The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 619: Destiny and elf

“The mother **** cares the most favored child elves.”

If the Creator has his own preference, then the Elf is undoubtedly the most favored child.

The beauty of the long-lasting life is strong and the preference of the talents of the magical Wushu double-decoration of the upper elves and royal elves beyond the potential of the common custom, all this is from the creator's grace.

These graces also create a unique elf culture, good at the endurance and long life, let them go to the peak of the multiverse in magic and martial arts, and form a social structure with strict hierarchy but strict division of labor.

The natural beauty, coupled with the sensitivity and unremitting pursuit of good things, their artistic music and literature have reached the point of extravagance and waste, which also allows them to have a long-standing ethnic culture, and will not fall apart in the long ice age. collapse.

The elf, the most beloved child of the Creator, is the truth that no creature can deny.

No civilization has such a long history. The oldest gold elf is the golden people born with the first group of ancient dragons. It can be said that it was born at the beginning of creation.

In the history of the elves, he once played with the trolls. He once exchanged techniques with the sage civilization, and even taught the ancient modern people what magic is. Their glory is too long and too long.

"Don't discuss history and art in front of the elves, just as you don't brave courage in front of the orcs." This old proverb may have explained a lot.

The jihad is cruel, and other dominant races have lost the status of the "protagonist", often dying in history, such as the troll empire, the civilized dwarf city, the undead republic, and the elves who have experienced several jihad, but gradually quit The historical stage.

This is not only because of the genius's grace and racial potential, but also because the elves were very good at dealing with other races and stood on the side of the winner at many historical key points.

The sages of the Undead Republic, the mage of modern humans, have all received the grace of the elves more or less. Under the guidance of the Golden Elves, the Elf Empire always expressed incomprehensible friendliness to the new elites other than the trolls.

But perhaps it is because of this slightly weak style of doing things that the Golden Elves are gradually opposed by the elves who are eager for greater glory and forever.

"Why should we bow our heads to those low-level monkeys?"

“Why are we moving to the forests and mountains?”

"Why can't we simply eliminate those low races?"

As the time passed and the tides of the elements came and went, the Golden Elves entered the final stage like other races from ancient times. The decline in the power of the elements led to a gradual decline in the fertility rate of the golden elves as an ancient race. At the end of the last generation, the birth of every golden elf allowed the empire to hold the grandest celebration.

And on the other hand. The jihadist ethnic wars of the past dynasties have ruined the top gold elves immortal. The spiritual decline has caused the predecessors to fall into a eternal sleep. The new generation of elves has gradually occupied the upper echelons of society.

Is it familiar? Yes, the current Elf Silver Elf society is also facing the same problem. The number and quality of the next race has come up. Naturally, it is not easy to get used to the upper and lower races that are getting weaker and weaker. This has nothing to do with the decision of the upper race to make stupid wisdom. Simply because with social changes, the forces of all sectors of society are rebalanced. The new mainstream of society has re-selected agents.

Just as the change of productivity has led to the transformation of society in general, in the magical world, the upper-level combat power and the replacement of strategic leaders have naturally led to social change, or the whole society is calling for change.

At this time, no matter what the Golden Elves do, they are wrong. Therefore, the upper elves holding the free banner collectively rebelled. The big reversal is not just a matter of mortality. The grand reshuffle of the elves is the key. The end result is that the gold elves are completely destroyed, and the gods are dead, and only Heroes reawakens after a few hundred years. But things are already human.

However, Cheng Xiao’s defeat and Xiao He, the golden elves who ruled the elves for countless years, are obviously wise. Even if they must be decentralized, they hand over the country’s most important military religion and people’s livelihood diplomacy to different superior elves. Although the political structure has led to the emergence of family groups in the upper elves, it also allows them to restrict each other.

and. It also buried the cause of the future.

And when the existence of the golden elf's head fell, the four upper elves with similar strengths faced the most headaches. They had little difference from each other. No one would be willing to become a subordinate, but if they immediately pulled out the knife, they would also see it. It’s too stupid, so for a time, the parliamentary system and the veteran system seemed to be the only choice.

result? Now the four scattered elves and elf kingdoms are proof that some things only need to see the results. The elves are from prosperity to decline. The turning point is the collapse of the elf empire and the loss of the balance of the golden elves, so that everything begins to get out of control.

The Dark Elves and Rose were exiled as losers of the struggle. The Wood Elves and the Druid Alliance withdrew from the Elves and joined the Neutral Nature Camp. The other elves attacked the Wood Elves, and the Moon Elves and the Silver Elves broke. If the Golden Elves are still there, these Historical events will not happen.

When the head on the top of the head was taken down, the upper elves and the elves were extremely inflated after the taste of victory and the taste of power. They thought that they could replace the "corrupted golden elf" to lead the elves to a better tomorrow. ... Then the upper elves, who were originally different in nature, began to intervene in each other's field, and the constant friction eventually escalated into a civil war, followed by a jihad, and the elf empire returned to the tribe.

