!" Looking at this busy scene, Anne is full of fighting spirits, burning in the red flames on the Excalibur, seeing this ambition In the case, she has already vaguely touched her legendary road.

"It feels good."

There are many people in Sulphur Mountain City. When the news of the infamous demon army attacked, this city without troops was not expected to flee, but the powerful powers spontaneously armed and walked onto the city wall. The ordinary citizens of the power spontaneously organized the logistics, and everyone did their part, working hard under the same banner, and protecting their homes with their own hands.

Inexplicable, through the obstacles of time, I seem to see the future not far away, every city is like this, there is no army as an aggressor, under the radiance of the law, the citizens consciously stay away from sin and enjoy life. pleasure.

When born and become equal to reality, the world does not think that the race is labeled with good and evil. The war only appears in operas and epics. The young people begin to criticize the war heroes of the past, lament the heroes of the world, and bury their talents peacefully. I am too unlucky...

"Oh, it seems that there is no waste in this hundred years. Suddenly, there is still enthusiasm. It seems that there is no problem in living for a hundred years." I turned my eyes to the busy figure on the wall, I smiled, and smiled happily from the bottom of my heart. .

Margaret, however, is still trying to persuade the ordinary citizens to leave the city wall, but from the perspective of the people who are constantly on the two sides, this attempt is doomed to failure.

The devils who are getting closer and closer, I laughed even louder.

"Those guys seem to be trying to win more. What do you say?"

"Oh, fight against the Undead Emperor than the Legion? Your Highness, please let us teach these devils who are stinky, what is the real army, what is the real senseless charge."

It was a tall, headless knight. The polo stick in his hand was as striking as the bald head on his hand. At this time, the cross-eyed eyes were staring at the nightmare horses. He had long wanted to change his mount.

"Yeah, the bones that have been turned on the turntable have been sour recently. Finally, there is a chance to take the sword. Wow, there are also eight-armed snake instructors, who are handed over to me, who dares to grab me!" This is a The four-armed general, at this moment, he is trying to replace the pole with the plate into a sword.

"I can finally get rid of that **** colored ball, Your Highness, let me play, I am your general, not a pet dog!!"

This pitiful one is a small hyena with four limbs. Looking at the nose with a poor appearance, no one would have thought that it was the most terrible seven sinful heads of anger.

Looking back, the high-ranking undead behind them looked at me with pity, and behind them, the fluttering blue flag, the castle in the hurricane, was a pattern hundreds of years ago. It is memorable.

"You all took out the flag of the battlefield, and asked me what to do."

"Oh! Great, the bones are rusted!"

"Long live your Highness!!"

Yes, it is the Highness, not the Majesty. They used the honorific title to me. It was never because I was the Emperor of the Night, but because I was the last dead king of the country of the Sui, and they were the last remnants of the kingdom. I am not willing to die, I am willing to go to the doomsday fools with me.

"My general, is our army ready?"

"Of course, Your Highness, your army, whether it was 376 years ago, or 250 years ago. Or one hundred and thirty years ago, that time let you down!? Red Red Hound 24,000 One hundred and two soldiers were defeated, and they were tempted in peace, waiting to be dispatched at any time. We can’t wait to return to the battlefield."

It was still the unspeakable pet dog, and it was exactly the same answer in the undead playground two months ago, but this time it gave a completely different feeling.

The fire of the burning soul in the eyes of the undead, as if they were repeating how many times they failed, they are still willing to follow me to the end of the world.

I took a deep breath, and the sword of Roland at the waist was rolling and hot. Could it be that the undead would be boiling? Fortunately, the undead would not shed tears. Otherwise, this time it would be shameful.

At this time, my old horse stayed in front of me, staying sideways, looking at me, looking forward to waiting for me to start again.

Yes, their determination has never changed, what are I waiting for, what are you hesitating, what are you worried about, and what you are afraid of!

"Yes, my knights, you have never let me down. I beat the drums, blow up the charge, and raise the flag of the battle! My knights, charge me!"

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