The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 611: No righteous battle

It was a deserted battlefield. Even though both sides had a tacit understanding away from the only building complex here, the land here was still covered with countless “moonball pits”, and every inch of land still suffered numerous magic baptisms.

The black undead climbed out of the black land and responded to the monarch's call to return to the battlefield. But in this "clean land" where there is no corpse, these seemingly ordinary squadrons are actually only the shackles of death.

The pseudo-objects without soul boarding consume double the magic, but on the use of Necromancer, it is far less than the lowest goblin.

"Dawn, purify them."

I only need to raise the holy sword, and the purifying light can make these artificial bones directly fall apart, and the tower in the distance that faintly flashes the light can also give me strength.

"I hope his old man's eyes are not good. Didn't see me change the hammer into a sword..."

When the battle hits this point, I don’t realize that my main responsibilities have actually become a helper. I have the attacking power of Eliza Red. There is a lot of auxiliary magic from Margaret. It’s just epic. It is better to concentrate on the treatment-assisted work.

"Dust is dust, earth is back to earth."

Under the light of my summoning, a large number of artificial undeads will die out at the moment of waking up.

Perhaps, in the words of the Church, this should be called the high-level divine sacred transcendence, but for me, even the model of the gods is not built, just let the light play its own characteristics. These undead will naturally be expelled to death.

The gap between the strengths of the two sides' confrontation, my sacred light that took advantage of the latter, was suppressed, and some artificial undead survived.

But I don't care. Can these low-level undeads really threaten these strongest people who are at least half-god?

I have to wait and see, I am not a fool and a new bird. I am calling these bones with my purification. Naturally, I am not helping the battlefield.

Sure enough, the next one, those black skeletons have changed.

A low-order sacrum hit together. Their skeletons are scattered in the collision, but they are quickly entangled. It is like a dense group of ants crawling in everything.

Soon, a huge white bone giant climbed from the ground, and each part of them was a collection of countless low-order tibia.

This seems to be the habit of the ordinary necromancer. But there is a fundamental difference. The bones of the Necromancer are pieced together and stitched together, just the fusion of organs and organs.

The organs of different individuals also have soul fragments of completely different origins. Together, they cannot be completely integrated. One plus one is less than two, one hundred plus one hundred is less than one hundred five, one thousand plus one thousand and one thousand is not bad. Otherwise, it only needs simple accumulation, and it can be made into a monster that transcends all existence.

Super undead creatures must use top quality materials. Even if the low-order undead creatures pile up the energy level, the material will not bear the direct collapse.

The sacral giants, which are made of constant artificial tibia, are purely artificial tibia. There is no such thing as a material nature conflict that must be considered in constructing a large undead structure. It is like a set of building blocks that are carefully designed from hand to hand. It is simply assembled and perfectly matched.

One by one, the giants of the bones are born out of nothing. Their energy intensity ranges from the golden level to the epic, but in our perception. It is a complete individual.

"This technology is always true."

Don't talk about the heroine that is reflective. I have a fancy for this technology.

Originally thought that the undead emperor was forced to have no summons, and actually can also create artificial bones built by magic, and then build high-order undead on this basis.

The wild beasts of the giant bones generally land on the four limbs, not squatting, and some fly into the sky, avatars and bone dragons, and some are rampant like chariots.

I believe that if I didn't disperse most of the undead, this building piled up, and I could even have a semi-god-like summoner.

Most of the time, I am afraid that there will only be a lot of magical squandering, and I can play like this.

"If I have this technology, I don't need to make a completely artificial undead. I only need to replace the components with artificial shins, which can greatly reduce the internal conflict between organs. No, it is wasted, you can use artificial The tibia is the core skeleton and the nerve body, and then the appropriate strengthening organs are selected..."

For a pure warrior, I can only see the effect of this ace on the battlefield. I can see the revolutionary progress of the undead magic. This is definitely an unprecedented creation, even if it is not mentioned to the undead magic. The promotion effect, just do not need the body as a material, you can change the entire world of the undead master.

"Absolutely, definitely take this technology down."

When I ignited, Margaret suddenly flashed to me, and came to a sentence...


Calculating the time, it is almost the same, so I nodded, the next one, Adam back, Xiaohong followed, and Eliza appeared behind me.