If the losers are quick, I am afraid that there are very few races that are comparable to the upper elves. Of course, they will not admit it. Everything is "other people's faults". "It is the fault of the world." "The scheme of the elves"... Although there are more or less the responsibility of the Golden Elves, it is really terrible for people to be killed and thrown out.

When the branches of the elves were separated, everyone was very happy. The idea of ​​"there is no such drag on them" is probably there, but the days are getting more and more sad. Naturally, some people will remember the old dynasty, and with the entire ethnic group. Beyond the "short-lived monkeys" such as human beings, they are becoming more and more marginalized, and the days of elves are getting worse. I began to miss the era of the Great Empire.

With the accumulation of difficult years, more and more upper elves miss the glory of the past, and in the eyes of some old antiques, they feel that there is some irony of fate.

And now. The elves have once again reached a turning point in fate.

The Moon Elf established a new Elf Empire in name, which is a fulfillment of the wish, and in the present, the fulfillment of this wish is indeed very practical.

First of all. It rules all the elves in name, so when the emperor is threatened, is it not the elf powers who are obligated to rescue? And if someone flees the capital of the moon at this time, can you say that he is a deserter, a shameful traitor?

The answer is yes. There are always old and old-fashioned dogmatists in the elves. The moon elves have not given up hope. They are eager to have only a glimmer of hope.

Every day, countless reinforcements set off the capital of the moon from all over the world. There are wood elves, druids and rangers from the forest, half-elves and human mercenaries who admire the elf culture, and young warriors who are eager for merit and glory.

"Perhaps the intelligence is wrong? Perhaps the magic tide is not as desperate as the historical record? Perhaps we still have reinforcements, we have the gods of care, we can survive this magic tide, we can pass this disaster."

Perhaps this kind of luck seems to be stupid, but if you think about it, there is a highly accurate prediction that an island nation on earth will sink into the sea ten days later. What will happen?

Because of the large population, the time is too short, the big escape is too late, and even those islanders flee to other countries are well accepted. Just as a refugee, the country is completely over, and even the homeland is gone. Does this nation still exist? Can he still be free even if he exists?

And if it is like an elf, it is the enemy of all sides, and the national elf is still the most valuable slave in the eyes of human beings. The actual situation is even more horrible than what was just assumed.

If there is a great escape from the elves, countless elves will flee to other countries, and will the boundary line on the human side jump out of the dozen or so slave brigades? Looking to the aerobics and lower limits of the human aristocracy?

To be honest, this assumption and decision is too difficult to do, but no matter how you look at it, no matter what decisions the elves make, it is a desperate view.

If the decision to make a great escape is to announce the end of the Moon Elf Empire in advance, and the elf catastrophe and humanitarian disaster that comes with it, the historical responsibility of any elf top can not be shouldered. In their eyes, that is equal to The chronic death of the entire elf is not as good as the end of the crisis.

Even under the drive of various lucky attitudes, rumors have been rumored that the magic tide will not appear in the capital of the moon. This is just a rumor that human beings have dispelled the elves of the elves.

Needless to say, this rumor has been passed down, and many people believe that after all, people always like to listen to their own words.

Now, the countries of the whole world have been stunned by the Moon Elf. They have no rumors. This seems to be an official default. They are actually whitewashing?

The attitude of the Moon Elf is very clear. Now I have at least rebuilt the Elf Empire to leave a trace of addiction in history. If you can smash it in the past, you will make a big profit. If you can use the big righteousness to recruit some reinforcements, you may be able to spend it. The chances of a crisis will also increase a lot.

In the eyes of some people, this kind of luck is the most stupid, you are in the pit, this time pull people into the pit, everyone is very happy to die together.

At this time, the most sensible, naturally shouting "Don't care for me", then squatting into the pit to die, so that you can preserve the blood of the elf as much as possible, but in many cases, especially when life is threatened, the sensibility of intelligent creatures Instinct will be far superior to reason.

Perhaps, the split silver elves just saw through all of this and chose to go north, but they seem to be too late.

Perhaps it is the creator who does not want to see the elves of the elves to be destroyed, only to drive the invisible destiny, and touch the key people at critical moments.

"Roland came over, I found it here, people care."

At this time, I was a little surprised to hear the exclamation of Herois, because the soul link is a rare surprise and joy. Is there anything that can make the well-informed Herois so happy?

I didn't expect too much treasure from the sorcerer's lord, because these old guys have a habit of not putting real treasures in their own homes, or being robbed by the enemy or losing money and losing money... well, I admit that I also dug a pile of treasure chests. Draw a bunch of true and false treasure maps.

As for the treasure house at home? How much to leave something, so that others can not be empty-handed and murder to vent their anger, after all, no one can really succeed in the thief.