One finger, we went back to the dilapidated abyss hotel, just like the brutal battlefield a second ago, it was just an illusion.

What is the most unacceptable for a wave ss that must be kept in a copy?

Is the opponent's tacit understanding, but also with disgusting treatment to consume?

Is it obvious that there is a strength that can be positively resisted?

Can only sit on the throne, watch the other party kill your younger brother and then discuss your strategy in the platform?

I think the most disgusting thing is that no matter how much advantage you get, the other side will go back to death and you can come back again. Then, after a while, you will come back to play the second time, the third time, the fourth time... twenty-seventh time. .

Yes, this is the twenty-seventh time we played.

In the world of bugs in Hades, I don't have much privilege, but I can just bring people in and out. As long as I use them properly, it is the most buggy ability and advantage.

Heng has reached the main **** level with the incomplete soul of the undead. I think that all the hardships are hard to think about. I respect this amazing perseverance and talent, and I don’t intend to reduce my own staff for a shackle. So, I also came up with it. The most rogue tactic, intends to kill him with the lowest cost.

Upon returning, Adam squatted on the carpet without the big breath of the image. Xiaohong took a big tank and shouted, and it seemed that the squirting squirts were smoking... Waiting, this wine is scam Good wine coming.

Probably Margaret can make people worry, sitting on the battle notes, calculating the strength and trump card, and calculating the defects we exposed in the battle.

"Really, it is really exaggerating to let the main gods and undeads be sparring."

Yes, it is natural to train the team to practice. It is indeed a goal to sharpen our cooperation in the battle. We need to understand the current capabilities and combat habits of the companion through battle.

Our team has not cooperated for a long time to fight... or it has not encountered the opponents we must cooperate with. Now there is such a good sparring, and naturally it is more useful.

I think that the mood of Heng is definitely not very good. Our thoughts are all on the surface. In the repeated tug-of-war, her cards are not only revealed, but the ability is no longer secret, defeated... and The shameful defeat is only a matter of time in the hands of a group of individuals whose strength is weaker than their own.

After we finished playing, we can eat and sleep, but she must clean up the mess and prepare for the next battle. If we are at a disadvantage or have enough advantages, we can completely withdraw. But she must stick to her own limit, if not her magic seems to be There is no limit, I am afraid that it has already lost, and after playing so many games, I have almost figured out the truth of her magical power.

"Are you going to kill a **** like this?

"Of course, even if her magic power is there, but the physical strength has limits. The tension between our two sides is different. She has to be tight at all times without teammates. As her attention drops, she shows fatal flaws. Just a matter of time."

If there is any saying that is not spoken, so slowly push the limit out of the limit, I am afraid that she will be exposed to more cards. As a strong person who became famous before the modern human society, her accumulation is quite a lot. Artificial tibia is enough for me to study for decades.

For the Master, a key research result is more tempting than to blame what the baby is, and every time the exposed cards are made, I and Heraeus have gained a lot.

Maybe we can't figure out how she did it now, but the samples collected in many cases plus the research ideas, plus the basic magic knowledge that Esso left to my undead republic, at least gave us a degraded restoration. The direction, and as long as the real knockdown is constant, naturally mystery can not be concealed.

Another harvest, perhaps the dawn of the sword, in the process of constantly dispelling the undead, the holy sword not only has no signs of excessive wear and tear, but seems to have been supplemented, more and more powerful.

Drinking saliva, wiping your mouth, and the rest time is almost over.

"A good rest, continue for twenty-eight games. This time, I played with Adam and gave me some pressure. If she concentrated on attacking me, I would send it out and then come in again. You don't have to care too much. Margaret. Special, you can copy more cannon fodder and involve the summoning object of the other party. Little Red Eliza, can the fusion spell be used just now..."

Probably more disgusting than the blood beef shield that is not dead, is to hit a certain degree is the automatic shield to disappear the meat shield...

As the tactical arrangement continues, the exposed weaknesses are either replenished in time, or there will be companions, and our combat power is actually improving. Unconsciously, I seem to have become the captain of this squad.

"You can't push too hard, such a good opponent is too rare, we are fighting for 100 games."


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