I was a little surprised to see Didina, I did not expect her to be so "new and tender"? But then. But from the surprise of her face, it seems that she did not expect.

Walking into the treasure house, I couldn't accidentally see a bunch of golden eyes, but I don't need my identification. Those gold coins are not the fantasy gold coins of the little demon. It is the curse of the devils.

Instead of a golden light, Herois and Margaret are busy around some old and worn antique furniture, which is repeatedly rubbed with a wet towel, a white oak classic dressing table.

"Roland, this is the dressing table I used in the past."

The same is true for Herois's offerings. Perhaps it is to see that his own supplies are too excited and his mental age seems to be degraded.

Just looking for me for this? I didn't say anything good.

"Yes, yes, the furniture of that year can be used as a super antique. You have proved the age of your fossils in a step... is it strange?"

At this time in the past, the dead cat has been incarnate and the cat has bitten. Today, she is a bit excited and a little strange.

"Oh, you know that you don't know the goods, look at them."

Herois stood in front of the mirror of the dresser, apparently incarnate in adult form, and appeared in the dilapidated mirror, but the blond little elf.

She took a deep breath and tapped the mirror at her fingertips, but the ripples slowly rippled.

She touched her neck and the girl in the mirror did the same. There was a golden sapphire necklace, and the next one, Helois also had the same golden necklace on his neck.

She smugly clicked on her forehead, and a small and cute golden crown appeared in the forehead.

She held out her hand in the mirror. Shaking, no matter the mirror in the mirror, there is a golden scepter.

"The Last Golden Crown of the Will of Elvis's Tears Emperor... The Three-Piece of the Golden Elf's Artifacts is Lost by the Elf Emperor"

Didina actually recognized this treasure that has disappeared in history. I once again re-estimated her age and value, but this time, I am inexplicably feel that the situation is wrong. It seems that super trouble has been ridden.

Looking at the smiling Hilois, I was surprised to see the baby, but this series of "coincidence" made me inexplicably think of the conversation with the former **** of fate in Cartier.

"Catillo, can you really master the fate? Then, can you help me change the game... I don't need any fortune, just give me a woman, give me a woman with a slightly normal point... ..."

"...I think it's a little shameful, can you pretend not to know you?"

At that time, the Hades had been established, and the two had private conversations. Cattiro was in a good mood, but it was rare to make a joke.

But I was really not kidding at the time. A younger daughter was beaten or old. She said that it was not a shame but a terrible one. I wanted a normal girlfriend to form a normal family. A normal child, is this too much?

But then, Cartier is passing, and since it mentions fate, it must be serious.

"Changed? Others may be, but you are impossible. Every individual is involved in countless lines of cause and effect. They shout out that they are free from the **** of fate, but they don't know that it is part of fate."

"Every existence has its own destiny, or ordinary life, or hero I, in the river of destiny, but there is no essential difference. The silk of this fate is decided when they are born."

When I said this, Catillo looked at me with a sigh of relief and seemed to have something to say.

"As a guardian of the Temple of Destiny and the fate of the fate, I can cut and relink the line of cause and effect, but to pay for the good fortune of an individual, naturally give him the same weight of doom, this is the basic rule of fate. ”

"This change is limited. The line of destiny of others, I can watch it in the long river of fate, but after I leave, I will automatically forget it. I can't reveal it. No matter what kind of change I make, it is a part of fate."

I don’t know how to say it.

"It doesn't matter what the fortune is. Peach Blossom is enough."

"Perhaps this can be a change of fate. And you, from the beginning, not in the river of cause and effect, you can change the fate of the people around you, but you have no good fortune, you should be no luck... It is the worst luck."

I still remember now that he saw my eyes full of incomprehensible sympathy.

"I can link other people's marriage lines to you, but this is the basic rule that challenges the river of destiny. I will throw the cause and effect into the void. In the end, not only will I be punished, but Taohua Yun will definitely become a peach robber..."

"Then you have a hair? The ruler of fate is so useless? Losing you is still a powerful god, too useless."

I was very upset at the time, and all of them came out loud, but Cartier at the time smiled.

"Yes, in the face of the invisible hand of destiny, in the face of the inevitable conclusion of countless accidents, the **** of destiny is really useless..."

Clearly speaking, it is about the powerlessness of the self. The master of destiny is like showing off the greatness of fate.

" matter how I change and layout, I can't resist the destiny of that destiny. Roland, I will give you a piece of advice, maybe you are not in the fate, but the people and things you are involved in are also in the fate of the river, Unless you are willing to cut off all your concerns, you will not be able to escape."

The playful smile made my scalp numb, and I once again determined that the most annoying thing in the world is the **** stick, especially the half-sacred stick.

Now, looking at the heroes who are showing their baby to people, I feel more and more numb my scalp.

"Damn gods, where have I been pitted?" To be continued.


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